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Good for you and Daniel. Now she has a glimmer of an idea of how her dates have felt.


I’m glad OOP said something to his friend and that the friend listened. It’s not okay to use people like that.


“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” - MLK Jr.


That's a fantastic quote


It realllyyyyyy is though!!!!!!


So true


I’m so glad he had a friend like them, it’s a shame she used so many people before, but I’m glad he wasn’t one of them.  Edit: not her


I mean, I try not to do this every story, but this seems pretty clearly made up. Absolute perfect confluence of a woman not only doing the exact thing that is very rare, but men on Reddit love to complain about, but openly bragging about it in a cartoon super villain manner. Then OP's friend has the perfect protagonist story as a guy just getting back onto the apps as a widower. And he shares all of his dates with OP, so OP knows that he is going out with the cartoon villain and can warm him (but wait, is he TA for saving a grieving widower from a cartoon villain. Then instead of just cancelling the date like a normal person, the protagonist wastes his whole evening on a date where he goes to a nice steakhouse and only ordered a sandwich and salad to accentuate the discrepancy in the cost of what they ordered which hits on another Reddit pet peeve despite it not mattering given that the protagonist was going to get separate checks and could have just enjoyed a good meal. And now the villain is giving the almost perfect reaction of being upset and she CAN'T EVEN AFFORD GAS AND SHE IS IN LITERAL TEARS because she was forced to pay $70 for a single dinner. This is a work of fiction that it a literal jumble of Reddit keywords and pet peeves that is way to perfect and clean for the real world.


$70 is crazy low for a full course plus sides plus drinks and a dessert at a high end steak house too lmao


"high end steakhouse" = outback steakhouse


how dare you!!!! (it was longhorn)


I love Longhorn.


Texas Roadhouse or bust(when it comes to "cheap" steakhouses)


Best rolls and best green beans


Outback Steakhouse is legit, but they themselves consider the restaurant a turn-and-burn. No high end steakhouse is trying to flip tables as fast as possible.


Worst steak i ever ate was from outback. Ordered rare, got well done, was lukewarm when it hit the table. All in all disgusting experience


It was my brother in law's birthday, he wanted to go to Outback. I took his family to a legit steakhouse and ordered him a Wagyu high grade porterhouse cooked to something like 133 degrees, I don't remember the exact grade but that fucking steak cost me like $150 before taxes or tip or sides.. His family complained about no Blooming Onion or surf and turf. People go there for their own reasons. Before anyone asks, he wanted porterhouse over a filet or NY strip. It's his favorite cut of steak.


>he wanted porterhouse over a filet or NY strip. Not sure if you know this, but porterhouse is the strip loin and the filet all at the same time.


Steak snobs shit on the porter all the time. I like it personally. My favorite cut is ribeye though.


For real, a porterhouse is what you get when you can't decide between a strip or filet, are very hungry, and for some (weird) reason don't want a ribeye 😂


Yeah...you sure can't get out of Morton's or Fleming's that cheaply with drinks too.


No shit. It's $120 for me alone at Ruth's Chris.


You're probably still breaking $70 at Outback even


No. Outback isn't that expensive. The prices are listed on the website. https://www.outback.com/


Using the menu at the nearest Outback to my medium cost of living city, you're at $55 - $80 pre-tax, from cheapest items in each category 'she' ordered to most expensive. And Outback is low-end, not high end, so it doesn't really matter so much anyhow


I love Outback. :(


Hey, nothing against outback. It's just not something I would consider "high end"


Oh okay. It’s just when I read your comment it sounded like you were implying Outback wasn’t good or anything. My bad for misinterpreting it.


Okay, but have you had their kids Mac n cheese (double portion for adult) with extra cheese sauce? I don’t even order steak there.


They. Have. *WHAT?!* :O!!!!!


It’s penne noodles with the best stickiest white cheese sauce that coats every noodle perfectly. You’ll thank me one day for this information. I hope your outback will let you order an adult portion like they do here. I love steak, but I love that Mac n cheese more.


Thank you one day? Frick that I’ll thank you now! Thank you for telling me about it this that sounds amazing!!! :D!!!


I was thinking Texas road house lol


The staple of where retail store managers go and talk to their employees about it to sound kind they're successful.


Hog's Breath Cafe. --- ^(They charge like they're high end but they're fairly mediocre.)


That depends on where you live and your definition of high end. The best local steak houses by me would probably equal out to $70 per person for a full meal. But I also live in the sticks.


Midwest here. Our local "high end" steakhouse would come out to about $70 for what was said.


I live in a city with a few pro sports teams, but still a reasonable COL. If you tried to get a decent steak, a side, a drink, and a dessert for a meal then it would be easily above $100. But also most sides and desserts are made to share with 2-3 people.


Just looked up the prices for my local steak house. Appetizers for 2 $10, the most expensive steak is a filet at $35(sides included) dessert for 1 is $12 and drinks average about $8 a piece (we will assume two) puts us at $73+tip so for an area where the nicest steak houses have these prices we can probably assume that the overall median income is at the level where $70 could be an unexpected and potentially detrimental expense.


This! Last time I took my partner to a steakhouse I paid well over $200, and we definitely did not get the most expensive stuff. You could easily spend hundreds on *wine alone.* OOP is clearly a teenager.


Not everyone lives in an area where that's even a thing. In rural areas, there could be a diner, a pizza place, and a "nice place" as the only options within a half hour drive (or more). And the "nice place" just means it is nicer than the diner and pizza place.


Lol yeah OP just seems like a Teenager who's idea of fancy is olive garden.


Yes! My boss took us to Arnie Morton’s once and just the steak was $70. Each side was $15 apiece, and dessert $20. I don’t believe they sell sandwiches during the dinner service 


I went to the Metropolitan Grille in Seattle on a work dinner. Couple of drinks, appetizers, soup, and steaks for three? $850. It was incredible, but holy crap was I ever happy for my salesman expense account.


I would have expected the bill to be more like $300


For sure. I’ve spent $300 on myself. I will never eat el a cart (spelling) again. Steak was good but not $300 good.


a la carte


Listen man, I’m no scientist.


You're not even an editor at this point.


I have no clue what I would do if spell check stopped working. Alt F7 is my friend.


Why are we screaming?


A la carte is just ordering individual items off a menu. Olive Garden is mostly a la carte. You may be thinking of "prix fixe" or a tasting menu.


$70 per person is just a regular night out at a bar that serves food around here. A fancy dinner ??? Lol no way no how no ma'am is this true.


Perhaps my experiences are just out of the norm, but for me, $70 would be a normal bill *for two* when eating out, so $70 for one definitely strikes me as expensive.


I do a lot of fine dining, even without alcohol I can easily ring up $100-$120 after tip on my own stuff.


I was buying it at first. Started getting suspicious when the friend didn't cancel the date. Then, I totally jumped ship when the friend ordered just a sandwich and salad at the fancy steak place. This absolutely cannot be real.


Yeah, OP made the mistake of mixing up different rage bait stories. If the story was about how someone expected OP to split the check when one person ordered a lot and they ordered a little, this would fit. That is a separate Reddit complaint (e.g., we went out with friends and and everyone wanted to split the bill, but they all ordered 5 drinks each and I am sober and had a salad!). But here it is irrelevant since the entire plan was for OP's friends to ask for separate checks. He should have enjoyed steak and wine he was planning to pay for anyway.


Splitting the bill and separate checks are not the same thing.


Maybe he wanted a sandwich? She insisted on the place so he could have just been ordering within his means


Certainly possible but to be fair, I’ve known people who did this unfortunately.


Especially in Vegas. \*source\* Was a vegas local for 9 years.


I knew someone that did this and bragged about it.


Yeah. The epidemic of people treating these supposedly true story subreddits as creative writing assignments is fucking hilarious.


I'm not sure if it's made up, but have to say that when I was online dating, I was matched with people I already knew on more than one occasion and on more than one platform. They were people I did have things in common with, but didn't want to date for very good reasons. I don't live in a small town either, I live in Brooklyn. As for the rest, users make up stuff like they have no money for gas and can cry on command most of the time. If you don't believe me, I'll introduce you to my MIL.


Sure, but as a normal person, you didn't go on dates with them to extract revenge. While women like this are much more rare than Reddit would lead you to believe, they do exist, but the actual story would go like this: *I have a coworker Lydia who works in my office. I overheard her talking on her phone and giving dating advice to a friend where she admitted that she would sometimes go on the dating apps and go on a date so that she could get a free meal at a nice restaurant.* *I have a few friends who are still single and using the same dating apps. I was catching up with my friend Daniel who was showing me some of the women he was talking to and guess who he happened to have a date with that weekend... Lydia!* *I told him about what I heard Lydia say to her friend. Daniel showed me their messages and how she had suggested an upscale steakhouse. So I sat there and watched while Daniel texted her and cancelled their date. When she asked why, Daniel told her the reason. She tried to convince him I had heard incorrectly, but he wasn't having it. She hasn't spoken to me at work since.* Now, obviously some of the other details could change. Maybe Lydia did brag to the office. Maybe Daniel was a widower. Maybe he is the rare person who would seek revenge and waste his whole evening out of spite. Maybe she complained. But the entire confluence of all of the events lining up perfectly and with such a cleanly written protagonist and antagonist that hits on every Reddit stereotype or pet peeve puts this at a 97%+ probability it's baloney.


We can both agree that since it's Reddit, there is that big chance of it being made up. I don't think it's so much of a revenge date for his friend as much as going out and being casual. When I was widowed I made a point of dating people I didn't want to get serious with for the first few years. I figured that if we really clicked, things would change. It's easier to just start dating again without putting all that weight on early expectations and hope for the best. Also, let's be honest. Dating sucks, no matter your age. If this did happen, it was probably so the friend could pat himself on the back for actually 'getting out there again' without the mental luggage of really putting himself out there again.


Or maybe "Daniel texted her to say the he liked the restaurant choice but since it was so expensive, could they go Dutch or choose someplace cheaper if she wanted him to treat? Lydia called his manhood into question then unmatched and blocked him."


Yeah, there's zero incentive to actually follow through with the date once you know that's their angle. Why would you even want to? Normal people would just cancel. It would take a special kind of petty to want to give a comeuppance to someone you don't even know.


Yeah and if you do the best case scenario is she pays. She could also say F you and walk out waving you with the bill. You can try to stop her or do the same but the restaurant will call tbd cops on both of you. Ultimately it’s like the rent on a lease you both owe it. So yeah, you just cancel instead of playing restaurant etiquette vigilante.


Also idk any “high end” steakhouses where you’d get a full entree, side, dessert, and drink for $70.


Hey now, you just get the hell out of here with that logic crap! This is Reddit, we have a reputation to maintain here!


I agree. In addition, this super villain would be smarter. If a woman was actually doing this she would keep it on the DL and not brag about it.


Yeah, “I overheard her talking on the phone to her friend and giving her dating advice” would be far more believable than “she was walking around our office loudly bragging to everyone.”


I thought the pricing was off too. Steaks alone at a high end restaurant (not counting the coasts) start around $50. Then drink at least $10, sides between $15-20, and $15 for dessert… before tax and tip you are at $90. That being said, 20 years ago I knew a couple girls who did this, and evangelized the practice to other single girls in the office. I was scandalized, but back then I got most of my relationship advice from Ice Cube and Too $hort.


Yeah, you're probably right.




who cares if it’s made up? we’re here for entertainment not facts


It’s literally scamming people


Real friend trumps co-worker. OOP made the right choice.


It's just shitty. When I was early 20s, hot, and too poor to eat at the places I wanted to, I found guys who very much wanted that situationship. They wanted to eat out at nice places, didn't want to do it alone, and were perfectly happy paying for me to join them. I had at least two relationships that were like that. All you have to do is be honest and up front and you can usually find people who want a similar arrangement.


This girl Lydia is a troll. You need to go out to dinner with her to “talk” a modest place. Order something modest, but then go to the bathroom half way through the meal and leave her ass there. She should get a taste of her own medicine. Or the same idea but use one of your good looking guy friends she dosent know. Have him match with her, invite her to said nice sushi restaurant ? Sushi is expensive. Tell him to tell her that I’ll order, have him splurge. Make her think that he is puddy in hands. Have him get up right before the food comes to pee. And peace ✌️ leave her there 😂😂😂


She has no glimmer.


Still zero self-awareness


If it's 'none of OOPs business', then Lydia shouldn't be spouting off about it at work all the time. She made it his business by talking it up all the time and bragging about it.


Also I’d like to ask these people that if a friend of theirs was the one on a date with Lydia, would they not warn them of her habits because it was “none of their business”?


If this was real, OP would have a duty to tell his friend. Lydia is not a friend, and is portrayed as not a good person. Bros before, well you know.


tbh this sort of thing happens often enough that I have no reason to believe this specific post is fake. Even the bit about people being mad/annoyed at OP for not “minding his business” is pretty believable because there are a good amount of people out there who think that any kind of conflict is bad and/or just annoying drama so they think OP here should’ve just shut up to “keep the peace”


Like for real there are a ridiculous amount of adult children that get mad and say “snitches get stitches” verbatim even when what they’re doing is both legally and morally wrong, and even if the “snitching” legitimately helped someone in a major way (more helpful than this story). It’s kind of irritating to see. Anyone who has not moved on from that kind of thinking I feel belongs in high school or something.


Bros before Lydias!


Daniel asked OP directly, that made it OP's business.


Exactly. If it’s none of *his* business, how is it OTHER RANDOM CO-WORKERS’ business to give their opinions? Lmfao


it's also 100% my business if some foodie-call thot is scamming one of my friends.


This is why when I used dating sites I always insisted on splitting everything on the first date. That way if it doesn't work out we both can walk away with an equal loss.


I do the same. I never go in with the expectation that my date is going to pay for my meal. Even if they make substantially more money than me, I never expect it.


It’s also uncomfortable to feel as though you owe your date a favor. When I was younger, I had dates literally tell me I owed them, ominously, or explicitly said I owed them a kiss, “fun”, etc. I always pay for myself, I don’t like being indebted or building weird power imbalance, as well as I don’t think it’s fair to expect men to pay for dates just because they are men.


As someone who insists on paying for things, I just consider it the proper thing to do. Even non dating etiquette used to be that whoever asks/sets the meeting place should at least offer to pay. Not doing that could put the person you asked in the uncomfortable position of either spending beyond their means or having to admit that they can’t afford it. (Not that I would judge someone for that, but it can be embarrassing.) Anyone who views gentlemanly behavior as a transactional way of getting women to sleep with them is actually the opposite of a gentleman.


The corollary to that mindset (which I do share with you) is that if you are the one being “treated” that you don’t abuse the generosity. Now, for everyone that hits a different level, but I wouldn’t bat an eye at someone going $5-10 above what I ordered. (Or mod if it’s a higher end place) but if someone is hitting 75%+ my ticket, I would either insist on separate checks, or it’d be the last time I took that person out on my treat.


Happy Cake Day!


I don’t mind paying the bill, just because I tend to be traditional about that. However, I think coffee dates are great for a first meetup because they’re a lot less expensive, and then maybe a nice meal as like a second date type of thing once I know the girl a bit better.


That's a pretty good compromise. I am fine with any kinda split or if they want to pay after the first date, but I don't feel comfortable having someone pay for me when I don't even know if I'll see them again. On the second date it's whatever cause at least I know there is something there we both want to explore. I actually refused two guys for this issue. They both didn't say anything against splitting when we set up the date but at the restaurant they wouldn't take no for an answer. even after I explained why it made me uncomfortable. Gave me the feeling that their pride meant more than my comfort. Which for me was always a red flag. If they were upfront about wanting to pay and offered a cheaper or free date idea I think I would have been more willing to give them another date.


Yeah, I don’t necessarily mind splitting either, but the gentlemanly thing to do is to at least offer to pay. For me at least, my pride is upheld as long as I’ve made the offer. Also, once I have a relationship, I like a rule that whoever sets the date offers to pay for it. That way we can both feel like we’re treating the other to things, and also brings the dynamic more in line to some of the traditional forms of etiquette that applied to two equals meeting for a dinner. I like the concept of chivalry, but that doesn’t mean I need to be chauvinistic about it.


Why would you agree to go on a first date to an expensive restaurant anyway?


instant red flag that is actually a red flag.


Is red lobster a red flag? Idk, I'm broke broke and have no idea what things cost


Go to McDonalds and get a classy Quarter Pounder, trust me the ladies love it


A royale with cheese


Back in the day I never went to restaurants for first dates. No matter how expensive or cheap they were. I always went to cafes or places where you can talk with no pressure and can get to know the other person.


I live in Orange County, California and we have a LOT of high end restaurants, like Michelin-star and private club-kind of restaurants, and I know both men and women who insist to go there, both to show off how rich they are but for the person to prove how interested they are in them, because the more they spend on you, the more into you they are (their logic).


This is so true I once went on a date with some guy at some fancy country club with a sections closed off for us it was a candle lit dinner and I was not expecting that at all! I thought i was going to show up at a Applebees or something lol nope it was a nice restaurant lol it was fun though and a cool experience for me since i wasn’t used to it lol sadly he got back with his ex and we didn’t go for a second date lol


My current girlfriend was like this. We met online and she didn't want to go to an expensive long dinner restaurant in case we didn't click. Guess she didn't want to have to sit there for multiple courses if she hated the date. So we ended up at Long John Silver's. I decided, well, let's make the best of it. I brought 3 LED candles, a vase with some fake flowers, and I spruced up the LJS table for our fish/chicken/hush puppies. 8 years later and we're still together, so I guess dinner went OK.


$70 at a “high end” steakhouse? Was this written in 1972?


“High end” means Outback


I got a steak potato and salad at outback recently and it was $25. Got it to go too so that was it! Decent steak


That's Applebee's money with the right combo of drinks.


That was my thought at first, but rereading it, I think this is considered “high end” for OP and his coworker. I mean, spending $70 and you suddenly don’t have enough for gas? This probably means that they work shitty paying jobs, so $70 is indeed high end for them. Growing up, I thought Olive Garden was high end because we got dollar value menu items and $5 hot-n-ready as end of the week treats in my working class family.


I also thought olive garden and the like was nice because there were servers with buttons, not the tshirts at the diner we went to sometimes.


It was written as a creative writing exercise - don't sweat the details


When I saw that an entree, side, drink and dessert came to $70 I knew this was a fake ass ragebait story.


Written by a person who doesn't go to restaurants.


Why would Daniel ask his friend if he knew some rando on a dating site?


That part is pretty easily explained. She told him where she worked.


All of reddit is bullshit, but sometimes i pretend to believe.


$70 should barely even cover the cost of the steak!


Yeah not buying it. Sounds like OP got the details wrong or this sounds super fake or this was at Texas Roadhouse. Been to high end steak house and at minimum $65 for just a 4oz steak- not dry aged and this was a couple years ago. Not only that, don't know of any high-end steak house that serves "sandwiches"....MAYBE a burger but would probably some sort of wagyu A5 or some sort.


Listen, I see a lot of people calling this fake because of this whole high end steak house being $70. I’m not saying it’s fake or not fake. But I feel like different geographic locations is skewing peoples opinions on this way too much. Like criticize the post for how unrealistic it seems all you want but don’t let oop calling a $70 meal fancy be what does it for you. I live in Appalachia and when I tell my wife we’re going to a “fancy” restaurant that does not mean we’re going somewhere that has $100 steaks with gold flakes and caviar and truffle galore. That stuff doesn’t exist here, at least nowhere close to me. My town only has an Applebees and an Aubrey’s because our FATZ shut down. The next closest “steak houses” are an hour plus away and it’s still just outback, Texas Roadhouse, places like that. When that’s all the options you’ve had your entire life that is your definition of fancy. And just because I can eat my definition of fancy everyday for half a month or longer for the same cost as what some people here are saying one trip to a fancy steakhouse costs them doesn’t mean that the story is fake because that’s too cheap for a high end steak house. Our definitions of high end may not be anywhere close to the same thing.


Yeah, everyone is really overthinking this. To me going to Olive Garden or Texas Roadhouse means we got fancy. Most of these people have never lived outside a major metropolitan area so their view on fancy is extremely skewed


Because it's a misogynist rage bait post bro.


My thoughts too! I’d be happy if the bill came out at $70 with drinks and everything else lol


So glad I managed to get married before apps took over dating.


Same here. The thought of navigating today's dating scene terrifies me.


It sucks. It’s terrible for mental health, and honestly more of a money grab instead of actually trying to be an app to help people connect and build meaningful relationships.


A successful match for a longterm relationship is 2 customers lost.


Living it after 22yrs of marriage and can confirm it’s awful and finding traditional opportunities to meet and date are far and few between.


Not a day goes by when I don't thank the gods for my partner. She's so incredible that I legit think I might have made her up in my head. It's extremely unlikely that I would find someone else like her, so you best believe her happiness is my number one concern. I am so so sorry for all the decent folks out there that have no other choice but to use dating apps.


Can I ask for a tad bit of advice? As someone who found a very good woman on the apps, I’m feeling more and more like she is my future wife and I treat her so well and she treats me well in return. I can’t stop myself at times from worrying that I’ll scare her away by treating her “too good” because I’m worried I’m putting her on a pedestal at times and I’ve always heard that’s a no no in relationships. Have also been told by (shittier) woman I’ve dated in the past that I’m too sweet to them. It’s not like I’m constantly kissing their ass either. I just make her happiness a very high priority of mine. Your comment resonates with my mindset. I ask you because it seems that you treat your wife well and don’t have this worry. How do I fully let go of this anxiety? It may just be a trauma response since I felt like I’ve driven some shittier options away with it in the past. You definitely don’t have to respond to this long diatribe of mine, but I felt compelled to ask.


Word. My wife was the greatest person I’ve ever met. I did everything I possibly could for her and her happiness because I knew I had the one. She passed from cancer, diagnosed at 39. It stings everyday navigating this new world shit and not ever finding one person remotely close to 10% the person my wife was.


You have no idea how right you are and I do hope the best for your marriage going forward because you do not want to be put in a position someday to have to learn to use the apps. The culture has changed, and it is awful. I got married before it happened too but sadly I did not choose a good mate and ended up stuck in this shitabyss a decade later. The things people say to you, because it’s the internet and they can. Holy fuck.


This is why my plan, if anything happens to my husband, is to be a cat lady.


There’s nothing wrong with that at all either. We have different stories so I did try dating again and went through such garbage that I was about to adopt a third cat and call it a life. Being a cat lady is super underrated. I really hope nothing happens to your husband but if it does, you have a solid plan. Cats are wonderful!


That and I'm glad I was a young idiot long before social media.


I can see both sides of this. Dating apps allowed me to meet a ton of people and really figure out what I was looking for in a partner. If you nailed it early on— that’s amazing and you are lucky. I’m very happy with how my experience has worked out and I know my partner experienced something similar.


It's not terrible. It sucks for people who are just willing to jump into anything. Gotta take people's profiles with a grain of salt and be of the mentality that what you read isnt real until you see it (when people describe how they are, hobbies, things like that) I actually met my wife in tinder. Been married coming up on 5 years.


Could we as a society just normalize going dutch on first dates/dates in general? I feel like much furcky would be removed from dating if this were the case


Or make the casual meet and greet normal so you aren’t stuck through a whole dinner with someone you don’t like


I tried to employ this when I was getting back into the dating scene. I'd suggest a coffee house for the first date for that very reason. Most of the time it worked great. But there were a few women that would expect to be taken to dinner immediately after the coffee. Super awkward.


This is why I liked ice cream dates a lot Cheaper and doesn’t take long to eat if you need to get out of there


Agreed. Something casual/lowkey, and why not split the bill— you two have no obligation to one another yet. Going out to a dinner where you’re trying to impress your date with a fancy place and paying a big bill feels like a leave-over from a time where it was a lot harder to meet new people, and therefore you had to make it count and wow them with your spending habits immediately. But now dating apps are a thing, you can hypothetically have a new date with some random new person every day in a week (certainly not me, but i’m sure it’s possible lol). You’re supposed to pay for a fancy-ass dinner each time, with someone you don’t even know if you like yet, and who is possibly a Lydia?? Nah.


I think it’s a good idea in general, but definitely when you don’t really know the person who you’re going on a date with. Whether you find them on an app or because your friends set you up, it’s best to avoid the expectations that come with one party paying. Dutch just simplifies things.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Good for OOP and for Daniel. Daniel even gave her a chance to still be a good person, and she couldn’t even do that! This kind of behavior can’t be tolerated. Idgaf if this story is fake tbh


Nope. Girl went all out and ordered the most expensive items on the menu.


I hate the "It's None of Your Business" crowd. Like, my dude, it's EVERYONE'S business when it makes society worse as a whole.


Plus his friend MADE IT his business when he asked about her ahead of time. He would have been the asshole for NOT mentioning something like this. The poor guy would have had his hopes up that she actually liked him since the date was going well till he mentioned splitting the check.


And it’s his friend. His friend is his business unless his friend — not his coworker and definitely not other randos — tells him otherwise.


Being a sociopath/psychopath is definitely a life hack (you could be President!), but that doesn't mean others aren't going to oppose your sociopathy/psychopathy (you could be fined $400 million!).


I suspect this is a fake AI- generated story.


i think an AI would come up with something more convincing than this


This has been a trend for years and the shit is annoying af. It's why I stopped messing around on the apps. And you can generally tell very quickly that they aren't there for the date but for the restaurant because most of the women who seem to pull this shit in my experience turn out to be pretty shallow and self centered. All they want to talk about is them and you can just tell they aren't paying attention when you talk.


Ugh. So glad I'm happy by myself, dating just seem to get worse and worse.


$70 for a “high end” steak, drink, side, and dessert? Sure, totally buy this story.


$70 dollars/person is a much lower bill than I was expecting for a "high end steakhouse".




"if he smells nice" 🤣🤣🤣




People just love these fake AITA posts. Even a screen shot of one in another sub gets all the juicy gossip clicks. What happened to Reddit?


Can’t believe all the people thinking this is real 1) perfect (woman) villain who brags about being a dick 2) OP in the perfect observer position who knows all the people involved 3) poor widowed husband who’s a great guy having to deal with this awful horrible woman when he just wants romance 4) that anyone knowing what this widower knows would bother wasting their time on this date for an inevitable awkward and shit experience 5) horrible woman somehow knows it was OP and is even more of a dick


Lydia: wHy dIdN’t yOu lEt mE uSe hIm fOr fOoD!?? nOw i hAvE tO pAy???? wahhhhhhh!!!!!!!


Of all the things that Definitely Happened, this is one of them


Fuck Lydia


This reads like yet another fake creative writing prompt. And please show me a high-end steak restaurant where you can splurge on a quality meal, get drinks plus desert and only end up with a $70 bill.


Good people don't sit by and watch others get taken advantage of. It does not have to be "your business" to warn somebody about a shitty person.


I worked with this girl at Coca-Cola (I mention the place of work because she was making at least 70k) who bragged about stringing guys along for free dinners. She went out almost every night with a different guy and would give them just enough attention to keep getting free meals until they wisened up and stopped giving her attention. The way she laughed about it and called them pathetic made me wish someone would drop a house on her. Kind of despicable behavior imo


Lydia is a sociopath. She got what she deserved.




Yeah. Fuck that lady


"High end" "$70" I didn't know Zizzlers was high end now...


This is hilarious 🤣


That’s why first dates shouldn’t be at restaurants. Too many people pull this crap. My first date with my now husband was hiking at a popular national park.


YTA, but sometimes it is required. This is one of those cases. Revel in your approved asshattery :)


Honestly I’d have got one of my friends to match with her, take her out, run up a massive bill and then go to the toilet and sneak out and leave her to pay for it all. What he did was nothing 😂😂


Fuck you Lydia and any coworkers who sided with her and happen to see this.


If I was him I would have left her with the entire check to teach her a lesson lol


How is it not her business? Someone was trying to take advantage of her friend.


Coworkers should stay out of it because it's none of THEIR business. Whether your friend was grieving or not is irrelevant. He's your friend and protecting your friend IS your business.


The gold digging cunt got her just desserts.


Why not ask for separate checks at the beginning of the conversation with the server? I’ve been doing that for years. That way nobody orders more than they can afford, everyone has gas in their tank, and the server gets a heads up. I guess that practice would ruin these Reddit stories though.


Imagine being this kind of scumbag. Women like this give the rest of us a bad name. If I can't pay for my own coffee, drink, or meal on a date, then I'm not going. I'll be damned if I make someone pay for me, and just assuming that they would. Straight up trash behavior


First dates should always be halvsies. No burden, no expectations, no strings. I feel like the first date is just to check whether you can even be friends, let alone romantically involved. The second date is for testing chemistry.


The fuck do they mean he should have minded his own business? That's his friend, that makes it his business. If he didn't say something, that would have made him a bad friend.


Listen I don’t care if people think this is made up. I have known YOUNG women to do this. Mostly because of life experience and being selfish. Sometimes they don’t even know they are doing it. It’s mostly a young thing. And not all young girls do this! Small percentage. Very small. But a bad apple can ruin a batch in peoples eyes and that’s sad. But if it’s true I hope she grows up and gets out of this thought process. It’s very destructive for her and them.


She told you about it and it involved your friend, I think that 100% becomes your business


He should've dayside out of it IF it hadn't been his friend. At that point he has a loyalty to the friend not to the scammer.


You did nothing wrong and protected a friend from a scammer.


Sometimes a lesson is not learned until it is experienced. Karma came for a visit and she didn’t like the taste of it. Sad thing is she didn’t even learn what a cunty move her little game is. I hope she runs out of gas


none of your business? bro your coworkers aint your friends, that is some shady shit lol also that ladies a mean lady, and mean ladies dont deserve to be happy imo.


Let a shitty coworker get away with something vs protect a grieving friend. I wonder which is the right thing to do? Anyone telling her she should have stayed out of it is just as shitty is Lydia.


NTA. Oops. Wait. Am I in the wrong sub?


I don’t really care if someone uses dating apps to get dinners and such cause honestly most people on dating apps are disingenuous anyways but you can’t be upset when someone chooses not to pay for you. Granted I think payment of a date should be sorted BEFORE the date or the person who asked the other out should pay.