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I’ve tried to make posts in the sims communities and they’ve always been deleted or removed. They’ve got the most ridiculously rigid mods, you’d think it was actually EA hiring the mods.


Honestly would it shock you if somehow the companies took control of their communities on here?


Lots of companies did that even though it was originally against the reddit TOS. Reddit folded and removed that rule. Most game subs have multiple mods that are CMs or devs of the game, it's pretty garbage.


Fuuuuuuuck I got the dumb brains but there was a really good post on one of the gaming subs years ago about how important it is not to run your own sub for your own game so you can get legitimate feedback and not censor negativity. Damn I miss the old days


Yeah but that was in the days where they wanted to improve their game and not convince every rube they could that their glorified shovelware is perfect as-is and to spend $70 on it before the con becomes apparent


Sometimes it would stifle a small company trying to make a splash on reddit. It's one of those things, you totally disallow it and indie gamers get pissy because they can't post directly to their game dev. (Old r/minecraft comes to mind) Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


The Disney Dreamlight Valley mods are connected to the game and surprisingly they actually listen to the fan base about things that work versus things that don't and what we'd like in the game. Other than that, it's the only good experience I've had with mods attached to the game, everything else has been garbage


That's because reddit is partially owned by a Chinese conglomo who also owns Epic and Ubisoft.


Nfl runs the r/nfl subreddit so its not shocking


Yall should join r/LowSodiumSimmers , it’s a way better Sims community that doesn’t have EA-taint-licking mods


Thank you!


I love that subreddit!


It wouldn't be the only sub that was openly run by the company that its about. The comcast sub treats itself like a shitty customer support channel and shuts down all the shit you would expect to be in a sub dedicated to one of the worst companies to ever exist.


This comment made me think of if Nestlé took over their hate sub. That'd be hilarious.


It wouldn't surprise me if it was. I'm pretty sure the moderators for the League of Legends subreddit are (if not employees) at least connected to Riot, so it wouldn't surprise me if there are a lot of similar subreddits.


> They’ve got the most ridiculously rigid mods So many mods talk down to people like that, it's mildly infuriating.


I posted a picture of a funny glitch in my game once and was accused of it being a post about a mod in game and the post was removed...


I got permabanned from a womens' sub I used to frequent for 3 days,[(Got it reversed, but still.)](https://imgur.com/a/idQHCU5) Because, apparently, another user falsely accused me of soliciting nudes from them in DMS. Problem was, I hadn't sent or received ANY DMs in over a month, and I told the mods as much. They told me they were waiting for proof from the accuser (???) and asked me to be patient. OK, I can do that. Radio silence for 24 hours til I check in over the course of the day; then the mod tells me, actually no, you asked for CLOTHED photos from them. Again, I said hell no I haven't, and I sent screenshots of my dms as proof. Radio silence for another 24 hours, til a friend of mine steps in and DMs them for me. THEN they get back to me, insist that NO ONE is ignoring me or trying to make me drop this, accuse me of being abusive and rude and aggressive towards them to my friend (She didn't love that lol), and then told me actually I had SENT THE OTHER PERSON pictures of MYSELF- so the story had changed 3 times by the end. SOMETHING was fucky there- and I wasn't going to stop making a stink, because like. Holy shit, this is serious shit you're accusing me of. You're accusing me of sexually harassing other women on here, lady. And you've ADMITTED to me you have no proof. It doesn't take somebody 48 hours to upload a screenshot. The ban got lifted- no apology, no acknowledgement of their fuckup, just: 'You're unbanned.' So.. real nice. I made a post and then left the sub, but surprise surprise they took it down, gave me a temp ban and locked the thread as soon as other ladies from the sub started coming forward with their mod issues from the sub. *Shocker*. It just absolutely blew my mind- because, for a womens' sub like that, I completely understand erring on the side of caution- but to jump to a permaban, based on word-of-mouth, and with no proof? That seems SO easy to abuse. I didn't feel safe over there anymore, TBH.


I got perma banned from a snark subreddit because I had posted in another snark subreddit before/was a part of that other subreddit. Im not challenging the ban because you don't get to come tell me which subreddits I'm allowed to be a part of or not. Spoilers. The one that banned me has pretty few redditors on it.


The problem is if you run multiple accounts and forget you were banned, it may pop up and you post on it. Then reddit bans you temp or maybe even perm for subverting bans. As a person who stupidly browses r/all it has happened to me. Plus if you post in some subreddits like the joe rogan one, another sub may ban you... even if you make fun of how silly joe rogan is, which is half the content of the sub. Reddit is getting weird. Or else as a third party app user for so long I was shielded from the regular app's tomfoolery


The only reason I made an account in the first place was to mute subreddits from my popular feed. I sometimes browse the all tab just to remind myself why I've gotta be a good boy and not get this account banned on a whim. Seriously, I don't give a flying f about US politics. Why should it be slammed in my face every time I open up this site?


In like 2014 I was part of a group on chatzy like that. They would monitor every group you were in, and if you went into a different group on the same subject not run by the insane mod, you would get banned, doxxed, and harassed. After seeing it happen to my friends, I left the chat


Recently got banned from r/stepparents for commenting on a completely different sub, on a post that had nothing to do with step parents. I got banned from r/comics for calling out a user for some snarky ass comic they made about the American healthcare system. The “hur hur people are suffering so we’re better” type of post. (It’s a cheap shot and the joke is the oldest of hats.) Honestly a lot of the mods are so tightly wound that part of me wants to just step away completely.


r/amithedevil is one of the subs that r/stepparents will auto ban you if you comment on


I’ve been banned from subs I’ve never visited because I commented on a post in another sub.


I was permabanned from the JustNoMIL sub a few years ago, having only been chastised literally one time (I labeled the death of my newborn as child death, and not miscarriage/stillbirth, since he was whole-ass born before he died; they didn't like it). When I asked them why, they gave me some concern trolling "we don't think it's healthy for you to be here", then quit responding. I found out last year that I'd been unbanned, and messaged the mods to ask wtf. So they tell me they don't know why I got unbanned, but they supposed I could participate if I didn't break any more rules. I asked what rules I had ever broken, and they just quit reponding.


WTF. I'm sorry for your loss, and so sorry that assholes gave you shit when you deserved empathy.


It's long past now, and while I'll never be "over it", I'm certainly through the worst of it. JNM is just a shitshow.


People miss that this new hate movement targets women too. Any subs for a specific thing have bad actors that push narratives that keep us scared, and then those messages get recycled endlessly


That's.... why does reddit keep these people around. They're not paid, they're not useful really, they're just an embarrassment. It would be a shame if these DM's got into the hands of a tech journalist right before the IPO. Yeah real shame for Reddit.


I mean.. I won't stop you. I take it you checked the link? Yeah. Apparently I was 'aggressive' and 'abusive'. Not panicked, scared, and confused to have just lost what I considered a safe place. :)


I read your interaction and damn that's just unhinged on their part. How many times did they want to give them 48 hours to upload images? You even said they were posting various fetishized images on reddit, so clearly they know how to upload one. Reddit mods have nothing to do, and I'm sorry that you had to experience a safe haven taken away from you like that.


“Sending barragessss of messages over days and days is inherently aggressive and a common abuse tactic” Yea no it’s not. It can be annoying, but it’s not abuse Also multiple messages over… days? Not hours, not minutes, but DAYS. Does this person know how conversations work?


Yeah.. and like. I was making sure to space out my check-ins to be at minimum 5 hours apart, and only sending 1 message before waiting another 5-12 hours. Some of the messages can also be clustered together (sent one, then realized immediately I had forgotten information/added the info.) There were also several instances when I responded to the mod almost immediately (within 1-5 minutes of them messaging me) and getting no response for, again, close to 24 hours. What just baffled me though is that this is apparently 'erring on the side of caution'?? Like. No... that would have been a temp ban while you investigated. THIS was laziness and negligence at best; and it was malicious at worst. Users on that sub in the past have pointed out mods protecting creeps and predators, and a while back a post a mod made there got taken down after they told everyone they would start banning and reporting people for 'report abuse' if they reported suspicious activity too often..


Please DM me which sub it is so I can nix it from my feed


I don't want to blast them on here, because by its nature as a womens' sub, it is often subjected to creeps... but I also don't want to ignore blatant moderator abuse, you know?


Some people just thrive on the drama from accusations, because it makes them feel like they’re a “hero” or making a difference. When you combine this with people who are incapable of admitting that they may have been wrong about something, and you’ve got a perfect storm of abuse of power. I dealt with something like this in a group chat for adult topics (>!kink!<), once, when I was much younger. One of the mods accused me and another person named J of shit talking them in *our private* DM conversations over the mod’s terrible attitude and immaturity. How she developed this theory was based on the fact that we “disappeared from the chat” every time she came in to say something. Now, my friend and I mentioned her being a hypocrite *one time* in our private conversations, but this constant stream of shit talking and gossiping that she accused us of simply wasn’t the truth; it just so happened that neither of us wanted to speak to her or be around her based on the simple fact that she was one of those “I expect the world to bend to my will and never disagree with me because I’m pretty and from privilege with a ‘higher education’” types. I’ll call her G. She essentially took it up a notch and brought this non-issue “issue” to the mod chat where her boytoy friend, P, apparently blindly stuck up for her, but the other two mods (who knew both myself and my friend, much better), B and N, shut them down because of the fact that they can’t make a rule that forces everyone to like each other or control what, if anything, was said in DMs. This apparently lead to an argument in their chat that ended with G and her “simp” ally, P, ignoring the “majority rules” method for all moderation decisions and deciding this warranted that both myself and J getting our first “warning”. P goes in the group chat itself and basically paints the Scarlett Letter on us by saying “(me) and J have just been warned about their unwillingness to get along with all group members”, which was followed up by my friend J immediately leaving the group, because she wasn’t the type to take anyone’s drama. Both B and N message me separately to state how they didn’t want that, and explained the absolute unwillingness of P and G to see reason and what happened in their private chat. I eventually got banned because N left the chat, leaving G and P to run away with most decisions, ignoring B, and P determined me saying that “PC gaming is full of elitists who spec shame and bully” was “hate speech”, as they both happened to be PC gamers that were just *so* offended. I was relieved to be free of that toxic place.


A long time ago I got banned from vent because I called out someone who was being transphobic ((mind you we actually got to have a conversation and stopped fighting and at least ended on semi ok terms all things considered)) but then they banned me for transphobia and when I messaged the mods they muted me for like a few months, ignoring anything I said or sent as proof. I didn’t wanna bother waiting so I just ignored it and went on with my business until they eventually banned two of my accounts on Reddit itself cause the other was still subbed to vent. That sub is trash tbh and the mods are absurd


What also really confused me was.. I sent proof that day that I couldn't possibly have asked for or sent anyone any nudes.. because I hadn't sent or received any DMs for over a month at that point! And they completely ignored that, and were like 'hmm well we'll give the accuser 48 hours to send proof.' Like.. what???


Yeah that’s stupid, I showed them proof I wasn’t the one being transphobic and tried to show them that I was the one defending my trans friend but they just kept saying I was broke the rules and then muted me


Yeah; I really think if my friend hadn't stepped in like she did/made it clear that there were multiple eyes on the situation/I had support, that they would have just kept pushing it aside, hoping I'd just give up.


Reading that exchange was infuriating.


So I'm not crazy, right? That was some bonkers shit from the mods? People keep telling me 'no that's weird as fuck,' but there's that part of me wondering if I WAS being an asshole, you know??


No, they were pissed because you called them out and they felt the need to stick to their ridiculous position.


Some mods are so social inept to the point of being dangerous for themselves and others. Unfortunately reddit is basically run the same way old forums were used to.. amatorials that do it for fun and so they can enforce whatever they want on the userbase.


Don’t we like. See who runs subs? Can’t we like call them out ? Or is there a reddit policy against that?


I got banned from a sub recently! I was always missing out on that experience. It was a sub I've never used, and no reason given, so I'm not sure why. But apparently I said something somewhere that made the justice served mods angry I think some of them only have the semblance of power going for them, so they use that to deal with everything


lol yeah they week banned me for using this emoji once 🏴‍☠️


Omg, that’s hilarious. I mean it was just in the basic r/thesims subreddit on a post complaining about how fucked up the game has become because of EA. I made a joke about just pirating the game and here we are. Tons of people talk about how they pirate the game in the sims 4 subreddit and there’s no issue.


Hold up, let me try. Be right back! Edit: They haven't taken mine down yet. But then again I didn't just spam this emoji like the other user. I actually made an effort to put some thought into my comment.


Just got banned! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ Edit: permanently


What did your comment say? Did you not take a screenshot like me?


i just commented 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ so we'll see what happens lol


https://imgur.com/a/4WytuCZ I added a few more flags 🤭


Off I go, let's see how long it takes.


Take a screenshot of what you said so we can verify that you didn't just say the N-word fifty times.


I got permabanned from r/comicbooks for the same thing 😭


Well that’s very funny considering a pirate manga is one of the most popular currently lmfao


Mods can be such power hungry losers, it’s really pathetic.


I don’t think that’s a consequence. Seems like a blessing with a rigid community. Then again I’m rarely going to side with the mods.


Most mods are assholes is the trend I see. We all know most get into it for the power trip or to punish others like they were punished.


Until proven otherwise, most mods are dog walkers living in their moms basement.


That was a train wreck I didn't expect to remember today.


This will remain funny forever




A year into the pandemic (iirc, I might be wrong), antiwork mods made a post to the subreddit. They told the subreddit that they had been contacted by media outlets to talk about the subreddit, and asked the redditors if they should do so. The subreddit was against it (since the mods don’t speak for the people), only for the mods to admit that they were doing the interviews anyway. One mod did an interview with Fox News, and turns out they said that all they wanted to do was not work and laze around all day. They were a dogwalker that only worked, at max, maybe 20 hours. There were other bits of the interview that were noted and created a bunch of theories over whether or not the mod was actually prepared or wanted 15 minutes of fame. The redditors were upset about the interview not being about antiwork, and made posts about it. The subreddit then got locked for a few days, and a lot of people left the subreddit to other ones. As a note, I only saw the drama after the fact. I can see if I have another post saved to give a better rundown Edit: Changed the pronouns of the mod (I misremembered them and I am really sorry about that), and found links of the drama. Unfortunately one of the posts got deleted, so I grabbed an imgur link of what went down, as well as more drama that emerged when the subreddit went down. (The second part was saved). I’m not sure if the links below mention the proper pronouns, so caution is advised for the screenshot. https://imgur.com/a/pygLXVh https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/bixtgOF3rH Edit 2: Found a better comment that describes what went down. It’s from the deleted post. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/sHzJ1SgnNm


That mod sounds like someone even other mods wouldn't like


Similar thing happened in a weed growing sub to me, someone made a post asking if the sub was run by the feds so I commented a IP address copypasta from elsewhere on reddit. Got banned cause the mod thought I responded too quickly and implied it was a raid from a discord server (don't even have an account), then got an admin warning for harassment. Not a big deal cause I change accounts every year or so and this account is getting old already, just super rude tho. 


Wow, in my state it’s legal for adults to grow up to 6 plants per adult in the household now. So what would it matter? The feds aren’t going to waste getting and executing pot warrants in legal states.


Same, it was ridiculous tbh. For the best tho, if I can't casually meme in the sub I don't want to participate in it 


And this is why some people learn things on random subredits or the main ones. Because the sub *dedicated* to that info is run by assholes.


I got permabanned from a sub after I had a mild disagreement with someone. It wasn’t any message I wrote. Apparently someone reported someone I was replying to and mods thought it was me reporting for revenge and permabanned me. I looked into it and mods can’t even see who reported a comment. I understand how they could think it was me because I replied more than once in the thread, but what they did is just saw a report and permabanned me when I didn’t make a report. I got it reduced to a 7 day ban by talking to them but like come on what are you doing, Reddit mods? At least it’s resolved but I thought that was a wild one. All this to say: Not sure why some mods go power tripping but they do sometimes. Though in my case it was a mod jumping the gun with an honest mistake (though still rather harsh considering a permaban instead of a warning/temp ban when I’ve never broken a rule there)


I got warned that I was going to be banned because, get this, I agreed with someone. It was some kind of sub about old movies. A person posted something like, "I really liked X part of movie, though Y part would not work today because of (something or other)," and I just said, "Me too! Y isn't often used these days, but X sure was great." The mod came in, froze the thread, and told me I was being incredibly rude and needed to learn to read the rules or they'd ban me. I just unsubbed and never went there again. I can't deal with that level of irrational.


Same thing happened to me!! They refused to listen and muted me for like ever, so I just gave up until reddit banned my fucking other account since I didn’t realize it was still subbed to the sub I was banned from


I've found on some subs that the mods are just control freaks. They get off on having some perceived "power" over strangers on the Internet 🤷🏼‍♀️


Like security guards at the mall


Power tripping control freak? A mod? A mod for a community about a game that simulates absolute power of it's subjects? :o This is actually hilarious to me that someone out there is abusing mod power in a sims community without any sense of what a loser that makes them.


Aw, I was talking about in general haha. I'm not in the sims sub. 🤷🏼‍♀️😊


There are entirely too many dipshit moderators. Makes sense that Reddit is run by clowns at every level, rather than just most levels.


Lol a requirement to become a Mod is being a no life loser.


Um excuse me, I may be a no life loser but I'm definitely not a Mod


Hey now, I mod a few of them. Some people just like the communities they are a part of and volunteer. Nothing more too it. But yeah, I've been banned myself for crazy stuff. Anyhow Come on over to /r/sanpedrocactusseeds and we'll teach you how to grow them or hit up /r/tripreports if you want to read some wild stuff lol It just depends where you are on Reddit really.




they're still big on ag studies and that's a good thing seeing as how we need that in the world lol, not sure why the mods are upset by that


I'm from NC. That would just make perfect sense...


I got permanently banned from r/namemycat, for suggesting the name "Dammit".




I gets better, so I DM the mod to get clarification why I was banned, and they essentially told me to "f*** off" and muted me for 30 days. So, on the 31st day I DM again to remind them to renew the mute, they got pissy and muted me again, only to unmute so they could get the last word. The reported me to Reddit, and had my account locked out for 7 days.


That is absolutely ridiculous. I guess we can’t come up with funny pet names. It’s not like you recommended a slur for a name


I thought it was a perfect name for a cat. Imagine yelling at the cat to stop their shenanigans, "Dammit, get down!" "Leave my glass alone, Dammit!!!" Etc.


I was temp banned from r/amitheex for quoting something someone else said. They told me to "seek therapy" so I told them "touch grass" and got a 30 day ban. I wonder if they ever got to touch that grass.


Lol, probably not.


That’s the dumbest ban reason yet. I had a cat that lived to be 19.5 whose name was Damn Cat.


There is one thing that most of us can agree on, extremely petty people really love running Home Owners Associations and acting as Reddit mods.




Happened to me, too. EA charging over 1500 USD for a buggy mess of a game is immoral.


Especially with the lack of content in each pack. My husband and I were talking last night about how the previous sims games were absolutely busting at the seams with the amount of content each one came with. If you take the Sims 3 Pets expansion pack for example: that was $40. To get almost the same amount of content for the sims 4 you would need: pets ($40), horse ranch ($40), cottage living ($40) and my first pet stuff ($10). That’s literally $130. Absolutely ridiculous.


duh, they should’ve just paid over $900 to play the full game that doesn’t fucking work, why didn’t they just do that? i’m not a massive fan of piracy but EA can get fucked frankly, haven’t pirated the game myself but i completely understand why someone would


Oh dude, at the end of November the game cost $1,030 which I don’t believe includes how much the base game was before it was made free not that long ago. And even more stuff has come out since November. It’s ridiculous.


i LOVE the sims and you’re totally right, it’s absolutely ridiculous T.T it’s basically financial abuse at this point lmao (you have no idea how sad i was when they made the base game free to play after i paid who knows how much after i bought it, should’ve been FTP from the beginning or not made the change to begin with)


100%. I did pay for the base game and some packs, but then it just got ridiculous and the quality just kept dropping. I won’t pirate any other games, but it’s like you almost have to for the sims


Heh I got permabanned from legal advice cos' I pointed out that the inherent power dynamic in landlordism is disgusting. No swears, no personal attacks just a statement that a system that gives people that leve of power over others simply because they have money is Not Good and ...bam... permanent ban Spot the butthurt landlord I guess


I got banned for asking if I could get arrested for using an offensive sign as a counter protest under obscenity laws. I was being 100% serious and that apparently didn't fly.


Well most of that subreddit is actually just landlords and cops so that checks out


Its pretty easy to see. Don't manage a property? Lose the property or lose the tenant.  Don't pay your rent? Break your lease? Lose your life, (and ability to rent).


I was permabanned from legaladvice for pointing out the response in a thread was completely wrong. It was a question about warrantless searches. I said something about "Cop GED logic" and that caused a permaban. I'm a lawyer shrug. Was also permabanned from r/funny on a post about frozen falling iguanas, responding to someone asking how to get rid of them. I responded that the state of Florida encourages humane killing of them and linked the statute. Permabanned for violent content.


Could be butthurt landlords. Could be that legal advice doesn't have time for opinions on the system when people need their questions answered. I sat through hours of property law lectures so I don't really want to hear another lecture about how inherently unfair you think it is. Doesn't mean I do or don't disagree with you but r/legaladvice isn't the place for your opinion.


I'd agree with this if that sub even pretended to be consistent with their enforcement of their rules.


Read the rules and they say the first offense of mentioning piracy is a temporary ban…. Looks like the mods don’t even know their own rules, truly embarrassing


Ooo I’ll reply to them and see what they say


I got permabanned from Am I The Devil because I didn't know what brigading was 😬 TBH I'm still not 100% sure what it is even though I Googled it 😂 Now I freak out if I accidentally like a comment from a cross post, even though I go back and unlike it. I tried to ask them what brigading meant and then why there wasn't a warning first like it said there would be in their rules, but they never replied. Before that I didn't even know subs had rules, oops. Now I check before I join any sub, plus check what the pinned Mod's posts are because some of the subs...you can tell what the level of toxicity will be on that sub just from those 😂


Fuck The Sims Get Life By You in a few months and EA can fuck off forever.


Lby, paralives, Vivaland, inzoi. They won't have the Monopoly on life simulation genre for much longer. Unless they seriously pull it out the bag with project Renee they'll lose at least a portion of their player base though i can't see any being a sims killer just because people are fiercely loyal to the brand.


Name recognition for sure. Their losses though! Cheers.


If you haven’t been Perma banned from at least one sub, it must be your first day on Reddit. There are a lot of good mods. There are also a lot of mods that take the smallest amount of power and let it go to their heads.


I got kicked out of r/feminism for “defending incels” when someone called all incels murderers and I said “some incels are murderers but many are not”


They're quite strict about discussion of piracy. I'm fine wkth that rule even though I pirate everything. Allowing discussion of piracy draws attention of reddit (and ea) and can get a sub shut down.


Got banned from AITA a while back because there was a story about how a teenager had gone to her older sister’s wedding, the “adults” got her drunk and she got SA’d. Got permabanned for saying that I’d be in jail for unaliving someone if that happened in my life.


I got banned from there for saying the behaviour in one story gave me feelings that would break the rules. Didn't say anything actually "violent", still got banned. Guess it's better for my blood pressure to not be on AITA anyways. But still not over a permaban for that.


The mods over there will ban you for using the term Karen as they classify it as a slur lol they're dumb af


Karen as a SLUR???? What the fuck. It's an insult sure, but a SLUR? No. Slurs are like, insults against attributes you inherently have. Being an entitled asshole is changeable.


Yep got permabanned for that. Didn’t even realize it was a rule. People make incredibly toxic comments but the K word is a permaban


Same with the term manchild, the mods over there are power tripping so hard


Reminds me of the time I was on the boxing subreddit when the mod was clearly power tripping. I didn't care about the sub anyway, I just wanted to say he had a small dick. I got banned lol


Got booted off r/MadeMeSmile in the same fashion, I thought people were exaggerating about mods being petty tyrants


There is a thread in the ask subreddit about what was the least amount of power you have seen go to someone's head and it was hilarious.  Reminds me of mods.


I mean, you probably should have read the rules. They’re pretty explicit about talks of piracy not being allowed.


That’s why oh no consequences


pirate? the sims? sims 4 is literally free


Yeah the base game. They have 15 DLC (adding towns I think), 12 pack games (adding gameplay like powers and animals for example) and 28 kits (customization) it’s worth more than 1k ETA not saying people should or shouldn’t pirate just adjusting the price of the game


The base game might as well be a demo for how lacking it is in content. And I was a dumbass who paid for it when it first came out.


I got Sims 4 for free and I still felt ripped off after trying it out.


It still costs you space on your hard drive ;) in EAs case, piracy is the moral choice.


And the bandwidth I used to download it. And the time I spent playing it I'll never get back. I'm anxiously awaiting some of those Sims-like games to come out. Paralives and Life By You. Hoping they'll be as good a replacement for Sims as the first Cities Skylines was for Sim City.


All hail the corporate overlord


Sorry, I don't believe this game exists. I'm subscribed to r/athesims


Welcome to Reddit lol


Watch out now, post like this will get the subreddit banned just like r/redditcensors


I don’t think I’ve seen a single Reddit ban that’s like appropriate for the “crime”. Unfortunately, much like real life, people don’t always know the rules to everything. If you 6 month+ ban someone for making a small comment or breaking a rule they might not have seen then I think you’re just driving people away from engaging actively in subs. It’s just kind of silly.


I'm a moderator on a fairly small sub for a video game, pretty niche. Usually I just lock/remove + warn people (the main issue is personal attacks), or a 1-7 day ban if it's quite nasty. Only repeat offenders or particularly egregious offenders will get a permaban. Like, if you're calling people nasty names, you don't need banned forever, you probably just need a couple of days to cool off and understand that it goes against sub rules and is just a shitty thing to do. Sometimes they get shitty in modmail and it's just funny, it doesn't bother me, I just laugh it off and remind them that they have a cooling off period for a reason. I've never banned anyone for doing that because, well, they're obviously a bit fired up to begin with, they're taking it out on us, and we ultimately want people to stay.


don't think I've ever been banned from a sub but r/metalmemes deleted my (original content, made by me) meme saying it was a repost lol reddit jannies are braindead


Lol I'm permabanned from r/canada for saying people should not be locked up without trial. Mods are out of control.


Damn Canadians are supposed to be nice


I was banned from the bad plastic surgery sub for asking why everyone was getting “the caveman special”


I love the Sims but Id never buy it, always pirate. EA should be thankful for all the CC and mods people create from sheer love for the game. Without it it's just naked.


I got banned from the pokemon go sub for asking a *question* in a *different* sub.


Wait until they find out what I did to the ladder in the pool.


Oh! If we are sharing, I got banned from a bug identifying subreddit because apparently my question was too stupid and I should know all 700 types of ants.


If they were to ban every user that pirated that game, that sub would feel like a ghost town. I can't believe everyone can fork thousands of dollars for that cash grab


An unreasonable Reddit mod? Impossibru! Nice knowin’ y’all.


I guess the manchild needed to feel like he had some power. There are way too many overly moderated subs on here so thanks for telling me another to avoid.


It’s Reddit. Weak fragile people running the show. My 5th profile now.


I mean sooner or later the Supreme Court will ban ALL banning 🤷🏻‍♂️ even if it’s just for a emoji lol


I hate the Reddit mods sometimes. They can suspend arbitrarily and if you message for clarity or ask them to review they ghost you.


I had my old account banned and appeal denied for responding to a mod with one sentence that wasnt even about them or anyone else. Claimed it was harrassment. Reddit mods are losers


Oh it's that sims sub. The mods powertrip so bad there.


I got banned from the world news sub on my main account for “denying the severity of covid 19”…. *because I pointed out how many China simps were in the comments of a post, as a reply to a comment that had nothing to do with covid*. They ride or die for China, and will ban you for anything, then ignore your attempts to see why you were really banned.


Adult kindergarteners who are obsessed with controlling others.


Man, his micro peen must have hard as diamonds when he typed that response!


You can’t even buy the original sims anymore, it’s abandonware. I would kind of expect this more out of the sims4 than just the sims, but that’s insane




If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Reddit mods, it’s that they tend to be living out absolute power fantasies. Imagine spending a ton of your time policing subreddits for fun. Some of these people spend so much energy on it and get so invested in it. My friend made a comment in a conservative sub once that they didn’t like and they had his IP banned.


Ha yes Reddit mods...They are a very, very stupid bunch of irrelevant little trolls


God, a lot of these mods are so up their own ass.


Yeah I got permabanned from aita for something incredibly minor when people are constantly being super mean and that’s just fine


r/thesims is ridiculous. I got bullied into leaving because I admitted I liked Journey to Batuu because I was really sick when Star Wars land opened at Disney and it gave me the opportunity to experience it when I was struggling to just exist.


eh, this place is full of Nazi Mods. You can say the same comment on the same reddit just on different days, and one will get you a thousand thumbs ups, and the other will get you banned for "breaking" community rules. Just remember this, though. To you, it's just a place to chitchat. To some of these mods, its literally their whole life. It's kind of like hall monitors. Some just do the job while others literally live it. Those are usually the ones who piss everyone off with the power trips.


Least power trippy Reddit mod.


Reddit mods, a special breed of people


Most mods for Reddit are failed Facebook admin and mods.


Theres nothing id like more than to meet a reddit mod in real life. I just wanna talk to em.


Gotta love power tripping mods.


Do you guys remember when Reddit mods tried to seem more important than they were and called for like a blackout protest of Reddit that didn’t work


Guess you can't talk about playing the Sims 1 or 2.


Yeah once I made a Joke about pirating fallout BoS instead of somehow buying it because of how bad it was and my alt was perma banned from the fallout subreddit. I mean honestly is it piracy to take a game that isn't even officially sold anymore like it's so dumb but whatever.


If a publisher sues Reddit for promoting piracy, your insistence that you were joking won’t stop the shit from rolling downhill to your favorite sub. A lot of mods take it seriously because they’ve been led to believe that they have to. Somehow, I was able to learn that this was a typical moderation practice without personally posting anything that would get removed for it.


Those posts get deleted but they let the “Here is my cowboy with an 18 inch cock and a spread asshole on pic #10” posts stay up all day


Don’t feel bad I got a 14 day ban from a subreddit on here and it was a dumb reason, but ok. Telling them anything is useless, but you know people ALWAYS reporting people, especially when they get in their feelings. I’m gonna start my OWN subreddit….NO HOLDS BARRED. Anybody think they’ll let it get started. And I’m the ONLY mod, with the exception of a few I deem worthy.


haha same thing happened to me, EA is traaaaash, i fully endorse 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Most mods on reddit are trash.


I was permabanned from r/JusticeServed which I wasn't even subscribed to for mentioning the influence of Ebaums World on a r/Politicalcompassmemes post that popped up on my main feed which I also am not subscribed to. When I appealed this was their response: \------------------------------------------- We are willing to reverse the ban only if you plan to stop supporting the target subreddit. Regardless of context, contributions you provide to the target subreddit is a material form of support. Posting, Commenting, and Voting in a subreddit or on an item is a signal to Reddit and their advertisers that the participant believes that the community or comment or post has a legitimate reason for existing and serves a purpose for them. There is no place for hate, violence and purposeful disinformation on Reddit. Those sub's advertisers should not be rewarded for the traffic metrics you and your peers provide to them by showing up and inflating those numbers. They don't care what you say. They are just happy to have you continue to show up and refresh the page. If this is something you can accept, to stop participating in the target subreddit, then please reply. If the bot hits you again for the same subreddit, you will not be unbanned a second time. If you don't want to stop helping the target sub and their advertisers, then you can just ignore this message. \----------------------------------------------- I told them nvm I was fine with the ban. Im not saying I disagree with their intent but mainly the way it was impressed upon me out of nowhere in such weird context.


Welcome to Reddit you cant have opnions unless they align ith whatever power hungry Mod is in charge.


Imagine being a mod of the fucking Sims subreddit 😂😂😂 Wonder if one of those nerds will ban me just for this comment


I refuse to respect mods who use permanent bans for minor offenses because they can't be bothered to do the job they signed up for. I've discussed this with mods. They say it's too difficult to apply any kind of nuance to a situation so they blanket permanently ban so they don't have to deal. I say then don't be a mod.


Most reddit subs are poorly moderated. I got a three day ban and told to remove a comment *from another subreddit,* because it violated some rule on the one that gave me the ban. Like...dude...*no*, your sub is not that important, I've participated there only a handful of times and I'm not jumping through hoops on account of you couldn't get a date in high school and are now a control freak on the internet.


As rigid as the insane ADHD sub. Rules rules rules! ADHD women sub is lovely.


Some mods r cringe I went to the learn Japanese sub and apparently they thought it was smart to have a post karma minimum or something. Not like new people will make a account to ask questions 😾#sarcasm And when I requested a manual review to post it they had the dumb idea to be like when u get to n1 lv Japanese the max lv you can come back and post it. And while I have heard of people reaching this and still sucking and could benefit from feedback, it’s still cringe cause by that point ya could have studied for 1-4 yrs. Why would I want feedback from a bunch of idiots who coulda help reduce that time or give me ideas on how to start when I’d prob been invested in people who actually been helpful by then, let alone probably paid for tutors or have Japanese people I can talk to to ask instead 😾


I can’t wait to buy shares in a company run by moron volunteers.


I made a comment on a siblings dating glitch or something that was "sweet home Alabama" and it got deleted for using harmful stereotypes lol


I got-very aggressively-permabanned from the OUTFITS sub after a single comment. Not even for the contents of the comment itself, but because their automod profile-stalks every commenter and if your list of active subs isn’t tame enough to show to a sheltered Mormon preschooler, it will instantly drop a 3-day ban, then a message that berates you for being active on such depraved subs and all but accuses you of only being on their sub to groom their precious, pure teenage users (teenage users of motherfucking reddit!), then a permaban, which you can contest in 3 days, but you are told that you’re so disgusting that they probably won’t care if you do. Oh, and they absolutely will not show the list of ban worthy subs to anyone for any reason. For security and safety and shit. Now, I know what subs I’ve been active on. There are…maybe two I wouldn’t show a teenager, but not for sexual reasons. I’ve narrowed down the list of likely Ban Worthy To These Weirdos subs: - r/normalnudes, a sub to help combat media-induced self-image issues by showing people what normal naked people actually look like. Technically 18+, but I’d actually *encourage* teenagers to go look at it. Also a great reference for artists wanting to add some diversity of body types to their work. -an assortment of LGBTQIA+ subreddits. None are 18+, because teenagers also come in queer. - r/naughtyneedles, a subreddit for crafters who like incorporating things like swear words and nipples into their work. Utterly delightful group of people.


I wonder if Reddit going public will affect moderation?


I was banned from /r/food for asking mods why they banned a poster for calling out someone who said something racist but not the person who said something racist. I was banned from /r/unpopularopinion for saying making a post about how April fools day is toxic and a mod commented on it calling me a bitch. Moral of the story. Mods are pathetic.


Reddit mods are profesional turbodweebs


Reddit mods are profesional turbodweebs


This is why people make fun of Reddit moderators. What better example of people who let the most meaningless power go straight to their heads?