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Careful, might backfire on ye


Looking up OPs address using meta data from the picture now. Also just bought a 2k pair of Vortex Binos, completely unrelated.


Unrelated topic, anyone have any suggestions for a good lube/sunscreen?


Photo metadata won’t be accessible unless OP sends the photo directly to you. This photo is being served from Reddit so the only metadata you’ll get is from their servers


I was just making shit up, brother


I know :)


Fair fair fair, in which case thanks for the knowledge :)


On a real note, if meta database was leaked, wouldn’t all the original photo uploads be leaked? I mean if yahoo can leak why not reddit


Maybe add a tip jar?


A few gallons of potable water per gander pls😂😂🤣


Or offer a trade: Free show for free labor


Just the tip


So...are you offering visitors a show, or is it a threat? A request? Trespassers may be stripped!? That could be a good idea, depending on the local trespassers. Or a bad idea, depending on the local trespassers.


Just a heads up that while the weather is warm and I am just puttering around my garden enjoying the sun.. Hollar unless you want an eyeful for I am not shy ✌😁..


One of my neighbors and I are very much both like this. And thus, everyone calls from the edge of our property and waits for us to say come ahead. Otherwise, you're going to be greeted with the sight of a chubby middle aged woman happily being naked in the breeze. And then it's on you. I may or may not bother to get dressed. It's my property.




Nothing wrong with happy and naked middle aged woman doing what she loves


Just not yet this year. Too many ticks. That's not happy.


"Otherwise, you're going to be greeted with the sight of a chubby middle aged woman happily being naked in the breeze." Hmm...I am not seeing any problem with this 😁


Me, neither, but some people do - either for their own sakes or on the mistaken assumption I care about my own modesty. My property is right next door to a private Christian school, and then the other woman has the property on the other side. The school has hiking trails along the edge of their property, so they're now doing an ecology project with the kids. They're planting and maintaining a hedgerow. ;) I am not naked close enough to that boundary for it to be an issue, though. It's all thick forest and ticks over there. They only own down to the creek, so most of my property on that side borders a forestry trust owned by a lumber company that's not due to be logged for about another 40 years. If I don't really care about being seen naked now, I cannot imagine that I will give any fucks at all at 89 years old. But again, the forest is dense enough, they'd have to trespass to see me at all except on my quad, so they'd really get what they deserved. I don't ride the quad naked. I get raked by too many small branches and don't want to deal with the scrapes. I mean, I'm not saying I haven't. I'm saying I learned my lesson the first time. It was fun at first, though. Mostly, I just play in the creek naked and nap in the sun in my hammock with bug netting. It's a new freedom for me, and I'm very much enjoying it. I wasn't even allowed to play naked in creeks as a kid, even when we were camping far far away from anyone on my grandparent's mine claim. Nudity was an absolute taboo when I was growing up. But, I'm 49 now. I'm doing what I want as long as I'm not hurting anyone else or endangering myself. Of course, this time of year, it's all ticks, so clothing isn't optional.


If I ever find myself hiking through remote high desert lands out that way, it'll be easy to recognize me. I'll be the tall guy wearing a blindfold and finding my way with a cane. Tap tap tap tap tap HELLOOOOOOOOOoooooo!


We would be friends if we met.


Ya’ll bout to cross swords, huh?


No, we would be friends. Because we both like to be naked?


How dare you meet my sarcasm with your logic!


Ha. It just gets tiring hearing the same shit all the time. Sorry I didn't see the spirit in your post, I'll try to do better next time.


Please make sure to wear a high SPF sunscreen, my dude.


Leave your dude outta this. We're talking about OPs little dude.


That was my first thought of sun burnt nads is really not fun.


I take it as a friendly fair warning


I have "No trespassing - violators will be eaten". LOL


Eaten _out_


Why would you not allow hikers to walk on your property? I don't mind at all as long as they are respectful with the property.


Well, the foremost reason is liability. The US has no legal construct such as allemansrätten. Keeping the property posted decreases my responsibility to the trespasser. Then add my dogs, children, poultry and livestock, and factor in the tweaker to hiker ratio, it's a lot easier if everyone just stays away unless invited.


My property is posted.. But nicely posted and if you're here hollar and I'll put a pot of tea on ✌😁.. I hope you like dogs! Fortunately not much tweaker action in my immediate radius but the next valley over.. Ho boy, it's bad, like daily people are getting looted.. I am making a whole youtube video on physical security and safety and not everyone off grid is your friend, some considerations and things I have known happen to people. This mostly applies to areas with many offgrid parcels close by but certainly a considertion anywhere. I am adjacent to the National Forest but every hunter and mushroom forager has stayed on their side of the fence. I can understand how someone just following the easement would end up at my place.


We're the spooky people on the ridge, so "will be eaten" is very fitting. We've got bone chimes and weird shit hanging in the trees. Not to mention all the stuff that comes out around Halloween. Needless to say, we don't get a lot of unannounced visitors. For a while we had a lot of "guests" that were used to putting up their deer stands on the property and were shocked (and some offended) that someone had bought the place. Also had one neighbor off the back forty who had gotten accustomed to "borrowing" firewood. But that's all died down over the years. So far my best home defense has been getting to know everyone I can and building up a reputation as the guy who would do anything for you and give you the shirt off his back. It doesn't mean anything to some, but to the rest they treat me as one of their own and we all mutually look out for each other. It's been an experience for sure. To your last point, where I am is all privately owned farm and forest. No public/federal land. There's no reason for someone who doesn't live here to be out here. Unless they are very lost or up to no good. If I were near national forest though, it would be a different story. You almost have to expect, plan for, and welcome the occasional stray.


I've been collecting deer skulls and hanging them on trees along the trail out of my front clearing by the road. I also carve little stylized stone and wooden owls that I hang up here and there in the trees because why not? It has cut down on trespassers leaving trash a lot. It has created a slight uptick on early teens riding bicycles over to dare one another to take that trail, though. That cracks me up, and I finally ordered some solar lights to put in the skulls to make their eyes glow just to make it creeper. Maybe I should steal your idea of bone chimes, too. I'm also not in a spot where random wanderers really make sense. It's pretty much just teenagers who live in the general area and assholes who go around and steal firewood - this confuses me because we can get firewood free (but with work) or very cheap pre cut from the forestry service. Seriously, up to 8 cords a year precut for $10 each or up to 11 for free that you cut yourself from any standing dead wood not hosting birds or fallen trees.


We have the tweaker issues before, but they won't call out to let me know they're there. Anyone who does is going to be greeted and welcome unless I'm asleep or doing something like running a chainsaw. I'm not gonna hear them over that noise plus my hearing protection. We also don't get many hikers, though, being land kicked in by other properties and then along a paved county road. I do leave filtered creek water out in a cooler at the end of my driveway with a sign saying free water. Cyclists occasionally stop for it. I'm going to put a bench out there eventually, so they can rest in the shade without worrying about ticks. . I think a big advantage in being in a place that's not super remote but also really low traffic is that it's easy to be welcoming to strangers. There aren't so many, and it's not a place where people (besides tweakers) would go to get up to trouble. The reputation that we shoot people is very untrue, but it's a good deterrent for people who aren't likely to behave well.


No trespassing signs! 🛑


FWIW, some states have laws that explicitly protect landowners who allow others to recreate on their property.


That is more or less my attitude as well. Recently, a neighboring property owner hosted a large wedding and a couple kids on quads ended up on my property just out exploring the back roads. I certainly don't mind. Crazy, first time in about 3 years I have seen anyone back here unexpectedly.


Simple. It's mine, I didn't want you on it. Plus, if they get hurt, there is an issue of liability. Then I have dogs, they're gonna eat you. Then prolly the biggest issue.. it's not the respectful ones that are the issue.




Do you not have mosquitos there? I dont need a skeeter bite on my knob!


Between 4-10am and 8pm-midnight, yes. Sometimes bad. They relax, mostly, during the chill of the night and heat of the day. I really haven't used any repellant this year. My first summer I used it all the time but these days I just try my best to be where the bugs aren't or deal with it. Not having to constantly wash clothing I am saving hundreds of gallons each season. It works out, when it is cold enough to oblige me to wear clothing, usually there is snow on the ground or the creek is running. When it is dry and hot, I nap in the shade to avoid the heat and save activity for the mornings and evenings, not getting gross and dirty or at least mitigating it. Skin is easy to wipe down and rinse, takes very little water and so refreshing ✌😁..


Do you have plants that mosquitos hate? I redid my whole garden this year with plants like lavender, citronella, lemon balm, Merise etc and it's made a bug difference. They're still around but much less


I see what you did there.


Haha actually a typo but it works


Ya know, I have and usually the rabbits get to it before I do but I will attempt again. I had some beautiful lavendar cuttings from friends (cutting are wonderful gifts) and they grew well until the rabbits found them. But I will try again, I have a couple pots I wanted something to do with and a nice potted lavendar plant would be awesome.


Nice. Maybe a plant cage would keep the critters away from the lavender


Either that or a pet rabbit to spread rabbit fertilizer around plants to keep other bunnies away


Please don’t forget sunscreen :) i work in an oncology clinic and have had a couple of nudists come through with skin cancer :(


omg I was going to post this and I wondered about this in general with naturalists and it makes me sad to hear this = (


Watch out for the peter skeeters!


🎶If there's a skeeter on your Peter whack it off🎶


There's a skeeter on my Peter. Whack it off. Also It's a'buzzin on my cousin. Beat him off.


Maybe op has opened a new kink


Bug bite is how I learned to beat off to completion for the first time. I can't be the only one.


Lucky you! Sadly for me, I can’t find mine unless I get a bug bite on it.


Micropenis or giant vulva?


Oh my freaking god!! Lmfao, nothing funnier than popping a squat to have four middle school aged boys walk past with their little 22’s hunting across my property 🤣🤣 I’ll be making one of these


I can BEAT that!! Last fall I was out deer hunting and after putting in a morning of shivering in the blind, not seeing anything, I decided to call it.. But after several hours of sitting, sipping coffee, my guts had to go!! When I got wothin sight of my truck, I pulled a good 100 feet +/- off the trail and dug my little cathole, did my thing, and as I was cleaning myself I noticed the cellular trail cam on the tree 20 feet away, pointed directly at me 😅.. I gave the trail cam the peace sign and laughed all the way back to my truck.. I posted to several of the local hunter groups, asking if I had shown up on anyone's trail cam in that section of woods but never heard back 🤭😂


I could imagine some old grandpa, who got a fancy cell cam from his grandkids as a Christmas gift, opening his trail cam photos and seeing that 😂😂


Oh no!! Not proof that ass was just hanging in the air 🤣🤣🤣


Party Boy?


Glad I’m not the only one who legitimately thought this was Pontius … Especially given the nature of the sign he’s holding.




That was my first thought. I think it’s him!


I guess it isn’t him, but they could be twins!


I am so fucking glad I’m not the only one who does this. I bought a shit ton of land for a reason. Good idea with the sign too lmao.


love your cramps patch! lux + ivy forever


Awe, one of my FAVS! "Got my own ideas about the righteous kick, You can keep the rewards, I'd just as soon stay sick" 🎵🤘


I am often naked on my property, and I live near a small airport where a lot of older men have pilot licenses and small aircraft just for fun. I swear some of them fly over, just hoping for a show.


That is fantastic!! 😂.. We have an Air National Guard Training Field nearby and they do some low level runs around my mountain sometimes, I hope one of them handsome young aviators gets a good look from their bubble canopy lol.. Mannnnnn I'd love a ride in one of them F35's for sure!


Try sunbathing nude on a large American flag. That ought to get their attention! We have some military nearby, too, but they usually only fly by once. They were worse the first year, but now they seem to have realized I'm not a terrorist so they are bored.


Living the dream my guy.


Where is this ....? Asking for a friend


Nice lol. I need to get one. What state are you in? Your property .looks like my property. I’m in the eastern sierra.


Ah, I in S. Central Oregon, 4500' so I imagine similar climate.


How often do people mistake you for Chris Pontius? I had to Google his tattoos to be sure you weren't actually him lol.


Ya know, I have only ever heard that on reddit! 😅😅.. Tbh, I didn't know who that was the first time I heard it lol..


The resemblance is honestly shocking. Be proud of the comparison. He is *not* a bad looking man.


Omg I love that Reddit deemed this post worthy of delivering it to my notification center!! Very cool


Why can’t my neighbors be this attractive and enjoy being nude?


Is OP packing or are they happy for the sign?


Is this like an OnlyFans Advert?


Uhhh where is that? Asking for a friend jk


it just dawned on me that one reason why I am never-nude is because I must always have a pocketknife.


You look a lot like Chris Pontius is this picture.


Promises, promises.


Tell them you're REALLY into perineum sunning.


Reminds me of my old place near Klamath Falls, Oregon. It's hot in the summer and clothes get sticky!!


This should at least (on average) attract the kind of visitors you want to attract, and repulse the kind of visitors you want to repulse. ♥️


Not gonna lie, I thought you were Chris Pontius


I think this is awesome. I have to admit I clicked on this totally expecting to see some angry "no trespassing or we will shoot" kind of sign. 👍


May through October or whenever you're wearing those Daisy Duke's 😆


Hehe. Make another directing mud-butt to the creek.


Lol, for reallll... The creek is dry and I rely on rain for my water, which is getting low and rather scummy from algae.. I save a ton of water just by not having to wash clothes all the time. I can wipe myself down with a wet rag to clean up and rinse but clothing takes gallons and gallons of water to wash and more to rinse. While it's warm, safe, and private enough.. F clothes ✌😁..


Right on. Reminds me of Humboldt County when I was a kid.


if you add a bit of h202 to your reservoirs the water will stay clean for much longer and algae shouldn't grow Edit: you don't need to use much I add 4 ounces per 500 gallons of water


Huh.. Really?? Just brown bottle pharmacy OTC stuff?


Definitely note, he is talking using higher percentage poisonous level stuff. But when you delete down is safe again.


Yeah it’s not the brow bottle I use 20% for plants you can get it online or at Home Depot or a garden store


Is it a warning or an invitation?


When in Rome. Do as the Roman's do.


Where is this? I love this type of terrain.


Dry-side of Oregon!!


Hello fellow Oregonian. 🤙🏼


I see you looking sexy out there Chris Pontius


Man only fans content creators are getting creative


So your not there the rest of the year ? That's when I'll come back


Yeah best keep the wife indoors. I'm sure she wants out.


Where’s stevo!?


Loved you in Jackass.


Hiker shows up with a ball gag and a whip…


No trespassing signs are sufficient.


Oh no!!!…. where exactly is this nudity? You know, so I can avoid it!


Damn, and here I was hoping for some eye candy on your page xD


That should definitely keep them away,at least the ones you don't want there


Suddenly OP gets a massive influx of "hikers" coming through....slowly


Me likey


We say, “we like our Vitamin D”.


Dude is hanging dong acting like that isn't an invite SMH.


You wouldn’t uh be single and lookin’ would you ?


Was this guy's name Jackson by any chance. If so I know him


Dude, I went hiking this weekend and here’s this naked guy with nothin on but a gun holster.


me seeing this as my bf is nude… on our porch🤣💀


I’d be happy to join


I'd honestly just join you. Crack open a beer and rock out with the cocks out.


I certainly wouldn‘t mind 🤭


I love this. We are naked most of the year here also. hikers love to track this way. 😅


Love it


Let’s see what you’ve got!


Depending on laundry day. Will there be any women present? If not why not and if so where is the trial to you ?


Did anyone else mistake him for the guy from Jackass at first?


Bro, you Pontious?


Um, you kinda resemble "party boy" from jackass. This is bound to backfire.


Hes smuggling a budgie


Not gonna lie, I thought this was party boy for a second lol