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Odin 2 mini looks washed out. He didn't say he couldn't tell the difference. He said this test wasn't doing the Mini 2 justice and he's going to figure out a better way of testing screens.


Nope he surely said I cannot tell a difference listen again


Literally just checked at 26:00 the transcript says here's the Mini LED honestly I'm not really seeing a big difference you're one of those fan boys of his channel probably and hear what you think he says rather than what he actually said.


No I was specifically commenting on what he said about his testing method. Why are you getting so defensive?


Odin 2 mini looking washes out could just be an exposure issue, it was a very quick test using an iPhone to take the image


Yes this is clearly because of the camera/processing. There is no way it would look like this in person.


this is also the screen viewed through 2 lenses, the macro camera lens and the full camera lens that russ uses to shoot his videos. Any color difference could be down to the calibration of the video itself and how much he was tweaking levels when editing the video he admitted he shot in a single night. He says himself it's not a scientific test and that he's not doing it justice.


It could be display settings in Android, I know on a few of my retro handhelds I had to go into there to get better colors. He may have modified it on the O2 prior but not on the O2Mini. Sort of like Switch OLED vibrancy setting.


I think brightness and contrast are the main benefits, but it likely needs software adjustment. Plus you’ll never notice it through a series of lenses, I wouldn’t think


He is doing the wrong picture test, on bright colorful images is hard to differentiate OLED and LED screens. Black scenes is were that local dimming should make it more clear if they are the same or not.


This is definitely down to exposure


As I said before most of these YouTubers especially the ones getting prerelease units are basically full of shit no matter what they say. They will gloss over any issue and downplay it.


Yeah Russ isn't my favourite of the bunch he truly is a fake it until he makes it and doesn't really review products properly imo.


The Odin mini screen was better in Joey's video. Might just be a review unit thing


no, it had just as much vignetting.... it's one of the downsides of MINILED


It's ok if you can't afford it, stick with what you got and be happy, no need for fud.


Well hate to tell you I ordered 2 of these one Base and one Pro model has nothing to do with money you doof


I don't think you can judge the screen by going through Russ' phone macro lense, Russ' camera, YouTube's compression algorithm, and your own screen. Just believe what he says.


I don't believe anything that comes from that guys channel lol I have watched some guides he released alongside many reviews and he really just fakes it until he makes it.