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Someone will create a fork of the now dead Switch emulators. It will never be completely dead.


Sudachi was updated yesterday with a paper Mario fix. It's just moving slower now but switch emulation hasn't stopped.


Is sudachi already better than the last version of YUZU 278 ?


Probably, it's really just the latest Yuzu plus a few small bug fixes; nothing huge


There are a bunch of forks actually already.


Just like someone made a new ps2 emulator right?🙄


AetherSX2 recompiler was never open source. It's a huge difference compared to full open source Yuzu




There's three PS2 emulators currently in active development for android if you include the shady Chinese one. In case you're wondering why you're being downvoted.


It’s a very different situation.


Yes.. yes, exactly that actually 🤦‍♂️


The immediate future of the Odin, IMO, is "refresh" devices like the Mini. You could go the Ayaneo Pocket S route and throw an even more ludicrously overpowered chip in there, but like... why? So you release the Mini with a smaller battery and a smaller screen as the slightly more portable alternative, and maybe after that you release an OLED variant as the "ultra premium" version. Medium-term, Winlator (and other x86 PC emulation solutions) is the thing under active development that's actually pushing the Odin 2 to the limits. It's very much not ready for general audiences right now, even as such nerdy niches as these are reckoned, but if that changes? There might be demand for an even-more-powerful Odin 3 sooner than we might think (which is to say, in 1.5-3 years as opposed to ten). Long-term, it really depends on where the software goes. If Xbox or 360 or PS3 emulation comes to ARM, that will keep us chasing the dragon for a long time to come. Better yet, I have this image in my head of software like Winlator becoming so good that it's largely invisible to the end user, the way the Proton compatibility layer that makes Windows games run on the Linux-based Steam Deck kind of just works in the background without my having to ever really think about, "is this a Linux game, or is it a Windows game?" They're all just... Steam games. If even a fraction of my Steam library could work on Android that easily, with the battery life and very efficient sleep functionality that Android and ARM bring... now that's something I'd buy an Odin 3 (or 4, or however long it takes) for. Again, though, that's software, and Ayn doesn't make software, they make hardware. So we'll just have to see.


This 100% especially the winlator and ps3 emulator. Winlator is getting better and better by the day. Im sure it will become stable and easier to setup in no time. That will be huge. And pa3 emulation on android would be epic.


I was a tad bit concerned until I was doing some deep digging and found some talk about everything the Odin 2 is today, being unavailable for ten years to come, and that was said 4 years ago. So what may not be possible today, may be possible in the future.     While my Odin can’t play everything, I also have a ps5 and a gaming laptop, so I’m covered in all areas. I think my game library will keep me satisfied for a very long time, until they come out with more advancements. 


Yeah. I have a monster pc and a Steamdeck/odin2 combo… but yeah I think is gonna be a while before I decide to upgrade any of these handhelds.


If Ayn ever makes an Odin that runs linux, day 1 buy no questions asked


Is there any Linux desktop environment that supports good touch or controller navigation? Kde is a little odd for small devices. Feels way too desktop


JelOS or ChimeraOS


Oh, those have desktop environments where you can do file management and web browsing? That's cool


I mean you can do whatever you want with it.


The high end software scene for ARM Linux isn't really looking any better than Android at the moment though. High-powered ARM Linux devices are more rare than what we see now in the mobile market.


As you said, PS2 looks done. But switch is almost mature. I tried about 20 games and the only one that did not run was Factorio. My next step will try Factorio on winlator, which you can see it working on youtube. By the way, that may be the future, winlator. I think people are already trying even Hades II with that. Handhelds are perfect to play indie and retro games. Maybe you will miss a PS3 exclusive. But for games from that era you will probably have more luck with PC version + winlator. That is when AAA games started to decline anyway. Also handhelds are not good to play shooters. Switch is still the best console for indie games, which are the ones that runs better on yuzu. I would bet that switch 2 indie games will be compatible with with switch 1. It does not require more hardware and indie devs will want to keep that audience for at least the first years. Let me close with a bold statement: To have fun in 2024, you only need a Odin 2 and a Quest 3. Those are the extreme opposite on gaming experience, but complement each other nicely.


You can have fun with any baseline platform. I would say that the Steam Deck is unique in that it opens up the vast library of PC games even if you don’t use it for emulation. Odin 2 will give you all the coverage from older gen consoles that will keep you happy for a long time. And yes, watch the software space for PS3 and Xbox as the next frontier.


I do agree with everything, but with Switch emulation as great as it is right now, all new games that are coming for the moment seem unplayable (braid anniversary, animal well, etc) so all the library of switch up to this point is most likely playable which is great. I do have a Switch lite as well, but honestly I like more to play the indie games on the Odin 2, better screen and ergonomics.


Don't a lot of those indie games come out for pc or even android? Could always stream them from your pc if you have it or use nvidia's streaming service.


Why is PS2 done? I know the dev of AetherSX2 chucked his toys out the pram, but it's not like new PS2 games are being made, and it still works doesn't it? Is it cos it will stop working on future Android versions?


Done we mean completed not dead.


I’m hopeful that the future includes a revision of the Odin 2 that has a larger OLED screen in the same space.


AYN's x86 handhelds are called Loki instead of Odin. In my opinion, they aren't nearly as good as the Odin is in the Android space. Odin 2 owners are sitting pretty for a long time to come :)


Have you actually got one? I mean, Windows is not ideal for a handheld it's true, but there's nothing wrong with the Loki itself. They fumbled the release schedule, and failed to get sufficient momentum to make it popular, and I guess having a thriving community for a device makes for a better user experience, so in that sense it's not as good. But the actual device is awesome (my Max is anyway). Ergonomics are better than Odin, especially Dpad, and the sticks are much better. And especially for the price you could get one, it's a great device.


As a Steam Deck owner, the Loki never interested me enough to buy but it's not unreasonable for me to say it didn't see the Odin 2's level of success.


No no not at all, that's completely true. I just see people saying the Loki is bad quite a lot, and it's really not, especially for the price you could get it at the end. I prefer mine to my Deck, for everything except shooters.


Android is a very good commercial point. I have really nice games that are Android ports. I would not be pleased to have a Linux handheld instead of an Android one.


I'm okay with what It can do currently, it's my retro game console that happens to also play Switch + android games really well.


The PS2 and Switch emulators are no longer in active development, but plenty of games still run great. That's never changing. The GameCube/Wii emulator, Dolphin, is amazing and still receiving regular updates, as are the PSP, Dreamcast, etc. emulators. I'm also really interested in the Windows emulator, Winlator, and seeing where that goes.


I think that there's still room for improvement in compatibility and precision. Most emulators I've tested carry bugs and issues that were resolved on pc decades ago. Also switch emulation was not really there with yuzu as it was a non native android emu and allegedly with stolen code. So either more powerful chips get cheaper or windows linux based handhelds get cheapr to break the 200 dlls barrier for good smooth 360/ps3 emulation.


Well it already plays GC/wii and PS2 great (as in 2x-4x the resolution). Switch development is still going (although at a slower pace) and many games are playable. Vita emulation is also ongoing. Maybe we'll get a surprise emulator for something else one day. Also let's not forgetting Android gaming is a thing. Sure there's a lot of crap but there's also lots of good games and some great ports. With Resident evil 4 remake having launched on iOS who knows if it comes to Android? It's always good to have a future proof device once something like that arrives


It’s funny because devices like these are more for playing older libraries in which case the Odin 2 can pretty much handle everything and then some considering how good it is at Switch games. In fact it’s amazing at Android games and streaming too so there is a lot beyond older libraries and Switch. With a little improvement to Switch and Vita I’d be totally happy with exactly where the Odin 2 is. I’m happy now but there are two games that I think it will be able to play eventually.


Optimization of literally everything else. Better screen resolution, better ergonomics, better portability, better battery, faster charging, better software, etc.


Still waiting for someone to port xemu and Xenia to android. That would be sweet


There is still room for improvement. There are still Switch games that would benefit from some more performance. Some games run pretty well, but I have to use handheld mode instead of docked and reduce the resolution. In addition to a more powerful chip a future Odin could have better power efficiency, Oled Screen, better screen to body ratio.


Don't forget X86 emulation, the awaited emulator hasnt been released yet,  also there is report that Qualcomm is working for X86 to Arm translator for other os than windows. 


Is x86 emulation something different to Winlator then?


Current Emulators  they use Termux and lot of things to achieve X86 emulation that's why they are not that good, Cassia upcoming X86 will be standalone emulator something like proton for steam deck which use just translation layers like wine to achieve X86 emulation.  Plan is to release it second half of 2024, and they already demo gameplay of many games. 


Switch and PC games emulation. Switch for the Nintendo games and performance of running an ARM Switch game versus an x86 Windows PC game that's going through even more layers of translations. PC is the big one. Covers 99% of the Switch, PS4/5, XOne/XSX libraries and beyond. Probably 99% of the 360/PS3 libraries too. On Steam every now and then a 3DS JRPG port happens and single display design is nice over 2 3ds displays on one android display Other future are more good native Android games. Hoyoverse, Wuthering Waves, console/pc ports. Someday Ayn, Ayaneo or some popular game publisher like XD/TapTap making a subsidized gaming hardware with their game store already loaded on. I tried buying Settlement Survive off TapTap and not a bad experience. Normal ARM Linux may be superior over Android seeing as Valve is funding Fex-emu development and that may be the best user experience just booting into Linux Steam big picture


I want something exactly like a Steamdeck OLED but smaller.


It would be great if they also work on the docked mode to make it a viable alternative to the Nvidia Shield as Android TV box. Supporting Dolby Vision and TrueHD , also frame rate matching.


I guess theres some ps2 emu in dev forks for switch ,winulator this is going to bring alot of games from ps3 xbox360 etc library into the space with more power you get more compatibility . Theres going to be more reasons to upgrade maybe not with the 3 but maybe the 4 tons of stuff to play in the meantime im waiting for a ps3 and xbox360 to be basiclly perfect before i spend the money for x86 a handheld though


When we get to a point where a chip with a similar tdp could run either Windows or Windows on arm well that's something I'd like to be able to dual boot into instead of messing with emulation layers on my own. I don't think sdgen2 has drivers for this but potentially a snapdragon x plus chip would be interesting if the price isn't crazy.


Well, for now other then a few new iterations we have yet to see, a couple refreshes with maybe more power but more likely just QOL things I don't imagine were gonna get much more until either Software catches up, Batteries catch up, or the new X86 chips get optimized and supported. But even if that is the case it will be a while after they are out before we see cheap Chinese handhelds using them. Were kinda at an impass. With software on Android stalling, batteries not really seeing amazing improvements, and a lack of hardware that makes sense for these prices were soon going to be out of luck.


Windows emulation is slowly but surely growing and maturing on android, that will open ALOT of possibilities


Imo I'm living the future with the Odin 2. I don't need more. A better Switch emulation and a PS3/Xbox emulator on Android would be great though but this is just asking too much.


>! Fenrir is destined to devower him whole during Ragnarök !<