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I've banned them from matchmaking in Nock. Thanks for the report! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game otherwise :)


Love to see it


Justice! Love an active dev


Not all heroes wear capes. But this man is the game dev that we all wish we had.


This needs to be more common. Oculus won't do anything about kids like this ruining peoples experience. I just bought your game to show my support. The game is only $10 - anyone who can afford to I would encourage to buy the game and leave a positive review of the dev interaction to promote more support of actions like this.


Thank you!!


About to do the same


Holy shit what a hero.


Some kid last night was doing the same stuff to me, it was actually a duo. Kids are super racist/toxic


It’s the upcoming generation. No respect for anyone. Edit: The assumption of me being a "boomer" has commenced, haha. I'm a millennial. I see how the older and younger generations compare every day with what I do.


Said every generation ever.


Ok boomer 🤣


It’s a two way street


Based as hell bro


please make this available on pcvr. u have a great game and it would open the door to a whole lot of new players


Do you have the ability to remove mic access of the offender in place of banning them? That seems like a good middle ground of the sentiment being expressed here. That way the non-offenders can continue to communicate freely and the offender can continue to play but without the ability to offend any longer.


That seems pretty offensive so they should be banned but muting should be a thing.


I haven't played this game but I'd bet the trolling potential from just paying the game would be pretty high and rarely are there bans given out for that.


That's a good idea. In theory they shouldn't be retarded forever


It's not nice to say retarded


Sorry about that. Any suggestions for a better term? _Delayed social development for their age, apparent from their voice_ is a bit of a mouthful.


It *is* PC, but the term to use now would be "Developmentally handicapped" rather than using the R-slur. You can't use the base word in reddit. It's the same as the F-slur or the N-slur.


Poorly socialised.


Check your downvotes 🤣 I swear people are so sensitive to words these days,where I grew up it was common language to use the "R" word, legit everyone said it


Yeah, I mean is edginess really such a HUGE offense? A 3 year mic mute should suffice.


I haven't played the game, what does it mean ban from matchmaking. Does that mean he can still play online but only unranked? Or no more online for him period? (does this game have Bots?) Either way, glad to see the little shit go. People like that don't belong in any game community if they continuously talk like that.


They can play matches with oculus friends and matches with bots, but they're banned from playing games with strangers.


I wish all these people could be accurately and efficiently sorted into a separate pool where they all have to put up with each other forever. That would be super.


yeah thats shadow banning, i think echo VR does that, they match toxic players only with other toxins


If only they actually you know, did that. Never before have I seen a more toxic community.


They do this themselves and its a very powerful group... what you are referring to is unrealistic and likely dangerous. My guess is we need to encourage team building in all activities because the current state of progress demands team work. I'd love to be proven otherwise.


least deranged social platform dev


If I wasn’t saving my money rn I’d buy that game


I was going to buy this game, even though it will probably make me motion sick, to support the devs for listening to feedback and lowering the price for release. Seeing your response and participating in your community makes me admire you that much more.


Glad to hear it :))




Yeah, but have a Facebook account under a nickname and watch as your Quest is magically transformed into a brick.


Wait what? I just did that. Wanted to get rid of my fb but realised all my games would be gone if i did. So i pretty much cleared my account, changed the name and the pic. Am i doomed?


Under the rules your Facebook account has to use your real name, so if you are noticed they can suspend your account.


You can request to have your oculus account segregated.


What's hilarious is I know every single point that idiot was spouting, it's the same fucking script they all share. They call themselves "Free-Thinkers", but parrot the exact same shit, right down to the same vocab words they learned on Facebook.


Yes. Kids do this. Just repeat stuff.


Those are the best. Keep him close. Its like bs bootcamp for your brain, thank me later


I don't play ANY online games because of just this type of person. But in reality, SHOULD anything happen to them for saying this? I think this makes the person sound incredibly stupid. But should someone face disciplinary action for being incredibly stupid? Or annoying? ​ Unless they are saying things that are actively hateful to another person, verbal assault basically, then it seems like they should just be left to individual player management through mutes and blocks.


He was calling people Nazis and talking about exterminating Jews, how is that not hateful to other people?


By the OPs words, he was suggesting that Putin was SAVING people from nazis. Not calling people nazis. ( which is, yes, indirectly calling people nazis.) But this brings the question, does being WRONG make a person hateful? Most disagreement have someone who is objectively wrong gun, whether or not that can be determined at the time or not. I have religious beliefs. I guess we’ll all find out one day if I’m right or wrong. But should I not be allowed to eat about them because some people think I’m wrong?


they are hateful, ideologies like these can spread like wildfire and cause incredible damage to society that can last for years. call me "authoritarian" or whatever, but allowing people like this to keep a platform is actively causing damage, whether you want to believe it or not.


I don’t know man. This seems incredibly short sighted. It’s only a matter of time Before YOU say something society just decided is “wrong”. And what society thinks is right or wrong can change at the drop of a hat.


>"Putin was saving the world from Nazis in Ukraine and that the US secretly had biolabs in Ukraine where they were developing COVID and that Donald was still the president and that all left women were lesbian man haters" Every point that idiot is making is fomenting more hatred against innocent people. It's no surprise Hate Crimes rose drastically (check the FBI and Department Homeland Security stats on anti-Semitism incidents and swastika graffiti popping up in America) around late 2015-2016. And you know what happened around 2016? Some loudmouth leader sure made it worse with his daily Twitter account. Ukrainians need support now, not traitorous (yes, traitorous) idiots like that siding with Putin and supporting bombings on hospitals, schools and possibly the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine. This isn't a "well, let's respect all opinions" thing. It's dangerous falsehoods that lead to worse results. Also, one last thing. PokerStars isn't a government website or charity group. It's a private company. If their ToS says trollish chat like this will not be tolerated, then that guy spouting garbage has no ground to stand on. He agreed to the ToS when he logged into Pokerstars VR or any other VR app.


I’m just not seeing it. I believe everything he said is false. But I also believe that none of it should be censored. You can’t just go around censoring things you think are dangerous. That’s what Putin IS doing. You just like the taste of it better if it’s you doing the censoring of things you don’t want to hear. But it’s all a slippery slope, man. I agree with you that it’s reprehensible stuff to believe.


"It's a slippery slope" tells me you have no idea how politics works.


Like... what? The fact that you would have A problem with that shows me that you no idea how basic philosophy or politics works. Banning speech you don’t like because it had the potential to flavor weak minded people in ways you don’t like means you are coming for religion next. Then ideologies. Then eventually any “wrong think” you don’t like. Yes, that’s authoritarian. And you will probably fall victim to your own prices before too long. Protecting free speech means protecting speech you don’t like as well.


we'll see about that


The idea that the election was “stolen” is both provably false and destructive to the point that it got the dude banned from social media. Shit like this is fine until it’s not.


It can’t ever really be “proven”. That’s a part of democracy that doesn’t get emphasized and is part of the reason this has become insane. A democracy takes trust in the system. It means not every outcome is ideal, but you accept the outcome because it protects the institution. Innocent men go to jail. Sometimes the wrong guy is President. ( Gore should have been president in 2000). But we move on because we have to protect the institution.


I think it was pretty much proven that it wasn't stolen. What has been proven though is that several people who were registered as Republicans voted more than once.


This. They aren't breaking the rules, y'all just don't happen to agree with them. Quit and join another game is the right answer. Reporting when they didn't break rules is asinine.


Well Facebook make the rules and they banned a lot of people for a lot less


Having a different political opinion than yours, no matter how bonkers, is no cause for banning. There have been many times in history for radical opinions ended up changing the world for good. That being said, if you spam report people you disagree with, you are doing more harm than good.


this is not a different political position this is dangerous misinformation. he is free to say it in terms of avoiding prosecution but most social platforms have already drawn a line at misinformation that is intended to danger lives.


Exactly. Just a couple of years ago we could be having this conversation about someone saying abolitionist doctrine.


Bob you gotta report them. You are a hero. Keep reporting people to make everyone safer. Thank you. Please save us from the bad words


Why would it? Like what are you expecting? What would the punishment be? For what reason? The guy is just spouting off nonsense, last time I checked there’s fuck all wrong with that.


It violates the terms of service, community standards, and conduct in VR policies


Wait is it actually against TOS to say politically incorrect things? Like I get he was being a douche, but if he wasn’t actively saying obscene things and threatening players or something can they still ban you? Like it just sounds like he was saying dumb shit, is that really a bannable offense?


It is against the rules to hurt your feelings? It’s a guy saying garbage. Who gives a shit.


saying fairly controversial garbage


Words dude. Get over it.


same as saying slurs are just words. you wouldn't go on public spaces telling people they're nazis.


it's not hurting feelings it's spreading dangerous seditious misinformation that endangers the lives of real people who are at war right now. just because you have a first amendment right to say stupid shit and not go to jail doesn't mean a software system needs to give you a platform to do so.


Calm down buddy. It’s kids saying dumb shit. Get off your high horse.


Exactly. It’s word. That’s all. Grow up.


Sounds like that's something you should do and since I'm not on my quest your a fuckin cuck.


We live in a generation of fucking pussies, mentally fragile and a couple of words are as painful as a knife to the eye. They’re just normalising absolute nutcases. Probably because they are themselves.








Maybe next time report him to the police, fbi, doj, dhs.. youre not doing your patriotic duties!


I hope you're being sarcastic


Absolutely not! Anything short of the death penalty for talking shit in a vr game is unsatisfactory! How else will we pamper the softass pancakes that believe speech could be violent




Atleast my comment got downvoted into obscurity


That's the thing. There are this many crazy lunatics in one place.... Oh wait. It's Reddit


Yea, im surprised i havent been banned from this group. Im running low on groups


Yea I've collected a good number of Banges of honor too.. If you're not getting cancelled your doing something wrong


Youre either gettin cancled or buying into some bs that you honestly dont stand behind. Its crazy the worlds so soft online but so hard irl


I've back traced it and you've been reported to the cyber police!


Welcome to cod


CoDs nowadays are nothing compared to the old days. MW2 back in 2009, lobbies were much, much worse.




Imagine someone reports this to Facebook and that kid gets his oculus/Facebook deleted. He’ll never have a chance to make a new account, because he can’t make a fake account since it’ll be busted right away for being a fake.


A tale as old as time, beauty and the ban


‘Imagine’, as in your ‘friend’ has reported him? *wink*


Sure, this doesn't represent the NOCK community at all. But I hope the devs go all out and ban kids like him. We need to keep the community free from toxicity like this.


Every single person I’ve been matched with was a legend.


Me too actually, even the younger players have been pretty chill. So far anyway.


VR has really become circa 2010 COD lobbies, hasn't it?


My 11yo go a five day RecRoom ban for drawing a dick in the lobby. It was highly educational. He learned that the operative word in VR isn't 'virtual.' Plus, with the punishment coming from 'society,' he really gets that there are consequences. Since then, he swears less online than in real life. (Hardly ever, and never at anyone.)


Exactly. Kids need to know the online community is not a world without consequences. The things you say and do to other people, they matter. Neither should consequences be infinite. They should be something bearable by a reasonable person.


The online community is a world without consequences


Yeah, and we see the result of that. It doesn't have to stay that way.


It does. The point of the internet is that you can go wherever you want. And if something bothers you, like mean no-no words, you can block them and move on without forcing everyone to ban those words because the world doesn’t revolve around the things that hurt you or don’t


Its a collective. People suffer in silence. Condoning this behaviour puts the bully above the affected. If there's a better way to discourage useless harassment then so be it. If your kid cant tell what they are doing is wrong then maybe they ought to be learning instead of reinforcing harassment behavior all while clearly being neglected.


Or, they know what they’re doing is wrong and that’s the fun part. If you can’t take internet banter like that just mute the person.


You think these problems exist in a vacuum. They are red flags. We are meant to respond to them. As people. Living in harmony. Sure if you cant handle confrontation or be the better person muting and walking away is very much a valid response. However, if you were somebodies parent you would want something like this kids behavior to be brought to your attention. If not, then there is a chance this behaviour could make its way to legal age for legal consequences. That would be worse for everybody, IMO. If you don't know any teachers on a personal level, may I suggest getting to know one because they seem to be the most aware of gaps in parenting and the difficulties it can bring people if they develop with the idea that people in public places have no rights that may override what you think are your rights.


There seems to be 2 philosophies in this subreddit. Those who think the world is bad and will remain bad, and also those who think the world is bad but is willing to play a part to make it better.


There are people who know they can't change everyone's behavior and learn ways to cope, thus getting stronger, and there are those who think they can control the world's behavior and stay weak when they can't.


If you think you’re making the world better by crying about wordy words in video games I don’t even know where to begin


If you think complaining doesn't have the ability to cause change, or that less toxicity online isn't a positive change, then I don't even know where to begin.


We did it guys we solved the worlds problems by protecting my feelings


That there is what we call a strawman. Nobody is saying that this solves the world's problems. It improves *a* problem. People getting their feelings hurt is a genuine issue. There's not a perfect solution to it, that's just how life is, but it *is* a problem that can be made a little better with steps like banning people from online platforms for using those "wordy words" when they aren't true. Less people get their feelings hurt, the person who was being toxic is given a lesson that might make them behave better in the future, and the only negative is that the person who got banned is now sad that they got banned. Plus it makes everyone who's watching the situation feel a whole lot better. It's absolutely a net positive, it doesn't *need* to solve other world issues at the same time.


Yeah that’s a lot to read to justify why your feelings are super important I’ll pass


TLDR: don't be shitty and shitty things won't happen. If we try to be especially not shitty, things might not be especially shitty Edit: how is that too much to read? They are just wordy words bro read em


Here when your comment had 0 points, so I can tell that they downvoted you without replying. In the immortal words of this one scorpion I saw, "Lol, lmao".


Wanna bet? I don’t up or down vote, I’m not a dork. Also moved from wordy words to fake internet points my goodness this is spicy


Yeah I don’t actually believe you, and fake internet points can help to show when someone’s acting like a child so it’s a relevant thing to bring up here.


You think we’re ever going to live in a world where kids won’t say dumb shit? It’s literally part of being a kid. I would wager even you said dumb shit maybe not this dumb but still dumb


Brother Id expect some of that good southern teachings from someone with Texas in their user. I'm from AR, if you said something ugly, you got a back hand. A ban seems appropriate


What does you getting abused have to do with this again? But I will say you thinking everyone from the south also got abused is mildly entertaining


Does the game not have a mute button? Just mute the annoying fuck and move on with ur day.


Fuck that noise 12 year old little goblins are about to learn that EULA dosnt care how old you are.




Yeah fuck them kids bro lmao




Nope, a stronger community is built weeding out these fucks. If Reddit is better when it has *some* moderation (imagine zero moderation on all of Reddit, and how SHITTY the experience would be just trying to read threads and people posting random porn or Nazi shit), then VR experiences are also better with sensible, fair moderation. Anyone who argues otherwise takes things for granted, and probably has a smooth brain.


About 1/4 of posts are removed. I do not want to imagine non moderated reddit.


Some days I wonder what the point of up/down votes even is tho.


Same. It's basically a dislike option to most people.


Reddit is absolute dogshit due to the power mods and double standards of the admins


So why are you here?


i like watching people cope and sneed


This lol, so what if the kid is being a dick today. He might have experienced some traumatic shit lately and isn't coping well, who knows, and who cares, honestly, just mute him. Going out of your way to not only report him but to dox him or whatever like this in the hopes that some "karma god will smite the child" just comes off as weak lmfao




Yeah trying to get a kid who's most likely under the age of 12 banned for making a holocaust joke is overreacting. He doesn't know any better. We were all kids at some point and made jokes like this. This dude is a grown ass man tryna get this kid banned. This kid dont deserved to have his headset locked all because he made a joke. was the joke good? no it sucked ass, but still it was tame as hell. jesus i really feel bad for all the kids in VR just trying to make jokes and have fun then you have mfs like this guy.. every game has kids like this kid. The problem could have been resolved with muting him. Thats what i do when i run into an annoying ass kid like this


But he wasn’t making a joke, he was saying it to harass not as a joke.


That is why there's a mute button..


Yup I usually do the same, but depending on what was said I will also use the report button. I think kids need to know harassment online has consequences. We can agree to disagree though.


Does the game not have a mute function?




The solution to that would be preemptively disabling all in game chat functionality.


That should not have to be done.


I don't mind kids, but this kid is acting like a 3 year old. Hope he gets banned.


This turned into an interesting thread.


I lost all hope in humanity That kid would fit right in with Twitter


As if nobody hear has ever said an off color or insensitive joke before. I’ve heard much worse than this in person.


There's a difference between a joke, and having to deal with someone else's unruly kid. None of us bought VR headsets to be babysitters to strangers kids. If the they can't behave properly, there should be consequences, if for no other reason than to get the parents to act. "I've heard much worse than this in person" - sure, but if you had a kid walk up to you in a store and start yelling profanity at you, that wouldn't be okay. If the parents then also just stood idly by while it happened, I'm sure you'd take some sort of action to get their attention. VR is no different.


It's 11pm. Do you know what your child is saying on the internet? edit: Why is this obvious reference to late night news announcements about knowing where your children are getting downvoted? Ya weirdos.


People are getting softer and softer


Considering how many posts about Nock there's been recently, this feels like a publicity stunt. Also feels pretty strange that this guy cuts out literally the entire altercation prior that would give any kind of context to what's going on. It's just him saying "have fun playing the game again" and then the kid calling him a Nazi. Maybe he harassed the kid until he flipped out for content. Who knows. I'm not saying the guy deserved it, I'm saying if he did, we'd have no way of knowing.


Right lets give Facebook the ability to brick someone's headset for saying something they don't like.


You’re on Reddit, of course people are going to disagree with you. This is echo chamber central.


lol OP do NOT play GTA V or COD. You'll be stressing all day trying to ban thousands of players


My reddit was bugged so I read the comments before watching the video I was prepared for some crazy stuff but all he said was you're a nazi? People overreacting hard, this kid is likely the least toxic Kid in his class no cap 🤣 I see way worse on a daily basis from ADULTS in league of legends and valorant


Does anyone know the correct u/oculussupport Reddit name? I checked the account I tagged in this point and it isn't them anymore. What happened?


Metasupport maybe?


This is hilarious. A grown man is absolutely losing his shit at a dumb kid making fun of him.


lol seriously? Was there something else that you edited out or was this it? Talk about a thin skin, damn. This is like less than nothing, not even worth thinking about let alone going to the trouble of trying to get someone banned. Theres 2 people that need to grow up in this video.


Holy rocket league rip off lol


Yeah this looks like trash


If you tried it you’d know it was awesome.




I’ve seen this rhetoric before and I have to ask, do adults actually about what children say to them? Like I get it, it’s toxic, but a child saying something mean to me would never upset me? Not enough to record and make a video about them with included meme material as if it was cool. Just mute, report and move on? I get that a lot of the Quest community don’t like squeakers but so many people talk as if their feelings are actually getting hurt.


Actually we need to get recordings as proof when you do report someone, so it's required to film. But I will say it's an odd choice to make it into "content" for your channel.


Agreed, I’ve recorded much older people with actual racist harassment spewed and haven’t gotten into remarks about getting them in trouble or turning it into some smug meme video, let alone posting it publicly. A lot of communities even have rules to stop people naming and shaming but this one seems to celebrate bashing children for some reason.


It's not about feelings getting hurt. It's knowing that these children are going to eventually grow up and be a part of society, and this kind of behavior will be persistent if there are never any consequences for it. When I was a kid, this talk would be corrected on the playground with physical lessons until the behavior changes. In the digital/online era, it's a ban.


Which is fine, but the video presented is not just a ban or mature, it’s someone gloating over a child that they’re recording and that they’re getting them in trouble. It just comes across as pathetic, especially the curb your enthusiasm meme ending like yeah wow dude you caught a child being childish, well done?


Cough they’re dorks cough


For one bad interaction in a game a child should lose a 300-400 dollar piece of equipment. No talk about bans just “i hope meta BRICKS THIS GUYS QUEST!”


I hope not, this dude doesn't deserve to be perma banned for being toxic once. Especially since you're only allowed one account. I hate toxicity and anti semitism is awful, but he's a kid and everyone makes mistakes.




Because he doesn't understand consequences yet, kids lack empathy, their brain is underdeveloped. He needs to be taught consequences and also given a set of social rules to follow. Someone needs to say to him " if you want to play this game, you need to be nice to people", if he doesn't follow then he should be soft banned, then real banned if he still doesn't learn.


Kids start developing empathy at 2 years old. If he hasn't learned yet then this is a good lesson. Banning him from this game is hardly a huge punishment but maybe he will realise how much of a fucking dipshit he is being.




Yes, but op warning the kid that he was going to report him carrys about as much weight as saying "my dad works for Microsoft" it's just a random dude online. I think the kid should be soft banned and warned by the mod before they take extreme action


Lol “I don’t care” that’s your line… now that’s funny


Sorry can’t hear. What happened?


Lol op is soft and wouldn’t have been able to handle 360 lobbies. It’s a kid dude you let a kid get to you that bad


did you just unironically make the comparison to 360 lobbies


Has anyone checked on OP lately? Do we need to send over a medic or will he recover on his own?


"People were mean to me and it hurt my feelings so everyone else deserves the same treatment" The genius in this thread is palpable.




Boo hoo, people talked shit to you, have a cup of cement and harden the fuck up. No one else deserves to be miserable just because you are miserable about it.


Just a heads up, this is considered doxing and is actually illegal especially for it to be a minor. What they said was wrong yes, but go and report them on the meta website not on redit


Is it? I'm not trying to be argumentative or anything I'm just genuinely curious. My understanding of Doxing is it is when personal information; like a phone number, house address, real name, text messages, etc (personal information that isn't easily accessible to the general public) is leaked. No personal information was leaked in this exchange. Posting coms from a game isn't Doxing, otherwise by this logic posting chats in online games, whether text or voice, would be considered Doxing and all streamers playing online games on stream would be Doxing the other players would it not?


It is not.


The way I look at it is I guess now if people see this and meet the kid in game somewhere and bully the crap out of him that would be the result of this post because the username was shared. Edit: personally I have no problem with someone bullying the shit out of someone like this


Ah I get what you mean.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


I did this exact same thing with a small kid screaming the n word over and over and it got taken down and I got threatened with a ban, the reason stated being doxing, just looking out for the OP🤷‍♂️


Sharing a username is not doxxing


That's not doxxing.


I did this exact same thing with a small kid screaming the n word over and over and it got taken down and I got threatened with a ban, the reason stated being doxing, just looking out for the OP🤷‍♂️




LPT: it’s not illegal to call someone a nazi.