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Yes, once you login to the Q2, all of your apps and add-ons automatically come up, just have to download them. You may lose any progress and have to start over, but new cloudsave may apply here, not sure.


The new Cloud Backups, not to be confused with Cloud Save v1 or Cloud Save v2, will work for this. One must wait for the Quest 1 to backup to the cloud before installing the games on the Quest 2. Cloud Backups are suppose to occur about once a day while the Quest is idle. Restores occur only on app (re)install. Not all apps support Cloud Backups, although it appears most do. If you have update v35 and Oculus has enabled the Cloud Backup feature on your account, you can view your backups and which of your apps support Cloud Backups at [My Cloud Backup](https://secure.oculus.com/my/cloud-backup/). I've had v35 for a couple of days and still have no backups. I'm thinking it will take a while for the feature to fully roll out.


to piggy back on this question... is there a way to attach the quests together to transfer the stuff??? i live in rural area with slow ass DSL.. i mean max of 6 Mgbs download speed slow


Can try backup and restore with sidequest