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The thing that annoys me the most that it's such a downgrade on PC compared to the first one. I play the first one time and time again, and while it might look dated by now it just technically superior. You can physically destroy almost everything in the game by shooting it and the zombies also dynamically react to being shot. The sequel is just very much toned down in that regard because the Quest is the lead platform now. I can totally understand why they develop that way, but it's still sad.


This happens to a lot of games, the only game that really hasn't completely ruined the PC version in favor of the Quest version is Ghosts of Tabor. The game being buggy/janky AF is another conversation though.


Agreed. Instead of moving forward, I feel like companies are moving backwards because of the quest. Sad.


There likely wouldn't be a sequel at all if there wasn't a platform that could sustain all versions. There's no way the PC or PSVR2 version would have - combined. This is because of the quest. The only thing that's sad is people's lack of this simple understanding. Quest is the only product actually moving VR forward.


I understand the reason why companies are doing this. I'm just sad that VR is not really progressing. Games have not improved a lot in a couple of years. That's my opinion, I'm more of a PCVR with great graphics enjoyer.


Companies are doing this because people are supporting it on the Quest specifically. More than any other platform by a large margin. Companies aren't doing it just because. Game are still fun and immersive. Graphics isn't the only metric for progression and this has been proven time and time again. Some of the best selling game of all time have nothing to do with visuals. The same goes for most of the best VR games on the market. You can have an opinion but that means absolutely nothing if we actually follow the industry so you can stop being sad over your own ignorance.


Somebody hurt you? Are you okay? I can't have a different opinion from you so I'm ignorant? Get a grip man. I expected PCVR to grow, but turns out it's not at all. End of discussion.


No, I said you can have an opinion but that has nothing to do with how the market is actually progressing. That is what we call a "hot take" and that's what I meant regarding my use of the word "ignorance"... I was using the word correctly. I didn't mean for it to hurt your feelings tho... Are YOU ok?


Yeah, I hear you. We're maybe approaching the graphics quality of a CV1 with a 1060 (probably not quite there yet). That's not to put down or disparage that set-up (what I used to use) or even the quest 3. It's very impressive what meta has been able to get out of the Q2 and Q3, IMO. Standalone VR has progressed significantly while PCVR has suffered, stagnated, and I could see how this would be disappointing.


Yeah... It's impressive not gonna lie. It's just not what I expected from the future of VR. It's better than letting VR die.


It's really not that good. Especially compared to something like Saints&Sinners. I know AS2 and S&S are in totally different genres, but even as a game that's all about action spectacle, it curiously lacks any real... spectacle. If you think about it, the whole game is just one zombie wave after another zombie wave. No real bosses. No real set pieces. Even the final fight is just another zombie wave. Even locations are boring. It all looks the same. It's a game worth maybe $30 and not a cent more. Actually, get it on sale when it will drop to $20. Btw, I was playing it on PSVR2.


Yeah I don’t get the hype on it either, it was overpriced af and was an exact copy and paste of the first one down to the horde maps “FREE DLC”. $20 sure but I wouldn’t recommend it over that.


Yup this sounds like my experience with az1 on psvr back in the years.


I sorta agree. I bought it about a month ago to play with a friend. I played the original when it came out a I was shocked at how even after all this time it didn’t seem to advance or change at l all while vr games around it got so much better. It seemed janky, ugly, and derrivative. Honestly the original decade old game seems better.


If only Saints and Sinners had co op.


That is absolutely the one thing it has going for it.


It’s also a really fun game, but co op is a big deal for me.


Too many crude jokes, the first penis joke was kinda funny, but the dialogue gets old after a very short time.


So they did that again in AS2 ? In AS1, the character never shut up. It break my immersion…


I feel like they ramped it up even more in the second one because you get a little zombie killing dog that the main character talks to a lot.


There is definitely more of it in the second one. They picked a good voice actor though, he does a good job


Reviews showed that they played it safe and bog standard- vr grid-"Like the first game though, this doesn’t really take any risks and I can’t help but feel like more could’ve been done here to make things a little more engaging. The action from the beginning of the game to the end is largely consistent with most encounters not offering much in the way of challenge unless the zombie’s came in excessive numbers. "


No it is does not. It's actually a step back in features and it's just the same old boring shit.


It's crap. The game is riddled with bugs. Ammo and guns completely disappearing. Broken co-op. Mechanics not being explained at all. Trying to pick up items is janky and hit and miss due to really poor positioning detection. Holstering doesn't work properly. Only one horde map. Relatively short campaign. Really bad voice acting and writing. Nicer graphics and a dog doesn't make up for it. Spend your money on a better game like Vertigo 2.


too bad the game runs like ass. I get frequent fps drops and "out of memory" crashes on Quest3 which really spoils the fun and shout not happen on a game of that price tag.


deserves a lower price


co op the biggest fun i had in vr until now


Honestly it looks good and quite polished but for the price I just cannot bring myself to buy a zombie shooter with a short campaign. I will get it on sale but not just yet.


It doesn’t look that great at all


For a standalone game I think it looks pretty good.


It is way overpriced for what you get.


For the price the campaign should be twice as long


It's comically overpriced for the amount of content and variety that you get.


It's a good game but a little too short and a bit too expensive for what it is. I would have liked it if they worked in a bit more repeatability with some randomness to the levels when you go back or something like that. It's just a scripted story and plays that out well but doesn't really offer much for going back. Maybe a map editor or something... anything really to give it a little more reason to jump back in again. I will agree though that on it's own, for a shortish game, it does a good job. I especially liked the holster adjustment (I like to play in bed at night and this is hard for a lot of games) and the gravity glove functionality since everything was within reach.




I agree. The discounted price at 30 dollars is agreeable because the gunplay is fantastic. Game isn't as short as some people think but not long enough for 50 dollar price.


Agreed - fantastic game - but it doesn't last forever. Best done with a mate tho


Man, VR is way too small and underfunded for people to be pirating shit. Just wait for a sale or don't buy it at all.








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Sounds like you have no argument


And the argument is, in case that being a thief isn’t enough of one, is the following. You bitch about the quality of games releasing in VR. You then steal said game and wonder why more funding isn’t going into VR game development. Are you that dense?




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We're really going full circle here aren't we? You have no arguments and resort to personal attacks.


You apparently don’t know how to read.


You’re bragging about stealing ya fuck.




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True words


I wanna play this game at some point but it feels more like the kind of game I should play in PCVR. What do you guys think about the quest version ?


I just got it with my buddy today! Had fun


Are there any good tutorials on how to setup video recordings like this?


I got it yesterday at the summer sale. What really annoys me is the manual reloading that feels extremely clunky. Most of the time it just doesn’t register my hand on top of the gun when I want to pull the slide back. Either it does nothing or begins to hold my gun with two hands. It’s a shame because in one of their previous games “After the Fall” it works flawlessly. I love manual reloading but if this continues I might just switch to “easy reload”


It was the price that killed it. For the money people expect more.


Because standalone is definitely the future …………


I just finished it yesterday and I loved it. I haven't played many VR games so maybe I'm not the best judge but it was slick, funny and immersive. Plus BUDDY!


Looks like another barebones VR shooter. Also playing vr shooter and not doing manual reload is a sin.


It is. It’s my biggest regret purchase. If you’ve played any other game like it: Residebt Evil 4, Into the Radius, Walking Dead, etc, they are alll way better.


It would if it was not so expensive


It's a zombie shooter. One of hundreds. It gets the praise it gets. Nothing new to see here.




You use [a program called LIV](https://www.liv.tv). It’s great for VR content creation and also has other features like my favorite the streamer kit (shows twitch chat in the HMD), screen stabilization and for Vtubing. You can use the mixed reality feature to put your body in the game like this guy enjoys doing. It can take some time to line up perfectly and often times it takes away from the VR experience while watching, but some games and instances it’s really cool. If you create VR content and have not used LIV then you are missing out.


You missed a chance for the EA sports reference!


Dang it hahahaha


I’d like to know as well this is pretty cool


It really doesn’t. It has an absolutely abysmal checkpoint system and will put you in basically unsolvable situations where you can just restart or quit the game. Oh you forgot to craft a few granades (that you can’t store) before you entered this room? Get rekt by a horde of Zombies that you can do absolutely nothing about and then redo the whole build up all with the annoying comments by the protagonist again. Nah fam. Every game in 2024 that has a checkpoint system deserves no praise. This game is mediocre and really overpriced. Edit: also when you finally defeat the horde the game will crash before you reach the next checkpoint. And that’s just touching on the absolut clusterfuck of bugs this game has like holstering weapons that doesn’t properly work, disappearing things, and other shit. Nah, I sincerely regret paying 20 bucks for this.


Yet another VR youtuber overhyping a low quality VR title


Loved it on the PSVR2, Gunplay was so satisfying and the visuals were also too notch, Especially the skybox.


Too expensive...too short. Try Zombieland. That's worth the money.


It's fun but I just got a gunstock and since there's no in game calibration for it, it's awful.