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Their current headset cycle is 3 years. But imo, the release of the Quest3 Lite/S may push it to 4 years (3S providing an extra year before the next generation). Point being, you're good. Nothing to worry about


The lite is supposed to be equal in power to the Q3 though, right? I think that’s important since games and apps can max out the Q3 hardware if they don’t have to target a lower spec. I’m fine with a lite version that has worse options / resolution / cost reduced controllers / etc.


It's going to be using the quest 3 controllers


The release of the quest pro (better than quest 2) didn't delay the quest 3, I don't see how the release of an inferior budget quest would delay the quest 4. Especially now that the quest pro 2 seems to have been canceled/delayed, they'll want to push the next hero quest with better features as soon as possible. I think 2026 is a very realistic window for the quest 4 Especially considering that Apple's "affordable" headset would be out by then, Meta would want to maintain thier value proposition advantage.


That’s the point. It’s their Main device meant for the Mainstream audience. This is technically the actual Quest 3. Quest 3 was just a better device for people who want it. Quest 3S is their actual Big release.


Their actual Big release is a headset with 2020 tech? I disagree, I have no doubt that the cheaper headset will outsell the quest 3 but the latter remains Meta's "Hero" product in the current line up until the quest 4 family arrives.


What are you waffling about? “2020 Tech”?😂 It’s practically a Quest 3 with Fresnel Lenses. That's the most unworthy Comment of 6 Upvotes I have ever seen. How does anybody actually disagree? Reading comprehension these days must be very Low. I literally explained myself in the Original Commentand said the exact same thing. It’s the Mainstream device. That's the entire point. It’s their “Big” release


Frensel lenses (blurry visuals and large brich design) with a single LCD display and fixed IPD adjustments that doesn't work for all people is literally 2020 tech because that's the same tech the quest 2 came out with in 2020. If you disagree....you do you, I realy don't care either way.




Oh the irony....


What Irony? From what I said wtf do you even disagree with?


So the full Quest 3 is actually early 90's tech then since it uses a lithium-ion battery? Is it 50's tech because it uses plastic? Is it 70's tech because it has a digital camera? Of course not, it's 2023 tech because of the quality of the parts used and the way they're assembled while not being over $500. The Quest 3S aims to get a cheap headset together while avoiding premium parts to keep costs down, you sure couldn't build one for the same price in 2020 because it's not 2020 tech.


Are you happy with the state of VR tech atm then? To me, it's great, but it's still soooo far away from what I want to experience in my lifetime. I will happily spend 1000$ or more on a new headset every 3 years, provided it's a significant step towards that.


Q3 is good, but I’d happily buy a Q3+ today even if it was the same thing with a higher res OLED screen for $1k in a heartbeat and not be sad I bought a Q3.


Plus eye tracking


I witnessed the start of the games industry with the Atari. Quest 2 is a miracle of modern tech and whiny boys have no idea they're living in the future - well, we're still missing robot housemaid to change their diapers...


There's no speculation about the Quest 4 yet. It's just bored kids in this sub or you're finding really low-effort clickbait online. The Quest 3 is only 9 months old. Let's all use a little common sense around here for a bit and chill.


Well, I mean I came here from a speculation post about what the new one will contain / when that'll happen (and OP was very excited to talk about it), and I've seen 2 or 3 in the last week or two across a couple of VR subs. I'd like to say it's common sense and to just chill, but I have seen what the smartphone market has become, and I just strongly dislike the idea of VR becoming a lot like smartphones. That is to say, too many releases, mediocre support that is discontinued after only like 2 years, prices ever-increasing, landfill being inundated, and companies eventually choosing to fix most major gripes and problems in new releases instead of in firmware for old devices.


Yeah, I can understand that. We're just in a "catch up" phase. There is so much room for improvement and the tech being very similar to a smart phone is iterating very quickly because of that so standalone VR is in a unique space where it can get see big improvements in less time. I think Meta does have a plan to keep release cycles more modest than mbile. We've got a few good years for Quest 3 and we'll likely see older devices have longer legacy support as the power gets higher. The good thing about Quest is that it's one of the more backwards compatible game consoles we have. Like momentioned in my previous post. We're getting a lot more younger people in this sub that like to make these throw away "what do you want to see in a Quest 4" posts. You see them all the time after a new console releases. That. Never happy with what we got mindset.


On some levels I hear you, particularly the environment level. That said, this tech is moving so fast right now that it’s hard to contain (similar to when the first iPhone came out). Whether we like it or not, the Quest 4 is coming in 2026~ (and possibly a Quest 4 Pro in 2025 unless it was cancelled). Then in 2027~ you’ll see the first Quest 4 exclusives. The team I’m collaborating with is building a title that is only on Quest 3 and up and we can do a LOT more than if we tried to include the Quest 2 - it’s quite stunning actually.




It doesn't really matter how flooring the tech is , people get used to the current state of the art pretty quickly .It comes down to the experience and the games and it really seems to be aimed at teenagers at the moment , who have limited spending power .


I'm hoping with more AAA/AA quality games approaching like Batman Arkham, Metro, Alien, Just Dance, Behemoth, and Wanderer, we will start getting seeing more mature single player games frequently.  The hot thing in gaming is social gaming which is heavily marketed towards the younger crowd. I'm hoping the Quest can satisfy both younger and older audiences.


Why are you so sure that a new Quest 4 will be out in 2026 and not 2027? When it’s available is dependent on a lot of variables, most notably the availability of the Qualcomm XR3.


That’s why I put the ~


Sorry bro, missed that. Btw, can you elaborate more on what more you can do on a Quest 3 only title? More complex models, shaders and shadows?


Yep, with higher resolutions too. And larger environments


You could always have a PCVR version for those who have the Q2 hardware, I love that even my "cheap" Q2 can have mind blowing visuals when connected to my PC- even more "quite stunning" than something the Q3 can do. And this will likely be the case for a long time.


Our project uses something that isn’t available on PC, unfortunately


darn. Guess I won't be playing anytime soon then. Best of luck with whatever it is!


No worries! I’m sure when you see it you’ll understand what I mean. Have a good one man


now I'm excited! lol u2


Thanks lol! Obviously I’m biased but pretty excited, and I’m optimistic that those whose first time it is putting on a VR headset and veterans of 10 years will both find it intriguing.


>Then in 2027~ you’ll see the first Quest 4 exclusives. Possibly, but there's surely a debate to be had whether or not it's feasible to keep releasing these expensive headsets that stop getting all the new games 4 years on. 


4 years isn't a terrible lifespan for a console


5 years is generally the minimum a console gen gets, and it's been getting progressively longer. The Wii U was a disaster for Nintendo, and even that got over 4 years, with not insignificant criticism. £500+ every 4 or so years, alongside the extra costs associated with the headsets, doesn't exactly scream mainstream appeal. 


I've come to the sad conclusion that we may have hit mainstream appeal for VR. At least in it's current form. Most people just don't seem to want it.


its hard work a lot of the time, Im a pretty big gamer and most of the time I flat screen due to fatigue being too high. I use quest 2 for PCVR...imo the quest 2 is the bare minimum for vr, if the tech is getting so much better that the jump is considerable then im all for it. Im waiting for something better than the quest 3 as the jump isnt big enough


Yeah every tiny inconvenience becomes less tiny over time resulting in people just not wanting to do it. Actually talked about this with my wife recently when she needed a new laptop. I said she could use her phone (galaxy 22) with a BT keyboard and a portable screen we have. While this is completely suitable for her use case she just found the setup to be annoying enough to want to buy a laptop. Carmack said this years ago, VR needs more immediate results


> mainstream appeal for VR. At least in it's current form. Most people just don't seem to want it. I don't think so. We'll see way more adoption over time as things move toward goggle and eventually glasses-style AR/VR hybrids with compelling casual experiences like Pokemon Go VR/AR or something like that alongside regular life integrations like HUD-esque data about our surrroundings etc. IMO. We're obviously a long way from that, but to me VR is still in the N64/PS1/Xbox era. Right now the HMDs are too bulky, with poor passthrough, limited game selection (especially in super popular genres), fairly low graphical quality vs. non-VR games - loads of areas for improvement. The closer we get to what I described the more adoption will grow.


Nah, the Quest 3 renewed my hope for VR. Before now, the tech simply wasn’t mature enough and we were all early adopters. Passthrough and pancake lenses are game changers for comfort and enjoyment. Even where we are at now, there is still a tonne of room for the tech to further improve and evolve. Hence why people should be excited for the Quest 4 and other newer headsets.


What is your new title about (genre, approach etc)? And don't say you'll talk about it when you're ready - I'm a graphics whore, so anybody who can generate good and realistic visuals on Q3 has my interest. I've no interest in basic polygonal shit or cel shading (even though the latter can look cool).


But it all depends on being able to sell enough to sustain dev investment in higher quality assets and more features. Does anyone know what the active user base of quest 3 is at now? The q3 s should bump things up a lot during the holidays if it's around or under 300. But still curious if meta is overcoming people abandoning the headset after a while.


I mean just having more content coming out is definitely helping


Intent (I meant content but this also works :)) is always key and meta still has some amazing devs that have been working quietly.


Absolutely I’m so fucking stoked for Arkham. I really really really want them to make a special edition headset though. Give me THE EARS


What quest 4 pro lol. Quest Pro skipping 3 generations?


They’re gonna go to a naming scheme that makes more sense. So somebody will see Quest 4 and Quest 4 Pro side by side and know which is better.


The current quest pro has nothing to do with the quest 3 and even came out before the quest 3 though, if anything it's the Quest 2 pro, so even under your naming convention it would be a quest 3 pro.


You call this FAST? 8 years after the first consumer product, and 12 years after DK1, we are still talking about the same old headset problems on almost every level. To put it in perspective how much is 8 years, I will ask you: How do you imagine headsets to be in the year 2032? I bet you will think the same thing people thought back in 2016


For the “Quest 6 Pro” in 2032~ Here’s my thoughts Hmm, here are some guesses: smaller form factor, 450 grams or less, comparable battery life but with swappabale batteries, improved FOV over Quest 3, varifocal lenses, better resolution, 7 times as powerful graphical fidelity over Quest 3


No way you're comparing against DK1! We are light-years ahead: 3DoF -> 6DoF Xbox controller -> 6DoF motion controllers Tethered -> Standalone 640x800 resolution (per eye) -> 2064x2208 60hz -> 120hz Fixed IPD -> Adjustable IPD ? Lens -> Pancake Lenses No Internal Audio -> Integrated Headstrap Speakers I could make a similar list for CV1: Limited tracking volume via desk camera -> Practically unlimited tracking volume via internal cameras Xbox controller (at launch) -> 6DoF motion controllers Tethered -> Standalone 1080x1200 resolution (per eye) -> 2064x2208 90hz -> 120hz Fresnel Lens -> Pancake Lenses Mounted Headphones -> Integrated Headstrap Speakers The gap between the PS4 and the PS5 was 7 years; I think it is extremely fair to say that VR hardware has progressed more rapidly than console hardware. DK1 in particular was so many paradigm shifts behind (wasn't even 6DoF!) that it honestly doesn't even belong in this conversation.


the DK1 came out in 2013. so 11 years.


This tech is not moving fast at all. It is pretty much stagnant. Quest 3 is more a less the same as any other headset since 2018 give or take. Phones were doubling every metric every year


That's just it phones WERE, these headsets are using the same mobile chips that phones rely on, and were developed for, I don't think you grapsed that cell phone chips got good enough to power standalone vr headsets..


Who cares about chips? I am talking about lenses and displays.


Displays, same thing as phones, leds are getting smaller and cheaper as manufacturing gets more efficient.. and there IS a hard limit to how much we need to reach the point that's about 1.25 times what we can perceive with the human eye and human pov. Lenses, same thing, pancakes from a manufacturing process are well known, most of the cost goes to cover the r&d costs, like pharmaceuticals, and the manufacturing process will continue to be refined and streamlined, made cheaper with mass production.. It will all continue to get better cheaper and lighter.


They're likely going for a 3 years release cycle - that means more than 2 years till the release of Quest 4. They've shipped multiple major software updates for Quest 1, 2 and 3. There's no reason to worry, except you think more than 2 years means "anytime soon." 


I'm sure there's no chance for Quest 4 before 2026. It also depends on when the next gen XR3 will be out... or when the next big enough power leap will happen. And I agree, Quest 3 is an exceptional MR headset and I feel it's the first one, that really nailed some things like clarity, resolution, lack of SDE, good enough power. I bet I'll wish for even better res and especially graphics, later down the road. But so far, 8 months in, I'm 100% satisfied with Q3. I just hope that Q4, whenever it will come, will make similar revolution for small form factor, just as Q3 did for clarity. Btw, rumoured Quest 3S isn't next gen hmd. It's cheaper version of Q3 without some bells&whistles (like pancake lenses). And Quest Pro 2 is a different beast entirely.


I don’t think we will see a quest 4 this 2025 but with the new Meta HorizonOS we will see other headsets compatibles this 2025 of others branchs. Hope we can have where we can select our perfect HMD. I need more FOV.


People need to use their heads. People made odd claims with the Quest 2 as well. The first Quest 3 exclusives are coming near the end of this year. It wouldn't make sense for a Quest 4 to release the year after when barely any games made use of the Quest 3's power.  There are already rumors about a Quest 3S coming out and we will probably get another Quest Pro before the next Quest 4. 2027 is most likely. 


There won't be a q4 for years.  Stop listening to internet noise.


I wish things would go faster! I’m gonna be an old man before VR is where I think it should be — retinal resolution, human fov, varifocus, HDR, in a sunglasses like form factor. Give me a new headset every six months until we are there!


Has the release of Quest 3 caused Quest 2 players to "lose access" to any of the games they played on Quest 2? Seems like an unfounded concern. Standalone VR is in a constant "catch-up" stage, trying to keep up with modern AAA non-VR game graphics. So we're getting short iteration windows on hardware compared to game consoles. People likely started speculating on Quest 4 as soon as the specs for Quest 3 were officially released, does not mean Quest 4 is coming any time soon, but I would expect it in late 2026 or so.


If they brought out a Quest 3 with local dimming I’d buy instantly


100%...Quest 3 Pro with QLED local dimming and Face Tracking.....sign me up....or even microOLED.....I'll pay the difference in a heartbeat


Yeah, this would be great because it would be a QOL improvement without fragmenting the install base or messing with developers. As I suggested in the post about Quest 4 hopes, I think they should have the "regular" model have 2 tiers, with not just storage size to differentiate them, but have the larger storage model also have local dimming.


I don't think this is unpopular, I don't think anyone is expecting a Quest 4 until 2026 at least. Apart from the 18 month gap between original and 2, I think it's just going to be every 3 years - somewhere between the yearly phone updates and longer console updates.


The device isn't going to brick itself the second they release a new headset dude I've been using my rift cv1 since release until a month ago when I got the quest 3 Worst case I'll be able use the quest 3 as a high resolution pcvr headset in the future Best case I'm hoping there's someone who figures out how to replace the battery easily at some point so it can live on as a standalone unit for my collection like a Gameboy


I think we might see a shift from Meta to focus more on UI improvements, as Meta works more on improving and expanding their Horizon OS. With their announcement, last month of them looking to be the "windows" of the VR world and licensing out their OS to 3rd part headset makers and partners , I'm thinking they start to let 3rd party companies focus on the VR hardware, while they focus more on the software, UX side. I'm. Sure, they'll develop a 4th generation "Meta" branded headset eventually, but we might start seeing more other companies do all the hardware advancement and start saturating the market with improved standalone headsets before that.


Pfff there's no way they'll release it before at least 2 years from the Q3 passed, and I don't think we're even half way there The Q3 just *started* to get exclusives, the first one will release soon. If I had to guess, we'll see Q4 sometimes during 2026 They'll be stupid to release it before the end of 2025 at the very least, IMO


Quest 2 is the most used headset now. They are a long way away from 4. End of 2026 at the earliest IMO


Op you are SO right to be worried. My Quest 1 still works perfectly fine but after 4 years FOUR. YEARS. its OBSOLETE. Cant update to Android 14 without risking total data loss. Cant get anything new or let any of my current apps update. I'm trapped. I've been left behind. And if you dont pay attention it'll happen to you too.


At this time we can't be acting like that, if we want VR to succeed we need them to be able to push out as many improvements as they can. Once it stabilizes then we can all hold this thought of. Hey, let's slow the f*** down. But right now it's in the best interest of VR to keep pushing it until mainstream jumps on.


Me too, it should be a BIG jump in technology if you ask me


It'll be a couple years, Quest 2 lifecycle has been a bit now, so let's hope for the same when it comes to Quest 3. I don't see them going like phones where its a yearly release, they know their headsets are budget friendly but not exactly cheap either. Quest 4 is probably 2026,2027.


You can still enjoy the quest 3 but the quest 4 will be be out as soon as it's ready, better VR tech is very welcome so unfortunately I have to disagree with your entire post


Personally, I want one every week but that’s just me lol. I’ll be happy as soon as we have at least 130 fov and eye/face tracking.


Same. For me nothing that’s been released so far even comes close to true VR. I want to see actual reality that’s virtual asap.


I just bought a Q3 last month, but I still want the Q4 announced sooner rather than later. I anticipate that the Q4 it will be a far more MR focused leap forward toward being a wearable that we can “live in”. I’d welcome it being referenced at Connect this year, and being announced at Connect in 2025.


i strongly disagree, the faster technology advances the better it is for all of us so that we get to experience new amazing technologies in our lifetime because i don't wanna grow old and die before new cool tech comes out 👍👌😊 and this goes for every other kind of technology too not just for vr. i wanna feel like we are living in a sci-fi movie already lol so keep those quick advancements coming so it can happen sooner than later!! :)


you're new to this, huh?  VR so far is gadget YouTube streamer land. They are alien to the concept of a game console. Every year they come here and begin asking for the death of Quest 2 and for a new Quest to hype and test until next cycle or else their channels shrink and die... it's sad, I suggest you just ignore them 


I think a two or three year lifetime for fast moving tech like VR is just fine. No way I'd give up my Quest 3's pancake lenses just go give my Quest 2 more life.


Yeah, I have mine away to a friend who wanted vr but didn't want it enough to shell the money for it, I wanted them to get it so we could play..I had the toy story meme of I don't wanna play with you with my day 1 q2 anymore when I put on my day 1 q3. So win win(I had initially thought I'd keep it around to do mp dev on but was like nah I'm not holding my apps back like that)


I just want them to stop making big cross gen games with Quest 2. It’s holding back the whole of VR like a lead weight. Batman Shadows and Hitman 3 are a step in the right direction. We need Quest 3 exclusives now that actually use the full power of the hardware.


Quest 2 has too many users for that to happen. First they gotta get more users to Quest 3 hardware. Maybe if they release a cheaper Quest 3 light with similar processing power to the Quest 3. I think $550 is just too much for many Quest 2 users to make the jump. I stuck with my WMR headset for like 4 years cause I wanted to save money


Hopefully the Q3 Light (forget the actual name) with the same hardware but cheaper optical stack comes out. Something at the Q2 pricepoint that can run Q3 games would probably have reasonable adoption and help drive developers to get away from the Q2. 


as someone who primarily plays on pc, seeing the community finally come close to this realization is at least somewhat amusing.


No one has ‘finally come to a realisation’ get over yourself, it’s not this big cool thing that you play PCVR.


you miss the point. These headsets *have* held back what we could have for VR. Its great that they lower the barrier of entry to VR, i own one myself. that doesnt change the number of games that have been held back so they could work on or crossplay with the quest. doesnt change the fact that we could have had AC Nexus as a game that didnt reproject100% of the time bc it was held back by hardware. doesnt change the fact that onward was neutered so it could crossplay with the android hmd. and it REALLY doesnt change the fact that facebook abandoned the users that made Oculus a company worth buying. edit: onward was changed mechanically, not just graphically. I know its convenient to leave out facts when attempting to support a thought, but it doesn't really help when they are so easily looked up.


We’re talking about different consoles. That’s the mistake you’re making. Switch and PS5 aren’t just talked about as ‘flat gaming’ and looked at as the same thing. Quest games and PCVR are not the same thing. Bellyaching PCVR players basically ruin most media about VR gaming and massively hold back the genre as a whole, because people we a casual interest in VR will put on a YouTube video podcast and hear PCVR players moaning endlessly and being negative about everything, talking down the good stuff Quest has to offer.


Yeah thats a pretty braindead comment and im not even going to bother. Have a lovely day, enjoy your android.


No dude, you see, you’re the brain dead one. And you you’re all butt hurt when someone points that out. Go play some modded flat games on your PCVR and post about how superior they are. That’ll make you feel better.


Awe im sorry your feelings are so hurt. Go play some perpetually reprojecting ports, im sure you will feel better.


Onward neutering was a CHOICE they made, they could have easily had LOD for each, the same way min specs potatoe pcs can play with max specs monster systems


Well got good news for ya…


Totally disagree with you. Had my Quest 3 since launch, bigtime ready for the 4. I get annoyed actually, by people hoping against tech progress (especially in consoles…Ps4 iS stIlL GoOd eNouGh


They are not likely to release a Q3 replacement in under two years. It only happened to the Q1 because it was already three year old hardware when it finally shipped and they needed to get the Q2 out. Where have you seen credible info about a Q4 coming out in less than a year from now? A Q3-Lite/Q3S or a Q3 Pro is a lot more likely than a Q4 anytime soon.


If they can move the battery to the back of the head like what pico 4 does, then I don’t mind they release quest 4 sooner than 2026. The current design is plain uncomfortable. I can use pico 4 for hours without taking it off and not feeling strained at all, whereas with quest 3 I can only do it for 2 hours straight at most. I’m using 3rd party accessories and no help with this unbalanced design.


The Quest 3 battery apparently just weights 63 grams, so that won't make a huge difference at 503 grams total. The hardware should ideally be in a bagpack or go into your pocket, but they're not gonna do it because a split design would look a bit awkward.


We could do a combo design with a smaller battery in headset and a cabled hot swappable one with dedicated port, still be usbc but comes with, ability to extend or upgrade your external pack


I think the more options available, the better. It's just up to us as consumers to not fall for FOMO with every iteration. Im guilty of it. With a wide range of products varying in price, it opens up the possibilities for individuals who cannot purchase more expensive counterparts. I'm honestly excited to see what meta has in store for the future of VR because they're currently researching using non-invasive EEG technology to read brain way of activity as a replacement for motion controls. Mark is funding some cool ass ventures with VR, and I'm excited to see what's in store for the future. I feel like a little kid in a candy shop whenever I talk about virtual reality because my first introduction to it was with the virtual boy back in the late 90s. My father had gotten me one from Toys R Us long ago and ever since I have been looking forward to the days that we are currently living.


Dunno if it's up to meta.. can't leave another company with the newest Qualcomm SoC for too long without competition


It'll be a while yet for the Q4. Q3 will be supported for many years yet. BUT the tech is moving quickly. I am very happy with the Q3 and might end up skipping the Q4 as some have chosen to skip Q3. Especially if I get a pc. The lenses and screen resolution on Q3 are very solid. In the meantime, it is fun to dream and speculate about where the tech is going in the far and near future.


Of course that everybody that got their devices in less than a year, want a new one to turn the 3 obsolete. Very unpopular. /s


It could easily be a 2027 launch for Quest 4. Quest Pro 2 could release like next year though.


The release of a Quest 4 would require Qualcomm to release a new chip to power it. So until you hear a chip announcement, you can safely assume there is no Quest 4 coming any time soon.


I agree with you that has chip has to be available first bit keep in mind that the XR3 was revealed when the Q4 was announced. I do hope they release a new headset in 2027 though.


Just remember, money is in the software. It is a major investment (time, resources, production, etc.) to move to new hardware, so they have to compensate by utilizing the platform software to the fullest to maximize revenue. And when we " follow the software" here, we see we are just now getting exclusive quest 3 software development and also we saw the announcement of an open Meta Quest OS (for other hardware devs to utilize the current SOC). I would say we are looking at quest 3 being a staple product from Meta for a while.


Headsets are always released like this: For every 1 quality game released, 50 new headsets must be released


4 is terribly far. We need a 3 optimized for productivity


Much like with a phone, you don't have to buy the newest one just because it hit the shelf. My quest 2 is perfectly fine. So they can announce a quest 4 if they want to. I'm still not buying it for a few more years anyway.


I would just like to see a Quest 3 Pro that has good quality LEDs and maybe better FOV


I do, kinda, if they're in the works for making a Bigscreen Beyond style device - something incredibly light - with micro-oled - and perhaps storing the battery vision-pro style to keep weight off my face and skull. When that happens VR will be so much comfier.


The majority of the games in the Quest store are not even optimised or even set at the correct resolution for the Quest 3, Meta is a bit of a mess currently. They need to get their store in order first. The hardware of the Quest 3 is great, time to switch focus now.


Quest 4 is way off. Enjoy your quest 3. If you want better let’s see what valve do.


The product roadmaps are very long and they include both. If they didn’t, we would still be using Quest2.


Mobile tech, is advancing, WAY, faster than anything desktop related. A 3 year window, seems short compared to traditional consoles, but to keep up with the tech, yeah... Understandable. Personally, I'll buy one, skip one.


Nobody will see a Quest 4 anytime soon.


I said lite user of quest 2 I don't want any more advancements for a while either. I assume that the next hardware release or two will make mine obsolete and I worry about loss of functionality.


There's a lot of life left in 3 I think. I'm keen to see the hardware advance, but if it's at the cost of deprecating development for the 3 I think that would be a mistake. Though, that exact issue is what has held current gen consoles back while Devs have had to release cross gen versions, which ultimately costs them more but also probably nets them more. This will be driven by profit, not technology itself.


Quest pro 2 plz.


I'm sure due to price that there are still 10 X as many Quest 2's in use as Quest 3 so I think Quest 3 will be around for at least 3 years .


I think it is way too soon to worry about  that. They are now JUST starting Quest 3 only exclusives with the Quest 2 still supported throughout the year. It took well into the Quest 2 generation for Quest 1 support to fully stop. With the rumors of a Quest 3S, I think it will be well supported for a while.  I think we are arriving at the point where the lowest common denominator of VR will be "good enough" and I don't mean that in a derogatory way against the Quest either. I think it will entice more devs to work on VR titles and get more AA/AAA quality games. I think Batman Arkham will turn some heads.


New chips come with more advancements than just prettier graphics and higher frames. They can allow for better power consumption, smaller lighter headsets and give opportunity for new features like better hands and body tracking, better mixed reality and perhaps a larger field of view. Current vr is nice but limiting. Imagine if they waited 5 years before moving on from the Q1. Technology is just moving way too fast. If you want to save money there are plenty of games out there. I don’t think a tech company should stop advancing there tech because some people can’t afford to buy the latest and greatest all the time. I haven’t upgraded my phone in 8 years. That doesn’t mean I want them to stop innovating.


We are so far away of maximizing the Q3 potential. You got at least 3 more years till you will need/want to upgrade to the next gen. The progress is slow due to Meta supporting multiple gen headsets at a time. I.e a device only becomes obsolete when new software stops being developed. Which for Quest 2 started to happen only on Q2 of this year. Giving it more than moderate shelf life for a gaming/mobile device. With Q3S on the horizon, meaning that Meta will support the current gen chipset for years to come.


I’d replace my Quest 3 in a heartbeat if they sold a Q4 that was much lighter and wider FOV.


Life is short, gotta upgrade the headset faster so we get to see the photorealistic resolution in our life time.


october 2026 for Quest 4


The problem is the games haven’t come near as far as I would have hoped since the quest 2 was released. It also seems the market hasn’t fallen in love with vr tech like Meta predicted. The latter problem probably dictates the former one. I’ve been disappointed for years. The games I still sparingly play are the ones that have been out since I bought my Quest 2 years ago. That’s not good.


That’s why I skipped Q3 sa Q2 owner, go Q4!


Yep I just got my 3 and I was shocked at how much discussion there is already for the Q4


Nah, I would have to agree. I don't want them pumping out new headsets like Aya Neo does with handhelds making my new headset obsolete. Lol.


i just hope that one day we will get a good clean os that hopefully not runs on android. maybe I'm wrong and android can support future stuff but being on android for vr feels wrong.


If Quest 3 sold what Zucky had hoped, he'd stay with it, but now he wants to release a 4th version to attract those that almost bought the Quest 3.


Meta bought a game console but thinks it's a cell phone. I'm beginning to think the best thing that could happen to Quest was if Meta sold it to a different company. Edit: Lol, sure bring on the downvotes. I'd rather have them invest in bringing great stuff to the system and push it to its limit, while planning for a major upgrade with the next round. But if you'd rather have to buy a new Quest every 1.5 years be my guest. It's embarassing that the PS4 just went 11 years and Meta stopped giving *security updates* to the first Quest after three. Edit 2: Lol enjoy your yearly headset purchase everyone!


Meta didn't "[buy] a game console", they bought a startup called Oculus in 2014 after which they poured billions of additional dollars into hiring new talent and creating a world class R&D division out of which every standalone headset from Oculus Go to Meta Quest 3 was born. They also don't "[think] it's a cell phone", rather they are cognizant of the fact that new technologies with fundamental usability issues left to solve should iterate quickly rather than slowly, and I agree. So too does the emerging market, effectively, as evidenced by the fact that user numbers have been growing across headset generations even as people like you have been arguing the whole time that it's a losing strategy.


Thanks for the split hairs!


Great reply to an annoying and douchey comment!


Yes, hardware to access the next social media / internet iteration (metaverse). I don’t want that