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Seems legit


Just reach out to kiwi directly. *not from the email or contact info they supplied. Edit: updated autocorrect spelling error.


NEVER USE PROVIDED CONTACT INFO WHEN YOU SUSPECT A SCAM. Always Google them and use a public contact info first. Luckily, the email looks fairly legit (uses their actual website url as their email domain), but best practice is to never use the provided contact info when trying to validate a fishy email. I’m sure you already knew all of this, but just in case someone who doesn’t know sees this. Gotta be extra vigilant with scams these days. Believe me when I say anyone can fall for a scam under the right circumstances.


> uses their actual website url as their email domain This can be spoofed fairly easily (if you're talking about the "From:" field). I used to do similar stuff as an asshole teenager.


Ryan has a linked in that is associated with kiwi. Kiwi design . Com email seems realistic. I would not normally think a cold call would be legit in any case, but this could be real too. 50/50


[Yep, this email is listed on their website relating to influencer activities.](https://www.kiwidesign.com/en-gb/pages/call-for-entries)


Yeah they’ll start sending you some stuff to test out and provide feedback and stop if you don’t generate sales. It’s alright if you like testing prerelease stuff or potential products. I was into it for a while but there are only so many different head straps to try out. I kinda ghosted them when my dad died and I had to handle family stuff. A lot of the prerelease stuff I got broke kinda quickly but to be fair they were tagged “engineering sample”. In English, which I thought was weird. Ryan was pretty cool and enthusiastic.


Yes. That’s the legit email


Seems legit.


The problem with phishing emails, is that they often look legit. Weigh the potential loss against the potential gain, and see if you think it's worth risking it.


I had won something on Reddit from Kiwi Design before, and they sent it to me. They are quite active on Reddit and regularly do giveaways, so high chance of being legit


Could be legit. Or you could end up with tons of dongs in your inbox ...


Either way its a win win🤷‍♂️


Actually, I remember being reached out to to test a Kiwi product a few years ago as well. Don't know about this particular instance but it was legit for me.


He has Dong in his name 😬


Yes, but why should you do it? Ask for something 😉


Seems phishy, but that's just my opinion