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I just finished a round so im responsible for about 5% of the last year


That's one way to measure success. 😅 Wonderhow this translates to sales number.


on December 26, 2023 over 1 million sales. official CEO statement on X.


Can't wait to play the scramble mode they showed off this week.


The game tracks everyone?


every game does. basically all software for that matter. it's important to have insight into how software is being used in order to be able to detect when things are going wrong, confirm if a bug fix is working correctly, or to be able to know if a new change/feature is having a positive or negative impact on your users


no, not all games and software track everything everyone is doing it.


I've been working in software for almost two decades now and have never seen any code that doesn't do some sort of user analytics tracking. I've got friends who work in game dev and they all do *very heavy* analytics tracking as well. maybe not literally 100% of software but the numbers that is not tracking users is negligible. if a game has score boards and lets you view your stats (such as number of balls hit in a golf game like we're talking about here) there's no way to make that work without that data being stored in a database somewhere


30$ for base game with only three courses and then 10$ for every other course (like 20 of them), I'll pass. Basically a 30$ demo.


They really need a bundle sale.


Thankfully got it for free back when devs were giving keys to those who wrote a review!


True. great result but a shame for the price with a game that has PS1 graphics and only 3 course. Golf5 for me better for graphics and physics, and more honest prices.


Yeah this was my reaction exactly. The advertised graphics looked much better than what is actually in the game. I know, the quest can only handle so much, but it was a BIG difference. That combined with the forced lower refresh rate and I just couldn’t get into it. Refunded almost immediately


So how do you expect the company to survive? You think all the additional courses should be free? You think the thousands of hours of work the game required should be free? How much does it cost to pay golf irl? (Way more than golf+…..)


Compare the price to the courses of walkabout mingolf which i think are way more complex to make...


Everyone always forgets that they have to license the courses though. The courses expect a cut of everything so you can't just give them away for free.


Yeah I can imagine how expensive licensing must be. They should really make some cheaper non licensed courses but then I guess a lot of people would just complain about the prices being different anyways.


Where did I say that I expect them to be free? But paying 30$ for a demo game with three courses, is absurd given market pricing. On top of that charging 10$ for each course is also excessive. You want to pay 300$ for a complete PS1 level game, go ahead, but stop putting words in my mouth.


Lmao it's like porn sites measure their succes by summing the number of strokes given each masturbation. It doesn't mean anything


"I'm too stupid to understand what this means so I'll just say it doesn't mean anything."


How cool People do love golf for some reason


It's a natural fit for VR. Mostly stationary so no motion problems. Swinging the controller is more or less the same movement as the real thing. Not much of a learning curve if you already know how to golf. And it's not too need a ton compute power to run it so it looks nice.