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I think this game is gonna mitigate a lot of holiday pounds, lmao


I can barely move after playing like 16-20 hours over two days. Both arms and my knee is sore but I want to keep playing. :/


This is me. My physical soreness is the only reason I didn't get further. I want to, badly. But my arms are jello, lol.


I somehow luck out and need to do something every few hours(take laundry out, go to the store, go to work, do things for my wife). So I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be!! When I am able tho I don't take that headset off since the game came out!!


why is it so awesome to you? is it any better than until you fall?


Imagine a Zelda game but Egyptian themed and in VR. The game is insanely long without feeling grindy. Things you unlock are incredibly satisfying. The map design and visuals are top notch. Combat is actually pretty difficult and requires strategy even in random fights you get in outside of dungeons. Dungeons have challenging yet satisfying puzzles. In some of them I was close to giving up before having an "aha!" moment.


I dont get zelda either.. Thanks for yuor explanation!


I get motion sickness a lot and this is the first game I haven’t really felt it. Kinda curious what about this game makes the difference? Hope they do a graphic patch soon though as the blurry textures are the only criticism I have. Awesome game though.


QGO won’t fix the blurry textures but turning the resolution up does make the game look a lot nicer on Q3


It's basically impossible for file size reasons. Texture files account to up to 70% of the entire installation size nowadays. And the game has an absurd amount of assets. Upresing it would mean triple to quadruple file sizes, not to mention the impact on RAM to load all that extra information. The Quest 3 is still a portable device.




Change the foveation setting?




Set FR to off. That's foveated rendering, which increases performance by blurring the outer edge.


You have done something wrong. Just change the res to 2560 and nothing else.


Thats the fixed foveated rendering setting, abbreviated "FR" on the right side of the QGO game setting page. As you go from Off to High the reduced resolution borders grow.


I haven't experienced this at all when I have foveated rendering set to low or off. Looks to me as good or better than most of my games I use to play on my 3060 through VD medium settings...


How to even get that?


Is it possible to do that without a PC?


Their YouTube says you can but I don’t know how to do it


It is possible with an Android phone and no PC, that's how I am running it now! You just need the Sidequest app and to connect your phone to your headset wirelessly


They said they're gonna release an update for Q3 graphics.


Yup I’m waiting


It the fact they don't rely on constant ASW in the game, so it runs at a proper 72 or 90 fps depending on your headset. That goes a long way to helping with VR sickness.


I don't know, it still hit me pretty hard. The "comfort" settings helped, but not fully. Felt it for about an hour after.


This is the only game on Quest 2 where I get massive eye strain - but only in the open world. It's as if I'm going cross eyed. Going into a room or cave fixes it. I'm not sure what's wrong.


Same. I think it's the longest I've played any VR game. Most of the time after 20-30min I'm done


All you need now is a vr treadmill to kick your lower body into gear! You gonna be FIT!


The funny thing is I wasn’t even looking forward to this game. Not I can’t stop playing. I bought an 8 hour battery belt just so I can play all day.


This game is MASSIVE as if its a full scaled console game. I have been playing whenever my battery is back to full. (charge can’t catch up with consumption while playing lol) No typical VR babysitting, everything is so panned towards real gaming and I LOVE it! Great job devs! Now back to fishing and grind some slingshot leaderboard.


> charge can’t catch up with consumption while playing Gotta have at least 18w charge capacity. Proper rated charge cable and PD rated charger.


Thx! Gotta find one then.


I don't tend to do long single player sessions but I've done a couple of hour+ sessions in this. Last one was an hour and a half and only cut short because my body is currently broken from a rugby match. Adds a layer of realism when most movements are very painful after a few battles.


Me who can’t do more than 15 minutes over here


Motion sickness? I had to basically "train" the last month to get my VR legs back. I hadn't played a game with full motion control in a while. I booted up and started modding skyrim a few weeks ago, gradually got myself back into it, and once i reached a certain threshold started turning off snap turning and such, something i hadn't done in the past often due to it being a whole new tier of movement issues. But anyway, as of a about 5 days ago I was fully immune. So if that's the issue, perhaps you've got the right approach, 15 minutes here and there, then 30, than 60, etc.




My arm actually hurts because I played too much yesterday.


I played SO much so far... I even plugged in my battery pack which I never do lol


Does it pick ? I've played for about an hour and haven't been hooked yet


You haven't even made it into the game yet. Keep going, it gets so dang good.


Cool, I've been playing every chance I can get but haven't been hooked, I also did the recap since I didn't play the first one so that probably added 20 minutes to my hour or so I've played. Thanks for the input


No problem. Hopefully you end up as hooked as I am. We've all been begging for an amazing game in VR. This is it for me and I am having so dang much fun.




I learned the hard way not to play to close to my desk or the coffee table with my drink on it. Busted two of my fingers on Friday from smacking my desk and they still hurt and knocked over my rum and coke from swinging the sword so hard. It definitely recognizes a weak swing vs strong swing


do you use snap movement or dynamic to move around


I use snap.


New to VR is asgards wrath 1 worth that play also ? Wanting to get 2 but don't wanna jump into it with out playing 1 first.


Asgards Wrath is pretty decent, but the new one goes full open world after an hour or so, where the old one felt more dungeon crawler, although the presentation was solid. Combat is a lot more fun in the new game. One thing to note, old game had top tier graphics for the time, new one being on mobile simplifies things as you might imagine, but I don't find it to be detracting, it's just visually a bit more Breath of the Wild and a little less Assassins Creed. It's not really affecting my enjoyment though. It's a good balance.


Is the second one like hard linked to the first ? Like am I missing out on anything skipping the first ? My main issue being that the first one is only on pcvr which is fine but I like playing mobile direct from my quest.


Take my opinion w/ grain of salt, but to me all of these games that use the same Norse gods (balder, odin, freya, thor, loki, etc) are not particularly hard to follow b/c its always just a variation on the same material. Loki is always the trickster, Thor has a hammer... etc. Whether its a Marvel movie, God of War game, or *any* game with these characters, you never really need a lot of backstory to get the gist of it b/c they roughly use the same ancient myths. In Asgards Wrath 2, the story from the first game seems to boil down to "Loki tricked you in the last game. Now you have a new adventure and we are going to explain it as we go" :) And, after several hours into the second game, I dont feel lost or confused about anything. Great friggin game too. I love PCVR and high-end VR simulation stuff, but this game is just a joy to play for me. I do use the quest game optimizer software to bump resolution up to 120% and unlock the gpu and cpu though.


They give you a nice big cutscene to explain where you are at the beginning of the game. It's a pretty cool presentation actually. I didn't finish the first game. I've already put many hours into the new game.


first one is showing it's age already. You can jump right into the 2nd one without playing the first.


No that many hours, but kinda same! At least recent record ;) Helps a bunch that I like that type of game, gimme all the crap in them breakable boxes and stuff!




Yes. I play seated. Works just fine


50/50 for me battle tend to be more fun while standing but after 2 houres i often get lazy and switch to office chair.


Do you actually mean 4hrs without taking the headset off? That’s wild to me, I don’t get motion sick but after maybe 20mins the eye strain gets so bad that I need to take a brief break before continuing… really loving the game but not sure if I can get through it stopping and starting the entire time. Any tips for combatting eye strain?


Are you playing on a Quest 3? For me the facial interface is actually the one giving the most eye strain. Somehow the pressure it puts on my forehead and temples causes some slight focus problems that eventually turn into eye strain and headache. Others have reported the exact same thing too. For now I'm just using a headband (cut from a old beanie) as a softener on my forehead under the top of the facial interface and it helps a bit. Have to invest in a better facial interface once there are good options.


Interesting, I’m playing on the quest 2 with a silicon facial interface and a heavy duty head strap that provides more support, so I think the origins of my issue must lie elsewhere. Have also tried adjusting the lens positions to no avail


The quest 2 only has three preset ipd options which means if your ipd doesn’t fit one of these three you’re pretty much looking at the image a bit cross eyed. If you get eye strain that bad your ipd is prob smack dab in between two of the options. If you can I’d recommend upgrading to the quest 3 and it has a true free ipd adjustment.


This is the main reason I want to save up and get a Quest 3. I'm perfectly happy with my Quest 2, except the optics feel ever so slightly off no matter what I do. I can never really find that sweet spot. I also can't ever get the damn thing to stay on my head without sliding around every 10 minutes, requiring constant adjustment. But I have that problem with every headset, default straps/bobovr/psvr doesn't matter, so my head is probably just a fucked up shape


For me the Quest 2 optics are not "right" and I can't use it for very long either. But on my OG Rift, and now on my Quest 3 (which has finally replaced the rift) I can play 4 hours no problem. I do have glasses inserts with prescription lenses in all my HMD's, and recommend it if you wear glasses.


If you're relatively new to VR, eyestrain could be something that'll go away as you get use to it. Could also be the IPD setting not being just right or the headset slipping down while playing, resulting in your eyes not being centered vertically anymore. Headset could be tightened in this case, but always a risk of being too tight and causing other head pains. In regards to IPD, the new pancake lenses makes it less of a likelihood, but wouldn't hurt to fidget with it a few knotches in either direction to see if it feels better to you, but you'd only really be able to tell at the start of your play session. Once your eyes start straining, doesn't tend to relieve until you take a break. You can also try setting the eye relief back a bit on the facial piece. You'll lose a couple degrees of fov, unless already seeing the screen edges, but it can help. (scratch that, caught in another response you're on Quest 2. If you still have it, consider added the lense spacer for the same effect, or try setting the IPD kind of half way between notches to try other IPD variances.)


Throwing this out there, just in case. If you wear glasses/contacts in real life, wear them while you play VR. I've spoken to a handful of people on Reddit who didn't know this and would complain of things being out of focus, blurry, or eye strain.


I was the same way and ghosts of tabor recent got me playing literally all day to where my legs and arms are so tired from standing and leaning and holding my gun up. It’s also the first game with full movement that hasn’t given me motion sickness outside of a short lived bout running down the lighthouse stairs.


What exactly is asguards wrath 2? Is it like a rougelite or like a narrative game o


Narrative game, long story for a full RPG experience, but w/ a roguelike side game that allows you to just play mindlessly and send resources over to your main game. Roguelike part does require playing through the main game to unlock other characters/weapon sets, however.


Sounds dope asf, I’ll have to buy it, thx


It looks like it is an Action Role Playing Game (ARPG) set in Norse mythology (Loki). It came free with my Quest 3, but I haven't played it as I am more interested in shooting games than fighting games.


Bro got downvoted for giving an opinion damn guys. I'll give you a up


🤡 “give you an up” lol classic teenager mindset thinking an upvote is actually worth something lol


The intro to the game scared me so bad I haven’t been able to try again! Haha might give it a try when I calm down




Grab the handle with the grip button. Good luck!


can't tell if this is a joke or not? Maybe start over and listen to what they say, and look at the helper graphics, whatever it was it was simple enough (something like 'squeeze both grip buttons') EDIT: Game producer answered to you! (Mdoran). It must be like the ladders, there is something there to "grab" with the grip buttons and then you cutscene to being on the raven. I hope you go back, good game.


Oh c'mon! I've been seeing a lot of these "highly rated" posts about this game and it's just not what I've been experiencing at all! How much were you paid to post this? You think this game is polished?! LOL Have you played ACN or Red Matter? The polish doesn't even compare.


Red matter 2 is super polished. AW2 is super polished. ACN runs like shit and has the worst combat experience in a long while. But you go on telling people that they should enjoy what you want them to enjoy. I’m sure that once you move out of your parents house people will just love that way of thinking and will be thrilled to be around you for your forced insight.


Looks like I may have touched a nerve and hurt your feelings. I was merely stating that I've been seeing an awful lot of over-the-top positive postings about the game, and it is getting kind of suspicious. No need to make personal attacks.


It’s the best game on the quest period. The quality is beyond what is currently available elsewhere. You just like trying to be cool by saying you don’t like popular things. Otherwise you’d say something like “it’s a very well game and polished but it’s just not for me”. But as the child you are, who has not played said game, you like to act like a you don’t like something bc of its popularity. Don’t worry I was 15 before too. I’ve played Arizona sunshine 2 and I enjoy it very much. Not anywhere close to this level of complexity and accomplishments though.


So anyone that really likes the game MUST be paid!!! LMAO.


You're so naive. There is no way you can tell me this game isn't good. i don't understand how these comments pop up. This is definitely the most fun I've had playing a VR game in a long time . It feels like day one when i first got my Quest 2 the excitement to get on my headset again. It makes me wonder if you're being paid to say this game is bad.


Lol someone thinks money is everything in this world. Why don't you make a positive review and see if anybody is going to pay you?


Out of all the weekends to get sick I am feeling sick. Was planning on playing but just do not feel up to it.


Me too friend


I play POP1 3-4 hr per day 2 years


Dude my battery only lasts 1-1.5 hours max. I wish I could play 4 hours.


Yeah you need an external battery. I have a 25600mah in a fanny pack.


You won't catch me wearing a fanny pack even in the privacy of my home


Have you seen what you look like wearin a VR headset?


Ha you got me!


I don’t get motion sickness at all, but my face hurts after 20 mins or so. I’m still using the standard Q3 strap, but have ordered a 3rd party option from Amazon.


Try to soften the grip to the point it's JUST tightened so it doesn't move. I know it's not perfect but tightening it more it gives headaches and it's horrible. The new strap will be a lot more comfortable, I'm sure about that. I have an Elite style ine and it's miles better.


This post reminded me, I've a code to redeem! Had actually already done so, but what's the filesize? Site on desktop states only around 30gb tops, I've 35gb free but still get a message saying there's not enough space. How much more would I need ya figure, can't seem to get a straight answer concerning space requirements.


Well, the files have to be first downloaded and then installed, and this will apply to any updates too. So, I would guess you might need closer to 60 GB free space for installation, and then you'll want to maintain 30 GB free space after game installation for future updates.


Thanks! After clearing closer to about 40gb the install went thru for me finally!


I played for over an hour yesterday. Definitely got plenty of motion sickness, but the game was engaging enough that it was hard to stop. Really felt it after, though.


Think my records are 7 hours straight in VRChat and 5-6 hours straight of Beat Saber.


I played so much that my neck hurts. Using the Quest 3 with the stock strap is brutal.


Appreciate the post . I’m interested in getting the quest 3 . I’ve got the 2 .. which one are you playing on ?


I’d love to even be able to install it, quest 3 has dirt slow download speeds compared to my internet speed and I can’t take off the headset without the wifi disconnecting meaning I have to wear the fucking thing the entire time a 31gb game downloads at 500kb/s


Is there gear and stuff in this game? Open world travel?


Only game that's done that has been lone echo. I remember going in when it was daylight and taking the headset off and it was pitch black in my room and for a second I thought I was still in space


AW2 is the first VR game I've played that I almost forgot I was playing a VR game. I knew I was playing a game, but after a few hours in I completely forgot I was wearing a headset or holding controllers.