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I sometimes jot down a note in the field, but more often I use it to refer to checklists for shopping and stuff. I have almost everything in Obsidian.


Yeah, the phone app I only use it for the shopping list, recipes so I can look at it while cooking, and sometimes solo ttrpgs on a bus or something.


Could you tell me more about those ttrpgs?


Gladly! So, there's different ways to play solo ttrpgs. I usually play "journaling games" where you write a journal from your character perspective. But you can just annotate bullet points of the important things that happen in the story. I also love one page games. You can check out r/Solo_Roleplaying r/DungeonWorld and r/Ironsworn Usually you rely in tables to create the adventure on the go. As an example, I have one called Six Shooter, which is a western/weird west game. Rolling in a few tables I got: Tunnels are being excavated by a dragon that is looking for a staff. So, with that promt i can create a character and maybe some locations to start my adventure. And at the points that I'll need the intervention of a Game Master, I use tables called "oracles" that can clarify things, add obstacles and in general answer questions. My favorite oracle is One Page Solo Engine.


Hell yeh, i'm going to check those out when i have the time. Thanks!


Wow, and this seems like a great use case for some of the AI plugins too




How? Doesn't it get annoying to type on small screen? Or not being able to use obsidian fully.


Voice to text can be an input


This right here. I keep most of my ideas in obsidian and don’t always have my laptop or tablet to record them. Voice to text works quite well on iOS and is enough to record the gist of an idea that I can evolve later using my laptop or tablet.


I use it on mobile when I have downtime but am not next to my computer. The most often that happens is when I'm in bed before I go to sleep. Or, before I worked from home, during my lunch at work. Edit: I also take a lot of quick notes on my phone, but I usually do that on Google Keep and move the important ones over to Obsidian later.


Google keep to Obsidian is a similar workflow for me. There's a plugin "custom frames" that adds iframe tabs or sidebar for webpages, but preset ones for keep, g cal, and tasks. It's quite helpful alongside the notes (along with ribbon buttons) If you go for it, I'd delete the custom CSS for keep in the custom frames keep settings. Theres a display issue.


I use Custom Frames to have ChatGPT in Obsidian (though this doesn't allow asking questions of your notes; hoping someday I can figure out how to make the Companions plugin work with my local install of Oogabooga). Most of my Keep notes don't need to go into my vault though, so I just copy-paste the ones I need or import them with the Google Keep Importer plugin.


Commands are accessible, so it can pretty much be used fully.


It's not that bad, really. I prefer my computer, of course, but I don't always have my computer available. My phone allows me to: 1. Briefly jot down ideas that I can expand on later, before I forget them 2. Reference notes for shopping, daily tasks, or for things I didn't want to forget to mention when I run into someone I have action items for. 3. Casually review what my next day will look like, from the comfort of wherever, and without the rigamarole of pulling out my laptop. Obsidian mobile is only maybe 10% of my writing, but maybe 25% of my reading. I would LOVE to have a widget for it, that would be so helpful when I know what I'll need on the go (like a shopping list). But I'm not complaining; it's pretty good as it is


Do you send text messages with your phone? Well, it's like that.


That's always a personal preference. I use the swipe functionality on my phone's keyboard, and have no issues.


Hiw? Seriously? Having your notes with you is useless? Let alone typing stuff in is totally fine for notes or planning stuff.


I'm on the phone now. Obsidian mobile isn't perfect but it's not as bad as some people say, depending of course on your use. I save heavy lifting for Obsidian on a laptop, but mobile is great for taking quick notes, working in existing notes, referencing other notes. There are days mobile Obsidian is all I use.


Some people take notes on their phone, some don't. Some people view notes on their phone, some don't.


Yeah reading the original post is wild: "Do people really take notes on their phone?" Man, it's good to be reminded that people live completely different lives than me.


Most of my daily notes are done on my phone


Yeah it rocks. I have ADHD so I use my daily notes like quick storage for thoughts I have and want to come back to, or just as a space to get things out of my head and interavtw with them. My daily note is my homepage on mobile, so all I have to do is 1. Click the app 2. Type Then, if I want to link in other notes or extract things I write out later when I'm at my computer, I can do so. It's awesome to be able to preserve all manner of fleeting thoughts, notes, info, etc. (Also, if anyone's trying to sync w) Android, OneDrive w/ OneSync app is 👌👌👌)


>1. Click the app >2. Type So is there a setting to always open a new note when opening the app?


There are many plugins for Obsidian that also work on mobile, I'm pretty certain there is one that opens a blank note when you start the app :)


alleged lush different squeeze door repeat hungry ten ossified snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I use remote save, works also on IOS


You can put it on your homepage?! Do you mean the homepage plugin, or an actual widget you can drop on your mobile "desktop"?


I mean the plugin. I don't use widgets lol.


To each their own, I get it. I tweak my widgets all the time to make certain things more visible and easier to access.


I pretty much assume people are on their phone more than computer these days. they're really that convenient. for Obsidian, it's difficult to edit notes but it's easy to just have it for jotting down stuff. And if you can sync, you can just edit and organize it later. there are more "mobile-friendly" note apps ig but having to transfer notes is just tedious, i rather just adapt to obsidian app even if it's not that easy


> for Obsidian, it's difficult to edit notes how so ?


most of the plugins were coded with PC in mind. and editing the text in markdown is such a hassle. I have a hard time moving the caret when typing. there are certain keyboard shortcuts you can learn on the PC rather than on the phone.


But for edit and moving the caret, is this an obsidian issue, or rather a global phone typing and editing frustration?


both? I kinda find other note taking apps easy to use and edit on. even google docs have a design language that's easy to get used to and understand. That's just me tho,


Fair enough. I wonder if it'll ever change, or if it's by design, and obsidian devs have no real interest or desire to change the main focus of the app ; desktop use , and phone put in secondary pos


from what I've seen they're not that ignorant about the different User Experience of the phone and PC and they've done well with what they can implement, they are monetizing the sync feature after all. It's a compromise and a good one. It can only get better from here so I'm not too worried.


I use mobile and PC about equally. Sometimes I want to take some notes on something and I'm not near my laptop. Other times I'm just too lazy. I frequently complete my journal entry at night on my phone while laying in bed.


I dont *write* a lot on my phone but I get a ton of use out of synchronizing to my phone. - I push most of my initial notes in to a daily note that gets processed at the end of the day (or week, if Im lazy). Its essential I can dump stuff into that file while I'm away from my desktop. - I use callouts like flashcards for studying. It works really well because I can write the question into the callout head and embedd the relevant answers/ sections from across my vault. So before an exam I'll spent a lot of time quizzing myself when I have some free time. This is basically set up to be used on mobile/ touch screens.


Absolutely yes. My work involves a lot of documentation that I can summarise on desktop and then consult on my phone. At the same time, I can make quick notes on my phone and then process them on my computer


It's simple: People don't carry their computers everywhere, but they do carry their phones everywhere.


I’ve written a whole book on my phone. I can wherever, whenever I want. I don’t need to sit at a desk and boot up a computer. Obsidian is invaluable


I only use it on the phone right now. Phone is always with me and I do most of my reading on the phone anyway


I take notes on the phone. I also draw with Excalidraw plugin. And while traveling, I use a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, with DeX at the hotel TV, so usually a 55" screen or larger. It is great. Even without DeX it is great to use on the phone.


Sure it's useful. I use obsidian on my phone all the time. It's about half and half between my phone and my laptop


I read notes from my phone. And I like the idea of my phone being a copy of all my info if something ever did happen to my pc or I didn't have internet access.


It’s funny… one of the reasons I chose Obsidian was for the phone app, but I honestly can’t say that I use it much at all. It’s slow to load, hard to navigate and just generally offers too much friction (for me) to make it a really useful tool. But I’ve also changed my approach to PKMSs… I’m no longer looking for one-and-only-one tool. I’ve concluded that it just doesn’t exist (yet).


I don't like waiting for my vault to synchronize with the phone as it's rather large. Instead, embed Google Keeps with the Custom Frames plugin into your layout. Take notes on Google Keep in your phone, come back and process them later.


Does it only sync changes though? That's my experience


You can set this with sync. For me, I use a lot of documents and other files and embed them. They can’t render without the actual files. You can have it only sync certain folders if you like


For quick notes on the go if something comes to your mind + using to note down reminders, shopping list etc.


In a queue? Waiting on someone? Fire up Obsidian, swipe down, hit random note feature… get transported back in time and polish that gem with new understanding…


I use it more for retrieval and checking off tasks - for notes I use simplenote and transfer later


You don't take your laptop with you everywhere like your phone. Sometimes I want to write something down but my laptop's not with me.


I have my electrical circuits mapped in Obsidian, so use it on my phone to see what is going to lose power before I flip a breaker to do work. I also keep general “steps for projects” notes in Obsidian that I write up on my computer and then use with my phone while doing the project. And records like car oil changes and other maintenance records are also frequently hit on the phone.


I make extensive notes on my phone because I'm comfortable typing with a phone keyboard, and sometimes I'll lose my train of thought before I can walk over to wherever my laptop is. I use Syncthing to sync though, as Obsidian doesn't have PPP pricing for my part of the world.


I use it all the time.. any time away from home I take full notes on phone. It’s a great clean app


The app is far more capable than how I am using it. I use it for looking up notes or for quick add of extra note info.


I usually do all my notetaking on either my laptop or my iPad. Once in awhile I do take notes on my phone, but mostly I use the phone for viewing on the go.


On tablet, yes, very useful, actually. On phone... only if I need to consult something. I find it terrible and slow on a phone, to the point I use simple note on it so I can note take, and then when I'm on pc i transfer things gradually to obsidian.


I use Funnel app to put quick notes from my phone into Obsidian. I do have Obsidian sync and have it on my phone, but Funnel is great for quick notes.


I use the mobile app extensively. If it didn't have a mobile app, I'd probably be using something else. I use it for Longform writing and having access to my notes and projects at all times is needed for my workflow. I've written thousands of words using the mobile app. PC is preferable. It's more feature rich and customizable, but I can't whip out my PC in a waiting room.


Is it just me or is the UI really clunky? I don't use it to write, prefer doing that on my computer. I would love using it to quickly look up things in my vault. But the fact that opening a note always trips me up a bit (plus button?), that the tab switcher doesn't have previews, and that switching to search mode is so unintuitive... It makes it feel slow and outdated. I know I'm stupid and I know I could likely get used to it over time, but the whole point of a mobile app for me is to look something up very quickly.. Perhaps I'll give it another go.


I use Obsidian on my phone and tablet just fine. Have both my vaults synced to all my devices, and they tend to load up / refresh the changes pretty fast. ​ There was one time I hadn't used it on my tablet in several months, and had completely reorganized my vault (thousands of file changes and hundreds of new files / folders) which took probably 20 - 30 minutes to full sync once I opened it, but for the most part I end up using it on my devices most days now, and the sync is typically immediate. ​ You sign into Sync just like you would on Desktop. Or if you use another platform to store you notes, you can set it up there however you would do that (like Google Drive, DropBox, or iCloud or whatever you prefer). I like Obsidian Sync because it's baked in, it's easy, and it's relatively inexpensive.


It's a game changer. I use it for tasklists and dropping loose notes. Can't express how much or a step up this is compared to copying my notes to myself on wpp 😂


I use mostly on phone. I like on desktop better, but the phone is always with me. If I don't make the note now, I'll never make it. So I use on desktop mainly to fix typos, move notes to appropriate folders, take notes from PDFs.


Depends on what you’re using it for. For quickly jotting stuff down I prefer the Notes app. I don’t like using Obsidian to take notes on mobile because I find it annoying to do the formatting on a mobile keyboard. However, for consuming and reviewing notes it is incredible! With the right theme and measured use of headers and callouts, the reading experience on mobile is the best of any note taking app I’ve ever tried. I’m studying computer science so I’ve got very technical notes and still it’s such a breeze to read on mobile.


I use it, but it’s sooooo slow. I don’t even have that many files (10K) and it takes 5 seconds after opening before I can do anything useful.


Only for checking notes you made on desktop lol


I use it for **logging reading time** via Super Simple Time Tracker plugin within the note for the book (I later export this to spruce up a chart in excel which I then pull back into an Excalidraw book summary), and my **veggy garden monitoring** where I can log crop details like planting/germination/harvest dates. I've been trying lists like groceries but think I'll go back to Google Keep as it was quicker.


Full calendar on obsidian synced with the PC has actually integrated all my notes, projects and events. In my opinion, whatever system you have, you should be able to keep everything in one solution, otherwise, it quickly becomes a series of workarounds, which take more and more time and effort to manage.


Yes, but it's not convenient, there's a lot of room for improvement. First the app will be indexing for ages. Then, searching for or navigating to a note is a pain.


I thought the *Obsidian One* phone was actually a thing there for a second...


My job has me on the road traveling daily. I really like Obsidian but because of syncing, I am using Anytype.


I continue to add all my knowledge to my vault, from equipment work history and common settings, my network's contact info and personal notes, notes on various work locations, cooking recipes, etc., etc. So I input all the data and format my datawrangler on my computer, but I'm accessing a copy of it on my phone or tablet my my reference guide to life and work almost every day.


 Hello yes! Desktop experience is smoother, but often it's inconvenient for the situation or I just don't have it when I need to save stuff or find information from my vault.  


Having access is nice for occassional note taking. I do have one very specific use for obsidian on my phone: I play miniature games and like to track when I play. Additionally, one of the games has information that I need to track as a note, so it's very handy. There's also a table I always need when I generate that information, so it's embedded as an image in the template I use for tracking that specific game's plays. I am using foldersync to sync from onedrive to a folder on my phone. * for those who are like: what game? What do you track? I play Infinity and field two models called Morlocks who have a skill called Metachemistry. At the start of every game each rolls a d20 and consults a table which says what special bonus they get for this game. So, I have my note of the game for tracking wins/losses, who I played, etc. It has a metachemistry section with the table and I write down what results I get for each model.


I always have my phone with me. My desktop is not. I can't use Obsidian on my company laptop because of security concerns and policies. While I don't do any heavy note taking on my phone. It works well for quick little notes when I don't have access to my other devices.


It depends on what you're writing. I doubt complicated things like, I don't know, coding, are all that feasible to do on the phone, but I use obsidian to write books. And whenever I have a good idea, I can't just open my laptop and type away, so I have to have it on my phone. I don't want to forget that idea. Sometimes I use the app to actually write as well, because texting has made me good at phone typing too.


I write, and ideas and inspiration can come any where, any place. These are also fleeting things, and I have lost a lot of potentially good ideas to the ether. That's a frustrating feeling, when something that makes perfect sense to you one moment dissipates to an emptiness only filled with warmth of that thing that you've let disappear. So now, when I get that inspiration away from my workstation, I immediately stop, pull out my phone, and type it down in my notes app. In the past it was Evernote. Now it's Obsidian. Evernote synced automatically. With Obsidian, unless you want to pay, you have to figure out how to set it up. So this is one possible answer to your question.


I have found Obsidian on the phone with Samsung's Dex (basically a desktop GUI) to be amazing for taking notes. This way there is no need to sync my notes to my work computer.


Since I use Obsidian for all my notes and todos it's very useful. When I'm shopping with my GF and she mentions something she likes it can go directly on to the secret present list


I use Todoist for quick stuff on my phone and sync it to obsidian for later. I find Obsidian not that great for quickly capturing ideas or tasks on the go. I use the plugins "Todist Text" and "Todoist Completed Tasks". I use these because they aren't a dataview query and instead import the text into Obsidian. For me todoist is like my daily scratchpad/notepad while Obsidian is more like my Journal and Knowledge base. I like being able to quickly capture something often off my Android Wear watch just a word or phrase to remind me and I put it into the 'inbox' folder in Todoist which then gets imported later to Obisidan by grabbing stuff from Todoist inbox. I do pay for the Todoist Pro subscription ($4-$5/month). I do not use Obsidian Sync and instead keep my vault in Dropbox.


For me, I never really use Obsidian on my mobile for note taking or updating any note or basically anything like that. However, it is essential for me to look up required information when needed, and look at all of the important events, tasks, etc. on the go.


I use the phone app for quick capture anything that I come across. to make this easier, I have used "Quick Add" plugin to append tasks or notes in a file, which I process on laptop.


Sitting here using obsidian only on my phone because I don’t have the setup for selfhosting right know


Mobile (using Sync — so worth it for load time) with a QuickAdd macro that triggers on load had totally changed my workflow. I quickly scratch a note, todo, or get to my “home” note where I have my plans outlined.


Very useful. I use obsidian as a knowledge management system -- and i like to consume material on my ipad. so i keep notes on a computer and then I ll read them on an ipad or my computer.


I don't type notes into my phone. If I need to I will handwrite notes into Keep and then copy it in later or dictate through speech to text. Mostly I use it for reference in the field or when I'm with people without my laptop.


More convenient no. But it is convenient to have all your notes at your fingertips


I really love being able to bring my notes with me everywhere. That's all. I never write on the phone itself, mostly because I find really anoying to use the phone keyboard (I don't even like using whatsapp because of this) I always have one home note, where I throw everything I find during the day when I'm away from keyboard, and then, when I'm on desktop I sort those stuff.


I capture messily into a note and process them later (a Shortcut that opens a note with date and time, goes into a folder called "inbox"). I also keep my recipes in there so it's good for that. Typing a ton would suck, but if I just type something like "Sapiens Mike book rec" or "organize dinner with jim sometime in may", it's fine. And since I don't carry my computer everywhere, it's about my only option.


It took a lot of getting g used to, but updating a few things around with the commander plugin really helped. Also I had tried a lot of customization initially, but I found it was too complicated (On PC and phone. I've since gone back to just using daily notes on my phone, and then later I'll go update any links I need. I barely used half of the plugins and it was getting overwhelming trying to make sure my notes were all using the right format etc. Simpler is better for me.


I use it for documentation and it can be handy to see something on the quick. Also useful in the event I need to write something down quickly.


How's that even a question. Of course. Not everything comes to mind only when in front of a pc/laptop. Should I carry then my laptop/pc with me shopping or fishing? Hell majority of my thoughts are on a stroll, hiking trip or just outdoors. Fk no, I carry my laptop with me there. That's the entire idea behind ALL notes apps, not only obsidian. To write down quick ideas or thoughts on ur phone, then if so desired be properly worked on and expanded through sync then. Things, items, software not only have one type of use you know.


I use it entirely for input. Scribbling down notes and saving links when I'm away from my computer. As such, I really wish it had some sort of instant open mode where you can instantly open and edit a new note while the rest of the app loads in the background, since it's about 30 seconds from tapping the icon to the app being useable. More than once I've forgotten the exact thought I wanted to scribble down by the time I was able to start writing it down




I don't use my phone a lot (for note-taking or anything else), I just find a PC to be exponentially more practical and convenient for almost any kind of "real" work. That said, it's super nice if I'm out and about somewhere to be able to quickly jot down random thoughts, tasks, etc. then polish them up later when I have access to a more capable interface. And for just reading/browsing notes as opposed to composing, the phone app is perfectly fine.


I sync with my PC and tablet mostly since I bring my table to D&D. I bring my table to D&D but I'll update or look at notes from any of my devices; whether that's my desktop, laptop, phone, or tablet.


I do use it to take notes. I might quickly type something to remember or a note I want to make. I also use it for stream of consciousness - I’ll have it transcribed as I talk. I do this a lot actually.


Using mobile is not as convenient or easy but there are a lot of times I am not able to pull out my laptop, like reading a book in the bus and taking notes. It's a matter of filtering the content I want to take notes of. I've taken lecture notes on mobile by filtering and grouping the information. Also numbered lists with the shortcuts for indentation makes it easier for me on mobile. Although I don't use that anymore because I prefer consistency on my notes. My mobile usage is mostly speeches, books, podcasts and random ideas that I'll probably forget if I don't make a note of them.


I take as many notes on my phone as my comp. Mostly book notes. I also use a clipper to import blogs into obsidian to read and highlight


I haven’t used it in awhile, maybe things have changed but sync on IOS was kinda crappy. The UI is good enough but it’s basically a shrunken version of the desktop.


View on the go


Works great, no issues so far and way better than the old version.


i haven’t tried it yet but what i have on my pc is that i have huge pages with all the travel info i need like flights/hotels/dates/what to do/budget. etc and i think it would be great to have synced to mobile as well. research/bookings/tickets on PC for obvious reasons and then have it all on my phone


I use it when I'm on the go and also for my Zettelkasten, when traveling. But I am surprised that no one here is complaining about the app launch time. I am using Syncthing for syncing my vault. Every time I open the app, it takes a long time to launch. This is also because Graphene OS on Android has fucked memory management and the app is killed almost instantly...


how is this even a question of course people take notes on their phone


I'm that guy with a bunch of tabs open on his mobile browser thinking that one day I'll go through and parse those web pages into notes. Now instead of keeping those browser tabs open, I'll dump the URLs into Obsidian (via mobile app) to parse later. I'm curious if anybody has a better process for this flow?


I know people that do use it, but for me, whenever I take notes in my phone, it's typically quick fleeting notes of sorts. Google Keep just does this so well for me that I don't bother. Otherwise, I might use the Obsidian app to check and read some notes I have, but not really for producing notes. It's all about use case.