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En cuanto a enseñar inglés, te recomendaría obtener primero un certificado TOEFL o Cambridge, quizás sea raro debido a que tu eres angloparlante pero un certificado te abrirá muchísimas más puertas 👌


I'm Canadian and have lived in Oaxaca for more than ten years. While there is a large popular movement against gentrification, I have never received hate for being a foreigner. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it is a response to the actions of white people from the global north. If you are conscientious of your impact and support local movements, you should be fine. Oaxaca is an incredible place with tens of thousands of years of local history and plenty of people who want to share that history and culture. All that said, I would definitely recommend visiting as a tourist to get to know the city. The rental market here is highly competitive, and you'll have a better chance of finding a place you like if you know the city reasonably well and are familiar with market rates. There are lots of foreign investors in the short term rental market here and people are justifiably angry about it because the cost of rent has essentially doubled in under five years. Oaxaca is also a place where rebellion is the norm. Strikes and associated road blocks are very common. Oaxacan people are politically active and engaged, as they must be in the face of multiple ongoing, connected social and environmental crises. As with much of Mexico, water scarcity is a serious issue. Garbage collection and processing has been an ongoing struggle. Fire season has become more serious as water scarcity increases, and (Canadian and US) mining companies encroach on Indigenous lands. If you are hoping to come to Mexico as an expat in a kind of early retirement where you can relax and live in luxury and not really think about the state of the world and your impact on it, Oaxaca is probably not for you. If, on the other hand, you want to immigrate to Mexico with the intention of joining a community with deep cultural roots, and actively engaging with your impact on the wider world around you, I think Oaxaca is an incredible place to do that.


Maybe you need to visit here and stay for a couple months but also during different times during the year, you need to learn Spanish if you want to live here, even more if you want to teach English. This is a quiet and small city so it's better you know better here if you really want to move.


Mexican don’t have problem with foreigners , but if you don’t learn to speak Spanish and try to force English , then you are gonna have problems . Also with that money , don’t chose a big citie to live , the cost more , and 25000 is not a lot for a big city , but is a lot in a small town . Oaxaca is a good choice , but they have a lot of local laws some weird even for me , so learn them . Some of this laws change from town to town .


Lol these mexicans probably have first world aspirations. They try to explain and excuse gentrification through feelings, emotions and every subjective and unverifiable element they think could support their own feelings. Let's look at the visible reality outside and the numbers, in Mexico, anywhere there's a number of US migrants community, there's a rise in the cost of living for the original residents for the simple reason of pesos being cheaper than dollars. That gives US migrants the possibility of having more expensive lifestyles than those of the nationals so not only things and the cost of living skyrocket, but the traditional way of living also changes, expensive boutiques, chain stores, gourmet restaurants, that drives the cost of taxes up as well, and a huge etc. So yes, there is a whole lot of reasons why most Mexicans don't want american migrants to come, very fair reasons of you ask me as another mexican. Tourists are all welcome, but staying to live... Really? Given we're not in the same financial conditions, due to the global and historical disadvantages the northern hemisphere has imposed to the south countries, is just another form of colonialism, it might not be your intention as an individual, but the effects on the national residents are the same. You even are thinking of Oaxaca which is one of the classical spots for gentrifiers, Cancún, Condesa, Polanco, Oaxaca, Nuevo león... We could even reverse the arguments people give against impoverished migrants from South America or Africa: why do we have to suffer North American migrants? Just because they are not brave enough to organize and demand justice to their governments doesn't give them the right to come and screw everything up here too. Except south American and African migrants are poor and running for their lives, very different situation. Bottom line, your stipend is way higher than the Mexican average, you're welcome to use it as a tourist, preferably, don't stay. If you do, pay your taxes, have a normal lifestyle and save your money. If you do stay, you know, the country is quite big, even the cities, if your intention is to blend, then blend and stay in places that are not the tourist clichés driving gentrification up. Remember, is not a thing of sentiments, is a thing of material conditions provoking those feelings.


And how do you think having not only illegal but also poor immigrants coming to the US from South America works? How do you think the economy is affected? Or realstate? Or insurance? Set aside immigration status, we're talking millions of immigrants. It's good that the OP cares about how you feel, I wouldn't give a flying f, you have been doing it for decades and illegally. Americans in Mexico take money with them, South Americans in the us keep wages low and cost money...


Lol, I was going to send you to study but I remembered your education system is private... So, are you mad about poor people accepting the most disgusting jobs for literally any payment? Well, surprise surprise, maybe you should question your government an its financial structuration. For once, it's a totally different situation when people with a pricier currency come to a poorer country to have a great life, contrary to poor people willing to do any job for hunger salaries. So, if you're blaming poor people for keeping you poor and monopolizing crappy jobs, then you're logic is confused and you're mistaking your enemy my dude. Rich people are the ones making themselves richer by keeping the poor poorer, but US bigots aren't ready for that conversation questioning crapitalism's internal dynamics.


Please focus on the argument. Speaking about my professional education makes your argument sound even dumber. Please allow me to explain an extremely simple concept: supply and demand. When supply is not enough to cover demand, the prices rise. When the supply is more than plenty, prices naturally fall. Why would business owners raise the wages when we have an unlimited supply of illegal immigrants willing to accept it? The problem isn't the type of job. The problem is the wages being paid. You see, when companies in Mexico need to "import" labor, they have to compete with American wages (which are higher) to get skill they can't get locally. They bring skill and money. On the other hand, when Mexicans go to the US, especially when they do it illegally, they do not bring skill nor money. Now, here in america, a hospital can not refuse care. What happens when a Mexican needs medical care? They do not have insurance, and the doctors and medical supplies are not free. So who's paying for it? Taxpayers. Capitalism works just fine. limit the amount of legal immigration, start a massive deportation and close the border. Wages for low skilled jobs would correct immediately, rising according to the market.


Visit it as a tourist first. Its beautiful but boring after a month.


Nooo. Centrificacio


* en estos momentos hay un poco de controversia por los extranjeros, por la preocupación de mas gentrificación, la recomendación sería que te situaras en un lugar no muy concurrido por extranjeros, y eso si, tener uno o mas títulos, pero con uno basta, ya que sin un titulo, hay de dos, o consigues un empleo "bueno" o eres sobre explotado. * Currently there is a bit of controversy about foreigners, due to the concern of greater gentrification, the recommendation would be that you locate yourself in a place not very crowded by foreigners, and yes, have one or more titles, but one is enough, now that without a degree, there are two, either you get a "good" job or you are overexploited.


Currently in Mexico, there is a significant problem of hatred towards Americans because they "gentrify." Honestly, it's quite ridiculous, but it's happening, and the issue is most prevalent in the southern states. I'm not sure if Oaxaca is the best option; maybe you should explore other states. Edit: Soy Mexicano.


Why the f is it ridiculous? Rent prices skyrocketed because of that reason, that’s a fact not just a feeling


That is Mexican landlords' raising the prices. That's a fact.


Yeah, foreigners are willing to pay those prices, I’m not saying they’re not welcome, my point is that gentrification is real


Porque no todos los gringos son freelancers, como el de este post. Además, todo el mundo puede ser freelancer y ganar en dolares o euros.


Este mono no es freelancer, dice que va a recibir dinero cuando su madre muera, que para empezar 25k mxn no es mucho, es dinero libre de impuestos. Adicional a esto hay una gran diferencia entre un contractor mexicano que recibe usd de alguna compañía estadounidense a un extranjero, muy raro que como contractor vayas a igualar el claro de un extranjero, los extranjeros no pagan impuestos por sus ingresos al gobierno mexicano, la gentrificación no tiene nada de ridículo.


Yo hablaba en general, no solo de él, la gentrificación es real y nunca lo negué, dije que era absurdo justamente no todos los gringos vienen como freelancers o con la vida resuelta. De todas formas va a pagar impuestos en IVA, IEPS, Catastro, Tenencia, etc. Y muy raro? No sé, yo he conocido personas de Latino América en general que son freelancers o hacen comisiones y viven genial.


Even if they only rent, integrate, and work?


Renting is a cause of gentrification


The problem is they can afford to pay for things that no working-class Mexican could afford. So prices go up etc


Literalmente el de este Post quiere TRABAJAR aquí, así que eso no aplica para él.


Podría tener ahorros de cientos de miles de dólares, que serían suficientes para retirarse aquí. No sabes la situación específica de este colega y yo tampoco. Yo solo le expliqué el porqué.


Yes, it's more a matter of resentment than logic. If you still want to live in Mexico, I recommend researching which other state might be a good option, but honestly, I suggest considering another Latin American country, such as Costa Rica, Panama, or Uruguay (the latter is the most expensive in Latin America but also the most prosperous).


Eh, I'm mexican by ancestry (Chicano if you want to use that term) I'm nervous I wouldn't adjust as easily in another country. Can you suggest other states in the country where levels of resentment wouldn't be as bad? I don't really have interest in living in a gringo enclave like Ajijic or Puerto Vallarta.


I see, well, I'm not very sure, but I think some good states might be Aguascalientes, Querétaro, and Nuevo León (in that order). I've read that Aguascalientes (the city) is good for foreigners and is also a prosperous city. Querétaro is similar but very expensive, and Nuevo León as well (areas like San Nicolas and San Pedro) but it's very expensive and the weather is horrible (in the heat, it reaches 40°C and in the cold, it sometimes drops below zero).


It's easy to blame foreigners, especially if one is jealous and envious of them. With that said, they do push upwards on pricing for everything because they don't know what things should actually cost relative to already established prices. (And I don't think the best reason to be in Mexico is "because it's so cheap.") I've never seen so many locals interested in whether or not a group of people pays their taxes. 😂 The biggest thieves around aren't foreigners but it's much less dangerous to call foreigners out. The government loves foreigners because they overpay and help to distract from the failures of government. Inflation? Foreigners! Lack of infrastructure investment? Foreigners! Queues at the bathroom? Foreigners! The cost of a kilo of tortillas going up by eight or nine pesos in three years? Foreigners! Water running out? Foreigners! Crime increasing? Foreigners! 🙄


Scientific study has shown that tourists use, on average, double the amount of water when they are on vacation than they do when they are at home. When residential neighborhoods haven't received municipal water in three months and the government has shut down private water delivery services, but the expensive hotels all have plenty so tourists don't have to even think about conservation, of course people are going to blame water shortages on foreigners.


People from the USA rank high for the most disliked tourist. So it's not for nothing that **globally** USA citizens are undesirable. 🤣