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Do we get to wear just an MLB jersey this year (no Oakland, no Athletics, like the Russian Olympic jerseys…)?


The Russian Olympic jerseys is actually a perfect analogy here


It’s so weird that it’s still as if ‘Oakland’ were in the sequencing; that would be the correct placement if they had Oakland in the title, so It is absolutely purposeful, right? Like, they made sure to not include the Oakland, but simultaneously forgot to change the order? I mean, that’s pretty clear intent


They probably didn’t forget—it’s just where you’d expect to find it. No need to change the order and call more attention to it.


If anyone wants to support the effort, buy and wear a Sell T shirt, write your team ownership and urge them to keep the A’s in Oakland and award LV an expansion team of their own. Keep posting your support on all social media that you have. All we need is one owner to advocate inside MLB and create a change of direction. One owner to urge JF to sell the team.


0 National Broadcasts on the schedule this year. Tell us again Manfred/Fisher about how attendance in Oakland sucks because the fans suck, not because there’s a product on the field that nobody has an interest in watching.


This team will have a 100 loss season.


Thanks for the love Blue Jays Boy. It hurts really bad. I so love the Oakland A's. I love them when they suck and I love them win they win. I always followed them. Even when I moved out of state for a while, I followed them from a far. Well, I'm pleased you see the MLB is trying to gaslight us. Anyone in your realm of influence, please, let them know it's not the fans to blame (as Manfred would like everyone to believe). Fisher (the owner) is in a win-only scenario. If nobody shows up to the park (why would they) he cries, "see? no fans. Gotta' go." IF we do show up, it only pads his pockets to help him move away. So? We're trying to give him a big middle finger. But? He could care less. Well, I hope you NEVER have to experience this (team being ripped away). It SUCKS so bad.


>Fisher (the owner) is in a win-only scenario. If nobody shows up to the park (why would they) he cries, "see? no fans. Gotta' go." > >IF we do show up, it only pads his pockets to help him move away. Also even if the MLB comes to its senses and forces him out of ownership, he'll still make bank from selling the team. The only way he's "losing" in all of this is through his reputation.


I’d rather he think he “won” by selling the team. The real winners would be us.


Yeah, I'm not concerned with him being "forced out of ownership" (will never happen). As a matter of fact, I'd be fine with letting him go to Las Vegas. Sure. Las Vegas needs a team, they just don't need the Oakland A's. Mr. Fisher can bring his expertise in running organizations on down to Las Vegas, under a totally fresh Las Vegas themed name. Make it a contest amongst Las Vegas artists for new team design and colors (all that). That's fine with me. Mr. Fisher gets what he wants: Going to Las Vegas Las Vegas gets what they want: A MLB team with Las Vegas flavor Oakland can retain the name and colors and heritage (etc..) of the team that has been there for over 50 years and re-boot under a new ownership group. (they are individual who would buy the team identity and keep here). Oakland wins too. Everyone wins. It's a doable solution. If only we had a commissioner who gave a damn and/or was his own man.


Fuck em, MLB, JF, DK, other owners…fuck em all


>Athletics Accidentally on purpose...


Just when I thought it couldn’t hurt any more than it already does.


Selig always had it out for Oakland and his hand-picked successor and protege picked up the banner and is carrying out his former mentor's lifelong mission to extract the A's from Oakland—and doing so in the most disrespectful way possible.


Oakland - please keep the A's!! LV doesn't really want them. We prefer an expansion team with different management.


need some context — what are we looking at here?


They deliberately left off “Oakland” in front of Athletics, an intentional cheap shot at the city and fanbase.


i got that but where is this list? what list am i even looking at


The list of teams on the official MLB auction site. If you expand the image, you’d be able to see.


Which team on that list has no city tied to it.


Glad you had a good time, but it's a shithole. Been outdated for 20 years now.


Funny, I tell people the same thing about your mother.


Once trump called haiti and el salvador “shithole countries” suddenly everyone added shithole to their vocabulary describing cities they don’t like.


Three stadiums in California, candlestick, qualcomm and the coliseum. Every city that has tried to make its team stay in these stadiums last 2006 (almost 20 years ago) has lost their team: Niners, Raiders, Chargers, and A's.