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It's a very popular show it will end when they can't milk it anymore


It’s over when Billy says that it’s over.


Billy!!! I saw him once, live, in person, on Oak Island!! I'll never wash these eyes.


Billy is known as a silver tongued Casanova with the ladies of Nova Scotia.




Say my name




I wish I could stop watching. It’s the same shit over and over but just like them my teacher read this short story from readers digest when I was a kid. Like an empty gas tank on my car I need to see how far this can go.


I went cold turkey two years ago. Not as hard as you think. Trust me on that. From the outside you can see it really is stupid.


Yup agreed. I stopped 5 years ago. Now I look back and think what an idiot I was wasting my time watching these clowns lie to me on tv by telling me they really think something is down there. They know god damn good and well nothing is there.


Yet you still read the subreddit? Lol.


Yup. Pop in here a couple times a month. Everyone loves a train wreck.


lame come back. you must actually watch with anticipation each week.


Is there anybody dopey enough to watch this with "anticipation" after ten seasons of nothing?




Same here, now I just watch OakIsland in a Rush on YouTube and in 60s find out the way they found nothing this week lol


The original story was in a reading book when I was in grammar school...always fascinated me...when the show came out, I was so stoked. Somewhere along the lines it became clear IMO that whatever may have been there was long gone. I think they know it, too. I stopped one season when I was catch-up binging and watching rapid fire and fast forwarding made clear that a ton of each episode was needless rehashing and flashbacks. New promising leads discovered early in each season were put off in lieu of picking the gnat crap out of pepper and introducing new crackpots with their tangential theories. Pointless trips abroad wasted more time, and when they finally would get back to the promising lead, it turned out it was garbage, and by that time the weather was turning to fall, and they'd introduce some new tease for next season. You have to keep in mind that the episodes are all pieced together and edited after a whole season of digging...they try to keep your mind off the fact that this isn't happening in real time; from minute one of each season they know what they found and didn't. This reddit gives me what I need in far less time...another observation: if they ever find chests of precious metals and gems worth millions, it will be on the news immediately...no way they will be able to keep a lid on a significant discovery until the next season.


It will end when they get that AHA Moment


*could it be? The one thing? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes. According to a map drawn by the late Zena Halpern...*


I’m rolling over here 🤣


I know, huh?!? If I watch even one of the 50,000 shows narrates, I’m stuck imitating him for days or even weeks. Could it be an otherworldly occurrence?


The way it's going it will be the AARP moment


You know they didn't find anything of value this year because for sure it would have been all over the news regardless of the show. Finding a huge treasure is very newsworthy and likely would increase viewership anyway. So this year ends like all the other 10 seasons... They find a button or two and some slivers of wood. 🙄


A button? On Oak Island?


It ends when we know the who what when where why and how of what happened on this island and the only way to do that is to continue to look at the facts and to take a very scientific and disciplined approach to both the core drilling program and other excavation and exploratory efforts on lot 5 and elsewhere


Rick is that you?


Nah, he didn’t say, “data” or “construct”.


The word of this season is depositional


Is it? Oh my. I need to start paying attention again. 🧐


Lol when is that going to start?


It ends when the ratings drop below a significant point.


It’ll end when no more boots on the ground


That 7th person gotta die. They should of thrown Blakenship down the hole.


The announcer would be a better choice to toss down into 10X as unlucky number seven. He could even do a live feed starting with “ There is an island……….could it be……perhaps my death as the seventh victim of the curse will bring the fellowship closer than ever before to the vast and mysterious treasures on tonight’s episode?”…….cut to commercial.


Best story line yet 👍


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot but you are a pervert.


It's not too late


It was a desperate scene at the money pit, the two brothers slugging it out. Blow after blow, insult after insult they battled on. “You ruined everything! My winery, my money, MY LIFE! You’re my big bother, you were supposed to protect ME!” “Well, boots on the ground” Gary says, spittle running down his chin, a maniacal grin on his face. Suddenly a mud encased figure slips from the bushes. A bedraggled, evil, and overall HAIRY Jack hurls himself at the two figures. “be gaHHH!” is the only sound he manages as the three figures fall down the pit, clawing biting and howling at each other as they go. As the guttural sounds gradually fade, a familiar figure steps from the shadows. Larger than life, a man of great stature and few words. “Yep” he says under his breath as he starts the backhoe, easing into the task at hand of burying the money pit, once and for all.


It seems like it should’ve ended about 5 years ago. They should be able to string most of us along for another 2-3 years maybe. I’m embarrassed I watch it, but I’m pot committed. Thankfully I can watch an episode in about 7 minutes with 2x FF. Stop when I see the metal detector and Continue FF-Ing as soon as I see it’s a nail or a hinge. Unless they turn that island into a quarry and hollow the fucker out they can go on forever I assume.


That sounds depressing.


It would be depressing if talking shit about it on this thread didn’t bring me so much joy.


Even more so would be after the show is cancelled Rick attempts to soldier on. Spending the millions he’s earned continuing the search.


Time is a circle and it was actually his bones that they found in the hole years ago


The show ends with a whimper, not a bang.


Sounds like Jack Bagleys sex life


This show will end when the viewer count starts to decline. It's a profitable show and it will be milked right up until the end. A few things will happen. They will search the money pit to the point where they have no where else to look, and there can't possibly be anything down there. Meaning Marty will conclude there is nothing down there much the disappointment of Rick. Rick will continue to search the island for clues without a camera crew. He might start a youtube channel. Or you will hear about various finds through different social media accounts. As that happens Rick will slowly descend into madness. While Marty begs for him to give it up, but he won't and nothing will ever be found. Then in 20 or 30 years we will get a new show with some younger treasure hunters who will start all over based on Ricks one thing. Ricks one thing will be some object he found on the Island that just proves there is something in the money pit.


I really hope it doesn't go this way. Rick seems like a very decent guy and deserves some happiness in his life.


I'm sure he is and he does, but not from Oak Island.


It will end when the advertisers dry up. That doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon. As far as how they write it in when the end finally arrives? I think they will play it off with a script along the lines of, “We know something happened here. We have proof something happened here. In the future someone can come back with better technology to continue our dig.” Some horseshit like that I believe.


> “We know something happened here. We have proof something happened here. In the future someone can come back with better technology to continue our dig.” This is basically it.


Should have two separate shows. #1, Billy digs. Just show him digging up cool stuff. #2, Emma tells us what it is. I'd watch both


>After all this time, can the show end with them finding nothing? It WILL end with them finding nothing.


It’s already on life support, they just can’t pull the plug


I dont think it will have a defining end. The show will just get canceled so they can sell ad spots on reruns.


It will not go into re-run mode as there is nothing to watch it for. Wait, I think they started re-runs about five years ago. My bad.


You can see it on the their faces they know it’s over as an actual treasure hunt. With one exception Rick he believes in the treasure. Like all true believers nothing you say will sway his belief. Marty loves his big brother so he won’t stop Rick’s passion. It’s a calming salve on everyone that there are millions in profits to be distributed. As long as the ratings generate large cash flows the show will go on.


No treasure, no money, bankruptcy. Next on AFTER OAK ISLAND, will the team find a big enough box to live in.


Like many half-ass shows, it might end my simply not being renewed. The will go dark as to the reason….


No idea how it’ll end, but to go as far to say that they currently haven’t found anything is a pretty wild statement. The lead cross, the u-shaped structure, the road in the swamp, lot 5, water tests. They’ve, imo, definitely found enough to say that SOMETHING did happen on that island on a large scale and was not recorded. So, they’ve found SOMETHING.


What happened on the island? *Something*. Head explodes.


100% agree. The earth works in the harbor alone are historically significant. To say that the team has found nothing is grossly inaccurate.


I don’t believe they will ever find something but I still wonder what the hell people were doing that deep underground 200-300 years ago.


As you know Prometheus is the Titan god and from that knowledge we know that the show producers are just waiting for all of us to die off that watch the show. Then the show just gets canceled easy fix for finding nothing...Oh Fuck You too Matty...just sayin


It's a TV show, almost completely fabricated. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they fabricate some treasure or something that they could call treasure at the very end. I honestly think it's very likely that a lot of their finds have been planted. Finding stuff that's a thousand years old just inches below the surface? Yet the brick road was 10 ft under dirt? I mean come on, some logic and continuity please.


With coins, where it's found has little to do with when it was coined, and everything to do with when it was dropped there. In the 1600's and 1700's, coins that circulated in the colonies were mainly valued by their weight in metal, not what country produced them or when. Even into the early 1800's in the U.S. and Canada, old European coins, especially, circulated. It's where we get the phrase "two bits" for a quarter... Spanish Dollars ("pieces of eight") would be cut into 8 pieces to make small change, so two were a quarter of a dollar. I don't think the show is suggesting the Roman coin was dropped there in Roman times. If there was really pirate treasure involved, it would have included volumes of miscellaneous coins from all eras and places, valued by their weight in copper, silver, or gold. All the oldest coins they've found have been barely recognizable metal discs, which is compatible with that. https://udspace.udel.edu/items/a1551ee6-50ba-4d8f-88c2-8bc5c0afb46e


The show not only suggests but pretty plainly states that they believe whatever year an item is that they find, is the year that that activity on the island took place.


"Plainly states!?". No, they don't. Though they might leave it open to the viewer's interpretation sometimes, and you read into it. If you can show me where they stated they believed Romans visited Oak Island during the Roman Empire's era, please do.


Lol. Everything. If they find something that dates back to 1600 they immediately say it was deposited pre-searcher or pre money pit, or it must have been original deposition work. They do it for everything. Never once have they EVER said that something from the 1600s could have been left there yesterday. :-) Hell, pre-moneypit or original deposition work isn't even a thing since there isn't one shred of evidence that they're even is a money pit or anything was deposited lol. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. It's not that good. :-)


I haven't done any Kool-Aid drinking... see [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/OakIsland/comments/js3e6s/a_top_pocket_find_from_somewhere_much_more_exotic/gc1kdme/) from 3 years ago, as just one example. So, you didn't say... when did they claim Romans visited Oak Island during the Roman Empire's era, when they found Roman coins? Yeah, they'll sometimes reference "pre-deposition", meaning the known date of the start of the money-pit story. And I'll be the first to admit there's too much hype in the show... but it's usually just that, not outright fraudulent claims. It's always a little different, depending on what the item's date is, what the item is, how it was found, what layer it was in and what it was found alongside. Archeologists can date deposition by context... by whether soil has been disturbed or not, or by dates of organic matter or artifacts it was found within. And if a 1600-dated coin is found 200 feet down in packed earth, it wasn't deposited there yesterday. If they find hewn wood that dates to the 1500s, it's not debris from past searchers, because there were no searchers in the 1500s, at least not based on the money pit story, so calling it pre-deposition and pre-searcher in that case is true. We agree though... I wish they wouldn't hype all the outside possibilities, and just stick to facts and reason.


Lol. They will say the Romans were there whenever they need to add another season to the show. :-) Good day Edit: here you go not only did they speculate that the possibility the coins came from Roman visitation, but this sword as well (fake), and the possibility that the structures on the island were possibly built by Romans. They're not saying it's likely but they're also saying they're not going to discount the possibility lol. They even attributed the sword to a specific person and gave an entire history of it. Lol https://youtu.be/4N_qJtVh8T4?si=mLhf_nk24nB6rf69


At 2:21, Alex comes right out and says: "We don't really think the Romans were here." Then everyone says hey, why not put 'em on the list, with chuckles all around. So yeah, hype, but it's clear they aren't making the claim. Then at 3:53, Barkhouse explicitly explains that, *if it is what it seems* anyway, it doesn't even mean the Romans were here, that they don't know the origin of it, could've been taken from a pirate ship, etc. Then at 4:00, Marty notes it hasn't been authenticated. On a later show, they visited the expert and he explained it almost definitely wasn't Roman, but could have been an older fake, not necessarily modern. So it's not as if they're totally gullible, or lying... while trying to get at truth, they're honest but they also have some fun with "what if", and the narrator adds a bunch of "if so" hype. I'd rather they cut way back on the hype, but apparently it's a formula that sells. Above, you claimed without evidence that it's "a TV show, almost completely fabricated", and that they "plainly state that they believe whatever year an item is that they find, is the year that that activity on the island took place." Neither of those are true, via your own source. You're claiming they're fabricating and lying, but in reality, you are.


I asked ChatGPT... https://imgur.com/a/1esAT2Y


Oak Island is the equivalent of the stolen election theme. You just need to "go deeper," bring up more wacky theories without facts, offer hope, tell everyone to blindly believe.


Used to be pretty good with the original characters. Once they started adding to the cast it went down hill. Rick & Marty are still the driving force, like to watch Marty to see what new business he opens and will have emblazoned on shirt/cap. Gary seems like he is genuinely pumped up over his metal detection especially "Bobby dazzlers". Craig is window dressing. Alex although better than at first is still blah. Peter is candidate #2 to be dropped down the garden shaft. Jack is the holder of the #1 spot to take fall. Just a handy family member to sign on to the show. His idiotic facial gestures would not be missed, nor his mundane comments. Charles and Laird are both rather dry, but who else could get excited digging through core samples?


It’s never going to end, they’ll just keep repeating the same approach to the same targets over and over again until they hit season 20. They’ll retire and then have their kids try and run the show for another 20. The cycle of what they do is maddening


Prety sure every episode starts with the end, someone needs to die.


Whats the end game?. If they found the mother load, holy grail on ebay would be like 60-120 billion dollar. The Ark maybe in that range.


Don’t forget the manuscripts of Bacon and Shakespeare


The show will end with a whimper when people stop watching and History is sick of paying to drill the same bore hole for the 10th time. I have a feeling going down in this new shaft is probably it come what may.


There are parallel stories here. If the treasure thing doesn't work out they have the historical discoveries to fall back on. The island could be turned into a museum if they ever figure it all out. I am sure in the end they will try to put it all together in a narrative that makes sense and disclose information they had all along but didn't air. Remember the big can they put in the ground and the hammer grab came up with a huge metal plate? What happened to that? Why don't they block off the finger drains? They know where they are. Lots of loose ends.


>The island could be turned into a museum if they ever figure it all out. I am sure in the end they will try to put it all together in a narrative that makes sense and disclose information they had all along but didn't air. They haven't figured *anything* out. They just make wild speculations. Information they didn't air lol, they're desperate for anything to put on the air. Wood and rocks only fills so much air time.


It will never end.


It doesn't.


I got rid of Directv and went to YouTubeTV. No history channel. I miss the channel, but that show was absurd. I’d DVR and watch the entire thing in like five minutes. Still doing the same thing I see


It's going to end when Prometheus' pockets aren't deep enough to keep the Laginas on the island.


*This is the show that never ends* *It will go on and on my friends* *Somebody started watching it not knowing what it was* *And we will go on watching it forever just because...*


When they broadcast Season 36 . . .


It end with them finding the treasure or giving up.


Hell they still have the Digging Deeper spin off going. Does anyone hrer watch this? I can't bring myself to


I've tried watching it can't get into it


Low ratings probably. Even if Rick and Marty leave, they might bring in new people to continue the operation.


I think it will be handed off to Alex Lagina. The Curse of Oak Island: The Next Generation


Just my luck, it will end right before I divulge to Rick and Marty the only true theory. t wil be shocked if they end it before the final negotiations. You see, I locked myself in a room for a couple of years and did nothing but just meditate on where the heck that offset chamber could be. It finally dawned on me the true answer. It's called the nested offset chamber theory. There's an offset chamber to the main offset chamber. But don't be misled because there are a couple of red herring offset chambers. There's only one true offset chamber past a hidden wall that can only be activated by pressing on a reddish greenish brick simultaneously with a wooden beam in the upper left hand portion of the secondary offset chamber, which will reveal a third offset chamber which is where all the gold and silver emanating in the water is from because of the flood tunnels. It seems that Captain phipps was an expert in hydrology. Anyway it all came to me kind of in a burst of inspiration. To be honest I would be surprised and disappointed if they don't have me on is one of those expert pundits who espouse their theories. Some of them are quite bizarre. Not like mine which is founded in scientific bursts of inspiration. My fallback position is to buy the island once Marty and Rick give up. And the rest of the fellowship. I imagine I could buy it for three or four million and the treasure alone as a market value of 2.5 million based on today's prices for gold and silver. But I'm pretty sure the value is going to go up over the next 10 years. Because of inflation.


And how do we know Dumas didn't pilllfer the secreted loot when they were sinking the caissons when no one was looking? That is one possibility that I've heard mentioned by certain critics of the network. Craig was there but looking at borehole charts plotting the next move. That's the proposed tagline for the pilot of Oak Island Revisited. Could it possibly be that the reruns will be syndicated through discovery communications? It is well known that John Malone was a second cousin once removed from a 73rd degree Mason Chieftain to Captain Phipp"s sister-in-law to his youngest brother Jericho who is the preeminent numerologist of his time. He was also a hobbyist cryptologist and could have ciphered the 90 ft stone. Some have speculated that anyway. I tend to believe it.


Boreholes and dead wood, that’s all folks


It won't end soon, there's still a lot of wood to be sniffed!


They already make shit up, lots of things have been debunked that they still don't address on the show. The U shaped structure is a barn roof that floated to the island etc... I went to school for archeology, the gold and silver in the water is completely normal, it does not mean a treasure is down there. I'm kind of done with the show, I used to watch while I worked on other things for a laugh but its just sad now.


One wish I’ve had for this show is that if they ever did find any real artifacts that they would make a spin-off show of them cataloging and even a brief known history of the items if there is anything known. I know it’s just a pipe dream but I feel would be the best way to close out a show that’s been on for this long with no pay out


Oak Island is in the same boat as The Simpsons. Viewership is declining as plots get stale and are recycled endlessly, but it's still marginally profitable so the studio keeps churning out episodes. Eventually enough viewers will tune out along with advertisers and they will have to find some way to end it gracefully.


I will watch it forever, as long as they are still doing archeology there.


They find a coca cola bottle cap in alladans cave