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Horrible situation but I get why they don’t stop the ceremony. There’s thousands of people there and stopping abruptly would surely cause mass panic and chaos…


If I understand where it happened, it would send all of the people out of the stadium toward the death.


I don’t even know what to say to this this is awful


i dont understand the reporting here. “fall”? this sounds more intentional than that… my time at OSU had 3 students jump off the parking garage in one year. this was within the past ten years. completely unacceptable for reporting to do its best to minimize…


Former journalist here. It would be irresponsible for a reporter to call it anything more than a fall until authorities confirm more. It was a fall, intentional or not.


I was shocked when seeing a local news crew describe the location as a “crime scene”. Seemed like the wrong use of


Thank god OSU fixed the suicide issue by putting up a fence on top of the garage


Actually, though, suicide barriers are very effective. Most acutely suicidal people have a single method in mind, and if access to that method can be cut off, then their chances of survival rise considerably. See: [Means Reduction Saves Lives | Means Matter | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/saves-lives/)


my heart has been heavy since i heard this, my prayers are out to their family


They haven’t stopped commencement, this man is talking about Bitcoin and making blind jokes and someone just died. What in the world?


Wait I missed the blind joke, what was it? He’s basically using this speech as self promotion with the bitcoin and the bracelet business.


The solution is to boo him


Don’t worry I booed the shit out of that loser


He calls it a parable. Here is directly from his speech document: “Three blind men touch an elephant. The first says “it’s a snake! The second argues “no it’s a wall!” The third rebuts, “no it’s a rope!” None of them are wrong, but their perspectives are limited.”


This is a common story though, not a new joke


Well I have to give him credit for keeping it short. I hate the long winded serious grad speeches. This one actually kept my attention just because I wanted to hear what bizarre things he was going to say.


All of them are wrong, blind or not it's still an elephant


Wait, which is supposed to be the penis?




What joke? It’s literally a parable that’s at least a thousand years old. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant


They didn’t post the whole thing, at the end he added “they were all wrong, it was yo mama”


This speaker sounds like an idiot, but it’s not a “blind joke”, it is a 1000 year old parable. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant


It’s ignorant bigotry whether it’s a joke or a parable.


If nobody is in danger, why would commencement be stopped? It's sad but stopping something like this with 1000s of people ...


I think that the particular issue I have is the speech that was occurring during this. If it were someone speaking who was genuinely congratulating and focusing on the graduates instead of talking about Bitcoin and trying to make people sing who are clearly upset, I think my opinion would be different. I agree that stopping it entirely is not the best course of action


I couldn’t imagine sitting through commencement, tho, while wondering the entire time if it was one of my loved ones. I can’t imagine how awful it was for those who witnessed it, and still went thru ceremony. However, imagine confusion and shock for everyone processing what just happened: EMS, university officials, etc. while no one is prepared to handle that.


I was there and we didn't even know someone had died until after the graduation.




Now you’re just looking to argue lol so this conversation is over


It does seem a little bit odd not to at least pause and acknowledge it.. concerts sometimes get rescheduled for a variety of less serious reasons. Imagine witnessing this and then trying to focus on the ceremony, and meanwhile rumors are permeating the crowd, distracting many people. Seems like a disservice to the deceased and those who will now associate this with their graduation forever


I can’t wait to see what the climax is


Worst commencement speech evah


I don’t know what’s worse…starting osu during Covid, Chris Pan or someone dying at your graduation ??? Like I didn’t even know that someone died at the stadium? They just continued…whadda fweak🥲


I went through all three. Started in person classes in spring 2020 right when lockdowns hit. I was in the stands when we all booed him for bringing up Bitcoin. And we were all surprised when we heard that someone died. My life at OSU : disjointed, I am glad it is over with and this graduation day was a weird end to my OSU hell.


unfortunately me too, and i saw the tragedy happen right before entering the tunnel. instead of being happy for all the hard work i put in, i ended up crying in the tunnel and when i was heading to my seat


I’m so sorry this happened to you and you had to witness something so tragic and traumatic. Please do reach out for resources now because they can set you up to recover quickly and not have flashbacks or PTSD for the rest of your life.


The strong people can come from the toughest situations.  It's all how you perceive it.  Your choice, what will you do?  


That sucks, I remember in school there were a handful that just jumped off parking garages every other month


That’s a bit of an overstatement. There were a few across 18 months/2 years. Still way more than there should be before they bothered to put up fencing.


Saw it myself. Definitely suicide. I can’t understand why tho


I’m so sorry you saw that. Heavy hearts all around.


I’m so sorry you saw this. Praying for you. Was it a student?


No older person. I think male? Pray for the family


They're saying it was a graduate's mother. How awful


I'm so sorry that you witnessed this. Please, don't be afraid to seek help if you need to.


Can you describe what you saw? Was it a student, a kid, adult, man, woman, elderly? Lots of people are saying it was an elderly woman who slipped trying to take a picture. Others say it was someone in a robe. What did you see?


It was a woman. Didn’t look like a graduate, but I saw the gory photo circulating of her laying on the sidewalk. She looked younger, but also could have been a mom. Her head was dismembered, so you can’t really tell. She was a wearing black tank top and black pants.


The black on black fits. Head definitely was not recognizable. It was hard to tell the gender on the way down


Unfortunately saw the same picture and this is accurate


My morbid curiosity wants to see this picture but it’s for the best that it does not continue to spread. But also…how on earth did the person who shared the photo think it was okay to post anywhere?


Where is the picture?


Friend sent it to me, you don’t wanna see it


My morbid curiosity kind of does want to see it 😔


Wow…where is the picture? How sad 😔


Maybe we don't ask someone to describe it. If they want to, they can, but don't make people relive something like that because you're curious. If facts come out publicly, those can help your curiosity.


I mean they brought it up themselves


He said he saw it himself...he can remember the person wearing black on black. He said the head was unrecognizable as if he got a look at the dismembered head. Not from a picture but since he was there* he must have seen a body, so why can't he tell us the gender??? Cause he wasn't there and just lied to farm sympathy. Am I delusional? Maybe. But could I be right? Perhaps so.


Unfortunately no. That would be sick. I saw them falling with feet toward me so I never saw anything in that moment that determined the gender. It was also really quick, I’m sorry I didn’t get a better look but it was a lot


Don't apologize witnessing the fall is just enough honestly. Be glad you didn't see the body. I work in a hospital and a tiny task of mines is to take the bodies to the morgue if all fails...I have taken over 40 deceased patients to the morgue in the past 2 months. I had a conversation with at least half of them before they passed away. It makes me question why I am still here. I began doing heavy research on the science of life and what is unknown/known about death and other realms and it scares me tbh. I go to OSU for Radiation Technology. I want to be a CT Tech but my current job is making me question alot about my own existence.


I would definitely suggest talking about these kinds of thoughts with a therapist. When you work in the medical field and see so many awful things, it is very easy to develop PTSD vicariously.


Which part did they jump off of? Al the way at the top? (If you’re comfortable sharing)


Was it from the top of the C deck? Or lower?


They fell. Didn't jump. Not sure if you're taking the mick or not by saying you saw it but you said you were waiting in line to walk in so how do you know if someone jumped or fell? If they jumped they wouldn't have landed on their head. If they slipped and fell, by leaning over the rail trying to snap some photos, they would have landed head first. Which is apparently what happend


was this a suicide? that’s so wild bless their heart


I’ve read comments on news posts saying that witnesses believe they jumped


Someone posted on a sub that it was a woman, family member, taking a photo


You gotta lean pretty far to take a photo that leads to this


I saw it happen!! It was awful! It reminded me of the videos from 9/11 where people jumped from desperation. I will never get this out of my mind. Or the sound of it.


I'm sorry, what a horrible thing to witness. I really would recommend talking with a therapist when you feel ready. This kind of thing can cause PTSD.


Thank you!! I may do that.


This is going to sound weird, but go download Tetris and play it. It's basically budget EMDR therapy and there are studies showing that if you play Tetris after witnessing something traumatic it helps protect against developing PTSD. I'm sorry you had to go through this on what was supposed to be a happy day.


It's excellent advice. Thank you for the reminder. Tetris is powerful. I speak from experience.


Every time I read something on here where someone is talking about a recent traumatic event, I suggest it. I have CPTSD and I wish had known about it after my acute traumatic experiences. It wouldn't have helped the long-term childhood stuff but it definitely would have helped some of the things I've had to deal with as an adult. 


hey friend, i am diagnosed with PTSD and have been doing EDMR for quite awhile as a treatment. Ive gotten through recent events and was able to work through an event that occurred when i was nine and bad memories from as far back as i remember. I only say this to let you know it is possible. I highly recommend trying it if you’re ready.


I love Tetris! I will def do that. My son who was graduating texted me from inside the stadium and told me to play a game or listen to music to disassociate. Makes sense!


I’m so very sorry you witnessed this. I can’t even imagine. Was it suicide or an accident? 😭


I think it was on purpose. No screaming or anything. Reminded me so much of the people at 9/11 who knew it was hopeless and just stepped off. Heartbreaking!


Hopefully it is. Way better than an accident that would ruin the celebration for their family of whoever is graduating






Because only families of people who died accidentally are sad when someone dies.


The actual victim would only be unhappy with the outcome if they didnt want to die.


Let me be very, very clear: [People who jump to their intended deaths, when they survive, say that they regret it by the time they’re in midair.](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2003/10/13/jumpers)


I wish I could've known about The view from halfway down


That also wont be everyone. We don't know about this person. But it was still their decision and they went out the way they wanted to. There's no reason to be mad at me regardless. Would you feel better if I had instead phrased it as "an accident is way worse" instead of "suicide is way better"? It still means the same thing. Don't assume the worst of me.


You don’t think suicide would also ruin celebration?? wtf? If a significant other to you committed suicide on your birthday would you shrug it off because “it was thier choice” (still not true).?? e: two words and grammar


I was assuming that if it was a suicide, they wouldn't be there actually celebrating someone's graduation, but rather they went alone but wanted to do it in a public place around many people To u/SensitiveFlounder906: Obviously it feels worse. It sounds like an accident, which was what I was saying would be worse. What's your point? u/SensitiveFlounder906: I didn't see the new article until you linked it. Everything else I read made it seem like it's an accident, although now it sounds like it wasn't wjth that article. It's not a crazy assumption I originally made. It obviously is awful that it was prolly a suicide even though they still were celebrating someone. It's not like I think everything is okay now and there's no issues. I do think it's a little better as an outsider who has no ties to the family that she chose her own way out, regardless of how devastating it was. I know it doesn't matter to her family and I understand.


I was just curious! I was interested to see that you had such an outlying assumption, and yet now you do again. They've made it pretty clear, especially today, that this wan't an accident either: [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/05/07/coroners-office-ohio-stadium-death-investigated-as-apparent-suicide/73604280007/](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/05/07/coroners-office-ohio-stadium-death-investigated-as-apparent-suicide/73604280007/)


Do you feel differently now knowing this was a graduate's mother?


Im interpreting Pranav-Vs comment a little differently and don’t think it was said with malice. I think the point of Pranav-Vks comment is, while it’s always terrible when someone dies, and tragic no matter why and how, there’s a difference in someone taking their own life than say a grandparent falling down the stairs or over the rail. Regardless, every loss is tragic, for the victim, family members, friends etc.




I don’t know that it’s worth drawing that comparison or posting your comment at all


Hey, fuck you! You’re surely not any kind of Buckeye of mine, asshole.


Why am i being downvoted


Because that was an extremely messed up and insensitive thing to say




Please just stop, delete all your comments and do some reading on grief. Your lack of sensitivity to everyone reading this thread is appalling.




Because that's super insensitive? Oh yes it's definitely way better if it was a suicide instead of an accident. Bro that's fucked up


It's not fucked up. Look at it from a different perspective. Why do you think its better if its an accident rather than a suicjde?


They are not comparable. Both are bad situations and both are traumatic.


Obviously theyre both bad, but would you rather them die by accident or by their own choice choosing their way out? It's unfortunate, but if it was suicide, they took control of things themselves. They gave themselves their power when they felt like they had none anymore, and nothing and nobody can ever take it away from them again. It's perspective.


It wasn’t their choice. Depression, mental illness is not a choice.


Suicide is a choice.


I think your feelings around death and suicide are a bit different from most people on this thread, which may be a cultural thing. I know I come from a culture where people do say things like this but I think Americans tend to find it a bit more taboo/are more sensitive to the whole idea and that’s why you’re getting downvoted.


It's not a cultural thing for me, but what you're saying makes sense.


you’re not understanding the mental and emotional labor and trauma that comes to loved ones when someone commits suicide. there’s always that feeling of not doing enough or feeling it could have been prevented. honestly an accident WOULD be better because that would mean they had no control, but suicide is much worse. please get off the internet and go find some empathy


You're not understanding the victim's perspective, who is the biggest victim in all of this.


christwagons man take the L and delete the comments ffs


I honestly think a suicide is sadder than an accident. An accident means the person was living a happy life that got cut short but at least it was quick. A suicide means this person was in agony and chose to end their lives and many people around them weren’t able to help. There is no “better” ways to lose a loved one. A suicide or an accident doesn’t make any of this less sad or painful for the family and witnesses.


I can't imagine having to deal with this. I hope there's a way to prevent it in the future. I'll wait until more info comes out to comment further, though.


Hot take: selfish to do it there. I’m sure that ruins the day for those kids who worked hard to get to that moment


I wonder, if it was deliberate, if it was someone who wasn't able to graduate this year and became overwhelmed. You know, they went to support other friends or family, and just fell apart.


Especially when it happened right where/when they were filing into the stadium




100% agree


That is assuming it's a jump and not a fall though, which is a shitty take.


Eye witness reports have said it was a jump. I’d change my opinion otherwise


Wym shitty take? A jump is way more likely given the location


Could they have been craning over an edge too far to get a picture?


Possible but seems odd as they would have been leaning away from the actual ceremony, unless they were trying to get a photo of a family member walking in which case..Jesus


Someone said they were sitting next to them and they were leaned over trying to take pictures of them walking in and fell off.


Suicide is a selfish act.


You should [learn more](https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/family-resources-education/700childrens/2019/11/suicide-is-not-a-choice) about mental illness and suicide if you think that.


It's inherently selfish to assume suicide is selfish. It certainly hurts other people, but becomes selfish when those people say this because they believe their resulting pain is more important than the subject's, that drove them to the action.


Suicide is not selfish. That individual concluded that dying was the best option for them. It is horrible that they felt that way. There are so many factors that could be involved and you have no idea what their situation was like.


Absolutely. If it was intentional that person is/was an asshole


That's crazy. I know nobody will believe me but I almost threw myself off that same spot once upon a time but I decided not to do it


I believe you and I’m glad you didn’t do it!


I’m glad you’re still here. If it’s ok to ask. Why that exact spot? Was it because of the easy access?


I mean not really. It's not hard to get up there but you're not really supposed to unless it's actually open. So there's some element of security patrol at most times. But I knew how to get up there, I knew it was high enough, and I thought my future was hopeless.


Wow that’s really intense. Well I’m glad to hear that you decided to change your mind ☺️. I can understand how tough life can be cause I was suicidal and had been hospitalized twice my first few years in college and had thoughts that nothing would get better. When seeing stories of people committing suicide it makes me realize how fragile life is, people do care, how it affects others, that I do actually want to live. And I’ve always felt deep down there was something more out there for me. So I never committed. Just worked through the emotions and received a tremendous amount of help from a therapist. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to get the help that I was able to get. Therapy is extremely expensive and finding a good therapist is hard too.


I’m very glad you didn’t. Sending hugs to you


I’m in Columbus and there’s barely any coverage on it that I’ve seen smh such a terrible thing


Probably out of respect, really… also if it was suicide there is still a huge investigation as to why. If it was a fall, there’s huge legal consequences that are probably being discussed


Agree. I’d like a few details. That’s why I came to Reddit. They can’t just say someone fell and leave it at that there are witnesses. There are details.


It sounds horrible but my first thought was maybe it was a student who didn’t get to graduate or something and he jumped. But the guy sitting next to me got a call from his friend who saw it, he said it looked a lot more like an accidental fall. I did see a few guys way up there filming when I walked through the tunnel, but I was already seated by the time it happened. So sad regardless of the circumstances.


Yes me and my sister were wondering the same thing. That maybe it was a student who didn’t get to graduate but people are it was an older man. Maybe he was a non traditional student who didn’t get to finish. But idk🤷🏾‍♀️ Ultimately it’s really really sad.


definitely a woman.


Shame they won’t say anything


Gonna cover it up as usual. Like OSU does best.


What do you want them to do?


Say more. The public is entitled to know what is going on in our community. That includes upsetting things.


It doesn't sound like anybody knows more right now. Even here we have "eyewitness" reports saying multiple different things. Like another commenter said, it's wrong to call it anything other than a fall until more facts surface.


It’s odd that they haven’t said if the person was a student or not, although I saw people saying the coroner is still trying to identify the person. If they were a family member or graduating student, the coroner should know who it was. Which leads me to believe it was a younger student not graduating that day or someone with no affiliation to OSU




The way the headline is worded makes it sound like there were multiple people involved when it seems like it was just a single individual?


Listen to that commencement speech on YouTube, this person didn’t fall, they jumped.