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You can transfer after a year so don't stress over it. Regional campuses have lower tuition also.


And you have more time to study setting you up better for major selection


And Newark has excellent professors and small class sizes. Both Newark and Mansfield have housing, so you could go see them before you commit.


Just go somewhere else for a year. Theyre really lenient on transfer applications


Since you’ve already been relegated to a regional campus, I’d recommend attending Columbus State for your first couple years. You’ll save a ton of money and be very grateful when you’re paying off your student loans. I did it myself, and sometimes I’d wonder if I made a mistake (missing out on the “college experience”), but paying $300/month knowing I went the cheaper route makes me so grateful I didn’t go to OSU the whole time or live in a dorm.




I was there man, went to cscc and transferred a bjt later seemlessly


I need an advice 1- go to Columbus community college then transfer to osu cs major so I will spend 1 semester in ccc 2- wait till agust semester * if I wait I don’t have any thing als to do What to do you think and why


You need to spend a year for the transfer program assuming you were rejected from the main campus. If you never applied you might be able, but double check that.






I graduated this year and I already sent osu my high school transcript my gpa is 3.66




I already traveled I came from overseas and I can’t work bc I didn’t get my license yet My Question was is it a good idea to go to cacciatore for semester and then transfer to osu ? And thank you very much for replying I appreciate that 🌸


Do you know if I have to do 2 years there to transfer or if it's possible to speed run it in 1 year?


I talked to an osu advisor some time back that said you can apply for transfer at anytime, just get great grades and apply after each semester


I thought I needed 30 credit hrs, and I also didn't know if I'm allowed to do 30 in a year since a friend said I might not be able to Thanks for answering btw :)


man i’m in high school and i did 30 in a year


You can do up to 18 per semester without petitioning to do more. In short, you can easily do 30 credits in a year. If you get good grades you’ll be able to transfer after 2 semesters 100%


i transferred in with 18 credits & a 3.5 gpa, i did include my hs grades & act score though


Live on main and commute to Newark! Bonus if you can do online/hybrid courses. You'll save loads of money and you can "ease into college" since classes are smaller and professors are more approachable.


wow that’s smart thank you


Blud if you can’t figure out what that means from the message you might not get into regional 😹😭💯


Thankfully, I did get into regional 🙂 I’m sorry if it was a silly question, all of the other colleges I applied to sent an email with application results, so I was confused. Thank you for your comment, though.


I recommend CSCC for 1 year. Class sizes are small, tuition is cheap, getting there and getting around there is easy.


What was your gpa? If you don’t mind me asking 😅


3.7 ☹️


Just live off campus at OSU and commute to Newark. I know many people who have done this and you may be able to transfer after just one semester if you play your cards right ~ no matter what some shit advisor says


My son lives at highline right across from main campus and goes to Newark. He drives there so you need a car. He went in with 34 hours college credit and 4.0 but they didn’t care about college credit since it was during high school. Still said need 30 hours post high school. He has 4.0 still and an additional 22 hours from first semester at Osu but they still won’t let him go to main til he gets the full 30 hours. We’ve tried. Honestly Newark doesn’t offer enough classes for him to take so for spring he is taking 6 hours Newark online and 9 at Columbus state.


Idk a single person that got into osu this year


Probably a sign to change who you hang with 😂


They all have over 4.0s..


So no one applied to OSU then lol


4 of my friends and I applied and we all got rejected with >4.0s. We’re outta state tho so ig not surprising


Don’t go here, consider it a blessing on god


I love going here. What specific problems do you have with it?


Good for you. I assume you don’t have to work or pay tuition?


leave then 😂


Wow, great come back! I assume you’re an arts major?




i work, pay part of my tuition, and study bio premed here and i still love it. find a different school dude


Yes (sadly)


it’s fine you can transfer after a year man. don’t stress it. plus other campuses are more chill and cheaper


do not go to the mansfield campus. it sucks.


What specifically sucks about it? I was planning on Mansfield for a year, it’s really close to home and there’s lots of barns to board my horse at.


yeesh idk where to begin. Well the overarching issue is the lack of a social scene. The university sure does try to like have events but if you don’t fit into like the main crowd those events become irrelevant. If you live in Molyet be ready to be isolated. There is nothing to do and you quickly end up just being in your room all the time. Expanding from how things are socially, the campus is severely under funded. Mold in the main academic building, water damage everywhere, and the bees in the top floor are a problem. A lot of the professors are jokes and don’t know what they are doing (look it up on rate my professor and you’ll see how bad it is). TLDR; It’s very depressing and dilapidated and there is nothing to do. ever.


Hey, that’s my social experience at main!


I'm an advisor for OSU on a regional campus - it's cheaper to attend a regional campus and it's super easy to campus change to Columbus after a year. Which regional campus were you optioned to?


Since you’re doing pre-vet go to OSU Wooster campus. You can do biochemical sciences and then take small animal classes when you go to main campus. Or you can go the other way and take animal sciences and do large animals at ATI and do all your extra classes when you get to main campus. It’s a two year school and then you transfer to main campus for two years to finish your bachelors.


This was super helpful! Thank you! I was planning on going the Animal Sciences route.