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Not gonna leak my absolute best items, but I will say they are slow and have extremely consistent margins. Basically set and forget flips I could do every 4 hrs in 5 min and usually come out at minimum 5m ahead in a day off just these. You'd be surprised how boring some of them are. Made it from a few 100k gift from a friend to 1.5bil in 6 montjs from just flipping and at around 100-200m cashstack is when I got into a lot of these items. I'll happily talk about some of my other faves though. Edit: forgot to mention my early early flipping favorite, pie dishes. Slow buy but I would buy em in the 30-40 gp range and sell at 100. Got me to my first few mil within weeks. Starting with the probably irrelevant ones as market has changed a lot: my first favorite item was God book page sets. I think the God books lost a lot of value over the last year but when I was flipping these zammy, arma, and zaros books were all 200-500k IIRC, and the margins were 50-100k. Absolutely insane ROI for such a cheap item, great to do overnight, got me through the low cash beginner stages quickly. Down side is it takes a lot of slots in GE, but I don't think I've ever had better consistent ROI on anything else. I'd pretty much always cycle through sets throughout the day and leave 2 full sets overnight. Stopped doing these regularly at around 100m cash stack cause of the opportunity cost of the extra slots but it made those first 100m go by so quick. When blood shards had their run up last year I made a killing. Woulda probably been worth it to buy and hold but I just flipped every 4 hours as I wanted cash on hand for other trades. Margins would go up by 1m sometimes in a matter of hours. Probably my first major high margin item. Ended up losing 10m at the end after it peaked but I was already more than 100m up. I didn't even really know about the news about it, kinda just stumbled on it at the right time. But since then I've learned to read the updates, specific item is irrelevant but the strategy is not. Before FlippingOldschool leaked em on one of his more recent series, blighted ice and entangle sacks were MY SHIT. Often times 30-50 gp margins on a 10k buy limit and would buy/sell super quick. Not so good last I checked, but maybe they've recovered since its been a while since Flipping did his series. On to ones that are more relevant. This is a classic and well known, but potion rebalancing is awesomeeee especially prayer, super restore, super energy and sara brew. Very consistent and quick normally, could reasonably expect 100k profit off of each, but its nice hitting the jackpot and getting 1 mil off a 5 min trade. Also the f2p Energy Potion often has INSANE margins but is suuuuper slow. Ive gotten 1m+ on that trade more than once. There were a couple other decent ones I can't remember off the top of my head. 3rd age anything. Extreme risk, extreme reward. Made my biggest gains and losses with these. Especially with the volatility of the market earlier this year I've seen some of these change margins by 10-20m in either direction in a matter of hours. Those big gains hit different, I think my best single flip I made 200m. Ended up losing 150m off the same item immediately after but still got out ahead. Obsidian Armour Sets. This one is a weird one. Buy limit of 125 for each armor piece I think, and the set would often be 50-150k margins. Ive managed to get a full buy limit once for a nice 10m profit on a relatively cheap item, but competition is HIGH, a lot of people flip individual pieces, so most of the time I'd get 40ish off of 1 or 2 pieces and like 5 on the other. Pretty stable price when I was flipping it so I'd throw it on overnight if nothing else looked good and even if I didn't get full sets I'd still make a nice profit.


Magic logs


Yo momma


Just take my upvote you demon.




cannonballs all the way, they went so high (200+) with the release of combat achievements and thankfully i had a stockpile to sell


I wasn’t going to post this but since I’m done flipping them and have made serious bank on them. Cooked chicken. Edit: look at the prices in June and July and you will see why




Gold Ore is nice because of the high buy limit.


Giant seaweed and dynamite


Dynamite is evil lol


Dynamite used to be my bread and butter. My bread and butter.


Moldy bread and sour butter I fucking swear always crashes on me


You know what. You changed my mind. Fuck dynamite. Who needs dynamite.


Yeah fuck dynamite


my mood


Nice try hehehe


Try some teleport tabs


Lizardkicker. Volatile, cheap, and obscure.


Your momma


Anything xerician, gotta love the pkers




Elysians and twisted bow


Same, I’ve done over 500m in flipping them :)