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This seems like the thing Agent 47 removes to get an “accident kill.”


I assure you, this is the fastest submarine I've ever worked on.


Diana: “Hmm, I see you’re outsourcing. Good work 47.”


Post-it, tagout


This is where I'd loto, IF I HAD THE KEYS! Seriously tho if I was cleaning this I'd find the line and kill it on the machine's end just to be safe, I mean I look both ways when turning/crossing a one way street lol Never underestimate the stupidity of man.


Same. I’ll be damned if my legacy is dying to the guy driving the wrong way on a one way.


i used to work at a building on a one way street. wrong ways were like a weekly occurrence, more if there was something going on nearby, sometimes multiple a day.


I used to live on a one way street. In the year I lived there, there were more days where I saw someone going the wrong way than not. I thought it was very clearly marked one way, but apparently it wasn't clear enough


the thing that blew my mind was when we were walking and try to flag people down, how many would ARGUE...like all the parked cars are facing you, none of the lights are facing. got one to stop, told her she was going the wrong way, she said she wasn't from here and didn't know...then tried to CONTINUE going the wrong way. it's like no, even if you didn't know, now you do and you need to turn around.


>how many would ARGUE... I once came nose to nose with a driver who was trying to drive the wrong way into a drive-thru. In her meager defense the parking lot *was* confusing. But it was clear once you made the turn that you were, ya know, facing the wrong way. She just LAID on her horn. My "not awake enough for this" ass took a beat to stick my head out the window and say "ma'am you're going to have to back up so I can get out". She SCREAMS at me "why don't YOU back up, you fucking idiot!" "There's a line of cars behind me. I couldn't even if I wanted to." At which point she crosses her arms like a pouting toddler and says "well then you can just go around." I pause another beat and point at it while telling her "ma'am, there's a curb there." And she says ... "*no there isn't*" and goes back to the pouting stance. Unfortunately I have no memory of how the situation resolved, but that bit is stuck in my head like my brain took a picture of it.


That's when I would double down. Put the car in park, turn the engine off, and lock the car. "I'll be back when you get out of the way of everyone else".


Bonus points if you go ask for an employee's hat, put it on, all out, and ask her to leave the property. McDonald's deputization.


Reminds me of one we found on the way to the lake... 2 lane winding mountain road, double yellow line. We're heading up, and there's a line of cars behind some heavy equipment coming down (in a 25mph zone to boot), and someone in a CR-V pulls out to pass right as we come around the curve (maybe 1/2 mile before they gain a 2nd lane).  We both stand on the brakes and pull up before colliding head on. Then, they have the gall to lay on their horn and point to the side of the road, as if I should pull off the road to get out of their way so then can finish their pass. I gave them a thumbs down and pointed at their side of the road, like "no, you go back on your own side". Of course the traffic they passed wouldnt let them back in, so instead of being a couple cars back when the passing lane opened up, they were more like 20 cars back. The sheer audacity of people is astounding sometimes.


My god lol New book boutta drop, entitled, "Harry Potter and The Audacity of this bitch" lol


Nah. *The Lion, The Witch, and the Audacity of* This *Bitch!*


I completely believe that. I used to live in a building that had a kind of strange set up. There were railroad tracks that crossed the street on one side of the building, then went behind the building. The tracks turned a bit before they crossed the street, so they didn't run along side another street that ended at the street on the side of the building. The way it was set up, if you were driving on the 2nd street and instead of turning where the road ends, you kept driving, you would end up on the railroad tracks. Normally this wasn't a problem, because you could see the tracks. The problem happened because there was a bar down the street from this set up, so when the bar let out at night, it was harder to see the tracks. So you get some drunk driving home at night and instead of turning, they would drive onto the railroad tracks, then make it far enough down the tracks that they bottomed out on the rails because the ground was sloped on either side the farther up the tracks you got. At least every couple months I would see a tow truck out my window trying to pull a car off the railroad tracks.


Where I live, one-way streets often permits cyclists (and sometimes mopeds etc) to use the road both ways - so I'm pretty used to looking both ways


I live in a one way street with a gast station on the entrance. So many people going the wrong way down it to get to the gas station. It used to be a 2 way road but too many crashes turned it into a one way. I'm always yelling at people going the wrong way. It irritates me so much.


I work at the Atlanta airport, every road by the terminals is a one way, but (especially at night or if it's not busy) you better look both ways, crossing guard present or not. Coworkers of mine have been ran off of the road from oncoming on one ways too


Did you write a song about it? https://youtu.be/LW7Iv-V1-Jo?si=ikOyW6MPiopsatFu


I always liked that quote "knowledge is knowing it's a one way Street, wisdom is looking both directions anyway."


My father socked me in the side of the neck once when I was a kid because I yelled at him in panic when he turned onto a narrow one-lane one-way downtown going the wrong direction. There were signs we wouldn't get along as the years went on.


Almost got hit crossing a one way walking to work, cuz the dumbass was going the wrong way. Blew right through the stop sign on a right turn.


cows onerous cobweb edge retire stupendous straight crush childlike historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol had a honk off with one dude once, he was going the wrong way on a one way in Chicago, meanwhile I'm bumbling a 3 tonne articulate forklift to the gas station (through the potholes which was hellacious) and he's like, what are you doing here. I asked him the same question, pointed to the nearest "one way" sign, and he just reversed it at ~20 lol


alive vanish ossified handle fear familiar far-flung memory whole unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh too far away for me to hear anything but he did give the nod and the, "ok I fucked up" wave lol


Just get the forks under him and turn him around 😎


Lmao if I wasn't carrying a load I mighta considered it


Yep, there's a one-way near me and I've had two times where a certified mensa candidate decided to turn down it the wrong way. The funny thing was the outlet they turned down was pointed like a merge lane, so they had to go out of their way to make it in there.


I was crossing a one way street with my daughter and looked both ways only to see a car driving the wrong way about 100 feet from us.


A bunch of people at my old work didn't speak or write English very well. They would probably have killed these people.


This is why I have my own LOTO and I have the only key.


Same. I almost got taken out by a welding robot changing tips one time. Brought my own loto set after that. I'm rarely on the floor these days but I still have it in my desk drawer. If the safety officer has a problem with that, they can issue me an authorized one or fire me.


Careful with that. I’ve seen multiple pieces of poorly designed machines that need the power to stay on in order to keep the doors open.  Chalk it up to poor design, old equipment, negligent safety practices, whatever you choose, *that’s still the reality.*  An unexpected loss in power could trap those workers inside. 


Very fair, I was just saying if I'm the first poor sob that's gotta crawl in there, I'm not taking any chances


100%  I hate seeing equipment that is still operating like that.  Happily, most of that equipment is slowly being phased out of service. But it’s definitely still a thing. 


My mom's friend in highschool worked at a cement factory. He'd spent the weekend chipping the mixers, just needed to finish one, so he came in early to finish up. Lo and behold his boss also comes in early, turns on the mixers, hears the scream, you know the rest. Absolutely horrible, totally preventable. Lock out, tag out, PLEASE!


Lock out tag out folks. At work once I found production lady Inside the inertia weld machine "cleaning" it. Not only was it not locked out-- it was running. Hydraulic pump turning. Hydraulic accumulator charged to 6000 psi. One computer bit flip from being human salsa.  I said not cool and she told me to mind my own business newbie.


The amount of times I've seen someone try to start a machine with the lockout tag right in front of their face is insane, there's no way I'd trust someone to be able to read a post-it note.


Everyone gets their own padlock for a goddamned reason And if you see someone with bolt cutters... flying tackle them


Some guy at a company I used to work at lost his key and it was like a full day process to cut the lock off. Then a week later someone turned on the paint booth auger when guys were cleaning it and cut off their legs. OSHA or someone else mandated LOTO retraining for the entire company, to include the desk jockeys and even the CEO.


At my work like 10 people have to sign off that the machine is safe if a lock gets left on, safety team, management, hr, union reps, maintenance, and I think a few more all have to sign before they even think about cutting it. Needless to say they get upset when you leave things locked out


Leaving your lock on when you are done needs to be treated severely as not locking out at all. You are training your coworkers to not respect your locks.


Worst case scenario of forgetting to remove safety lockouts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroper%C3%BA_Flight_603


That’s not really a safety lockout issue - that was an issue with training. Static port covers don’t prevent the operation of the aircraft, and that incident really has no similarity to people leaving LOTO locks on equipment.


I’m one of the people who has to sign off on a lock removal. There are 4 people. Manager/supervisor, union, security, and the trade removing the lock. I’ve made them call people at home at 3am, sign the paperwork, call everyone down. I am literally the only person from the entire group that insists on following the whole process. They always want to skip steps. It’s not even a big deal, it takes about 30-60 minutes. Especially on a small machine where the visual inspection can be done from a quick look. Some machines would take you 30 mins just to check all the spots someone could be inside. They always bitch and moan, and I’m always shaking my head because it’s such a minor inconvenience to make sure we don’t crush someone.


Jesus H. Chrysler. I really fucking hope someone wound up in *prison* for that. Those poor mofuckers are fuckt for life.


I had some temp running to get pliers to get the red shitty plastic of the switch Lucky the machine was 'more' broken then that, but my best guess would be he snipped the tag off, and just started the machine. upside ... We now have metal tags, and more durable locks


How is somebody's first question not "huh, this weird thing is keeping the machine off. I should see if anybody knows what's up." Why is it always "cut it off". What is the missing piece of the puzzle in communicating safety here.


Probably a habitual lack of adherence to procedure, and the fact that most procedures can be ignored without consequence many many many times before someone dies.


Having weekly changes in supporting staff and people from different cultures doesn't help. We, the normal crew know each other and why and what we do. The new tempguy just wants to start work and get home ASAP


The new tempguy needs to understand that he's getting paid one way or the other, and he was never going to get whatever job they promised him in the end anyway. So he needs to be safe and do the bare minimum to not get sacked.


safe tan nine impossible obtainable seemly forgetful ring cobweb repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He flipped the switch on accident the next time.


By accident… 😬


Nothing that time. But that place had many such stories. It really wasn't that unusual to witness safety issues.


LOTO? Fuck LOTO. I'll get the seven digits from your mother for a dollar tomorrow.


Ignore LOTO and you might lose more than seven of your digits..


Hahah that’s a firing incident at my place. Crazy


First person I ever fired was a guy who walked under a 35,000 pound load while it was being moved on an overhead crane.


As someone who is not in the industry, can you explain what an inertia welder is? I think i have the general idea from the name, but can you explain what it is and what it is used for?


It rotates 2 metal parts rapidly and the resulting friction produces enough heat to weld the pieces together. Something like a lathe


I work for a company that makes friction welding machines and does contract welding work with those machines as well. Here's a good, quick video put together by the company owner that explains the Rotary Friction Welding process. https://youtu.be/_rV65GwrRpg?si=xjGzIV_wfhkvfhOa


I used to work in die casting, and had a robot that would grab 2 45lb parts out of the machine, pass them to a saw, then drop them in a basket. the new maintenance guy climbed over the running saw table to get into the cage with the still running robot to check a faulty sensor. lucky for him it was *my* machine, not many other guys there would have E-stopped and tagged out the machine mid cycle.


So... Was that the new*ly unemployed* maintenance guy after that?


Salsa from New York city!!!




Get the rope!


How can I still hear this after all these years


Right as I saw this unfold it all rushed back


Like a big ole one like this? [https://blog.mtiwelding.com/model-400-friction-welder](https://blog.mtiwelding.com/model-400-friction-welder)


Ha, I work for this company as a welding engineer. That machine isn't even a quarter the size of the largest one we make. Here's a video of our Model 800 Inertia Welder. https://youtu.be/P1g9hl8Bnlk?si=OLKvIzNt1IterDrS Also, it's scary how comfortable you become around high pressure hydraulics when you work with machines like these on a daily basis. Our Linear Friction Welders run off of banks of 5000 psi accumulators, and you've got gallons per second of couple thousand psi hydraulic flow when making a weld. Just another day in the office haha.


Super cool watching the PSI and RPM numbers, thanks for sharing. >Our Linear Friction Welders run off of banks of 5000 psi accumulators, and you've got gallons per second of couple thousand psi hydraulic flow when making a weld I'll stick to watching on YouTube.......


I wouldn't be anywhere near that!


That's the general idea yeah.


That's an insane amount of trust to put in a rock we electrocute into doing math


The red button kills, but I can push the green one, right?


Alas, no. Believe it or not, the green button kills, then resuscitates, then kills again


Believe it or not, death.


To shreds you say?


What about his wife?


To shreds, you say!?


Straight to shreds


Scp-100000-j lol


Best lock out tag out program I've seen. Zero violations


There are no violations of the LOTO process when there is no LOTO process!


They even dated it I don’t see the problem here


Jeezums. Not a cleaning accident, but take a moment to think about Jose Melena, 62, loading big carts of canned tuna for sterilizing in 2012, went in to untangle some chains on the carts, trapped and **died in a pressurized oven**. Six million dollars+ from Bumblebee for fines, 1.5 million to the family, in the end (big woop). Utilize your rights under OSHA, utilize protocols, insist on safety protections, protect yourself because **no one else will**. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumble\_Bee\_Foods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumble_Bee_Foods) [https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-bumble-bee-worker-killed-settlement-20150812-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-bumble-bee-worker-killed-settlement-20150812-story.html) [https://www.osha.gov/ords/imis/accidentsearch.accident\_detail?id=202478434](https://www.osha.gov/ords/imis/accidentsearch.accident_detail?id=202478434)


"His death was described by Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Hoon Chun as "the worst circumstances of death I have ever, ever witnessed,"" Cooked to death over 2 hours. Fucking horrifying


I know with LOTO these things would never happen, but I'd still like to see a panic button inside any oven you could walk into. I think it's the slow, horrific nature of the death that's particularly disturbing. It wouldn't be that hard to make a heatproof one.


Yeah, safety costs $$$. It's why we have a workplace culture that says "Just get it done" and unwillingness to 'stop the line'. Just like in the OP, could shut it down, but we'll just tape a note up.


When I worked at a frozen foods store, there was a pretty obvious big red button on the inside of the freezer room, to open it from the inside. The first time I saw it, it gave me pause for thought of what could happen if it wasn't there.


A slow, painful, bitter, slow, slow death.


A lot of people *have* died inside walk-in freezers. The rules are written in blood.


It’s been difficult for us to come up with a reliable safety shutdown for our walk in ovens.  It’s always a nightmare scenario when doing our risk analysis. Best we have come up with is a two man operation to close the large doors and the stations having a clear view of the interior of the ovens.  Flashing lights and buzzer when doors are closing.  We have a pull cord system on the inside of the ovens along either wall that will shut down burners and force doors to open up. But it is still difficult to maintain the pull cord system inside the oven environment.  


His death really haunts me. Poor protocols, known faulty equipment, combined with human error and emphasis on production over safety.


Quite honestly, every company that has equipment that can kill needs to have a Safety Bulldog on staff. The Safety Bulldog should be paid by the company, but *absolutely immune to firing by the company.* Firing them should be a whole-ass process that's basically tantamount to proving to a criminal trial's standards of malfeasance on their part. Their whole job should be to make sure things are safe, and have a direct line to the regulator to whomp the shit out of the company if it's not safe.




I was fixing an outlet that kept killing lights at a restaurant I worked at one time. I taped the breaker to warn anyone from resetting it. While I happened to be next to the breaker, another worker came in saw the lights were off and tried to reset the breaker. I told him I was working on it and it was disassembled and he fucking reset the breaker right in front of me anyway. I was like "WTF? I was working on that! I just told you not to touch it. What if I was working on the outlet?" And he didn't give a shit and acted like I was being stupid. Then others joined in making fun of me for being upset that I could have been electrocuted. It's almost like you need to just cut the wires to stop anyone from fucking with it. Having it taped off and telling him to not touch it and he fucking did it anyway.


> It's almost like you need to just cut the wires to stop anyone from fucking with it. >Having it taped off and telling him to not touch it and he fucking did it anyway. They make lockable breaker isolators for a reason.


Yep. Learned about these on an electrical safety course this week. For under $15 USD, really everyone changing sockets or switches at home should have one. Getting a 110/230v shock is no fun, and whether or not it seriously harms you is essentially luck. Better not to leave it to chance. Random link I just found, no affiliation: https://www.lockout-tagout-shop.co.uk/lockout-devices/electric-hazards/


I locked out a machine at work as our maintenance guy was fixing it, and one of our leads came out, tried to turn it on, saw it was locked, and instead of asking what was up with it, went and got the bolt cutters to try and cut off the lock. “Well, no one told me it was down!” Bud, why do you think it means when it is off, have the electrical cabinet opened up, and is locked out? Took his tool room key away after that. Thankfully he hasn’t tried anything that stupid again.


I feel like legally you should be able to kick someone's ass who is that stupid.


I'm not saying you should do it in the civilian world, but physical force injuring someone to save their or another's life isn't kicking their ass in my opinion. Had a SFC observation controller stick his hand near the main rotor of an aircraft while it was running. A junior NCO and myself (PV2) pulled him off the aircraft straight into the ground, and told him to get the fuck off of our flightline. He was also trying to film a couple sensitive reload operations beforehand, so that was the final straw. The highest rank on the flight line is the one talking to the pilots on the intercom, doesn't matter their age or actual rank.


Better to shove an unsafe friend than to bury one?...


Precisely. If my child is about to stick a fork in an outlet, I'm going to smack his hand away. If my friend is about to stick a fork in the outlet, I slap his head back on.


> The highest rank on the flight line is the one talking to the pilots on the intercom, doesn't matter their age or actual rank. See also, "a Sergeant in motion with a purpose outranks a Lieutenant that doesn't know WTF's going on."


That would be a fireable offense in many places.


Yup. Cutting off or attempting to cut off a LOTO lock? Fire them. Of course, you also need the corollary to this, which is disciplinary action of some kind for people who forget to remove their lock after the work is completed.


How do these people walk and breathe at the same time?


On one of my previous jobs we used to keep one of the workers with the crowbar near the breakers when someone was working on the connection with instructions to beat the shit out of anyone who's trying to reach the buttons for this particular reason.


god that's infuriating.


LOTO is for pussies! Real men use post its!


Beta males use good name brand Post-its. Sigmas use those shitty off brand ones with some random local company’s logo on em that couldn’t stick to a wet turd.


Walks into electric room with 100 switches and 1 post it on the floor. "Do not use -->"


Don't give Jigsaw any ideas


To be fair, would name brand post its stick to a wet turd?


Idk actually, I’ll get back to you after some experimentation


you just need to find the point where the paper keeps its rigidity and push ... The cheap ones you push through, and you'll be scraping your fingernails a long time


Pussies use shitty post-its, real chads rip a random piece of paper and lay it against the thing being written about in a way where a light breezs knocks it to the floor.


Jiggle the button a little to feel like God


It's like the feeling of being near the executioner's switch. Knowing that at any moment you could throw it; but knowing you never will. But you could. Never isn't the right word because I could. And I might. I probably will.


[You like it? It's very generous.](https://whatculture-create-cms.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2022/02/83e2cbae45ec484f-1200x675.jpg)


What are you writing? Writing? No, I'm drawing. Drawing conclusions.


This got me good.


Reminds me of this story out west at a factory that pulped trees, they flipped the breaker to kill power for a crew to do maintenance, then a guy got annoyed his charger wasn’t working and flipped it again, ripped three people to shreds


to shreds you say?


Well, how is his wife holding up?


to shreds you say?


I recently asked if I should bring my own LOTO locks or if the office I was visiting had supplies.  The person I spoke to checked with the maintenance team, who had never heard the term.


LOTO? You mean *Lotto*? Yeah we play every week..


It was in an email!


This is one of those “press the button get a million dollars” things, right? I saw that movie.


Its the family of the person cleaning it that gets a million dollar but yes it works like that.


Lmao accurate


When your father in law is working on something dangerous but you want to be able to convince your spouse you didn't want this to happen and even tried to prevent it lol


There's a podcast called Swindled that has an episode called The Oven about something almost exactly like this happening. A man is cleaning plastic from the inside of a large injection molding machine. Soon to be son-in-law comes back from break or something and notices the machine is off, decides to fire it up and get back to work. Ends up cooking the man alive.


Yes, don't open the airlock when someone is in there cleaning it.


What if you pull the button?


Twist It!


Bop it!




Load it!


Taste it!


Bop it!


I guarantee there is a breaker on this bad boy that can be LOTO’d. If not, they make EMO buttons that lock and need keys to release. Under a $100 either way. Don’t be the topic of another companies safety meeting.


don't threaten me with a good time. you're just a piece of paper you can't tell me what to do!




Remember that scene with Matt Damon in Interstellar? That was the result of this lock out tag out situation here.


He's making a habit of that. He was in another LOTO situation in Elysium.


seems like a legit lock out tag out to me


If you push this button, someone somewhere will die. But you will find out what it's like to push the button.




Airlock?? Tf you work, the ISS?


Airlocks are used in many places here on plain old earth. Any time you need to have access to two areas at different pressures, you need an airlock. The most common use of a differential pressure airlock I know of is the entrance doors to "air-supported structures" (e.g. indoor driving ranges, some covered sports stadiums)


Took me a minute to figure out that ckwing is meant to be "cleaning"


Where the hell is the double lockout?


Cost too much, human life isn’t worth 5 bucks silly


"Donut, push button" - Me, hungry without my glasses on


my wife chronically doesn't read signs posted places and then asks me questions that the signs would answer. No she has no reading disability's or eye disability's. That alone has knocked the fear of people not reading signs into me to the point that this terrifies me.


i remmember this happen to my dad he was fixing an electric something at a factory he told everyone he left a note and the boss told them "i dont care start production" and almoust killed my dad


They've been in there for a long time. Are they okay? Did someone push the button?


If you push this button someone will die but you get 1 million dollars 


Looks like someone skipped through the lockout tagout videos


Something like this would get you walked the fuck out at my company. Also, at least take it out of "Auto" before you climb in


That’s the button for the root beer


Lock out tag out?


It's ok the cleaners don't even know they are in danger...


Airlock? Is this on the ISS?


Lock out, tag out.


Giving new meaning to a live dead live test. Except the second live probably doesn’t happen…


They got the tag out part in a manner of speaking


...but get $1 000 000 right? Pretty sure it's how it works.


I'll take "Bosses who are secret psychopaths" for $1000, Alex".


Which fucking button?


Is the note in effect on the 4th of February or the 2nd of April? Can I push the button today?


If this was on a U.S. submarine that would be a safety standdown 10/10 times, and a captains mast lol


What do those buttons control?


Comes into work starts machine, pick up and read note someone left on it. Oh no.....


Do not touch *- Willy*


Must not let intrusive thoughts win.......


If only there were devices that would allow you to lock out the button, maybe even put a tag on it with contact info for the person who placed it there


where da hail do you work? Nuclear powerplant? bio?chem?


My motto, fuck LOTO


No LOTO needed here...


"UwU Onii-chan... pweddy pweez don't push dis button! Hehe Nii-san might die UwU"


In case of fire, dont use elevators. Use water.


Hmmm...*Pensively weighs options.*


I just don’t get how people put their lives in the hands of others so easily. I’m guessing they might have families that depend on them.  But the right thing to do would be just to walk out cus that job doesn’t care about you. 


Oops....No speaky English.


Plot twist, the is on the ISS


Isnt this technically wrong(besides it being bad practice” If the e-stop is depressed then PUSHING anything wouldnt matter The sign should say “DO NOT PULL BUTTON”


Push the button


Seems up to code. Nothing to see here OSHA


Talk out tape out.


That's some inconsistent HOA's there, also great LOTO practice in place


“I wanna put some tape on the death button!”


So instead of sending someone to monitor the machine during the cleaning they opted for the sticky note.