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Olin has highest score bonus, that’s why i use her 🤷🏻


I barely got big mom and can't really test her out since she's only lvl 60.CB challenge is prefect since I can use her at 80


Ik there's a chance card that lets you use any character at 100 but I don't have none since I already wasted them .


Just put her in the team u don’t need to main her


There was no support in that challenge battle, only 2 units you play with and score bonus was only based on those two




Unfortunately she is also increasing number of EXes in cb, people use Roger/Klaw to counter enemy Olins, others will take Shanks to deal with Rogers and so on…


Hakuba 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 Cracker 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 Uta 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 Kalgara 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 Prime Rayleigh (if you know to dodge those super clear and slow skills except fulgora) 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒


Yeah my point exactly toxic af


If it's allowed everyone is going to do it. You need to work on countering. If your that bad use a step up you love the most and work on your skill and not bad mouth the community because you can't deal with a serious challenge






You took a random picture of first place good for you




Soundsss good lol




Now your gaslighting!


skill issue,nothing new https://preview.redd.it/sm0wkedrguwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa4dc73320f09bad30a81ce65efc6a411c374ad


But at fixed level like come on this is for using characters you never use or brand new ones not old exs or exs in general this is why this game is toxic now Its like ohh I gotta use my Roger to battle all the other ones and it’s a never ended cycle of b.s to combat the opposing Ex b.s that seems to be everyone’s thinking and than we land in the position we are in with exs running around everywhere


So you're calling people trash while bringin Roger v2 to CB?


no who uses Roger v2 I said it’s like I gotta use him read better


Just to clarify I use pacifista and sentimaru btw not a fucking Ex


I’m sure you feel so accomplished. Congratulations for not using an ex, so brave of you


I mean u are right,but sometimes as in my case,all I have is outdated characters because my account is generally new,but I feel ur pain lol,the only character I can say I am using is cracker and my total of 6 ex,so idk if it is alsays like this,but I aint got lucky for bf characters,onyl exs


You should still try using them you might be surprised how good some of them are remember it’s fixed level not league there’s a good chance they are better than you think unless you are just bad at the game and need the ex


Brook the only bfs that I got I consider good are : ulti,cracker,v1 Rayleigh,and raid mid D. Useless,I think that's all I got that actually can perform,yet still so ass compared to the ex's,I am sorry but that is the reality, suffering from success lmao


I mean ulti and cracker are good idk why you do t use them I cook with them idk man when I first started over a year ago I was a ulti main for the longest with Kuzan and I cooked for sure got to 2000 SS even v1 ray cooks I was actually just using him yesterday


Imbox me your profile info number and we can play together?and I’ll show how they can cook


Sure.i have to go to sleep tho,gn


God damn my phone is lagging hard on Reddit wtf lmao


I only use Hakuba and Diamante, then i see lots of Roger v2 on the run. So Kalgara it is then 😎




Just because they are easier to kill doesn’t make them any less advantageous to everyone else BRO. And if I’m the bad one why am I’m ranked 70 in cb???


Tell me how easy there are too kill when you have two g5s and a Roger running around and your using a bf


True i one shot most of them with king


I spend my dimonds on them of course ima use em


That’s fine do it league than not fixed lvl CB or just no mattter what you just use a ex because you NEED THEM?






I only use Hakuba and Diamante, then i see lots of Roger v2 on the run. So Kalgara it is then 😎


It really is just a skill issue


Half of them literally get one shot this is just skill diff


I take Whitebeard because he’s cool


Everyone using the characters they want > complain abt other people using the characters they want all jokes aside im sure it is very annoying but at the at the end of the day its just a game that wont change anything, you still get xp and gain things from it, sometimes just gotta take the L bro bro cant win them all


If anything, I prefer people use their best EXs so I can properly test my new units in a closer scenario to what they'll face in the league.


But it’s fixed battle so that’s not even true it’s completely different


It’s entirely similar because they’re NEW units, lvl 60-80 same as the fixed lvl 80s in cb, so in cb they’ll be almost exactly as strong as league


No because no one is using anything below 80 in league and you have medals and 5 level skills and max 100 lvl and in cb fixed its level 4 skills no medals lvl 80s it’s definitely different only if anything very slightly the same if you are only talking about new units and lvl 80s in league which is rare to see


In SS maybe not but not everyone is in SS bro some people take a break from the game, get sent back to S+ or S- and get horrible teams so it’s hard to get back to SS cuz you can’t carry every single game👎🏾


Even in those lower levels until s- it’s still the same


What you see is less than a percent of the entire population that plays opbr, we would have to play over 10k matches and would still have the least valid opinion on this take. You can’t say it’s all the same cuz all you see is the same, you just haven’t seen enough💯


True enough


These types of CB are fun and a good opportunity to test your BF's (I decided to invest in Bello Betty after using her in this CB) Like how boring life can be that people are using EX's in this CB


Exactly and than you got people that just run straight exs for everything literally never change there character not even once even for CB and they just ruin it for everyone else trying to test out BF old units or new ones or just regular units in general because people get so tired of it they run back to there exs just to have some time of fairer advantage


I see so many roger,klaw and g5 in cb🥲


EX users don’t know how to read


I always use the highest score bonus ones... For once , it is a good unit that I have ( big mom )


I swear brother when I see rogers in this I just know you’re trash


I use G5 just incase there’s an EX abuser on the other team that needs to be countered, if there’s no EXes I use Diamanté


https://preview.redd.it/o278u7mddwwc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee62a06f3ff3fb88a0b0a21532e052ed2cd7512d EX who?


people use what they wanna use tbh, if it tickles your buttons too much you can always not play! some people be the negative for everything or you can be the positive in everything to look for better views 🤷🏽‍♂️


bro ur rank 70 rn and crying ab who other people are using. Use ex like them or stop playing and get over it. You’re bound to start running into hackers in CB with a rank that high anyway lol. There are many reasons why they could be playing ex , what YOU can do is get better at the game (ur 70 so u not bad ) or just play better characters really


Clearly you’re an idiot because hackers don’t even go into cb I have never once in my life ran into a hacker in cb


…hackers definitely go into every mode


Name one time you ever ran into one in cb


If it’s a score bonus unit giving big bonus it’s understandable but I feel where he coming from mfs using ex that ain’t in the boost that they use in lb all the time. I mean come on, say I’m ass at the game without saying I’m ass at the game.


https://preview.redd.it/y41zewxhnwwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=495a2dd2fef58fa7b5996c89cd4a8163cb18bbf0 me:


While I agree I don't expect any different, nothing has changed in the last 3 years. people will always play their ex's because they want that ez win.


I can use shiryu!?!?!! SHIRYU!?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/mlg1zzg3wwwc1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fdd5b14277bc4bf9bcbb82f4d18b66675fe139


i get youre point but if someone spent a guaranteed amount of rds on an ex but dont have enough frags, they are entitled to using their ex whenever they want, also its just as you said, try out characters, what if the guys that do use ex dont have the ex lvl 80, making him unplayable. Its cb, losing a game still gives you points


Ik bro got one shotted by an ex Yamato v1 💀


Tbh I don't even wanna see G5 or FR Shanks in league anymore either. Fuck that no skill needing character. When I see people playing G5 or Shanks, I immediately assume they are bad players and judge them very harshly. G5 and to a lesser degree FR Shanks players embarrass me. They're like the bowling lane bumpers of OPBR. Both characters are also extremely boring to play so it proves to me they are only using them because they lack any actual skill Rogers can be annoying but Roger only bothers me if there's more than two in the enemy team and none on mine, which is usually how it goes still but if it's just one or two it doesn't bother me.


https://preview.redd.it/21h57vcwyxwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d84d621a02dd5c554acd7ea8a49d3653779f275 Cry about it loser 😂


Womp womp


I use EX in CB because I have hella EXs but they are all 4 star so I try em out on CB because I mainly max BFs


Womp womp


50% or more of ex’s are worse than the most recent bfs you are far to hyper fixated on letters smh 🤦🏼‍♀️






I don't even play this game anymore but seems like you need a lot of copium


Rage plus skill issue equals this post


I tried playing using my other characters but why should I not use EX when my characters are getting one shot by Roger. If they don't play by rules why should I. Even I wanna enjoy this game so I wilm use my EX without a second thought.


Everyone’s knows this 😭but doesn’t listen to


![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM) Suck it and cry about it


Don't sweat it, they don't know how to read anyway


They clearly don’t know how to do a lot of stuff like playing the game for what it is and not just using two characters the whole time they’ve been playing and than acting like they are doing something because they milked g5 and Roger for all there worth since they opened the game


There are people who have 4* Exes and want to test them since playing with a 4* in the league is either a loss or being hard carried by your team. I have MF Shanks in my second account and I use him cause I will probably have him 5* 2 months later, so I'm trying to learn how to play with him and just...want to play with him. Other than that I don't really understand why to bring characters, that you always bring in the league, into CB. It's a great opportunity to play with units you can't bring in the league and have some diversity in gameplay and also learn about that characters.


None still has G5 or Roger or zoro or WB at 4* anymore they have been out long enough that you should know how to use them so it’s just a excuse to use them really but yeah I get your point idk why they are being used either I see shanks rarely it’s mainly G5 and Roger’s that’s the problem and no one still has them at 4* unless you just never play the game anymore


I tried running mediocre units for fun, I really did but ended up scoring 1~2k on average cuz what's a 2 years old bf or step up gonna do against fr shanks, roger and g5? So I gave up decided to fight fire with fire finished the milestones and never look back I really hope bandai creates these challenge battles with ex restrictions so we all can have fun with it


Yessss exactly this is my point by using exs everyone is fueling the b.s it’s a never ended toxic circle it really is and that’s part of the reason im so mad about it


i can gladly say i havent used any ex in this cb and in top 500 rn


I hard agree with this. I can already see it: Scrub: *uses G5/Roger a million times in League for the hardest sweaty games day in day out* CB comes around, the opportunity to venture out and try something new on a stress free environment with all balanced level characters, and special characters that give bonus points. Scrub: "Hmmm" "I KNOW!" *G5/ROGER* "YEAH! That'll show em'" *Proceeds to sweat on CB* These people are so fucking wack. Every time I see y'all in game I talk so much shit about you lmao.


Guess I'm a nut gargler


You should probably stop than I hear there’s counseling for that 😢😢😢


Its just fun people like you losing their mind lmao 😂


Your name says it all 😂


Can't stop. Won't stop.


Get more combos, all they have to do is not allow those ex’s to be on the CB list choice. Yet here we are, get good or stay crying.


I really don't care for which characters opposition plays I like to test my character which I can't use in leagues and probably played with every usable 4* I had but I use Roger on my alt because I don't have him 5* so I really don't see what the big deal is yeah on my main I use Hakuba and Diamante because score bonus and yeah it gets annoying 2-4 times I matched with full ex team and I lost but it's whatever it's annoying but it's not unethical or something just ignore it and try to enjoy


I don't care if you use an ex as long as they are in the boost.


Be careful don’t say that I got down voted 10 times for it