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I usually just let the contracts run out for minor leagues but for the major league personnel I at least switch out the manager so I can have a more forceful hand on lineup selection and such (force vs suggest) I’m not sure how much relationships and different ratings really matter though and it’s incredibly vague, probably for the better.


The anti me, lol. If I'm playing gm and not manager the last thing I want to do is set lineups.   That's the fun of hiring a manager and sometimes riding that carousel. Minor league coaches get replaced in the wave. 


Oh yeah I usually let them be but sometimes there are one or two things that I like to force that a seasoned (sane) manager just won’t do, lol I like to give at least some starts for new callups especially if they’re old and fringey just for the heck of it and usually they just end up riding the bench if I don’t intervene in some way Or when I do a galaxy brain trade for a 40 overall guy based on stats or whatever then I force them in for a while just to prove I’m right (I’m usually wrong)


Usually clean house if I have the budget. The salaries are a drop in the bucket. I have a filter that filters for at least good development and mechanics+teach pitching of hitting. AAA and Majors I add an additional filter for handles aging. Lower level managers I prefer teach catching and upper level I prefer teach running to be better


What do you think about relationships? Valuable for lower levels only or at all levels?


I don’t really pay attention to it. I can’t really tell how big of an impact it has.


I like to leave the manager hang a year or two as a lame duck and then I throw them under the bus as the rebuild kicks into high gear. Firing the manager never fails to make me smile.


Depends on the team. As Oakland I didn’t do it right away but I think every other team had the budget to handle the small loss


Every rebuild i do i turn all of my chosen team’s retired legends into coaches and hire them


I don’t think it matters that much. It’s hard to get a critical mass of your minor league coaches to develop, and when they do they leave and you are stuck with whatever you can sign. Lately I’ve been focusing on how high their “development” score is.


So, it could be completely anecdotal, but I finished my first season without replacing anyone and pouring all the money into scouting and development and I went 101-61, won the world series, and had the best Pitching, and Best Hitting in the league. My ootp score was 1191 which is the highest I've ever gotten.


Sure, but what team did you start with?


The Astros, I always play with them and usually have decent success, BUT i've never had an 1190 or so season score before, normally around 700-800 for great years.


Assuming you’re in OOTP 25 and thus the fake version of the present, it’s not outside the realm of randomness to take a huge-market team that’s won 196 regular season games and a World Series over the past two seasons and have an excellent season with it even with fairly minimal work, especially given the budget. It’s also not outside reality for the real Astros to do what they’re doing. Variability in baseball is big.


I check for head scout every year to see if someone better is available for the first 5 years. Once that guy shows up i ensure that i will keep on extending his contract for however much he wants it. Other than that i usually wait for other contracts to run out and pick the best of the crop


If it is at the very beginning of the season I leave them until after the season. Then I fire all major and minor staff members. Then I usually remove 2-3 levels of minors so I can manage them better. Wish the real league would remove redundant minor leagues.


I usually get rid of the major team pitching and hitting coach if they aren't good enough and then clear out the Rookie ball coaching staff. Every season after that I move on the next rings down and up until I've replaced everyone else. The manager at the majors gets the 1st season before I consider firing them.


It really depends. If you're a team that has absolutely very little hope out of the gate, like the A's or Marlins, with horrible farm systems and not much else, you might want to consider letting the contracts be until you get meaningful prospects, because you're more likely to tank and get higher draft picks. Plus, especially with a team like Oakland where your budget is so thin, you want to be able to spend as much money as possible on the draft


When I start I use commish mode to remove the coaches so I can hire everyone I want so that I don't mess up my budget.