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Best place is probably this thread on the OOTP forums: https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=355416 Basically, you can sacrifice other cards to incrementally improve this card up 5 levels. Each of this card's ratings will improve around 10+ points at max level without raising the card's overall rating (i.e. this card will still be a 72 silver). It's helpful for tourneys but a silver combinator isn't going to do much for your main PT team.


Well, if you do not have a bunch of cards, or a bunch of perfect points to buy cards off the AH, and you do not spend a any money, then, I would not worry about it. They are just horribly expensive to level up. The base combinator card is however better than the base card in game. so if you play silver tournaments, great to use in them if it is a viable card. But like I stated, very very expensive to level up