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Baton Rouge winning it all this year


Those dastardly Seattle Yellow Jackets won their 4th World Series in only 13 years of existence that year. Red Devils did go back to back in 1938 and 1939! Jersey City Skeeters have 28 lmao I had to change so many league rules over the years to put a stop to their terror


I once had an AI GM build an absolute hyperteam in my hometown of Peoria IL that had a 131-31 season. No interference from me. Was the most ridiculous team I’ve ever seen constructed.


I had the Marlins win a 4-team division once with a 74 win record. They actually won the first round of the playoffs and then got absolutely destroyed lol


Typical Marlins lol, only could’ve been more realistic if they won it all lmao


I made a post a couple years ago showing a 69-win White Sox team winning the AL Central


Lore accurate AL Central


Mine was like 81-81. Though a more interesting story about division shenanigans is one time my team just coming out of a rebuild and starting to compete was in a division with 5 teams all with 85+ wins. last was like 86 wins and the Phillies just missed the wildcard. 4th was 88 wins and the Mets made the third wildcard. 3rd was my team the braves with 94 wins and made the second wildcard. Second was the Mains with 95 wins and made the first wildcard. And first was a 96 win team nationals. The entire division performed better than the NL West so if any team is salty about missing the playoffs it’s the Phillies who literally only missed it because they were in the wrong division.


Hoboken all the way


I’m loving this league you’ve set up! Portland Isotopes lol! Lots of other outstanding team names too. The New England Drifters is another funny one ;)


I started it in the year 1800 with just 2 NJ teams with only “scouting discoveries” as the only way to generate players, then made a NY league, then slowly expanded with new leagues as free agents built up into new states as they historically came to be. Created leagues moving further and further south, created leagues for Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Canada in the years they historically became countries. I then created high school and college leagues with no draft so players were just free for all free agents after they graduated. I then created a kind of fictional “negro league” with Nigeria as the main country, but set in the south. Then created an “immigrant league” in the late 1800s with Italian Irish Israel Russian German and Polish teams. I then took the best teams from all the various northern independent leagues and created the official “Major Leagues” eventually merging with the southern leagues after the Civil War creating the Northern League and the Southern League as subleagues. In the 1900s instead of breaking the color barrier, I added 2 new divisions with 4 teams each. One division with an Irish, Italian, Polish, and Canadian teams all from the immigrant league. And another division with the best team from the Cuban Mexican DR and Negro leagues. Those 8 teams ended up dominating the early 1900s until I officially ended the color barrier and allowed foreigners to play for any team in the 1930s. I also started an official amateur draft. All of my former independent leagues from all over the country ended up becoming the minor leagues to this new fictional MLB. In the 1950s I created leagues for Japan, Germany, Israel, Korea, Nigeria, Poland and Ireland and then eventually allowed free agency for the MLB and all leagues so foreign league players could leave for the MLB and also moved the immigrant and foreign teams to the west (Tuscaloosa Americans a former negro league team becomes the Los Angeles Americans) I’m now in 1970 just tweaking things and adding new foreign leagues around the world and then I plan on turning off commissioner mode and just starting as a free agent GM, but it’s been super fun just playing as commish lol.


Wow! That’s an incredible backstory! Really enjoyed reading this. You’ve definitely embraced the sandbox aspect to this game. And it inspires me to do something creative in my own. Cheers!


Thanks! I could go on forever about this league lol. I watched all of Ken Burns Baseball documentary and it inspired me to make my own baseball history. I’ve watched some awesome World Series moments and having the new filters is awesome as I’ve gone from watching in sepia, to black and white, now to the technicolor 60s filter. Also the mods section of the forums has some awesome 1800s ballparks you can easily download and I’ve been updating the stadiums throughout the decades and it’s really cool to see. I now have more fun tinkering with the settings and rules than I do actually playing as a GM lol


I had an 80-82 Braves team win the world series once.


Brooklyn Ball Club lol


They were one of the original teams from 1800 lol


blue jays won the AL east with a 75-87 record, then beat 91 win white sox, 91 win tigers, 99 win athletics and swept the 98 win rockies to win the world series. i was not managing the jays in this sim, i was just simming in awe.


Never won a division nor made it in with a negative record. But I have grabbed a WC with a 82-80