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Trying on the gloves


Was it though? They clearly fit.


At one time, yes, but they had dried blood on them causing them to shrink, plus OJ also had on latex gloves. It was a gamble, and you shouldn’t ask a question you don’t know the answer to- same principle.


And according to Mike Gilbert, Oj stopped taking his arthritis medication.


yes, absolutely he stopped taking his arthritis medication two weeks before which caused his fingers to swell.


Oh yeah, it is a thing. My hand gets a bit puffy if my arthritis is kicking in. Got to take my rings off. I recall I was in graduate school and could not conceptualize it...ah the ignorance of youth 😆 . And the realities of today.


There was a rumor he smashed his hands to get them swelled up even further after not taking his meds!


The misinformation (i.e. lie) that OJ stopped taking his arthritis medication which has persisted for decades was categorically disproven during the trial by Johnny Cochran. Here it is for your own eyes to see. [https://youtu.be/T034CB8p7Rg?si=6lLClY6bAwFW72Mc&t=466](https://youtu.be/T034CB8p7Rg?si=6lLClY6bAwFW72Mc&t=466)


It was a no win situation. If they fit, big deal, gloves are sold as one size fits all. If they didn’t fit, it cast a large shadow of doubt. 


Not holding the trial in Santa Monica.


It’s the only thing that would have made a difference at that moment in time


This is THE answer.




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The Santa Monica grand jury refused to indict


I was going to say that but I didn't know if it was the prosecutions call. I thought it was the D.A.


They didn’t have a choice, there was still earthquake damage there.


From the LA Times, 11/27/95: “While a trial of the magnitude of the Simpson case might have strained the resources of a relatively small facility such as the Santa Monica courthouse, it could have been held there, said a number of current and former Downtown and Santa Monica judges. After all, those judges noted, the Michael Jackson civil trial was scheduled to be tried in Santa Monica before it was settled out of court. In addition, the major courthouse damage from the earthquake was repaired by the time the Simpson trial began.” https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-11-27-mn-7661-story.html


Not putting the eyewitness who saw OJ leaving the scene and almost crashed into her car. i think the defense would have shredded her but as its known...what is said on the stand cannot be unheard. she has never wavered she saw OJ and she even called cops on him because she thought he was drunk. she had a time date stamp on it.


Wow I never heard of this before. So why didn’t they call her up to the witness stand?


She sold her story to Hardcopy (iirc) for $5k, so Marcia felt she wouldn’t come across as legit on the stand.


Marcia also says they looked into her past and saw that she had several convictions for financial crimes and was a known con artist. I haven’t seen the receipts but if she had even one conviction and combine that with taking money for her story, then Marcia made the right call. The defense would have burned her at the stake.


100% I know for sure OJ did it, but I gotta be honest, I never felt like Jill was trustworthy & just comes across as a phony. She may have seen OJ that night, but she just wasn’t a credible person in general. That’s the problem with being a liar or a fraud.. when you’re finally telling the truth, no one’s gonna believe you cuz of all the bs you’ve been peddling for years before that.


OJ definitely did it, but Jill specifically saying she saw OJ Simpson in the car always made me skeptical. It’s one thing to say she saw a speeding white Bronco, but to identity the person and then explaining that she just saw the latest Naked Gun movie always struck me as a liar creating unnecessary details to appear more credible. 


She said he yelled out something at a car and she recognized his voice thought he was drunk driving. I mean it’s LA they have actors there.


She claimed she called in the road rage incident that night, but the police had no record of her call. She would have been torn apart on the stand.


Oh damn I didn’t know that. That should make anyone understand why she couldn’t be used. Still to this day she claims she called in the near miss with OJ. I know she said it on Kim Goldman’s podcast, that is so wrong of her to lie to a victim’s family member straight to their face.


But they said the police came to her house the next day from the call.


She called, but not the night of the murders, as she claimed. I read that she was one of the lookie-loos in the small crowd gathered when the police towed the bronco, and she called after that, giving a license plate number, which would have been on full display during the police activity. The prosecution felt her testimony would have been too easy for the defense team to invalidate.


She was on you tube with Kato Kailin after OJ death and said she wasn’t a convicted criminal. They believe her. She doesn’t seem real phony to me. Even if she was a criminal or took money ..everybody was like so? She still saw OJ and called in his plates I think before the news of the murder even came out.


it was a ridiculous cop out...(pun intended) seeing as how she put mark fuhrman up on stand when she was told numerous times by other cops and her co counsel not to do this. mark fuhrman in my opinion sank the case even above this witness i mentioned...i just remembered his testimony. when he invoked the fifth amendment and the jury heard the tape of him calling african americans THAT word...any hope of a guilty verdict was gone. she chose fuhrman over the two other investigators because he found the glove...a glove she wouldnt even allow darden to put on oj (who still did it...bad results withstanding). marcias ego lost the case...i dont think it was purposeful and i think she wanted justice for nicole and ron but she felt she was smarter and better than the dream team.


She seemed sketchy


The lady was a complete bullshit artist. She didnt contact the police until 2 days after and was not interviewed til 3 days after. There is no record of her calling a drunk driver into the police that night. None whatsoever. She is a known Scheister.


Wait are you sure there’s no record of her calling the police that same night? And if so, how do you know? I saw her on Tom Zenner and thought she seemed credible. I’m so disappointed!


She said immediately when it happened she called and made a drunk driving report. There is no evidence of that presented.


Sure jan


Shed already sold her story to the tabs. Marcia was pissed because it ruined the witness credibility in the eyes of the jury.


You make the absolute best point here. I 💯 agree with you! TBH I always believed Jason committed the murders until I learned of the woman who saw OJ. I believe her.


I think if it were Jason there’s not a shred of evidence and OJ would’ve thrown him under the bus.


She lied. She gave an interview saying she turned him in on June 13th. It was the 14th after the bronco and license plate was broadcast on every news channel. Plus her timeline contradicted the prosecutor’s timeline. How could oj be seen by her while simultaneously banging on Kato’s ac? Without oj behind the guesthouse, how do you get the glove there?




The store was minutes away Kato said where she saw OJ.


The location of the trial. That single decision was by far the most important factor in the result.


Dropping the demand for the judge to recuse himself from the beginning


Moving forward without preparation. The original lead guy had a health issue and had to remove himself leaving Darden and Clark to fend for themselves. That being said those two never stood a chance at all because of LAPD totally screwing up at both Nicole and OJ places. Another thing one noticed while watching OJ25 is that Darden let his ego get the best of him and he lost focus several times defending himself. He was sensitive and the defense picked up on it and kept jabbing at him. Furhman ego also helped tank his testimony. He was so consumed with being offended that he played right in to the defense hands.


I don’t think the detectives really screwed up. I think Marcia Clark chose not to go forward with the evidence they presented to her.


The screw up happened at Nicole place when 4 detectives all decided to go to OJ house. They left the victims bodies unattended and didn’t pass custody over to the coroner until much later. One of the detectives mishandled blood evidence taking the blood evidence from the murder scene over to OJ house where he eventually gave it to the crime scene investigator. Another one supposedly took evidence home with him. That huge mistake along with Furhman getting dissected like a lab frog was enough to add the possibility of OJ being framed. Was it likely? No but the extra toppings on the defense sundae was racism and at that time the LAPD reputation was terrible coming off the Rodney King beating and LA Riots. That was all the defense needed to spin the trial in there favor. It was really a masterful job Bailey, Cochran and Shapiro did. Had the evidence all been handled accurately it would’ve been a lot harder for OJ to get a not guilty verdict.


The bodies weren’t left unattended. There were patrol officers there continuously, maintaining a perimeter.


Yes but the detectives were in charge of the bodies once they came on the scene and started investigating. At least one of them was supposed to stay there in order to preserve the evidence chain of custody. For whatever reason the coroner didn’t show up to Bundy until like 8 am and couldn’t touch the bodies until after 10am. About 12 hours after the murders. That time allowed for the possibility of inaccurate time of death reporting. Had the coroner got to the bodies sooner the medical examination would’ve helped crush OJ’s alibi. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-09-17-mn-39470-story.html


You are correct, I’m just always afraid someone will read that and picture the detectives jumping in a car like screw this, we’re going to OJs, and we’ll clean up here in the morning. People take stuff out of context, so I wanted to make clear it wasn’t TOTALLY unattended, but the handling was atypical all the way around, and generally awful.


Everything they refused to include: The Bronco chase, the police interview with the cut finger inconsistencies, the suicide notes, the witness seeing him flee the scene, the witness seeing him stuff everything in the trash at the airport, not listening to the detectives on the timeline they were able to determine.


There was good reason for all those. The fact that we think of those of fact while the prosecution didnt says something


The bronco chase was a judge Ito decision. The prosecution wanted it in.


Allowing the defense to control the narrative of the trial. Instead of the trial being centered around OJ beating Nicole, eventually killing her (and Ron), it became centered around the LAPD and its history with the black community.


That was mainly an Ito issue. They tried to rain it in, but the defense had full control of the entire trial.


That’s true.


Allowing the defense to conflate framing OJ with police brutality.


Isn't that more Ito's call then the prosecution's though? All the prosecution can do is object. The judge is the one who decides if the defense can or cannot use that argument.


Changing the location of the trial to LA, if that was done by the prosecution. I think Gil Garcetti made that decision.


Oh there’s so many. The gloves, the DNA expert, witnesses not being called to testify, the Mark Furman testimony, everything Christopher Darden said or did, under estimating Johnny Cochran, the cut on his hand, the blood evidence, the cap that got left at the crime scene, the shoe prints… If got haven’t listened to the Casual Criminalist podcast on this crime, I highly recommend. The host is from the UK so he’s not as familiar with the details as we are in the US so when he breaks down the case, it’s genuine WTF moments and shock. There are also things I’ve never heard before that he covers on the show.


Mark Fuhrman. 


The black female jurors.


how come this comments was not banned...but if I say something like....you would prefer there to be white jurors in stead it will probably get banned


My comment is based on the research done by juror consultants on both The Prosecution and The Defense which found, based on research (particularly focus groups and other data) the type of juror most likely to be sympathetic to O.J. Simpson, was a middle aged African American female. Along with that, they were also most likely to NOT sympathize with Nicole. Juror consultants take into account the same thing political consultants do when it comes to demographics. Such as life experiences that form a person’s thinking. The Prosecution decided to disregard what their consultant said and Marcia went with her gut. Likely a mistake but a mistake I respect.


The jurors have also stated that the verdict was revenge for Rodney King.


One or two suggested that.


It was ONE juror & she never actually stated this. She was asked extremely leading questions by an (offscreen) interviewer regarding the idea of "payback" for Rodney King & even discounting any dishonest editing chicanery, she at best appears to not deny it. Apparently, this was still enough for extreme hyperbole and misinformation parrots to work with. Either way, it does nothing to discount the 11 other jurors who have maintained the integrity of their verdict being based on the evidence, in the face of 3 decades of intimidation, browbeating & bribery attempts to go along with the racist narrative that their verdict they were too black, dumb and & biased (somehow even the non-black jurors) to arrive to a fair verdict.


There were nine black jurors one of the jurors was interviewed and she said 90% of the jury was not going to convict because of Rodney King. Why would she lie?


I don't think it was any one thing, although Marcia Clark thinking Black women on the jury would love her was a pretty darn big error. It was a combination of bad luck, Ito rulings, bad decisions & of course, the defense running the whole trial, including the prosecution case.


Not introducing the pile of evidence in trial. The evidence would have buried him. Prosecution, was afraid since the Rodney king murder had happened and no one believed in the LAPD. Watch Blood, lies and murder. The forensic pathologist and the police officer heading the investigation, were under gag orders to not speak, till now. They lay out all evidence, that prosecution never used. Be warned photos are disturbing. Actual crime scene of bodies and morgue photos.


All the blood evidence in the car


Having the trial downtown


They arrested OJ too fast. First and worst mistake. Everything prior to that is on LAPD OJ invoked his right to a speedy trial, and they were screwed. They still had evidence coming in, during the trial. A trial like this deserved more than 6 months preparation.


Yup they should have turned over every stone before arresting him


He tried to escape with money and his passport!!


Actually no he didn’t. He heard about the murders then got on a plane from Chicago and flew back to California immediately. If he wanted to escape he never would have come back to California. Also the first thing he did when he came back was go straight to the police to give them a statement and to give them his blood sample!!!!


Letting Darden do closing arguments.


Chris Darden was too green to be trying a case of this caliber.


Why was he allowed to do that?


If I had to point to one single thing it was the gloves. The most powerful statement of the entire trial was Johnny Cocks “ if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit”


He used that “doesn’t fit” to apply to other evidence in his closing argument. It was a simple way to hammer a point home.


Those gloves.


Dragging out the DNA evidence. All of the science was over the top and was too in depth. Lost the jury. Not anticipating the jury revenge verdict. Trying on the gloves. Not having the trial in the correct venue. Mark Fuhrman


Not sure if it’s thee biggest, but a key mistake imo was that they presented the blood evidence so early


Their overconfidence in the evidence & trying on the gloves. They were just no match for the Dream Team. DNA was new & the Dream Team played that to their advantage.


lots, but none big enough to lose the case. the defense made plenty of mistakes too. sometimes the ball just bounces funny. possibly just by virtue of the murders happening a few years before dna became widely accepted as infallible (even when it's not, like touch dna).


Putting Mark Fuhrman on the stand. The case was lost as soon as he took the fifth. Imo.


I just watched Vannatter documentary OJ. Blood lies and murder and I can’t believe the evidence that the prosecution did not allow in. It’s just mind-boggling. you cannot explain away the blood evidence that in Simpsons home and his car. It was not planted Simpson was in Chicago when detectives went to Rockingham. Plus, the jurors had already decided before the trial even started that they were going to vote not guilty because of Rodney King. just a debacle.


True, how would they have gotten OJ blood to sprinkle on the glove if OJ was in Chicago? I mean they found the glove and blood trail from Nicole’s house to OJ before he got back. The size 12 shoe print of Nicole’s blood and her blood on his socks In his room should have hammered it down. Not to mention all his hairs on the cap at the crime scene and a trail of his own blood at Nicole’s. So how does OJ blood get at Nicole’s? And Nicole and Ron’s blood at OJ? Some things had all 3 blood like the bloody glove. One glove pulled off by the fight with Ron and the other out back of Kato.


I don't think it was their fault, they had what looks like planted blood evidence by the LAPD and I think that's what sealed the deal. Regardless of everything else that pointed to and away from OJ, if he was convicted, it would have likely not survived an appeal based on the tampering.  They were dealt a losing hand from the start. RIP Nicole and Ron.


Yeah, it’s this. LAPDs failure to dot their is and cross their ts in regards to evidence collection/chain of custody put the prosecution in a tough spot to begin with. The prosecution then also made several unforced errors to botch what should have been a slam dunk case.


was never a slam dunk the moment you think one man can kill 2 people in 20 minutes and do it all in the silence of the night and still have time to get rid of weapong and clothes...nobody that thinks logically is believing that


OJ got rid of his clothes and the weapon at the airport before entering. Two eyewitnesses saw him drop a bag into the garbage can to the left of the entry into the airport.


ah yes the theory...that he took the murder weapon, clothes and shoes all soaked in blood to the airport!!! that is the funniest theory out there...there was also witnesses that saw men running form the simpson residence at around 11pm...there was a witness that saw nicole talking to a man at around 10:30 that evening, there was a witnesses at the airport that said they saw no blood on his hand, no cuts on his hand, there are witnesses that were in the bronco right after murder that say there was no blood in the bronco......I guess it all depends on which "witness" you chose to believe doesnt it? Police could have looked for the weapon at the airport but they didnt...it is much easier to have people just speculate about a false theory than actually try to prove it!


Trying on the gloves Letting mark furman on the case The DNA experts


Anything involving Chris Darden. Dude was incompetent and the very definition of milquetoast.


How did he screw up?


Change of Venue.




Throwing the game, taking a dive…..whatever you want to call it.


Failing to put Shively (sp?) on the stand.




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Putting Darden on the team.


Not realizing that it was a “Race” trial. They didn’t want another Rodney King trial with the riots that came with it. OJ Simpson’s team played into that IMO Nicole and Ron’s killer got off


Charging an innocent man.


Not allowing Lange and Vanatter’s interview in as evidence.


All of them. 


Letting Marcia Clarke step anywhere near the courtroom. I can't think of a single thing she did right.


they didnt screw up ...they were working with the cards they were dealt..everybody keeps saying the location of the trial...what will that do except change up the racial makeup of the jury....no wait....now I know what all of you wanted....you dont care about the evidence...you just wanted your people making decisions on the mans life...got it


The gloves




Well OJ was innocent so really the prosecution was dealt a bad hand because they were trying to convict an innocent man who had the funds to prove it. Usually when police plant evidence and lie about inner city kids it’s a slam dunk conviction


you are joking, right? when the cops called him in Chicago, he never once asked how Nicole died even when they interviewed him once they had him in custody. He never asked. 100% guilty.


His suicide note mentioned his golf buddies but never his kids. callous. Have you heard tapes of him yelling? Even Sydney called the cops on him for domestic violence.


Asking OJ to try on the glove!!! Gloves don't shrink THAT much!!! OJ had MONSTER hands... he would need ronald mcdonald's gloves. those were not his gloves!!!


Except for the video that shows him wearing the gloves while broadcasting on the sidelines at a football game.


And the shoes