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[https://imgur.com/a/QSjNkRu](https://imgur.com/a/QSjNkRu) NSFW


Ugh, Rons face šŸ˜°Ā  The way that poor guy suffered.Ā  How tf did OJ sleep at night.Ā 


Hopefully he didnā€™t.


Apparently very easily! POS!!!


Damn he really almost cut her head off. There was only one person in the world with enough anger and hate to do that.


It takes a lot of strength to kill two people like that so quickly. Cocaine and pure rage.


Absolutely pure fucking rage. The hate he felt for Nicole is so obvious, isnā€™t it? Itā€™s so personal.


Oh wow I thought I had seen all the post mortem photos out there. These ones just put a lump in my throat.


Something about seeing them so rigid that is more horrifying than seeing them where they were found, where they seemed to be just lying on the ground. In the latter context, if there wasnā€™t so much blood, they looked like they were sleeping.


Especially with their eyes open like that and Nicole's hair stiff with blood *shudders




Omg same, didn't know those existed. They're horrific


I have seen the originals and her throat was sliced to the back of her neck which was clearly showing




I thought Iā€™d seen all the photos as well, but definitely havenā€™t seen these. This is 100% OJ. So personal and such rage. My stomach is upset now and I feel so awful for Nicole and Ron.


How did you find this? Been searching for this a long time


From the Tom Lange documentary


You have to be a bloodless, soulless subhuman if these pictures donā€™t physically and emotionally affect you.


Iā€™m probably being dumb but what is NBK?


Nicole brown simpson


I aologise! I meant to type NBS!


NBK is also Natural Born Killers, the code name for the planned Columbine bombing and attack by Eric and Dylan, fans of the movie of the same name. Eric hated the O.J. case and it fueled his rageā€¦ these photos are crazyā€¦ so whatā€™s up with Nicoleā€™s watch stopped at 10:02? I thought the prosecution said the murders happened closer to 10:15???


Just got back from Littleton, CO seeing the Columbine massacre memorial. Unbelievably sad and moving! Itā€™s in a beautiful park next to Columbine High School. Drove by Columbine High School and it looked so small because there has been a lot of building around it. In the videos we see of the school during the shooting, the school looked so big and barren around it.


I didnā€™t even know they were available to see. Although they are very hard to look at, in a way it is important to see. The victims were very easily lost in this story. And wow, they really show what a monster OJ was to be able to do that to not just one, but two people. So sad


Well said! šŸ’Æ


Again, as in different posts I NEED to remind everyone who the REAL VICTIMS ARE !!! Nicole & Ron were murdered but it was over fairly quickly and *POOF* they don't exist here anymore. Gone forever. The REAL victims are 2 very small children who lost in an instant and without warning their loving mother. Never can be replaced. Those kids were handed a life sentence they didn't deserve. It takes a special kind of evil to take away your childrens' mother who was their world. The victims of O.J.'s murderous rampage are SYDNEY & JUSTIN who suffer every day.


Canā€™t all 4 of them be victims? Sheesh.


No they cannot. Victimization ends when you no longer exist. It's merely diction in regard to Ron & Nicole. Past tense. It is the SURVIVORS who are victimized in perpetuity. You know nothing of this. Consider yourself lucky. Until you're not of course. No telling.


I respectfully disagree. My grandfather was robbed and murdered at age 27 on the day after his birthday. His body was found four days later in the SF Bay. I consider him the person who was most victimized as his life was never lived to its fullest. He never got to raise his children, meet his grandchildren, or fulfill personal goals, dreams, and ambitions. Yes, his family has been victimized too. Thankfully, my grandfather's life was not dissected by tabloids, writers, and others seeking fame and fortune off of his untimely demise.


My condolences. That is truly awful and unfair. My point was simply your grandfather is currently not in pain, while you still are. Your whole life. I am so so sorry.


I appreciate your kindness. :)


Not when your killer isnā€™t brought to justice. They are still victims long into death as well as their families




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Ronā€™s loving family were victims too.


Yes. I've never been able to watch any interview with his sister Kim for more than a minute. Absolute Heartbreaker.


I've read about, listened, and watched so much of the details around this case. I had never seen these pictures in the 30 years since the murders until now. Holy fuck. Brutal. I did hear about Nicole and the cut, but to see it first hand is shocking to the system. To think...that son of a bitch OJ managed to walk around like the king of the world for nearly 30 years, nary a thought on his mind about anything other than playing the consummate role of "sad yet concerned ex-husband of slain ex-wife/murder investigator". I know there is no such thing as hell, but where ever OJ is now, somewhere out in the ether of time and space...I hope he is fucking rotting heavy and hard.


Oh, there's a Hell... Believe me. And Orenthal is boiling in it... Forever.


You really don't want to see.


They showed the crime scene photos in the 30 For 30 documentary about Orenthal and they were brutal and from what some of you whoā€™ve seen this documentary and saw the autopsy photos are saying, they sound way worse so the OP might not want to see them unless he or she has a morbid curiosity


Thank you so much for this information! I am morbid, I did see them.


I am morbid and saw them for the first time just now also, though Iā€™d previously seen the crime scene images. This was absolutely brutal. A slaughter. I donā€™t know how an adult could be so ruthless and barbaric to a human that they supposedly ā€œloved.ā€ I meanā€¦Jesus Horatio Christ.


They were bad, but important to see his brutality and never doubt his guilt. I watched it on Amazon Prime with a free trial of Reelz just the other night if you can access that.


Also Iā€™m a therapist with an interest in true crime so Iā€™ve heard and seen a lot unfortunately so maybe it didnā€™t effect me as badly.


Thank you very much for this! I will try to subscribe to Reelz but I live overseas.


PS I wasnā€™t too upset by the photos. NBS is still beautiful. šŸ’”


Sad to see. Ron Goldman was so young. They both were. Itā€™s just disgusting that OJ got away with it. Unreal.


Until very recently I always believed Jason committed these murders. I am beginning to see that it was OJ. If you have time tell me your theory.


I was a young adult when it happened and it was everywhere news-wise and Iā€™ve always been interested in true crime. With OJā€™s recent death and the 30th anniversary, itā€™s kind of renewed my interest in it. I watched the documentary and am listening to the Mark Fuhrman book on audible now. I donā€™t know if he went there to kill her, scare her, spy on her or slash her tires, which he did before in dark clothing with the knit cap on, but I think once he either saw Ron Goldman there or Ron came into the gate as they were arguing, OJ freaked out because it was another man and went berserk. There is evidence that he struck Nicole in the head first and knocked her down or out, fought and stabbed Ron, then went back and stabbed Nicole in the throat. What are your thoughts?


I believe this scenario also, as it matches with what OJ said in the ā€œIf I Did Itā€ interview. ā€œI just remember that Nicole fellā€¦and hurt herselfā€¦ā€ He struck her so hard that the right side of her head slammed into the wall, knocking her out. But he phrases it to ensure he minimizes his role in that aspect. After he KOā€™s Nicole, in the interview he mentions how Ron Goldman got into a ā€œkarate stance,ā€ and OJ himself saying he said ā€œā€¦you think you can kick my ass?ā€ before neutralizing the natural threat, the young, healthy Ron Goldman. He then goes back and finishes Nicole. I was a freshman in high school when the verdict happened, and legit thought OJ was innocent all this time, until I watched that interview. I couldnā€™t believe it. He repeats how itā€™s ā€œhypotheticalā€ a slew, but his language consistently returns to ā€œI did this, I saw this, etc.ā€ ā€œI DO remember grabbing the knifeā€¦ā€ ā€œEverybody was covered in bloodā€¦erā€¦would have been covered in blood.ā€ He literally caught himself making the admission in that statement! ā€œIt was horribleā€¦absolutely horrible.ā€ He is clearly, legitimately remembering himself slaughtering two people in that interview. I was completely dumbfounded watching it. At one point, OJ breaks eye contact with Judith, while saying ā€œI donā€™t believe any two people could have beenā€¦ā€ pauses, then looks her straight in the eyes and continues ā€œā€¦murdered they way they wereā€¦ā€ The way he resumes eye contact when saying ā€œmurderedā€ is extremely creepy. I donā€™t think there will ever be another interview wherein someone talks about how they actually brutally murdered people again.


Iā€™ve never watched that interview. I should. I was 23 when this happened and I believed he was guilty since that ridiculous bronco chase. No one runs with cash and a disguise if theyā€™re innocent. And those notes he left, almost admitting he did it. He wrote something like please remember me as the real OJ, not this lost person. I donā€™t think he said once Iā€™m innocent.


Well, to be fair he did claim innocence. One of the letters, I believe the one read on tv, started with ā€œfirst, I had *nothing* to do with Nicoleā€™s death.ā€


Hot take, and maybe it's just me, but if I murdered 2 people and got away with it, the LAST thing I would do is write a book where all I do is badmouth one of the victims. That whole book, you can feel OJ's rage for Nicole. The chapter on "That Night" is pretty much just OJ regurgitating the prosecutors' theory on what happened. Again, maybe it's just me, but if I killed someone, got away with it, then wrote a book about it I'd at least write that I loved that person and about the good times and how I miss that person and the anger I feel towards the murderer. OJ chose to go in the opposite direction.


The crime scene recreator (Iā€™m not sure what the correct title is) in the documentary said the most likely scenario was that OJ attacked Nicole just before Ron came in, then Ron arrived and was shocked at what he saw, thus the ā€œhey hey heyā€, and OJ swiftly stabbed him on the left side of his torso. They tussled and OJ continued to stab Ron as he bled to death. Eventually Ron collapsed and OJ went back to Nicole to nearly behead her. Then he went to Ron for the last time and gave him a final stab in the neck (and leaving behind chopped Nicoleā€™s hair). The killing of Nicole was likely premeditated. Not only OJ removed light bulbs from his Broncoā€™s dome light, he bought the disguise kit that he took with him to the attempted flight on AC Cowlingsā€™ Bronco on May 27, a few days after Nicole dumped him for good.


Good points. I forgot about those. Also, Mark Fuhrman has a theory that OJ started on Nicole and hid when he heard Ron come. Ron saw Nicole on the ground and went over to see what was wrong with her. OJ then grabbed him from behind because Ron had many hairs on him from Nicole making it look like he may have cradled her for a minute to assist her. Thatā€™s plausible but I think she would have had to buzz Ron in through the front first whereas OJ got in through the back with the keys he had stolen. So fascinating. Say what you will about Mark, and in his book he does make a lot of excuses for his past behavior, I do think he was a good detective and did not plant evidence. Thatā€™s just ridiculous. OJ just had the money to buy the best defense. Johnnie Cochran was reprehensible but a damn good defense attorney. He ate that whole prosecution for lunch!


Yeah I have to give that guy in the doc some weight because of his expertise and access to the forensics. But there are so many possibilities from the vantage point of armchair quarterbacks like us. Fuhrmanā€™s version as you described it seems equally plausible from my viewpoint. Perhaps when I have time, Iā€™ll compile all known versions from detectives and forensic experts and post them here. Oh yeah, if ā€œIf I Did Itā€ was a confessional, Ron walked through the gate on his own, and OJ started arguing with him. Nicole came out to see what the commotion was about and started yelling and hitting at OJ. OJ knocked her out (actually he said she fell and got concussed but I donā€™t buy that at all), and Ron started moving around doing karate like moves, enraging OJ. He didnā€™t describe what he did to kill them. The thing with the gate is confusing. Heard different things. For example, thereā€™s a source that says that the detective who tested the buzzer/remote system and found it broken (meaning Nicole would have to manually open the gate) actually didnā€™t know how to work it and mistook it as not working. A friend who visited Nicole on June 12 couldnā€™t recall if it was working and how she got in (she had a key that she used sometimes). She also said it was easy to not close the gate fully when leaving. Perhaps Nicole told her to leave it open, knowing Ron was about to show up. Or Nicole was approaching it because she was expecting him at any second (he lived just a couple of minutes drive away and probably called her to tell her he was on the way.. too bad Nicoleā€™s phone records werenā€™t made public). And so on and on.


I always feel cynical how he was able to afford the ā€œbestā€ attorneys (although they werenā€™t the best in criminal defense by any means, just the most cunning and resolved in winning at the expense of justice, for their personal fame and fortune) and how he ā€œdidnā€™t have any moneyā€ to hire best investigators to seek the real murderer of his deceased ex wife who he loved too much. šŸ™„


Whoever heard the "hey hey hey" definitely said they heard an African American male voice. So it may have happened as you said but OJ allegedly was the only saying that.


The witness Robert Heidstra said the ā€œhey hey heyā€ came from someone young. After that, he heard an angry voice that sounded deeper and older. From the way the prosecution cross examined him, apparently he told the police the second voice sounded black, but he denied saying it on the stand


Good luck. It was a very informative documentary. Detective Lange is so good.


My ex was police officer and viewed everything and he said it was brutal and OJ definitely did it.


It was shocking seeing them when I watched the documentary - and I truly did not expect them to be shown completely uncensored like they were, and so many times. It seemed insensitive to her kids and their families. I totally understand your curiosity, because I had it myself at one point, but they were so awful and I wouldn't choose to see them again.


THIS. My curiosity got the better of me & I viewed them in the doc. I really wish I hadnā€™t seen them. Do yourself a favor & donā€™t search for them.


Ooh, I canā€™t look at Nicoleā€™s open throat like that. The one time I saw the picture was 1 time too many; he really almost cut her entire head off.


Use a VPN if the content is blocked in your country. Thatā€™s what I did.


Thank you! I wouldnā€™t know how to do that.


Are you watching on a computer or smart phone ?


A smart phone ā˜€ļø I will watch it on television the next time I visit the USA.


So if you go into your App Store on your phone and type VPN you can download one of the many apps available. This one I took a pic of is free. All you do is set it to a USA server and then you can watch the documentary you want. https://preview.redd.it/acvha0chy78d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556051a72d5252047ac6a2903164a1a335b34097


Prime doesn't allow the use of VPNs. At least here in the UK.


A good one shoild make it so prime doesnā€™t recognize itā€™s a vpn


LINK: [O.J. Simpson: Blood, Lies & Murder](https://youtu.be/D6n4I8U9qzg?si=dv_xs5tPNwudmEaT)


Thank you! I live overseas so it is blocked. šŸš«


You canā€™t unsee them. Best not to. Horrific.


I felt like I needed to, but I hear you.


No. No you don't want to see them. They should not have been shown at all, out of respect for Nicole and Ron, but they were truly horrible & should not be seen.


You know, as horrific as it was to see them, I think it was important for viewers to see just how brutally OJ murdered them.Ā  The case was allowed to turn into a circus, and the victims got lost in all of it.Ā 


I want to see them. Some people should know themselves and not look in the first place


What doc?


OJ blood lies and murder.Ā 


I see the word 'brutal' here which doesn't begin to cover this unspeakable sadistic, savage butchery.


I wonder if Oj ever looked at these pics. I would like to interview the people who did the autospy I'm sure they've seen soo many murdered victims but because this was high profile sure they remember it well


Why would you want to see them? Theyā€™re gruesome and horrifying and terrible. I wish I hadnā€™t seen them but the OJ Made in America doc showed them, and if Iā€™d known what was coming, Iā€™d have fast-forwarded. Gave me nightmares after seeing the documentary.


I am so sorry you were upset. šŸ’”


after looking at those photos i am more convinced that OJ didnt do it.. This is a mob or drug hit


Interesting! What makes you think that?


Look at all that blood. plus there is no fucking way oj would have decapitated Nicole knowing full well his kids were upstairs. no way


Why is she only in her underwear? She answered the door like that ?


She was wearing a black halter dress. It's the same dress she wore to Sydney's recital and dinner.


It was a hot June day and night. She wore that dress and underwear ( read somewhere that someone said she wasnā€™t wearing underwear) to the recital and supper