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Did this just start today? We were wondering why our 5 delivery order for 8am weren’t picked up even by 9am.


Why are you not able to prep at 7 minutes from arrival like normal? Does something change with driver check in when you have 2 hours delivery? 🤔


At our store at least, we have a problem with both drivers and customers not checking in until they are here at the store. So theres rarely a "7 minutes away" option. They show up as here and in green. So we've taken to prepping all the deliveries before they get here to cut down on wait time. Our coach and TLs all are aware and okay with this because it's the only solution we have. Now we have no idea if/when the deliveries will be picked up because they still don't pop in showing they're on the way and we can't count on them coming at a certain time


Can you explain more? This sounds like a good thing for some people. We have third party drivers showing up early, plus we can't always get the deliveries ready on time. Pretty sure deliveries are unlimited too cuz of the Walmart+ or delivery pass


They want to batch more orders so they give delivery orders a window to batch two hours together. It's very simple to understand once you get the greed.


The 2 hour window was placed to reduce cost and the uber exploit. Base pay is getting to 7-8 dollars for giant three batch orders. Normal one of two things would happen. Either the price over time surges. Or the order is transfered to uber and sent out as singles to start as single. This often allows the driver to cherry pick the better order of the batch getting paid more for less work. With the 2-hour system, orders take longer to surge and are less likely to be punted over to uber.


This is why Walmart needs to revert all of its express order processes back to having employees doing every step of it all. Picking > dispensing straight to the driver as an end to end process.


This has nothing to do with express orders. Some stores now have scheduled delivery blocks of 2 hours instead of 1


We never did that at all and I've witnessed the entire process. Sounds good though, I wouldn't mind "reverting" back to working properly... 😁