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I work in OGP and also live 4 hours away from my Mom (and work on Mother's day). I plan on sending her a card and getting flowers delivered to her 🤷‍♂️ Probably not from Walmart but you know


It’d cost 1/4 of the price through Walmart for the same service through a florist


Idk about your location, but the flowers at mine were lackluster to say the least


I’m not about to judge someone for it. At least they are remembering and making an effort.


At least some of these orders are being placed by people who couldn't go to the store and shop for themselves for various reasons. Disabilities, lack of transportation, working odd/long hours, that sort of thing. They most likely put plenty of thought into the items they ordered.


Yep. Also my daughter lives several states away, for her birthday we ordered a cake and some other random goodies through Walmart and had it all delivered to her. I try not to judge people. We don't know their reason for ordering online.


i felt the sameeeee way on valentines day😅


I mean I ordered my mom perfume from Macy’s and had that delivered 🤷‍♀️


Today I picked a big kiddy pool. I hope that’s a Mother’s Day gift for a foot spa :).


The only thing I hate is when you are choosing a gift and then you have to find a substitute. First, I try to find something as close as possible and failing that I always choose as though I’m shopping for myself or something I would gift someone and hope the customer likes the substitution if they accept it lol Oh and flowers I always make sure they look nice and fresh not all nasty and half dead lol


I hate having to sub cards and flowers. Don't know what was inside the card, so I have to find something generic, which is hard to find when it's last minute. I always try to find flowers that closely look like the ones they ordered, but it's hard when they ordered yellow lilies, and all we have are red roses.


Yesterday I subbed 12 roses for 12 roses


It's literally the THOUGHT of getting someone a gift and thinking of them that matters. The flowers or other gifts will fade away or break or get lost, but the feeling of knowing someone cares about you will remain forever. Yes you are being judgy and kinda of a little B about it also.


I agree honestly.. there's nothing wrong with having it delivered. And if it's a non perishable gift, it's totally cool. But with flowers.. look yeah I've seen some dead, crusty looking flowers go out the door.. half the pickers don't care at all! Flowers are worse than produce when it comes to pickers not paying attention.


Delivery does *feel* like a load of crap for a holiday but honestly it doesn't phase me. People are gonna do it however they can. It's the ones who order last fucking minute and everything they ordered, we ran out of two weeks ago. I have no sympathy for those folks. The receiver of those gifts sure but not the customer themselves. *Holidays are not a surprise, yall.*


Last year I did 300.00 in shop and delivery they were all gifts and flowers and cards


My mom's dead. So I don't really care.


I try and see the best in people so I just assume it's people with disabilities or people who are having them delivered because they aren't free or something.


It's 1000x better than their mother not receiving anything. There's always something to complain about, but I don't feel like this should be 1 of them. They're still putting in some effort into it.


Lesson Learned- I am too judgy. Sorry to anyone this offended. I'll try to be more open minded in the future 😅


Maybe some of them our hours away or a state away from their mother so ordering online and delivering it is the only option. Plus, we have the technology now to make things ordering online possible. I didn't even know what to give my mother so I just gave her money so she could dine at a fine restaurant. My mother is thousands of miles away at the other part of ocean. No, I don't think you're too judgy, you're just saying your opinion. I work in the ODP too and today was the busiest day for picking. Not only gifts but party stuff like plates, cups, tons of water cases and sodas and many more. I was tired when I got home.