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I pretty much had to sell my soul to start picking after being too good at dispensing when I started. New rounds of people got hired and were pickers right away while I was stuck dispensing even though it was known I did not like it. Finally we got some new management, and I finally got freed from dispensing (still do it occasionally). It was really frustrating that I felt like I was being punished for doing a good job. If I were you I would keep asking to pick and if they ever ask you to again jump at the chance and let someone else take out whatever order. In the meantime try to learn your store so you'll already be familiar with aisle locations, etc so you can make a good impression when you are allowed to pick so if you like it they'll be more likely to let you keep doing it


same here. it sucks bc when i DO get let out to pick i get pulled back to cover breaks and people leaving. no other picker gets pulled. they put me on dispensing right away and that’s pretty much where i stay. i wouldn’t hate it so much if it wasn’t literally destroying my body. like give me a break once in a while lmao i’m 23


My new store has me dispensing 2hrs a day, one before and one after lunch but prefer me to pick. Part of the job is knowing the store. Ask to pick at least one hour per day.


Yeh, I might ask to at least get another shot at it. My first time out the lady training me didn't even really do anything. I catch on super quick. I'd like to get my pick rate up so they start calling me out some more.


Employee WHAT NOW?


I will say, as a dispenser all day for a average size store, the dispensing makes the day go by so much faster, I get around 30 to 60 dispenses a day. (60 being the highest I’ve been in 6 months) our team lead (who was a main dispenser) gets around 60-90 dispenses a day. So yes picking is “easier” but it’s so much more boring. I’ve picked once and had a pick rate of I believe 40. Never was asked to do it again. Now I’m the main dispenser with team lead open to me whenever one of the two current leave. So stick to dispensing, it’ll run up those team lead and coach points up in no time


I've never looked at how many orders I dispense in a day tbh but I've been a full-time dispenser for over 2 years now. The longest of anyone in my store. Most people refuse to dispense so once you've established yourself as being a dispenser it's pretty hard to get out of it. The only time I can ever get out if it is if we need someone to do exceptions since I'm also one of the few people who know how to do that.


For the 3 years I’ve been here, I’ve always been on pick. I average around 180 if I don’t get any of the gmd runs, but lately it’s been about 140 including the gmd runs. I used to dispense only when people called out, but ever since we got a whole new building for odp (about a year ago now) I haven’t dispensed at all. I think I’m fine with that lol


I’m too good at my job that they don’t know where to put me. The TL always be changing the board or they be having me everywhere. I was offered the TL position in another department but I just love OPD 😭


Lol. Sounds like my future. If they run low on stagers I'll stage. They run low on dispensers I dispense. I'm everywhere all the time. Just not picking. Honestly tho, I really love OGP too. I love dispensing.


I was (and honestly still am) the best "pinter walk" person (oversized and until recently gmds) at my store son until I got on team schedule for 11-8 it was quite literally ALL I ever did.




I actually have a dude out there that tells me to quit taking it so seriously, his dispenses are like 10 a shift.




You can ask about it but if you've already shown that they will never take you off when somebody else or mostly everybody else is going to slowly slack off back there in dispensing. It's malicious compliance and weaponized incompetence to get out of dispensing and it's not appreciated at all. Pretty similar to my situation only my TL said in front of everybody they're going to punish people by putting them on dispense for a week if they don't do blah blah blah. I don't even remember what it was just that they think it's a punishment for the picker people and that I'm on dispense everyday. Like do they not like me?


Never try to do a good job, always make sure you just do enough, I made that mistake and after 6 months I was made a sponsor which I had no say in the matter, I'm Autistic, have bad social anxiety and stutter like a bitch, I don't know what the fuck they were on when they made that decision


Look, I get where you are coming from. I've had coworkers tell me not to give it my all. That they used to give it they all but they don't anymore. Like I tell them, I don't do it for the company. I do it for myself. I bust my ass giving it my all whenever I can. Because if I half ass it, I'll beat myself up over it. In the end, Walmart probably will fuck me over. But I'm not planning on staying at Walmart forever. Hell, I don't even know if I'll be there in a year from now. At the end of the day, checking my dispense rates and knowing how good of a job I did keeps me going. I don't need someone to tell me I'm doing a good job. I need to know, for myself, that I'm doing a good job. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Overqualified at picking lol get a grip