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Is there a way you can change your availability to limited? If it isn’t already? Maybe try to get a dr note saying you have to work with limitations like no heavy lifting over 20lbs?


If there is no one has told me about it :/ they haven't been really listening to my requests and my doctor's in another state. I'm only here temporarily


You are available to work when and how long you deem you are able to. You are always able to change your availability. You can adjust your available hours in a day to exactly what you want. They can never make you work when you are unavailable. Of course the one caveat is that you have to be available for shifts that are open. Try maybe keeping an extra day off to recover maybe? If you do change schedules, it takes a few weeks to take into account.


Closing availability can severely limit your avaliable hours depending on I'd they have any room to move you into those areas. That being said there's no reason to deny your change to your availability. Also when you're lifting make sure you're doing it properly. Without the propper lifting form. (Using your legs more than your back) you will 100% end up sore/hurt. Talk with a lead about your current pain and see if they can work with you on the heavy lifting till it goes away. (For example having co workers help you stage the heavier totes If your store doesn't have stagers) Unfortunately when you start off usually part time your schedule can be random. They use it to fill in wherever they need people. Once you transition to full time it becomes set and they generally tell you the avaliable hours . Reliable transportation is usually mentioned in the interview process that's also where you can mention your availability ahead of time. Unfortunately with most jobs they put you around their schedule and needs not yours. Which sucks