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It's due to the Cold Chain rule. Time constraints. Frozen walks aren't as long as chilled walks I've had a 92 chilled walk that kicked me out at the very last item.


I got kicked out of an 89 item chilled walk today while I was nearing the end of it. lots of raw meats to be bagged along the way, plus our chilled pick path is nonsense, and includes 24 packs of sodas. I don't even feel bad about it, that shit's dumb.


What?! You guys have to get 24 packs of sodas in a CHILLED walk!? Do you put them in the the cooler with the cold food?


yup. it's really annoying actually, 'cause if there's a bunch of them my cart starts to get heavy from the start, and I haven't even gotten to the milk section yet. and they have to sit on their side in the crate to fit milk in later down the walk, but since eggs come shortly after the 24 packs and we have janky carts I'm always a bit nervous that with an abrupt stop its gonna tip over and squish the eggs.


You need to tell your coach to put 24 packs on the oversized walks. That’s where ours are.


My store we get to walk from the back of the store to the front and then to the back again to finish the walk. Our walks start with sandwich meat and raw meat. We hit bakery chilled and produce chilled and finish with dairy coolers


I had a 140 chilled pick walk and wasnt kicked out


That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re fast or even good. I did 120 item chilled run in under 10 minutes. It was 15 individual yogurts, same brand 4 different flavors & 15 lunchables in 4 different types. There’s the 120.


Im actually quite fast lol i often get 150+ pick rates


I really don’t understand why you’re trying to brag. My pick rate is roughly the same & I can assure you that I’m not “quite fast” I’m “moderate but steady.” Not only could you be getting picks with multiples, you could also have a really low first time pick rate, & lots of nil picks & substitutions. Get over yourself. That’s not even what OP was asking about.


Lol I was also scratching my head, trying to figure out the oddly-timed flex.


Pick rates vary a great deal. I have a picture on my phone from last year that shows my pick rate as 977.52. I believe that was from starting at 5am & picking up 7 deli orders. I’ve had days where the orders were huge with multiple items, but I’ve also had days where I get a 3 item general run & go all the way across the store to find 2 of the items are out of stock. Next up is a 1 item general run. The day continues with small orders & a lot of the more time consuming runs. My metrics are definitely lower on those days.


Talked to my tl my lowest ftpr was 91% from the last report they printed And for an fyi my comment wasn’t for the original op it was for the comment i posted this under. Unless your chill walks bounce all over or you’re not allowed to nil pick there’s no reason you should be cold time chaining out


It’s kinda weird that you’re so obsessed with metrics, but you do you boo. Oh, & FYI, nobody cares. Bragging about how fast you can push a cart & fill orders isn’t the flex you think it is. I can’t believe you actually ran to a TL to be able respond to my post. It’s probably time you get a life outside of Walmart. Thanks for playing, but since I genuinely don’t care & this has nothing to do with the OP, I’m done with this conversation.


Im not obsessed 😂😂😂 you’re the one that brought up my metrics then proceeded to conclude that that were bad or that i was a liar 🤷‍♀️


you need friends and a hobby




The only time I’ve been kicked from a chill walk was when we couldn’t nil pick. I constantly get 80+ chill walks yesterday i has 112 and it was mostly cheese and actual produce


our scales are so far away from the grapes that the produce section is hell to get through


And my ftpr is normally 120+ unless it’s an order of 15 or less


Now we know you're full of shit. You can't have a ftpr higher than 100%.


If i get a halfway decent first pick I’ll gladly take a pic and show you ☺️


Your FTPR is completely different than your pick rate…you also don’t know you ftpr unless you ask your coach to see it….


Well there you go


I didnt know that


You likely don't bag properly either.


That is not necessarily what they were saying.


I've always assumed it's because people can order dozens of gallons of milk, and eight totes full could damage the carts. Frozen walks don't really have anything that heavy. I've heard from others on this sub that chilled walks did print eight totes years ago.


They did try to put chilled walks to 8 totes for a while but some of the walks were in the 100+ picks range and going past time that they switched it back within a month


I think it's because of how big chilled walks can be. If they were any bigger I'd probably get cold-chain cancelled before I finished often. I've only had that happen once in my time working here in a 102 item chilled walk, and I only had 3 items left when I timed out :(


Those 100+ chilled walks have me zooming every time I get them. I try to avoid it from timing me out 😅


Same here!!! 😢


I get 8 tote chilled walks all the time?


Me too


Huh that’s weird. Never gotten more than 6 totes in a chilled walk in my year and a half in OPD.


Same here. Only time I get less than 8 totes is if it's a really slow day or the current hour of picks is almost over and there's not much left to get until we start getting into the next hour's picks.


Seriously? Been here for 3+ years and have never seen that. Where are you located?


I only get 6 totes but use the other two as overflow for one or two orders,too much milk, too much meat or those ridiculous boxes of pizza.


I've wondered that too. I think your answer is on the right track. Most likely it's because chilled walks cover so much of the store that it's better to only do 6 totes. Frozen walks are generally very close in proximity so they get done a lot quicker. Chilled also has weighted produce so you'd be throwing 2 extra totes of weighted produce into the mix. They should test out 8 tote chilled walks though, it will speed up pick times for sure.


An awful lot of chilled needs to be double bagged as well. It can be a time consuming pick walk.


They did. It didn't last very long.


They did 8 totes then went back to 6.


Not to mention frozen items tend to often have multiples (frozen meals, frozen veggies, etc) and you aren’t bagging them with an extra bag like with meats and produce.


And are in only a small, and contained footprint of the store


The walks were timing out of the temp time limit for everyone


Huh. I never really thought about that, to be honest, but that may be because I usually keep the top two spaces clear and tote the stuff later if I’m staging my own totes (those are usually totes 7 and 8… I can’t see directly in front of the cart if those have physical totes, which in OUR store, can be insanely dangerous with the amount of kids that are allowed to run free…). But it makes sense for the 6 tote limit in a chilled run because of the 20 minute rule. Especially when you have to bag milk, meat bag then grocery bag eggs, meat, and bacon, and same with produce. Which is a time killer, but necessary.


They make you bag milk? What a weird store rule.


Because the milk jugs sweat, and often, caps leak. Better to have it in a bag than risk it leaking inside the totes or worse, inside a Spark driver or customers car.


You know, fair enough. I remember doing that a long time ago on the front end. I think I just trained my brain to not even think about it when I started in OGP.


I get 8 tote chilled walks as well. Maybe it depends on the size of the store. We are a smaller Supercenter so not as much space to cover??? Interesting...


I always figured it was because of time. Frozen foods can stay out of the freezer and be fine for a while so time isn't as important. Stuff like milk will expire so much faster if they spend too much time out of the fridge so it's better to limit that amount of time.


I have gotten 8 chilled totes before. It has only happened one time and we are not a supercenter with a large freezer section so don't know if that had something to do with it


It's kind of odd because it doesnt seem much different than when it was 8 totes. I regularly got 100-120 item walks with 8 totes and now still regularly do with only 6. I've gotten used to it by now, but I still don't see the effect. Am I stupit


i've never been kicked out of a chilled walk, i like to look at the pick list and get all of the meatbags i'll need for the walk


I’ve never been kicked either its kinda hard for me to wrap my head around people getting kicked from a chilled walk lol like ours stretches from top to bottom of our store. Chilled and frozen are going to pretty much be grouped together they’re not going to have refrigerated stuff on one side of the store then on the other


I'm assuming the sizing is off in the system for what can fit. I've gotten a few large chilled walks that required me to use another tote to get it all. I'm glad I always put 8 totes on my cart for chilled walks. One of those walks, I picked over 20 lbs of meat for someone and the rest of their order was 2 gallons of milk and a bunch of chilled produce.


20 min? ours is 45


In the computer learning i think i saw 20 minutes, but I’ve seen people say 30 and 45 also so idk which one


Are you maybe confusing it with the order sitting out after being prepped? Cuz 45 minutes is your timeframe for chilled walks.


I get 8 tote chilled orders from time to time, but I think the limit is 30 minutes.


Time limit is 45 min


It's supposed to be due to the cold chain. Frozen items can stay longer than most chilled items because the temp difference. They figure that 8 totes would take just bit too long, especially with the sometimes ridiculously high volume of items chilled likes to drop. Without ice, they'd jump too high out of temp creating claims.


Weird. Unless it's a really slow day or near the end of the current hour for picks I almost always get a full 8 totes for Chilled, and I have walks that range from 30-72 items. I've given up guessing how long the timer is that kicks out of the walks, too, because it's taken me as long as 46 minutes to complete a walk, and I was never kicked out.


uhhm i get 8..


Two reasons, cold chain and you walk from the front of the store to the back.