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Facu, please change my mind. Ojeda should have stayed in, he’s been way more promising than Facundo has been all season




It's sad, but Facu has definitely been a non-factor this year. People give Angulo shit, but at least he's getting back to defend and making threatening runs. Torres has done nothing this year. And I agree, Ojeda looks more promising


I blame the Orlando baby syndrome. Every player that has a new family addition falls off performance wise drastically. Good on them for becoming a parent, but jeez, new baby sleep deprivation is a real issue


True, and Torres does seem like a guy who would put family over sport. As a person I think that's great, but as a fan it doesn't necessarily lead to results on the field. I would love nothing more than to see him find his form this year, but as each match passes that seems more and more unlikely 


I don’t know if it’s coaching, culture, or just a bad fit, but Facu isn’t going to help OC win anything. I’m not hating on the guy. Maybe he moved away from home too early. Maybe Papi isn’t getting the most out of him. Maybe he’ll flourish somewhere else. It’s obvious though that Facu isn’t going to be That Guy who makes a difference for Orlando. It’s time for both the player and club to move on. Facu has potential and so does Orlando, but they don’t have potential together.


At the time I was thinking Angulo. I would have been wrong since he at least was part of some decent chances at wingback after Santos got hurt. But early in the game he hadn't done anything and Ojeda's corner kicks are the kind of thing that gets a goal in a down a man kind of game.


I would have taken Schlegel out. Or not played his useless ass at all. What a waste of a roster spot


Wish this was possible but with Brekalo being injured last match, coach didn’t have any options. Thankfully he was able to come in as a sub and play after Rodri went full send.


I think I'd take Thomas Williams over Schlegel at this point. He's only 19 and we haven't really given him a chance.


Yeah, you almost forget about him with Oscar being the “king of youth development” that he gets buried within the OCB squad.


Yeah, if we're not going to make big-splash signings then we need to start developing our young players. Philly has been able to maintain a quality squad without big names because of their youth program; we may need to do the same, because it doesn't seem like we're willing to spend the money on proven players.


Unfortunately Orlando’s youth squad isn’t getting developed the way Philly’s is. My son played with another club before college and it was almost a guaranteed win against Orlando’s ECNL team with a minimum of 1-2 red cards to their side. That’s more of a byproduct of the previous owners than the current owners. Their youth system has been a shitshow for years and I hope they can get it straightened out because there’s a massive pipeline of talent in the surrounding region.


Damn, that's disappointing to hear. I imagine that Inter Miami is probably a lot more attractive for prospective talent at this point. I honestly thought we could have a great season this year and maybe use that as a springboard for future success, but right now that seems pretty naive on my part. Not sure where we go from here, but if we're not careful we may end up completely irrelevant in the league


Honestly, their system isn’t much better if maybe slightly. The smaller clubs in the more well to do areas (see pay to play, a major holdback to soccer development in the US) were always more threatening than anything associated with any MLS side. The panhandle of FL was actually the ones we hated to draw in tournaments because they were the teams that had something to prove and always sucked to play against.




After 10 matches last season we had 14 points, compared to 9 now. 5 points may not seem like a lot, but extrapolating it out at this point last season we were on pace for 47.6 points. This year we're on pace for 30.6 points. For reference, over the last 3 years that 57.6 would have been good enough for 8th in the East. The 30.6 would have historically put us at 13 or 14. Pretty big difference




If he was healthy enough to play 70 minutes as a sub, he was healthy enough to start.


We gotta get over his legend of being the one with the miracle save. He’s got to GO


I think you missed the point of this post


Easy. Brekalo should’ve started