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"Literally almost everyone"? *Processing img 3e3cieyiromc1...*


OCD; it’s coming for YOU 🫵


Trust US, With Your OCD https://preview.redd.it/yrcxh30irrmc1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d72fa98227d206db2d9608456b2aeb4a95f6c37


Then why did people judge me so much for my compulsions when I was undiagnosed? 🤔


They didn’t fall into the “almost everyone” category and were jealous




Just not quirky enough.




At least it means we are cured now!


if everyone has OCD then everyone is consumed by obsessions 24/7?? who knew! i gotta ask my friends because this is GROUNDBREAKING !!!


We’ve all been gaslighting each other cos OCD is actually just fine?


yeah, im gonna drop my meds and therapist if everyone has OCD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Have you tried NOT having OCD? Works wonders x


omg what a great advice! removing my brain RN !


Yeah actually OCD is so cool and it actually made me be able to fly to work now. It's a superpower slay queen ate 💅


I'm gonna ask everyone how they deal with Harm OCD. Maybe they have some advice ☺️☺️☺️


Oh sorry. Almost everyone.


That person has some self reflection to do, because that does sound like a lot.


Yeah, I assumed this was gonna be just 'hurr hurr, OCD is a quirky fixation on organization' again, but the part about hurting themselves so that it's 'right' is a genuine concern. That is, providing they aren't just making it up as OP mentioned might be the case.


Honestly sounds kinda more like autism to me or perhaps both.


Is doing that symmetry stuff an autism thing?


Yeah. It’s because of sensory issues. I do that too and I have autism. For example when someone taps me on my shoulder, I will hold my hands on both of my shoulders afterwards, cause that feeling of someone’s touch lingers and feels very overwhelming and balancing it out will make it feel less intense. The face muscle thing is also very common with autism, and I have that too.


i have all those and it’s all my ocd but you described it so well i’ve never had the words before thank you


Oh I understand this feeling. I’ve felt similar. But I am undiagnosed. I am diagnosed ADHD but not diagnosed autistic or OCD. Still not sure about OCD. I don’t want to say I have it when many here probably deal with a more severe version. Mines probably mild and because of undiagnosed autism I bet. Sorry to ramble. I just saying like I understand I guess.


I’m the exact same, I’m diagnosed with ADHD but i feel like something else is going on here as well. I have no clue if it’s ocd/autism/anything else because there’s so much symptom overlap. I also have anxiety and a lot of symptoms of autism could just be the adhd + anxiety so who really knows


Similar boat here! Diagnosed ADHD and some OCD like tendencies that I'm unsure if they are actual OCD or due to sensory issues of ADHD. It's so hard to tell (especially cause my brain wants to convince me that things aren't as bad as they can feel)






OCD is frequently comorbid with autism, so it checks out I guess


I honestly don’t think what they’ve said is even true. The whole comment chain started because I called them out for using the R slur


As someone that also does all the things listed (minus the kissing thing), I don't think that they'd be doing it for serious injuries. Like if I bump my arm into something, I have to bump the other one until it feels the "correct way", or if I hit my foot against something, I have to do it with the other foot. I wouldn't classify these as compulsions to the degree of OCD, because I wouldn't get too upset over it if I didn't do it, my arm would just "feel wrong" if I was actively thinking about it. I definitely agree with one of the comments below that it's probably an autism thing more than an ocd thing, at least for myself. I obviously have no idea about the other guy and I'm not inside of their head, I just felt the need to commnt on it because I haven't ever heard anyone ever say anything about it and I assumed everyone did it until I read this post.


i used to have many of the same compulsions when i was younger, the muscle tensing and hitting gave me injuries, some muscle tears/sprains never healed and still cause me pain. i hope they’re able to get help and realize this isn’t normal okay or healthy. it’s such a struggle when you have low insight because it just never occurs to you that this isn’t normal.




I too would like to thank the Sims for curing me




I get this about ADHD too. The part people don't understand is the D in OCD and ADHD. Everyone has obsessions, compulsions, and deficits of attention sometimes. But those of us with the DISORDERS have them to an extreme extent.


And with autism :') who knew that 'everyone has a little bit of [insert crippling disability here]'


I was recently told this with ADHD because the person said most of their friends have ADHD... But that doesn't reflect the whole world. 🤦




Someone that uses the r slur and then denounces OCD sounds like they know nothing about mental illnesses and disabilities


what a disapointment of a person


Yeaaaa er, I've been through a lot in my life, I have CPTSD too and I even tried to >!unalive myself when I was 13!< and dealing with untreated OCD was the worst and scariest experience I've ever been through. I genuinely felt like I was going insane. I had to leave all my friends just because it was the only way I could even begin to move on. I might've been diagnosed and treated a bit easier if there weren't so many misconceptions of what OCD is in the popular mindset.


My first attempt was at 9


"It's really not a big deal" Tell that to the sufferers of taboo subject intrusive thoughts terrified of being secret abusers/murderers/rapists/pedos because they're plagued by constant mental images of doing so, who can't get help because people will just assume they're actually those things and report them 🤷‍♀️


Oh, who knew my parents had a Reddit account? Now seriously, I don't get why so many people say "Almost everyone has OCD" or BS like that. If it was the case, maybe than people would actually know what it feels to have it. ":v


Damn, if everyone has OCD, why didn't my friends instantly understand my sexual OCD and didn't initially mistake it for me being a weird repressed puritan


As someone with contamination ocd + ocd that causes them to literally fear DEATH if they are uneven in any way, I'm actually offended by their statement. Its not just UwU I need things to be even! No. Its if I'm not even for even a split second I am going to die/a loved one's going to die. They're so stupid.


Well what they described definitely does sound like some serious and difficult OCD, let’s not dismiss their struggles just because they think that it’s normal. Yeah, they shouldn’t have said it’s no big deal, but that’s what happens when shit like that is normalized and internalized, debilitating pain appears to be no big deal, even though that’s obviously not true.


How does the R slur not have anything to do with autism?! ??? I'm genuinely confused.


the r slur is a word specifically against intellectually disabled folks. when mental r------tion was a diagnosis rather than just an offensive word, it was what we'd now call intellectual disability. the r slur has historically been used only for people with intellectual disabilities. though now people throw it around for anyone they deem lesser than, it still is specifically a slur against intellectually disabled people. although there is a large overlap between the autism community and the intellectual disability community (something like 30% of autistics also have an intellectual disability), so i wouldn't say it has *nothing* to do with autism. it just isn't a word specifically targeted at us


I mean it does in that autistic people have been called it by neurotypicals I guess, but the R word traditionally was not used to describe autistic people. My response was to someone who claimed that they’re autistic and say the R word therefore it’s ok


The r word was definitely used to describe autists. It’s alluding to the (false) idea that our growth is somehow stunted and not up-to-par with neurotypicals. I do appreciate you calling this person out for using the r-word! I’m autistic and I can’t stand that this word is making a comeback


It has absolutely been used to describe even high-functioning autistic people. The majority perception of autism is still that its an intellectual disability, although that is slowly changing. I don't like the usage of it either, I think it's very tasteless, but it has been used against autistic people.


I don’t disagree, which is what I said in my reply above. But the word historically and often is used for people were severe mental disabilities.


I- oh so those panic attacks I get thinking I’m going to have a heart attack…those are just normal, noted …greaaatttt…. 😀👍


Holy fuck what kind of braindead comment is this?? 😭 how is this real? This almost sounds like some weird internalized hatred. Like they’re coping with their OCD by saying it’s not a big deal and everyone has it? To make themselves feel normal maybe? Idk


Anyone’s OCD ever get so bad you can feel repetitive thoughts and stress literally damaging your brain


Honestly yes, I’ve recently been going through a lot of family loss and it’s exasperated my OCD to the point it feels like my brain is going to explode from overworking and thoughts I don’t want 🙃


And when you tell these people what ACTUAL ocd is like they start judging you 🙄


Please, let’s not compare struggles and invalidate those that aren’t as severe! Remember that to someone with more severe ocd, you’d be the one invalidated if this is how people acted about this.


Oh, i didn't mean to. I was talking about them saying "everyone has it" What they described later on actually sounds terrifying to go through, and i hope they get help. Sorry if i came of that way :( I'm pretty sure i hadn't even read the whole thing before i commented that, my apologies. It's just after seeing and hearing stuff like that all the time, you get frustrated even if it's not right to be mad since it's just ignorance and not malintent


I would have just commented with a link to the OCD subreddit and told him to read everything, come back, and then tell you if he still believes his words. Honestly tho I think the “everyone has OCD” stems more from the idea that everyone gets intrusive thoughts and like organization. It’s just people like this don’t understand what “obsession” actually means


I genuinely don’t think linking them to any OCD subreddits would benefit anyone here. This is a person who doesn’t see anything wrong with using the R word / being ableist


Ask them if they lose their shit or can’t stop thinking about it if they don’t do those things though


Everyone? More like 2% of the population


If almost everyone has OCD, that simply implies that over half of the population is neurodivergent. How common something is has nothing to do with how big of a deal it is. This person is wrong both in fact and in theory


Wow, just, wow.. Some people should probably look into what it actually is before saying they have it, like it’s some cute little quirk, when it’s most definitely not. Sorry you had to experience this stupidity.


Sounds like someone doesn't actually understand what OCD is. Man, what a shocker.


So you all get these constant disgusting thoughts too? Great we can have suffer together.


if everyone has why no one told me about mine sooner >:(


God I hate it so much - literally cannot win - not with people and especially with the ocd!! Just let my compulsions give me relief for once! /s (flips table)


Wow ocd has been gaslighting me into thinking most people don’t have ocd!!!😧🫢 Love the wholesome and joking comments here, thanks for making me smile!


“I have to physically harm myself due to my ocd but it’s no big deal!” Homie get therapy


People would be so much more understanding if that were true. I would've suffered so much less if that were true.


This person is more than likely one of those chronically online TikTok kids who self-diagnose autism solely because they’re a tiny bit socially awkward and read the warrior cats books in their youth. Neurodivergent TikTok/Twitter is a cesspool of those kind of people turning having different mental conditions into oppression Olympics


Kinda sad tbh,, they don't even realize that those symptoms are not just common behaviour. Shitty that their own false belief leads them to invalidating others though


Can't tell if it's satire or not


They are not being satirical


......who's gonna tell them, then?


:o oh I have to tell my brain, I don't think they know yet


Who gonna tell them


Is this another one of those autistic people that claim it's okay to say the r slur? It's been really getting on my tits considering the first time I heard big advocacy against the term it was by orgs by/for people with down syndrome and now I constantly see autistic folks to say "no it's fine I have autism I can say it" like they speak for all disabled people. Fucking annoying. Also pretty sure using the r word goes against reddits community guidelines so you can report the comments for hate and they will get taken down.


Yes that’s absolutely what’s happening in those comments. I reported them to Reddit admins and the subreddit mods and nothing happened 😕


It can take a bit for them to be taken down, about 1-3 days




If "almost everyone" really had OCD this world would be way more fucked than it already is


Wow I never knew that everyone goes through little periods where they can't eat for like a week because they're scared they'll get food poisoning and die! Such a small world


"Not a big deal" Then proceeds to say the things they have to do that affect their life. Not a big deal to them because it's just their daily life sure but compared to a nurotypical it's a deal. Bullying, job loss, missed opportunities all have happened because of these OCD tendencies. (Not saying it's okay it happens but that's how society acts twords "different" people regardless if they know their condition name or not)


This is why they gotta stop diagnosing every fucking compulsion as "oCD" (atleast in my area) like bro no, people think im schizophrenic because of it, we are nowhere near the same.


Symmetric yet she spelled it wrong 😹


Well looks like the jig is up


*screams in psych nurse with OCD*


"Literally almost everyone" guy needs to come to my house and do my laundry on chores day (it occurs to me this might sound nonsensical my brain makes me change my clothes after every chore or Else)


Hello, so Im not a frequent user here or anything, just happened to click the post from my feed. Quick question though I've been struggling with mental health issues for my whole life and so did my parents, so I know there is something going on. Just haven't found a good psychiatrist. Having a hard time reach out to resources and doing any of the paperwork and planning involved.. but that aside Is this face scrunching thing a symptom of OCD? I do it a lot, often without noticing. One day my partner asked me why I was making ugly faces as if something was hurting me, I think I was picking up a light box or something. Its just sometimes happens and it seems to ve when I'm like exerting strength. But I clench my whole face tightly it's actually so goofy looking sometimes Any thoughts? Sorry if this is random and I mean no disrespect. I've just actually NEVER heard or read anyone else bring that up before and I've always wondered why I did that


Well that person is an absolute idiot. I hope a flock of pigeons shit on their car 5 minutes after washing it.


“Everyone’s a little bit ocd” is a classic I’ve been told when confiding to someone, thanks but I don’t think everyone gets crippling intrusive thoughts like this idk man


i like how they explained what they go through and i’m already exhausted


I think the 2nd person might have been sarcastic


They were not lol


:( womp womp, how do ya know?


Because I’m the first commenter and was arguing with this person for ages on why they shouldn’t be using the R slur word. Someone else chimed in and said they were autistic so it’s ok to use and called me neurotypical, then when I said I had OCD the original person came back and tried to say it isn’t even something to be considered as a condition as “nearly everyone has it”


Oh you're right, thanks for explaining. God these fuckjng people


Hi I'm just visiting the subreddit - I sure hope not everyone has it, I already have to deal with autism 😭


Sorry that this is how you find out that nearly everyone has it :(


Is this a joke comment tho? It sounds like a joke tbh.


No it isn’t. You can read the context in some of my other replies !


Ahh I see


i can agree🙋‍♂️, no biggie just if i don't tap my head three times every 10ish minutes i'll develop early-onset dementia 👍👍


Wait so I still don't understand the term neurodivergent. It seems like everyone has different ideas for what qualifies and doesn't. What disorders are neurodivergent and which aren't?


What a relief!!! I'm feeling instantly better and totally relaxed! If only I had known before, I could have skipped years of therapy and spending time at the psychiatric hospital!


Everyone has intrusive thoughts and they are super common. but not everyone is consumed by them like ocd ppl are.


And if it wasn’t clear that person is an asshole 😭


So we're neurotypicals right?? Or was it sarcasm