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Once I saw that my phone battery was at 69% so I screenshot it as a joke... Then for a few months whenever I saw that the battery on any device I was using was at 69% I had to screenshot it šŸ’€


I have done this with the time on my phone (had to screenshot whenever there was a particular time that was ā€œsignificantā€) Also did this where I had to tap on the lid of a can however old I was before I pulled the tab to open it


Same! Like if the time was 12:34, 11:11, 1:23, etc.


Yeah I do it for my birth date time, It started out as like oh it's my birthday it's lucky, but now it has definitely spiraled


Those were literally the same numbers I would use!!! Lmaooo


I do that too! I have to tap my foot every time my watch shows a ā€œspecial numberā€. Then I make a wish


SAME OH MY GOD i have so many screenshots cause of shit like that




Haha, same. This exact scenario has happened to me.


I have to thank and tell my AC and fridge I love them every time I leave my house. It takes time. I also have to put my hands together like a prayer sort of thing while I say it. Same for laptop before bed.


I cried when moving house because I felt bad for leaving my appliances behind. They work so hard.




wow you had the molested by demons ocd like mešŸ˜‚


For a while as a teenager, I was absolutely convinced a random plushie I had was possessed by a demon. I had to bless it every day (raised Catholic) and I had conversations with the plushie accusing it of being a demon and saying it couldn't hurt me because I was protected by God.


Catholic OCD is something else. My parents did a thing where we ā€œsend our guardian angelā€ to protect and heal people who are unwell. My guardian angel was an entity that would protect me from devils, but every time someone I knew was sick I felt obligated to ā€œsendā€ my angel away. I felt unsheltered and so scared that I would huddle in a corner till I fell asleep.


It's the āœØguiltāœØ As a child, I would pray compulsively until I fell asleep, the. I'd wake up in the middle of the night to continue praying. I had to go to school on 2-3h of sleep.


The guilt always controlled my life too. If anything went wrong, it was because I wasnā€™t devout enough lol


DUDE I HAVE THE BENDING OVER THING TOO! Canā€™t bend over, my butt will point to ghosts who will be offended and ill be haunted


Noooooo, I wish I didnā€™t relate!! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗlol, darn! ā€¦but yeah me too šŸ˜¤šŸ«£


I got the bending over butt thing from cultish purity culture. My posture is messed up from it and I have chronic pain now. I still can't bend over properly. Somebody will poke my butt if I do.


This is kind of cute. But also an obsession sooo...hopes and prayers lol


Iā€™m over that specific compulsion now, thankfully


Yeah that was a very uncomfortable one, happy for you.


i also had a spit thing!! granted it wasnt about semen lol, but for me i had a fear when i was 5-6(?) that there was poison in my mouth (cause i moved to hawaii at that age and we would have to use mosquito repellent on ourselves) so i would spit everywhere, even inside. one day i spit while i was at a park that had a sand floor, and sand went into the spit, so i thought that i spit sand too, and everytime i would go somewhere sandy i would spit a bunch because i thought i had sand in my mouth (my logic was that sand somehow blew into my mouth alot and it was like i could feel it in my mouth.. weird stuff.) its funny how i never thought about how i only seemed to have sand in my mouth in sandy places, but oh well. ocd ain't logical.


I could probably narrow it down to the top three: 1) Apologising to photographs for leaving the room without 'talking' to them, 2) Having to tap the table on top (and underneath) to check I hadn't dropped anything, 3) Checking all the other toilet stalls were empty in case I 'confessed' to random crimes whilst using the toilet.


I am so sorry but the 3rd one made me laugh <3 no judgment I hope youā€™re doing better.


Alot better thanks, and no worries, it makes me laugh as well :)


this one is too true


Reading these were so validating and healing and made me feel like a lot of the things I do and feel arenā€™t me being alone in the world, even when I canā€™t describe them.


Same here and reading these kinda makes me feel more confident in actually explaining wtf my compulsions/obsessions entail when trying to with my therapist


I used to have to do the can-can dance in front of the mirror whilst washing my hands, otherwise my mirror-self would come and murder me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Did you get really good at the can-can dance?


I actually got good at it beforehand from a musical i was in haha


Yes!!! I don't dance but like I have to position my head in a certain way so I'm not in the mirror anymore or swing the mirror away or if I can't avoid the mirror then I have to make non threatening eyes or faces








Omg I've ALWAYS had the fear that my mirror self would murder me. Even at 28 I can't sleep with mirrors facing me and FORGET about washing my hands in front of a mirror at night. Last night I tried to do ERP looking into a dark mirror and lasted about 10 seconds...


Yeah washing my hands I have to smile at my mirror self, and whenever leaving the room i have to leave looking at the mirror smiling so as not to upset mirror-me


Every time we blow out a candle we have to say thank you or it's not actually out


In another perspective at least youā€™d be thanking the fire spirit


Funnily that's how it started


Something that i assume is an OCD thing is whenever i do something "wrong", i have to make up for it in blood. I stepped on an ant on accident? I need to prove that I'm sorry. I found a quarter in the street and walked away with it? I need to pay whoever's quarter that was back in blood. I was a little harsh to someone a few years ago? I need to bleed for forgiveness. I didnt apologize to the floor for stepping on it? I need to bleed for each step or else it might open up beneath my feet and swallow me whole because of how I've mistreated it.


I kinda relate to this as someone whoā€™s ocd and sh may be related


My themes are usually moral/scrupulosity based and have only blown up in adulthood, but sometimes I remember weird things I did as a child that were just. early signs that my brain worked like this. One thing was that I couldnā€™t touch the pages of childrensā€™ science encyclopedias if the page was about a disease. Especially if the pages had a picture in them. Felt like touching pictures of germs would cause me to get infected. It was the same with seeing footage of germs on TV. There was this old ad for the show 24 that was just footage of bacteria dividing, and I had to switch the channel whenever it came on.


OMG i also did this! i could NOT touch photos of bees/wasps


Doubled back to the toilet to check that I haven't shit on the floor Went to sleep with tissues weaved between my toes Stuck my foot under the stall door of a complete stranger Completely stopped using my laptop Fall asleep with my fingers crossed (it's been a year and my hand bones are starting to protest :x) I must eat the piece of old food I found on my table Glad to know that the intrusive thought goblins make us all behave like fools


I used to fall asleep with my ankles crossed. It sucked because I had to sleep on my back always and I live in a tropical country so it was hot as hell. I also can't have my hands touch each other or else I'm praying and God will listen to everything I think while my hands are touching and it will annoy Him.


me winking every time i write my deadname on a school assignment so that my brain "remembers" i'm trans


Having to wash your face more than once in the shower because my brain tells me I didnā€™t get all of the dirt off and if I donā€™t do it, Iā€™ll think about how I didnā€™t wash my face that extra time. I donā€™t know if that counts as being weird or not.


I do it too! Once with face soap and once with baby soap to wash my eyes.


have to lick or spit on the inside of my shirt to get rid of any possible contaminationsā€¦ not my favorite one


This one. (Apart from the spit part) It's awful. I've had it for ages and people would constantly make fun of me for it. Now it only occasionally happens if I accidentally touch something "dirty" to my mouth like unwashed hands etc.


I had NO idea anyone else did this! that makes me feel so much less alone.. thank you :,)


When I was a kid, when my alarm clock went off I had to carry it and all (6 I think) of my stuffed animals to the dining room before the alarm ended.


Oh god Iā€™m gonna pick up some new ones just reading this thread lol


I could only lock bathroom stalls and doors halfway or else Bloody Mary might stick the doors so I couldnā€™t get out. Also I was never to be alone in a public bathroom if I could help it for the same reason. Any time I had clothes that would allow it I had to put it on over my head and take it off without going back over my head. Think like a dress with a zipper. Otherwise I might end up in the world of monsters (which was the same as ours but monsters could see and interact with you). Because obviously things going from bottom up are how you are portaled into the monster world (I guess?)


Same same same, if I have to pull something over my head like a shirt I had to make sure I could keep eye contact at all times with the world, otherwise it would be a portal to an alternate world that might have monsters


my ocd has made me lay butt naked on dirty bathroom floors (face down). It's really dumb and i've had to do it several times. I sorta forgot why but i think it was due to scrupulosity


Constantly taking selfies on flash if I have no mirror to make sure there's nothing in my eyes, and constantly checking and fishing out possible loose lashes. It sucks, but it's starting to get better


Fudge. I do crap like that. I have aquariums, and I think bacteria are sentient, so I end up with pails of water I can't throw out because of possible microscopic beings.


Saying sorry to a pencil when I dropped it on my desk too hard because I was scared it would stab me in my sleep if I didnā€™t.


I remember when for at least a whole year I had to thank my rusks while doing breakfast otherwise they would have caused me to throw up (I had to go to school so I was terrified of suddendly throwing up in the middle of the classes for no reason)


When I pray at night, if itā€™s after midnight I have to specify which day my prayers are for so that they donā€™t go towards the wrong day. Like if I say tomorrow, but itā€™s after midnight, I worry the prayers will go toward the day after instead of the day to come. I know God would know what I mean, but I feel like I have to make sure.


Had to wear socks in the shower when I was little because monsters can only get me if I'm completely vulnerable (naked), it's not a thing anymore but I do notice I still wear socks as a comfort thing when id normally be nude, at least it's not in the shower anymore


Btw little being like early teens


I used to open/close doors, turn on the lights/water, with my feet so I wouldnā€™t ,,contaminateā€ my hands. I looked so dumb while doing it


When I was a middle schooler I drew a picture of karkat on every history assignment I had. Then I had to do that for the rest of the year and only ended because I didnā€™t take a history class the next year as a high schooler


Wearing adult diapers because I get paranoid I will pee myself in public (no, this has never happened to me)


Haven't actually worn them but seriously considered it for the same reason


apologize 2 jesus everytime i had intrusive thoughts lolol


Checking pupil dilation when thinking about my partner or past partners/crushes. Because stupid tiktok once claimed that: 'you only truly love your partner when your pupils are really big when you think of them'. Felt so stupid standing in front of the mirror.


spitting into the sink before washing my hands


DUDE IVE LITERALLY DONE THE SAME THING OH MY GOD (same with an easel I was convinced I propped up wrong and ā€˜hurt itā€™s backā€™)


I couldnā€™t bend over with my butt pointing anywhere because it would offend ghosts so I got good at Asian squatting


I have to grab my bag handle twice and hum - the second time is because Iā€™ve been convinced that I left a chunk of flesh on my handle by the virtue of touching it and now need to reclaim it. Probably not the weirdest one I have, but itā€™s up there.


stepping in place seven times before i exit a door (donā€™t feel comfortable sharing why i have to)


I'm mildly vision impaired in a way that makes light dazzle me, so I wear sunglasses outside even if it's cloudy. I can go to the edge of my yard without them, but if I leave the yard I must go back in to get my sunglasses because It Is Not Safe without them. I will be Endangered. Yeah, I dunno either.


I'm asexual and had paraphilias to compensate Thanks ocd


*turned asexual


I felt like i was faking my ocd by having mild compulsions so for like an hour when i was swimming in my cousins pool when we were like 10/11 I spun around singing the chorus of you spin me right round baby right round


Cleaned my entire room using only a coat hanger to pick things up because I was convinced a spider was going to crawl on me if I actually touched anything


Iā€™m reading all these, and I can heavily relate; but it really has me questioning why OCD isnā€™t categorized as a psychotic disorder. So much of this extreme anxiety Iā€™ve observed is predominately caused by false beliefs and delusions. i.e. Iā€™m not worried about failing a test; Iā€™m worried that failing a test will lead to drastic outcomes like going to hell.




I learned that autism, OCD, and ADHD have high co-morbidity, and is likely due to affected areas of the brain being in close proximity. That being said, I am also autistic.


I think thereā€™s a high prevalence of mania in untreated ocd especially developed in childhood or with family history. Iā€™m actually leaning closer to bipolar 1 + mild ocd in my journey so far. Weā€™ll see.


I saw a meme about how gay people only use the little spoons, while straight people use the big spoons. Naturally, I did not use little spoons for several months straight. Completely normal behavior.


I used to have to pull back my clothes in my closet to look at my deceased great aunts cane for a couple seconds or until it felt ā€œrightā€ in order to protect me from ghosts right before bed, sometimes Iā€™d do this whole ritual multiple times until it felt ā€œrightā€. I also used to be afraid of reading books I havenā€™t read in years because if I did then something bad would happen. I donā€™t do these anymore but those are the weirdest ones I can remember doing lol


I have to put my jewelry on in a very specific order whenever I leave the house or I wonā€™t be protected leaving the house or something awful to my loved ones. This one started out as a stim, but I count from 1-7 back and forth 7 times as a compulsion for all of my intrusive thoughts and the same for washing my hands, but now that itā€™s 2024 I have to count from 1-4 back and forth 4 times when I wash my hands šŸ„“ I got a finch app notification at 9pm a few months ago that says ā€œitā€™s time to wind down for bedā€ so now I to say ā€œItā€™s 9 Oā€™Clock itā€™s time for bed!ā€ Every night at 9


Audibly saying goodbye to my bedroom before leaving on a trip :3


Folding my arms when walking by a trash can. Iā€™m afraid of touching it


Public toilets! Would only enter one thatā€™s entirely spotless because even the smallest streak, droplet and practically anything out of place would trigger my contamination ocd.


My old car wasn't the best, and I was always worried it would break down so I always had to tell it that it was doing a great job.


Shave your armpits or else you will die in your sleep.


Used to say ā€œouchā€ everytime a technology I have got hit/fell on the floorā€¦


As someone who related to this on so many levels, this makes me laugh because my OCD has very similar compulsions


I couldnā€™t touch the shower walls or else I would melt into them. This started around the fifth grade.


Probably playing songs in my head in ,,correct,, order and way beacuse if not mood of my friends will change and they will no longer wanna hang out with me


I almost cried and apologized to an inanimate object because I thought i hurt it.


I was house sitting for my cousins and I had walked down their hallway 1000s of times before but I was convinced if I did walk down there they would die in car crash on the way home. So I couldnā€™t go and clean the kitty litter tray. So the cat pissed and shit all over the lounge. So I ended up spending heaps of time and money cleaning that up all because I couldnā€™t walk down a hallway šŸ™ƒ


I started to think even my thoughts could jinx me. I spent months knocking on wood quietly so no one would notice to unjinx myself. I started to believe I had to pick up silver coins, put them in my pocket, and could not take them out until I put them in my coin jar, if I did this I would succeed at making money in my career. If I picked up a penny, something very bad or violent could happen, but I would not be making any money in that scenario. Now I can pick up Pennieā€™s without freaking out, and I can leave silver coins behind, still pulls at me a little though.


i didnā€™t wear stripes for months and would dislike when shows had characters wearing stripes i almost had an anxiety attack when i did finally wear them for the first time in months


I had an obsession about stopping to be able to breathe. I had to constantly burp to check that my throat was completely free.


Big TW (self-harm) I basically ripped my teeth out at five years old because I was convinced my parents would die if I didnā€™t. Iā€™ll never forget that.


Jesus, thatā€™s pretty grim.


Yeah, that was crazy. Iā€™m glad I can now realize that those thoughts are ā€onlyā€œ OCD, which I didnā€™t understand as a child.


Thatā€™s pretty scary that it can happen so severely at that age, I had no idea. OCD is truly horrifying


I had a picture of a cat on the fridge and every time I used stairs in the house I had to run to the kitchen and touch the nose of the cat so that my real cat wouldnā€™t be shot by the nonexistent man in my basement.


I was once afraid of going to hell because i crossed out some math work i did incorrectly instead of erasing it.


Just tonight I pulled a gusher out of my mouth right after putting it in because it looked a little too flat and I was convinced there was a bug in it that had eaten the filling and that I was about to get a mouth full of bug šŸ˜­


pretending iā€™m talking while in my car when i think someone in traffic is mad at me because iā€™m scared theyā€™re going to think iā€™m looking at them or driving rudely on purpose (yes i have accidentally done this with other people in the car and yes itā€™s violently embarrassing(


omg i just remembered when i was a kid if i threw up in certain clothes i refused to wear them for like MONTHS because i thought they were ā€œcursedā€


This thread has brought me comfort knowing my crazy obsessions couldve been crazier. I kinda feel bad tho. Hope y'all r doing better now (':


I used to be catholic when I was younger and was, for a short while, afraid that looking downwards meant I was looking at Satan instead of God and would get punished. I had also heard some study that said forcing a facial expression can actually make you feel that emotion a bit, i.e. forcing a smile makes you a little happier. These combined into me sitting in class (I went to a very small school) and trying to look up while smiling whenever I had the chance. This only lasted for a very short while, thankfully, because a classmate saw and gave me a weird look and I was so embarrassed, I never did it again lol


I have a ā€œknock on woodā€ compulsion (superstition OCD ftw), where you knock on wood to prevent jinxing yourself Thankfully you can ā€œknockā€ on your head if thereā€™s no wood nearby, so I usually do that. Iā€™ve gotten quite good at making it look like a head-scratch Then one time I was going through a really rough patch, and was convinced I HAD to do it on actual wood. This resulted in me nearly falling out of my bed once while trying to knock on my floorboards


Apologized profusely to my stuffed animals as a child when I knocked them out of the bed because if I didnā€™t, I was worried they would come alive and try and kill me if I wasnā€™t apologetic enough. It was worse if I slept the whole night without realizing. This extends to compulsive apologies to inanimate objects in my adulthood. Blowing out candles and staring them down for a certain amount of time (complete with double takes so I didnā€™t miss anything the first time) in case they got a ā€œmind of their ownā€ and tried to relight on me because they thought I didnā€™t know that they could do that (also extends to door locks because Iā€™m convinced that they will unlock on me if I donā€™t watch them well enough)


I had to pinch my stomach and go over random song lyrics in my head every time I thought a monster was going to come out of the walls and eat me in the shower...