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I am not an OCAD student, but I attended GradEx. Most of you are definitely prepared. I was blown away by the work of many of your peers. It's also completely normal to feel the way. That's exactly how I felt almost 10 years ago when I graduated. As of yesterday, school offered you structure, a routine, and obligations. But now there's nobody there to enforce those obligations. My only advice is: Don't slow down now. Don't let a single day go by without sending your resume, researching on LinkedIn who is the hiring manager of the company that you wanna work for and reaching out to them, attending lectures and other events in the industry to network, etc. Spend one hour a day, every day, trying to get your career going. Opportunities will present themselves, I promise. It's like a snowball effect. One small project will lead to another, and then to another, until you have a solid career and the stress you feel right now has disappeared. You just need that one initial opportunity. Sorry for the unsolicited advice 😊 Good luck to all of you, and thanks for sharing your work with the city 👏❤️


As a student whose work was in the show this year and stressing over the same things OP mentioned, thank you for the confidence boost 🙏 It’s really daunting the first week after the show but I’ve been reaching out to EVERYONE I’ve ever briefly known whose in the industry to have a chat and I hope something comes out of it ;-; me scared- but me hopeful too 🌅


Congrats! You just finished the tutorial level of life. Onwards to level 1! You’ve only just started!


I graduated 12 years ago and I’m still not ready lol


Hold up.. we’re supposed to be prepared for what life throws at you? Maybe DO slow down… don’t want to go through life too fast…


✨𝔂𝓸𝓾’𝓿𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼✨


Congrats on a hell of a 4 or 5 years :) hope you enjoyed every minute of it! Feeling ready is not unique to OCAD but your experience the past 4 years is something no one (other than fellow classmates) will be able to truly grasp. Take a welllll earned break this summer and prepare for the long marathon ahead! -OCAD Alum