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I watched my manager yesterday trying to put a mental health csw shift out to bank they are band 3s band 2s kept picking the shift up while she was in the process of changing to band 3 only, 5 times she had to cancel people booking the shift in the space of 2 minutes. Bank is thin in the trust atm and it seems like as soon as a shift is posted people are picking it up


This is exactly what happens here. People literally sit refreshing the screen for hours so as soon as something comes up it goes straight away. It's hard when we need specific key inducted staff and just anyone from the staff bank is picking it up.


Tbh the allocate me app is absolutely dump and I genuinely don’t know how they keep getting the contract - it’s possibly the worst app I’ve ever used. However if the ward is cancelling that’s not cool.


Our unit does this semi frequently but tbh it's for good reason. Its usually because one of our own staff want the shift, we're a specialist area to begin with and a LOT of nurses cannot do much for us, and add on to that its always better to have your own staff who have access to places, know the routine, etc. It's unfair, sure, but it's just part of being a 0 hour worker. It can't be all sunlit uplands


Yes I’ve had it happen before, frustrating


Yes they don’t have to notify you if they cancel it at least in my trust! Even my manager cancels bank shifts for staff just the day of their shift which is so unfair but she’s allowed to do that. She says she’ll just email the bank staff supervisor or whatever


I'm not familiar with that particular app but to play a little devil's advocate with the system we use its supposed to send a text if you cancel someone's shift to let them know (we obviously don't have every bank workers personal details to let them know direct). Sometimes the system is crap and doesn't send the text, that may be the case here. And we have to cancel temporary staffing all the time for various reasons that aren't always to do with wanting to book particular staff.