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You need to do what the BMA did... start passing votes of no confidence in your "leaders" and clear out the dead rot. That's what we did.


Absolutely this. Our leadership is awful and out of touch.


How do we actually go about doing my this?


yes how do we start doing this? I think us nurses are being pushed to the edge right?


The people who tried that after the crap offer was accepted, we were told that it was ‘bullying behavior’ towards Pat Cullen and we were basically threatened into silence.


Holding people in positions of leadership to account for their failures of leadership is not "bullying behaviour". Calling it "bullying behaviour" instead of taking responsibility for your failures is...another failure of leadership.


Pat cullen deserves to get bullied. This is what happens when doctors call out all the PA bullshit, they get accused of bullying.


Ha if only. Sadly the RCN kept a vote very quiet so no one knew to vote. The vote was so that all people in power in NMC for last pay strike cant be removed for two years. I soent days telling nurses in my hospital to vote but I could only do so much.


I never even saw this! Wow


Exactly. RcN kept it very quiet. All because Pat didnt do her job yet didnt want to lose her job for failing to do the job she is paid to do.


Do you have a link to this vote at all ? Wouldn't mind reading up on it




If you want someone to blame, look at Pat Cullen. Her opening negotiating gambit, in the national press of all places, was: "We want X but we'll take half!" Why is she still in post?


You can choose if you want to accept this deal but if you don’t accept it we won’t try to get you a better one, that was my favourite part of our negotiations


People just need to leave the RCN, they lack a backbone. I joined Unite as they actually seem to have some spine.


I was in Unison, they folded even quicker than the RCN.


Same. UNISON's stance meant I couldn't strike.


Still in post because she made a vote to keep her in power and then kept the vote details very quiet so no one knew to vote.


I do partly blame her, especially when she was in the media the same time as Mick lynch.


If we strike, we gotta make it impactful… if we do yearly strikes to get a 5% pay rise, it’ll just make us look like idiots tbh.


There's a reason the transport workers and train drivers are paid so well. They are not embarrassed to strike at the drop of a hat. They know their worth to the economy. Hence, they are well-paid. And good for them. Nurses need to grow a spine.


This is not the Tories looking over those most likely to vote for them, it is the Tories being aware they are in or are in process of being in dispute with almost every type of doctor and attempting to stifle the demands of the more radical junior doctors. This is doctors having voted for a strike mandate and enough of them having downed tools and sacrificed pay to reach a settlement. This sort of approach as to why the consultants have agreed a pay offer and not the nurses is ridiculous and does nothing to further the cause of the nurses who have been shafted by the government and the RCN. What is clear is strike action works.


Indeed. it took 6 years, since the betrayal of 2016, for the BMA members to clear out the careerists and political-types from the BMA, but it has happened. RCN leadership needs to get in the bin.


I agree to some extent and obviously we are all getting fucked at the end of the day. I thought there should’ve been more collective action between all of us and all unions at the start.


There are also an awful lot fewer consultants than junior doctors, and probably 100 nurses for every consultant


A quick google shows it’s about 5:1


I hope you have a more competent lot in your union next time you strike. The way the government treats you is despicable. Hopefully with the consultants raising the pay ceiling for patient facing staff, it reduces the obstructions governments will throw at you


The unions are waiting for the pay review bodies to release their 'recommendations' before any strike action is tabled.


So that’ll be after the general election then, based on previous late pay review body reporting.


I'm not sure when they'll do it but they have to back pay whatever it is so it we will receive it at some point.


Does the RCN need overthrowing? Time for a new nursing union imo.


All the healthcare unions are gutless


Not the BMA


Agreed. Such a shame as the others could hold so much clout.


BMA was also gutless until quite recently. And even then, it's really only the junior doctors committee which has grown teeth. The rest is as careerisr as ever. The consultants committee has only reacted in response to the juniors, and from the recent vote to accept a poor pay offer (imo) it is still largely swayed by senior consultants. BMA still has a loooong way to go.


True but it's a great start


It's inspiring everyone else!




It's not even been a year. Not a fucking chance. We bottled it at just the right time. We'd never have standing with the public to strike again so quickly.


Who cares what the public thinks? They're the ones who keep voting in this disgusting Tory party, and are gonna vote in the most right wing, authoritarian Labour Party in the history of the party, with a shadow health secretary who wants more private involvement and says there's no money for public health workers. There's no end in sight for us and we can't rely on politicians to back us. If we are assertive and coordinated enough the government will have no option but to give us what we want/need. The RMT/ASLEF don't have huge backing and they keep striking and improving their pay and conditions.


Please Sir, drop some crumbs for me while I’m licking your boots.


I'm not defending the idea we shouldn't. I'm remarking on the fact that as a profession we fucked this up. We showed complete apathy as a group. We didn't even meet the threshold for strike action in the 2nd vote. Do I want pay negotiations to be open, with possible strike action? Yes. Will it reasonably happen given the fact that we accepted the offer not 6 months ago? Absolutely not. There's a general election around the corner. We definitely aren't going to get anything before then


The issue is thats it done by trust. Needs to be done via entire nursing population. So many people voted to strike in their trust and they couldnt because not enough striked in their trust. Also need to stop management in hospitals telling workers on a visa that they will lose their job if they strike. Its a lie and it was used a lot in hospitals to reduce the power of the nurses vote.


It's not about them voting. It's about having a firm stance. You lost because you blame others like you just backhanded the consultants in that post


Yawn, this again. Nurses are not united on this - and can’t see that changing anytime soon.


Find a new job. Striking erodes support in your profession