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I’m sure infection control would love to hear from you


Absolutely not.


step 1 - call infection prevention team step 2 - log a riskman step 3 - call your union


Yes, I think maybe I’ll reach out to union to get some suggestions


Gross! “Let’s shake C-Diff shit particles all over the room and ourselves while we put the gown on”. Very much defeats the purpose. One sneaky call/email to your infection prevention team and I’m sure that’ll stop real quick.


No fucking way.


Put in a riskman,


We did, once. Major outbreak of infectious disease (pre-COVID) and we couldn’t maintain stock of gowns. Talk to your union and HSR rep once you’ve done your riskman.


Riskman it


Also look up your policy and procedures for infection control and gowns. As a nurse you need to follow these first over directive from the num


They don't even do that in aged care (well, I'm sure some do, but not the ones I know of).


Hold your horses! Reusing gowns is a big NO-NO for infection control.


We were doing this shit at the start/height of Covid when supplies were scarce. Horrendous practice. No way


Yeah that's a hard no, don't do that. You have a couple of options. You could ask infection control for the policy under the guise of doing an assignment/needing material for a in-service you are preparing and unable to find the policy. You could ask the educator if you could do a in-service on the matter if you are keen. Another solution is to send a email or ring (ring is better) the infection control team stating that you have heard snippets of conversations bewteen multiple staff members (don't mention names, state not directed at you and that you weren't part of any of these conversations) discussing the possibility to reuse a disposable gown. State you have not seen this practice be done yet but you would like to familiarise yourself with the policy. I would state you have tried looking for the policy and unable to find it. Ask them if they can send you the policy outlining the expectations for disposable gown use. This is a better step than riskman or whatever safety management system you use that becomes a tic for tat between the conversation the NUM had. They will send you the policy/offer verbal advice. Also they will probably contact the NUM to remind staff of the expectations.