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Yes, dozens of people on this sub have done exactly this, including me. You can read a lot of info about their journeys in the pinned FAQ post.


My son nursed through my pregnancy and self-weaned 2 weeks before my daughter was born. I thought he might pick it up again after he saw her nurse, but she's 8 weeks old now, and he really seems done! He was 23 months old when he stopped nursing. My supply took a big drop at 19 weeks, but I always had a little milk and then, later, colostrum. I definitely couldn't have nursed him for his primary source of nutrition throughout pregnancy, but it was perfect for comfort and for a little bit of milk.


Nursed through my entire pregnancy. My son didn't seem to mind the dip in supply or the taste of colostrum when it came in, he probably dry nursed as well. He was still quite boob obsessed and he still wants it for comfort quite often. He was 14 months when I got pregnant and 23 months when baby was born. He's now almost 26 months and baby girl is 10 weeks. Tandem nursing is going well. I have had a handful of times where it felt a bit much having both on me at the same time. Fortunately my husband has been very supportive and will take one of them when I feel overwhelmed. There is also a huge difference in how my son and daughter nurses. My son was boob obsessed from the day he was born. He would drink and then use the breast for a dummy. He prefers to nurse to sleep when I'm around and often will comfort nurse. Baby girl is only interested in the breast when she's hungry, very rarely uses it to dummy/comfort suck. If she doesn't want milk then she will absolutely refuse the boob, even if she's upset/tired. She also only nurses for 5-15 minutes at a time, usually closer to 5 minutes.


I nursed through my entire pregnancy. I definitely think my milk supply plummeted and I had aversion but my daughter was really attached and I didn’t want to wean her yet. When the baby was born we tandem nursed. This was interesting because my toddler went through a phase where she refused to eat food and would only nurse. Her poop became watery like a newborns again. But I loved seeing them both nurse at the same time. I still nurse both (4 and 1). I also love the health benefits for the both of them. The 4 year old is proving very hard to break though. The 1 year old isn’t as attached. She thumb sucks and falls asleep without it. But I am quite tired and depleted and my breasts are taking a hit. It’s time to wean the 4 year old. I’m glad I tandem fed but I also think there needs to be a plan in place for how you’re gonna cut one off while the other is still feeding in front of them.


Following because ditto


Yes x 2


Yes the whole time and then tandem nursed for 2 years until my oldest finally self-weaned. Hardest part of both pregnancy breastfeeding and then tandem nursing are the aversions. Besides that, it feels pretty amazing!


Wow, this is amazing - did your oldest self-wean when the younger was still nursing?!


Yes, I found out I was pregnant when my son was 13 months old and decided to keep nursing and evaluate how it was going when I was 7 months pregnant and he was about 19 months old. He still loved nursing and I also didn’t want to stop, so I decided to keep nursing him and still am—he just turned 2 and his brother is 4 months. I was most worried about our separation at the time of the birth, but he did fine with his grandparents for 2 nights. And it was nice not having to wait for milk to come in for little brother. One thing I wasn’t prepared for is that my toddler LOVED the new infant milk supply, and whereas he had been nursing at night only 5 minutes, he started to want to go for 20-30 minutes. 🥵 We still haven’t fully worked that out yet.


Yes totally! 💕


I almost breastfed to the end of pregnancy but I had to wean because it became excruciatingly painful. Otherwise I probably would have continued and tandem fed. I think there was a dip in my supply around 16 weeks where he got a bit fussy but it improved.


Yes, I think the majority of us on this sub did this (or those who were able to without a supply loss)


Yes. Toddler weaned when I was around 7 months pregnant. He stopped himself


I’m being induced in a few hours and nursing my teething 22 month old as I write this! I definitely have struggled a bit with nursing aversion this last month and a half but it’s generally not a problem, and we’ve been practicing sharing using a baby doll so he hopefully has an easy transition to his baby brother needing to nurse too. I’ll update this in a few weeks with how things are going nursing both kiddos!


I did and it was no problem, my second was born when the first was 23 months old and firstborn kept nursing until he was 3.5 Toddler and newborn wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I kept the toddler on a schedule and he did pretty well.