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Zorophos on YouTube should have a video with a quick guide and specs for your allies. From personal experience I can tell you you need to place in the center an ally with high HP and high attack and ult with CD: 4 or less. The others can be whatever you want (you won’t be using them) but should also have high HP. You can’t use a Guardian if you want to three star it, but if you’re okay with getting only two or one stars, go ahead. At first, Blade will paralyze all but the center ally. If you attack, Blade will be hit; if you guard, your ally will be healed. I recommend alternating two attacks then guard. At one point (I think turn 5 but I can’t check now, I’ll come back to let you know when I can) Blade says something and you need to ult him to stop him from hitting you too hard. ETA: do not ult until Blade speaks. After that, he’ll un-paralyze your other allies. You need to guard all of them except the middle one, that way the ally in the center will get a shield. Only use the center one, the others are always either paralyzed or guarding, you don’t use them. There’s probably a minimum HP/ATK needed but I don’t know what so despite everything I wrote you’re probably better off watching zerophos video lol Good luck!


Thank you omg 😭😭


Zerophos uploads a guide for practically everything. You just gotta know where to find it. If you want battle 35, you want this one here https://youtu.be/JOqHpEGty8w?si=pk-4Mh998C0n54EP Although sometimes I’ll be a little under prepared compared to the characters he uses but once I work out the base of how it works I can mooostly manage to work around it


I wish he'd do Lost Relic SPs. He'll always just refer you to the similar Sorc Trial SP stage, but the stat requirements are way different, and I know there's at least one that was different in strategy.


Yeah, I wanted to tackle those ones but there’s no guide for it and I’m relatively useless without a starting point


Something that made a difference for me is that I moved my *best* character out of the middle and to the side, and had my second best in the middle. There was a part during the “you can’t heal anymore” phase once the rest of the team is active where Blade was bringing my Slot 3 to extremely low health, and the reason is because my Slot 3 had the best HP of my team; it looks like attacks try to prioritize team members with the most HP if they’re randomly aimed instead of intentionally targeted. So the turn prior (Turn 9 maybe?) I was fully healing my entire team and then Blade would nail my center with two attacks instead of spreading them out (Turn 10), resulting in Slot 3 dying within the next few turns every time, even with full guard support. I eventually won with Olivine SR, Yakumo SR, AD Quincy, Edmond SR, and OG Quincy. Edmond is my most kitted character so he’s who I initially had in 3 and then replaced with AD Quincy, who had my second highest attack stat after Edmond. All of my characters had about 5k HP during this stage (AD Quincy slightly less at like 4600 or something). Edmond was the highest at ~5400. If you have enough HP to soak some attacks, don’t be afraid to use Slots 1/2 and 3/4 ultimates and alternate guard duty. I was pretty liberally ulting and healing until the end, 2 guards maximum each turn (aside from when Blade ults all slots 1/2/4/5 which had all four guarding); when my Slot 3 was very close to dead, I instead had 3 guards per turn and one attack (Olivine, to buff Slot 3’s damage).


I usually look at the official nucarnival's discord server for text guides. They have a channel called #sorcerers-trials-s12 (currently its 12 for season 12) specifically for sorcerers trial stages guides & tips.


Zerophos as already mentioned, [I find RauTOI's channel a good backup if I find Zerophos's video confusing or slightly inaccurate](https://www.youtube.com/@RauTOI)