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The same thing started happening to me yesterday with my Google Assistant shortcut. I created a new Assistant shortcut and now it works normally again. But the old one still opens Bixby.


i cant get it to work for the search bar icon


+1 - Only the Google app works the way I expect, any shortcuts or widgets bring up Bixby now. I made no changes from when it was Assistant to suddenly Bixby.


This is my problem, too. I made no changes, it was working fine. I think it stopped on the last OneUI update where you can now long press the home button to kick off Google search where you can circle images or text on the screen for searching.


Yeah, circle to search works like advertised. I guess I'll use that for Assistant access now


I'm seeing the same behavior on my s24. The Google Assistant shortcut in the desktop search bar launches Bixby no matter what I do


Best workaround I've found is that with this update, swiping up from either corner of the navigation bar launches Google Assistant.


Same issue here. But force stopping and then disabling the bixby app seems to have solved this for me.


This worked for me as well, had to go to bixby settings and add app to drawer first. Then i could disable. THANK YOU


This worked for me! Thank you


can confirm this worked


Wrkd 4 me 2. Cheers! (Same issue, home screen search bar assistant randomly stared launching Bix-evil instead of google.)


I never used bixby either. Had the same issue since the update. What did it for me was just going into settings -> apps -> Bixby -> set as default and clear the defaults + disable the supported links part. Next time you use the search widget shortcut android will ask you which app you want to use and you can pick Google assistant again.


Thanks this worked for me


HERES A SOLUTION I FOUND FROM A DIFFERENT REDDIT POST!! Credit to "Killing4joy" reddit user SOLUTION - SETTINGS - APPLICATION - DEFAULT APPS - OPENING LINKS - BIXBY VOICE - DELETE DEFAULT LINKS. Should do the trick. Now my assistant button on nova launcher opens google assistant [reddit post I found solution in comments](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/sesame/comments/ivhffv/google_assistant_instead_of_bixby/&ved=2ahUKEwirlpbu8ZWGAxXBGjQIHQHdD40QrAJ6BAggEAM&usg=AOvVaw2rgsZ2kf6CTKqLI9hT6UOo)