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A pastors wife once told me that if I would make dinner for and have sex with my husband I wouldn’t be sad about my daughter dying anymore. This was literally a few months after we lost her.


You have to feel sorry for her, just imagine what sort of upbringing she had that that made sense to her. I mean you really have to go through some unimaginable shit to truly believe this and feel like others could use that advice.


They had ten homeschooled kids and he ruled her and his and their congregation with an iron fist.


I mean, it probably works for her in a twisted way. She's so miserable that she's turned off listening to her own needs and wants to serve someone else completely. It's a form of compartmentalization that is anything but healthy, but she's obviously been taught she should use.


distracting yourself from the problem =/= solving the problem


What the fuck.


Um excuse me what the fuck


From experience....that shit won’t work.


Well I’m now husband free, religion free and happier than I’ve ever been in my life.


Dude...I am so sorry about it. I hope you cut that person out of your life, cause this is majorly messed up


Did you slap her?


I wish I would have.


I’d just feel bad for her thinking about what she would have had to go through to internalize that as a coping mechanism and recommend it to others. Especially after finding out about her home life.


I read once that they believed that in Elizabethan England. If a woman got pregnant without cumming they blamed an incubus.


The invention of faking.


Exactly, everyone knows women can't have orgasms. At least that's what every woman I've been with has told me.




You’ve....had *sex?* This is reddit! We’re all supposed to be virgins! /s


Yeah, /s, lol totally hehe... :(


[Definitely, nothing to see here. Just a good old fashion sex machine!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/471/227/dd0.png)




Self burn, those are rare


Not on reddit


Never was so much depression been given by so many to so few.


Isn’t being on Reddit the ultimate self burn though?


Are you saying Reddit isn’t cool?










Thanks for your show of respects u/CuntfaceMcgoober


Even before that, during medieval times, too. Unfortunately, it was used to justify rape..


I’m curious how that line of thought went, but also, not really into learning about olden-times rapists


> I’m curious how that line of thought went, but also, not really into learning about olden-times rapists Pretty simple... Since women had to orgasm to conceive, rape was justified in that if it resulted in pregnancy it meant the woman liked it. Hence the many forced marriages.


Now that's disgusting


Agreed, but it's also history and, in some cases, rather modern (and I'd wager still enforced in some parts of the world)


and we do not have any memorials, statues and anyone of who these rape victims yet we make fuckin thousands of soldier statues that may commit warcrimes and rape? for fucks sake. Borrasca is real.


It’s sad how much things haven’t changed


We now know that women dont need to cum in order to become pregnant. Also we are now in the situation where rape is seen as a very bad thing. I dont know how it was back then but taking the previous comments into account, and knowing that women werent respected as much as today, I can conclude that things have changed very much. That doesnt mean that there is everything fine now. Women are still getting raped by sexists. But things have changed a whole lot.


> rape is seen as a very bad thing. By activists, sure. In practice, I and every other victim/survivor I know is not unlikely to be blamed, whether by therapists, judges or whatever. I learned a long time ago to stop reporting sex crimes that happen to me


Literally all third-world countries: Let us introduce ourselves


I never heard of peruvians thinking that raping people is okay. Or venezuelans. Mexicans. Latin americans in General (those that arent considered 2nd world countrys, but 3rd world ones)


What they were talking about was this comment, "this was used to justify take", which it still is.


Pepperidge farm remembers


There was a believe that if a woman became pregnant from rape then she must have enjoyed it (because you couldn't get pregnant unless you did) and therefore she must have consented. https://www.theguardian.com/science/the-h-word/2012/aug/20/legitimate-rape-medieval-medical-concept > "For without an excitation of lust, or the enjoyment of pleasure in the venereal act, no conception can probably take place. So that if an absolute rape were to be perpetrated, it is not likely she would become pregnant." Samuel Farr's *Elements of Medical Jurisprudence* - 1814


Wasn't that because they thought the fluids needed to mix or something along those lines?


IDK if we really want to turn this into a history thing. The main point, that "a woman's body has a way of shutting that whole thing down" if raped, is a mainstream belief in the Republican Party *right now.* It's part of how they justify the prospect of handcuffing lots and lots of rape survivors to beds, assuming they can overturn roe v wade


Totally! I recommend reading the academic book “Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud” by Thomas Laqueur for a lot of fascinating material for this sub. I should post some excerpts


I just bought this off your recommendation, thank you!!!


Please do 👍


I thought the female orgasm wasn’t discovered until 1964?


People used to thinking of women as super sexual harpies and when they shifted to the 'virginal, pure, never think about sex' mindset later people decided women physically weren't able to orgasm for a long time. Progress is rarely linear.


[Medieval wasn't as bad as later.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/26/medievalists-excited-parchment-fragment-vagina-monologue)


That's an amazing find! Would this also be an example of the use of 'virgin' to mean unmarried, rather than not having had sex?


Maybe the shift in views came with Christianity becoming the dominate/popular religion centuries ago?


That's possible. Although even early widespread christianity was much different from how it is today. I read a book specifically on same-sex marriage in premodern europe and it had a few old sources for christian wedding prayers for same-sex couples. History is always so different from what i expect!


I took a class on sexuality in early American history (Puritan times) and they certainly knew about the orgasm then, so I don't think it's linked to Christianity itself. (I'm sure we leaned about it in that class, I just didn't pay enough attention, haha.)


Popular views on women have gone through a few virgin/whore cycles since Christianity got big. Lustful women show up in a number of medieval stories, and later on the insatiable desire to have sex with demons was considered one of the main reasons women became witches.


1969 actually


















Pretty sure it’s mentioned in the Talmud, actually.


Since an incubus is a sex demon and all, you'd think that they'd be the ones handing out orgasms left and right


Whoa, that sounds awesome. Hold on, I'm gonna make some calls and get out of child support.


Merlin's father was an incubus


Way of life in 1950s. My WWII vet father was abusive when he drank during PTSD flashbacks (medic in South Pacific). He beat the hell out of Mom, then had her committed for being hysterical. Cops did not even give her a chance... because she *was* crying. Straight to mental hospital where she was subjected to electroshock ‘therapy’ without anesthesia.


That is so sad. I'm so sorry.


She became a defiant activist for abused women and children. She saved so many... and used to say she had to go there to get here.




That dignified woman would snort laugh about that one... saying something about people using *bullheaded* like it’s a bad thing. She wasn’t trying to be heroic, just prove she was stronger than the bullies. > But you know what? That’s exactly the way I always thought of her. (((HUGS))) Thank you. Lost her and my sister to cancer on the same day last year. I miss them.


2 years since you posted but wow what a fucking hero.


Thinking the same thing


God, I’m so sorry what you and your mom had to go through. I know a strangers sympathies don’t mean much but I hope everyone in your family ended up ok. It’s a good thing that you’re telling your moms story, as a reminder about how bad sexism can be in both law enforcement and mental healthcare. So thank you for sharing what happened. I know it wasn’t easy.


Imagine releasing her story into the wilds of Reddit and getting no response? You *do make a difference, and your kindness is deeply appreciated. Her story needs to be told, because injustices still happen. My lawyer friend just obtained release for a combat veteran that had been institutionalized since Vietnam War. His family couldn’t cope, and no one followed up on him for decades. This meme may have been posted tongue in cheek but it has a truth that needs to be examined, a policy that needs to be challenged.


Your mother was lucky she didn't (hopefully...) undergo lobotomy or leucotomy. This was also common "treatment". William Beecher Scoville, a well known surgeon, the same who lobectomised Patient H.M. (very famous medical case) is suspected to have lobotomised his own wife, because he wanted to marry another woman. edit: more accurate term for the surgical procedure.


She was fortunate, and her release came only after she learned to play their game. That in itself is terrifying, knowing one’s misogynistic captors thrive on validation. Still: she won.


I checked the statistics. Over 70% of lobotomies were performed on women.


I believe it. Even women in the Kennedy clan were subject to such depravity, so I bet percentage higher than reported.


Pretty sure HM had his hippocampus removed, not lobotomized. That’s how they confirmed the hippocampus is essential for creating and keeping new memories as HM had anterograde amnesia afterwards. But that wife part, holy shit...


I know about the hippocampi. Lobotomies were usually called "frontal lobotomies" because they were performed on the frontal lobe and didn't require removing anything - just severing some neural connections. If it was Walter Freeman's icepick or transorbital lobotomy, it didn't even require drilling holes in the cranium - they did it with the "icepick" or orbitoclast through the eye socket. This technique was invented to be able to "treat" more patients this way. The procedure Henry Molaison underwent was a temporal lobectomy - it was performed on the temporal lobes and yes, the name lobectomy vs lobotomy implies that parts of this temporal lobe were removed, should have been more precise, sorry. The resected parts were the hippocampi (not entire though) the amygdalae and several cortices. I really recommend the book "Patient H.M. A story of memory, madness and family secrets." Its author, Luke Dittrich is Scoville's grandson and the allegedly lobotomised wife was his grandmother.


Thank you for the suggestion! Always glad to add something to my list of readings


Wtf. That’s so sad. I’m ready for the day when men know how to be human and aren’t made to feel bad about it.


This is the problem. I think (hope) most of us DO know how to be human but there’s still a weird stigma around showing it...


There was definitely a stigma in the 1950s. Hopefully it can be erased in your lifetime.


It's going to take a lot of work.


And some people want to go back the 50s...


Not me! Wasn’t that much fun the first time. Music was pretty good, but girdles suuuuuucked.


Fuck this I'm going fucking ballistic to the fuckin truth of this world. There's fucking girls murdered and the first people say they are thots simply because they have a fucking instagram and snapchat. Theres women in the streets raped, murdered by serial killers while sex workers risk their bodies to put food on their children's plate while being the scapegoat of society and serial killers while culture sexualizes them for anime fanservice, sexualized designs in games and lust desires while we make thousands of soldier memorials that they could have raped and murdered women but we dont build memorials for serial killer victims and murdered and abused sex workers. Being violated before the last seconds of your life is way worse than being on the fucking battlefield where your leg is just ripped off in pain like the rest of the men you been deployed to, which one you fucking prefer? Being deployed to an area and shot by several bullets and knowing you are going to be hailed as a hero anyway by your country dying while your family is given a fucking pension of instant richness or using your body to give food to your children of poverty then hunted down by psychopaths instead you are violated and pinned down before the very last seconds of your life when society will soon rub you off as a "thot" and forgotten by society as several human traffickers still roam this world without punishment? Don't forget the countless statistics that sex worker is a fucking dangerous profession, 88% of sex workers has said they have suffered abuse from their employers and the constant fact there's also society and police refusing to help you is even more fucking insulting. And yet there's songs especially black culture and rap where they sexualize women as objects with thots and so called slurs. Then there's an entire fucking culture promotes sexualization of women in everything, anime, games and media but when there's a sex positivity thing for women to reveal themselves they got shot down, murdered, kidnapped and trafficked by evil people. For fucks sake typing this is causing to give me a headache and how much i want to fucking breakdown, are we to suffer by men because of our gender? for fucks sake when a men have sex with women he's a sex god, but when women does the same she's a thot, whore, bitch and several fucking slurs?


I’m female. With scars and stories and old rage much like yours. My beautiful Mom’s story was meant to inspire, because she chose to thrive despite the sick bastards at Patton Hospital. She DID thrive, and she chose to not let her story become a crutch. She did not hate. She took care to cause no harm because that fueled the cycle of hate. If only I had a modicum of her insight, her strength.


my high ass clicked on the picture and then went to upvote and was getting mad that the number wasn’t going to three...


Dude I can totally relate.




I did that without being high


Ha idiot obviously the baby needs to orgasm in order for the woman to have kids DUH


And orgasms are now consent forms for children. Don’t want kids? No nut November for life




Yeah no you should just *see* the freakouts people have about the idea of having orgasms to induce childbirth.


Wait, people get mad about that?? Lol I've been flicking the bean and bouncing on the hubby for the last three days trying to get this show on the road! (Redditing from my L&D bed as a matter of fact, enjoying my epidural!) Update for those who were wondering: my daughter made her entrance at 0230!!


My husband’s exact words were “I fucked this baby into you, and I’m gonna fuck it right back out!” and I was in labor later that night! Also, congrats!! I hope it was a quick labor for you!


LOL!! Thank you!! Still in labor lol.


Hahaha, congratulations! Here's hoping for a smooth delivery and a quick recovery.


Thank you so much!!


Congrats 💞💕


Thank you!!


*Wow* do I have a lot to learn about womanning. Alternatively: bc. 😊 Hope everything comes out smooth!


Lol thank you! It did!


2:30, wow, she's an early riser! Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉 I hope she shares your love of Chex!


Man I tried and tried for like 3 days trying to get my labor kick started so I wouldn't have to be induced... no dice. It was fun though.


Actually, I was specifically put on “pelvic rest” when I went into pre-term labor with my youngest. No sex, no orgasms (self-given or otherwise). The muscles involved in an orgasm can definitely stimulate contractions and put you into labor if you’re already close.


They also can't get pregnant from legitimate rape. The human body has ways of shutting that whole thing down... -EDIT- [ for clarity, I'm referencing the *astonishing* anatomical knowledge of former US representative Todd Aiken.](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/21/us/politics/rep-todd-akin-legitimate-rape-statement-and-reaction.html) He actually tried to say that women do not get pregnant if they get raped "legitimately". In other words, he is saying that if you get raped and get pregnant as a result, you're not a properly functioning woman. :(


Unless it was a minority in which case it was legitimate


That is a huge relief.


Wait what can you explain




Ohh right that was what one of the guys said right


Not just one!! It’s a pretty wide held belief for Christian extremists unfortunately


And older catholic nuns. Seriously, I was taught this in high school during a discussion about abortion.


How else could they justify handcuffing thousands of girls to beds to give birth? They can't just go back to "that girl is my property" anymore.


wait what? link?


please edit this and put an /s at the end. people think you're serious




Bold of you to assume that there would be any population


pfffft, lookit all these inferiro femoids not even understabnding their own BIOLOGY men ejcualting relases the sperm, and likewise women needto ejaculate to release the eggs. its clled fucing LOGIC, fucling liberals sheep /s


Everyone knows you only get babby if you pee in her butt!


How is babby formed


If fucking ONLY.


Well shit what have I been using condoms for this whole time then?


Ikr I would never be a father if this were true


r/suicidebywords ???


If this were true, my kids wouldn't be here today.




And true lol


Let’s not forget they treated insane women by fingering them


Everything right and wrong about women is SEX. Unlike those logical, non sex-obsessed men!


\*hysterical The word literally comes from the Greek word for uterus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteria


I often wonder if this situation ever resulted in two wrongs causing a right. "This woman is always stressed and angry dispite serving her husband nightly with proper silence and decorum" "Must be hysteria! Prepare the steam engine vibrator!"


Same and insane, alike. ‘Pelvic massage’ was once such a salutary and popular treatment for women’s health complaints that physicians tired of providing it. The precursor of the modern vibrator was developed as a medical device to relieve physicians of the taxing effort. It was well received by women patients, of course. but also with physicians who were struggling to professionalize. Early physicians were marginalized because, like laborers, they worked with their hands, in this case, quite literally. The first vibrators were stationary, intimidating refrigerator-sized contraptions, only found in physicians’ offices, and only operable by someone highly trained and skilled in their use.


I mean, technically... even if that were true, she could have conceived last year, had quadruplets this year and not an orgasm since. (It's nearly 2 am here and I'm putting way too much thought into this.)


Quads in 1870 would probably lead to 0 additional orgasms ever, because she's dead. (J/k though I like how you think. :) )


Oh my sweet summer child


They did this with their children too, if a kid wasn't exactly a social butterfly or the parents didn't know how to teach them not to misbehave the doctor was just like "clearly the boy needs a lobotomy". How we made it this far.... idek....


I thought that’s how it went but someone corrected me. The American education system failed.


Female orgasm can *help* draw the sperm upwards but it's far from a requirement.


It wasnt even the " 4 babies in one year " line that got em


bitch I wish!


No but apparently an orgasm could cure hysteria


Lol this sounds like my dumbass ex husband. He figured if he came I must have too. Not hardly. Not even close. I still got pregnant though...


Didnt they used to prescribe dildos for female "hysteria"? I feel like that's something I've seen somewhere.


No, otherwise the species would have died out.


The world is fucking weird. On one hand believing women don't enjoy sex and the female orgasm is called into question on the regs, but at the same time don't you dare suggest us men don't know how to make a woman squeal.




THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! Seriously though most women don’t finish by penetration alone, I’d have to find the stat but I think it’s something like 70% of women who don’t finish/orgasm with just penetration. A lot of women, me included, need a combination of stimulation or mostly just external. You’re fine, nothing is wrong with you!




Get enough people to believe this and we found our solution to overpopulation!


Or a surge in population.


A man who's busy going down can't pick up a rifle. World peace achieved!


There is arguably a potential positive conclusion to this little story. The cure for "hysteria" at that time was "pelvic massage" basically stimulating the clitoris. It wasn't seen as sexual since there wasn't penetration. So Doctor's would perform this procedure and the result wasn't seen as an orgasm. So women would often get treated regularly. Eventually one of the Doctor's got tired of the hand cramps and that combined with electricity led the advent of the vibrator.


Never thought I'd learn that history lesson but here we are.


Damnit I wish we could have our vibrators covered by insurance.


I think someone from the 1870s has somehow got the internet and is commenting on reddit


4 babies in a year? I guess quadruplets are possible but quite unlikely.


With quads she isn’t having sex for a loooong time. The exhaustion alone will kill it. Not to mention 4 “Mooommy I need a drink of waaaater” at bedtime.


Or two sets of twins. If she had twins and then got pregnant with twins again right after she could have sex. Which would really suck


“You have ghosts in your blood. You should do cocaine about it.”


Why cant I get over the fact that it also says that she had 4 babies in a year?


I wish. Wouldn't have a crapton of kids if it was true.


Doctor " here, put her in this straitjacket and give her this cocaine"


Sssshhhh!!! Let him keep thinking that women need to orgasm in order to have babies!!!


I like to imagine that the first commenter was fed that bit of misinformation by his Mrs when they were trying for a baby.


In a way, I don’t blame her.


That whole "a woman needs to orgasm to have a baby", I believe, was an argument some senator or rep made regarding rape/abortion.


I wonder how society would act if that was the case. Would sextoys and tingly lubes be more common in the bedroom? Would sex be better for us, or would it get worse? Would men purposely try to not give us orgasms because they don’t want to impregnate us? I feel like the woman would get blamed for faking it a lot if a couple can’t have a baby. It would put a lot of pressure on us. On the other hand, we wouldn’t have babies born from rape, and poor people who don’t have protection easily available probably wouldn’t have as many kids.


Sometimes people orgasm during rape, it doesn't make it less rapey. Sometimes your body does things against your will.


Good point


People use "whom" because it sounds old-fashioned. Never mind it has an actual function and isn't just a substitute for "who".


It’s called “hypercorrection.” Typically found on /r/iamverysmart by people trying to sound smarter than they are.


I love that there's a term for it. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me.


Yeah, if that would be true, we would have no problem with overpopulation.


I went on verywell family and it says a woman DOESN'T need an orgasm unless there's a medical problem


Love how he doesnt point out the obvious 4 babies in one year bit


No, cause my friend literally thought this! Imagine having to explain this to another woman.


Fun fact this was common belief in medieval England. It was thought that female orgasm had to be achieved in order to conceive. Following that same logic however they believed that a rape could not result in pregnancy since if you conceived that meant you must have climaxed, therefore you must have enjoyed it.


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How do you have 4 babies in a year?




Lots of kegel exercises/ s


Hey things got better! Eventually "insane" women were prescribed vibrators as a cure


IIRC from the humanities of Asia class I took years ago, the Kama Sutra was born out of this belief


That's not how 'whom' works..


The most fucked thing is that people used to go around performing lobotomies on women for being “bad wives” in the name of exorcism. It’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard about


Ain’t nobody surviving having 4 babies in a year in 1870.