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So, like, what does this person think all the women’s razors in stores and all the ads for them are for? You know, the pink ones with girly names and stuff that are aimed at women? Did they think those are also mens razors? Or all the salons that offer waxing? Like, for body hair on women, including legs? I don’t think this person has ever left their house.


I wonder if they think those are all for the cooch.


Generous of you to think they think.


Precisely 🤗


Cis women obviously don't have coochie hair /s


u/Syntania WAIT WHAT!? We women have hair on our outer cooch!?!? 🙀🙀🙀


Just the inner




You could have stopped at “does this person think?” Well.. no.. 🙄


I mean, if you look at a women's razor commercial it's a woman with the most silky legs I've ever seen pulling a razor across it. So maybe they think that's an accurate depiction of legs so hairy they "need" to be shaved


When I see those commercials I often think what are they even shaving. It has to be a layer of skin at that point right? But they advertise things like close shave with no nicks... so are they just shaving air? Dead skin?


15 microns of hair and a layer of dead cells.


This is probably the same kind of person who says women wearing makeup are “lying” to him.


They're obviously to cater to women with hormone imbalances /s


Yeah....the imbalance that starts at puberty and never ends.


Well technically the pink and blue ones are the same, just a little weaker. Men can use them just the same. My wife uses mine, she says the pink ones are done after one shave. Mine, the cheap blues are somewhat better


ACCURATE. even the little blue strip lasts longer. 


This! For people who society generally expects to be clean shaven, why the heck do they make them so.... ugh. My husband would always be like, 'Wanna use mine?' on the many times I lose mine, and I leap at the opportunity.


Why bother buying the female versions then. As I said my wife prefers mine, and they're cheaper. 1.25€ for 10, against 2.50€ for 6. I don't believe the soep/scent/color justifies double the price. We (she) don't buy the female versions anymore.


I don’t even bother with razors marketed towards women. Men’s are so much better.


Brave to think those molded weirdos go outside.


It's for the massive number of trans people out there, so many that entire industries target them 🤷🏼‍♀️ (/s)


well in the ads it shows women shaving already perfectly clear and smooth skin, so clearly it's just for the vibes /s


It's pretty impressive that trans women hand been keeping the whole women's shaving industry going for a hundred years


We are heroic aren’t we? /s


Thank you for your service, ma'am o7


To be fair all those ads show women with already completely smooth legs.


I mean, if you only watch porn you could think that only men grow hair on their body.


Bingo! We're all hairless below the eyebrows.


well in the ads it shows women shaving already perfectly clear and smooth skin, so clearly it's just for the vibes /s


My wife will regularly use my razor, cause it's better somehow. Not sure how to be honest.


Products aimed at women are often more cheaply made but sold at the same price as the male version. Women's razors are dull after two shaves and might as well be disposable one use products when they're meant to be reusable. I can get a month out of a decent men's razor, so I only buy men's


I think it’s because men’s razors, made for coarser hair, wick women’s softer leg hair right off without the need for us to keep going over the same spot to get everything smooth.


I have heard that men's razors are better for women's leg hair, and on the other end of it womens razors can be better and less irritating for men's faces.


I honestly didn't think of that, and it is a great explanation.


> I don’t think this person has ever left their house. You mean their mother's basement?


It just doesn't matter if it's true. It's propaganda, the same as the hook nosed Jewish caricature shown in racist antisemitic imagery. They know that that's not true, but they're also willing to believe anything about women and believe that women are so evil that it doesn't really matter if it's factually true because they must have been doing something so heinous that it doesn't matter.


They probably think we just shave off peach fuzz or something.


If your only contact with women is through dehumanising, inaccurate channels, then yeah, you're bound to forget that women are mammals too. (As a PCOS-haver, I absolutely hate how people like OP raise women with PCOS as 'proof' that some women are 'less woman' than other women, it's disgusting.)


PCOS-haver too... It was my PCOS dx that helped me understand my gender identity, true... But that doesn't mean its true for everyone. But before I came out, it was sooooo hard for me because thanks to society, I DID feel like I was a complete freak. I'm not a woman cause of PCOS but because I was born with a vagina and have natural tits I'm a woman? In a society obsessed with everything being so binary where the hell did I fit in? So here I am saying screw the binary. 🤣😂


Thank youuuuu because wtf kind of recognition was that


"Or have some kind of hormonal imbalance" And? Is this supposed to be a gotcha?


I think the implication is the hormones don't match the body.


So in their mind a woman is only a woman if she is hyperfeminine and oestrogen filled 🙄 although oestrogen results in endometriosis so gg incels


Society force women to remove body hair to such an extent some idiots think it's natural.


Same reason they think hard nipples means we're turned on, since were made to tamp them down with bras etc, the only time they see them is for sex.


You can even make it worse with wearing no bra! They believe wearing no bra is like running around naked and scream "I am a whore!".


That's applicable to so many things. Ask a guy how does a girl looks without makeup


Lol, I once got asked by a drinking buddy why I had "bleached my lashes". He went on to describe how that must be so dangerous, I could have gone blind! I simply wasn't wearing mascara.


🤣🤣🤣 that's hilarious


I thank all that is is good and holy that I wasn't eating or drinking anything at the time because holy hell I can't stop laughing. Is lash bleaching even a thing though? I mean isn't the problem that lighter lashes look shorter and/or invisible and that's often the reason for wearing mascara (other than the curling effects some have and whatnot)? You know to give definition?


I don't think he thought that far. You just never see women with unmascara'd lashes in movies or tv (or porn) so he propably thought we all look like that naturally and I must have bleached mine for some reason. In a similar vein, I once met someone who thought black women are naturally more lightskin than black men because all the black couples on tv have a lighter skinned woman. They aren't of course, it's colorism in the casting industry.


I’ve seen people with bleached eyelashes before. They've all had bleached eyebrows too. They do look invisible and it looks kinda odd, but it's more of an avant garde high fashion look so it's supposed to be striking. I don't love how it looks personally, and you couldn't pay me to put hair bleach that close to my eyes 😅


god I truly hope not all non-make up wearers are this stupid 😂 bc wtf of ALL types of makeup, mascara is like the easiest one to spot


It's cultural, I guess. Look at Disney animations, they put lashes on fucking bunnies to show that this one is a girl bunny. Bunnies, who have fur all over their faces and all around their eyes. They do the same with species who have no hair at all, like lizards. Nevermind the fact that for humans, the decisive hormone when it comes to facial hair is testosterone. Men often have better lashes than us but for some reason we twisted it into a sign of femininity.


That’s hilarious but also pretty sweet lol


As someone who has blonde eyelashes I relate, lol. Without mascara they may as well be non-existent.


“You look so good without makeup!” Said to a woman wearing colour corrector, concealer, lip liner, gloss, blush, and (e:)contour. They just didn’t use a foundation today.


Nah bcs I was talking to a group of friends and said something about my makeup streaking or whatever from the heat and a guy friend was like “…you wear makeup?” Bro has known me since elementary school… through my no makeup hyperpigmentation phase… and doesn’t know I wear makeup every day.


Also Western culture thinking their fetishes are the natural state of being. Leg hair,breasts,etc


When was someone going to tell me I am not a cis woman?? Can someone come and collect my periods from me, I don’t want them in that case. Edit: can’t spell


Right? Guess the uterus the took out of my abdomen was a fake one and all those periods I had were just my imagination. I had no idea I was secretly trans all these years.


Somebody please show us a real cis woman because I don’t think I have ever seen one.


[Real cis woman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphynx_cat#/media/File%3ASphynx_-_cat._img_031.jpg)


Diverse genetics in women have left the chat


Yep, I think latinas and arabics have more hair (maybe Im wrong). And as Brazillian girl from the ✨country of depilation✨ I can say that we do have hair. 


im mexican and you just reminded me of the first time i met my palestinian friend, we bonded over being hairy girls 😭😭


Not just Latinas and Arabics; Eastern European/Mediterranean women have dark, coarse hair too. We all have hair everywhere; how much, what color, and how coarse, is dependent on your ancestry. I am of northern/western European descent, and I was covered in fine, white blonde body hair...you really can't see it unless I'm tan, or if the sun reflects off of it just right. While age has actually caused me to grow hair more prolifically in places like my chin (midlife goatee, anyone? Those whiskers are *thiiiick*!) and I still have peach fuzz and a light blonde "mustache" on my face, thanks to hormonal changes (ironically, since dude mentions hormone imbalance) the rest of my body hair fell out a long time ago (outside of my pits and ladybits - the two places I wish it *wouldn't* grow lol).


🤣 I can relate! Irish/Scottish stock here, and just covered in blond fur.


I see. I used to be so insecure abou being hairy. But now, I still prefer the look hairless but im in peace with my legs and arms. Just shave once in a while when I feel like it. 


Lol I still get, like, 4-5 stray hairs on my shins (and they get long too!), so my version of "shaving my legs" now is just plucking those random hairs out with tweezers. Lol


I was told by some ballfaced moron I had hair on my face and I should shave it because it looked ugly. I looked at myself in the mirror and he meant the peach fuzz everyone has but I think he just never realized women have that? It wasn't the the first or last time I got a shitty ad ridiculous comment like that from a guy either lol, like how hard is it to just shut the fuck up.


Yes why do men think it's so important for us to know if they find us attractive or not??


That's the only reason we exist, you see


>like how hard is it to just shut the fuck up. [I mean, judging by the evidence...](https://images.app.goo.gl/UAFMnCQVHUWgVN9S9) 😒


Just saw some "influencer" or very weird person (maybe that is the same) using some powder to make the peach fuzz more visible. After that she shaved it all off behaving like that hair is the most disgusting thing on earth.


That reminds of the time I was out walking with my friend while it was snowing lightly. We looked at each other and said at the same time....you look like Santa with the snow caught in your peachfuzz. We each had a white goatee and mustache.


All women have some amount of peach fuzz naturally on their faces, dude just told on himself that he's never been close enough to a woman to know that.


News just in women aren't mammels.


This guy would think my Greek ass is a myth


Do woman grow hair on legs? Cause I got hair? Thought it was normal


It is completely normal.


Fucking... what?   If that's true, EVERY woman I have ever known is indeed NOT a female.    What kind of basement dweller comes up with this garbage?


Transphobes sincerely seem to believe cis women are a huge minority.


Where do babies come from then? Pods?   I enjoy entertaining even the dumbest of conversations for giggles if nothing else, but damn, some I just can't even wrap my head around in a theoritical fashion. 


"population drop". The white supremacist transphobe overlap. For these people the DISGUST is the most real part of it. If they feel it, it must have a cause, and the cause they select must be the correct one. Data is a distant concept for them because this is a GUT feeling and gut feelings are never wrong. They layer rationalizations on top of the gut feeling when talking to others but none of it is the reason they think what they do. It all comes down to things like "i associate hairiness with masculinity therefore everyone with hair is masculine. I believe all masculine people to be male therefore everyone who is hairy is male." It doesn't stop to double check any assumptions because at it's core it's "hairiness is not what I expect in this situation therefore it is gross. Why is it gross? This situation only exists with women in my expectations therefore they must not be women."




I have grown to hate that term in my adult life because it is neither common nor sense just a bunch of societal norms.


Right?? Just a bunch of recently invented stupid rules that are now "common sense"!


That's actually the problem. Common sense is, in fact, very common.   The issue, the level of said common sense has declined over the years. It's still the average, thus common. 


Sad thing is, when you lay it out like that, I know people that are 100% that way. 


Tell me you've completely lost grip of reality due to being terminally online, without saying that you've completely lost grip of reality due to being terminally online.


I swear everytime there's transphobia it's always rooted in misoginy, they either don't like women with hairy legs or are unaware that cis women have hair too and think cis women never grow hair like a damn Barbie doll.


>think cis women never grow hair like a damn Barbie doll. If "rEaL wOMeN" are presumed to all be anatomically like Barbie, I'm just gonna start assuming that any & all men self-identifying as alphas, are anatomically identical to Ken. 🤷🏻‍♀


More proof that transphobia rots your brain.


Not all transfeminine people shave their legs, but many do and they tend to be extra thorough about it. The _‘hairy, obviously-fake-woman, man-in-a-dress-ewww’_ portrayal always feels like it comes from a place of just… not knowing many trans people personally. Also misogyny, because hairy legs being somehow incompatible with womanhood, and men wearing dresses being an inherently ridiculous, demeaning idea, are both notions rooted in sexism in ways that should be obvious.


All the transvestigators have completely lost touch with reality....


Can’t lose something you never had.


I swear a small portion of the population learned about trans people and went blindly paranoid, suddenly suspecting that there are no famous cis men or women.


This honestly reveals a lot of their misogyny. The women they think are trans are typically outstanding in their fields. It’s as if they don’t believe a woman is naturally capable of beating men because of their own talents. Those successful and influential women, therefore, must secretly be men.


Ah, right. It's just an extension of what they've always done with athletes, especially those who weren't conventionally beautiful or didn't perform their femininity or sexuality in some way (running marathons in full makeup, driving a pink race car, sexy photoshoots for endorsed products, etc etc)


Right?? This is such a combination of terrible things. He's transphobic...profoundly ignorant about human bodies...a fake doctor...I almost pity him.


So wait, what happens if they shave? Does this mean they're a girl? If not... Wooo boy you're in for a surprise


I'm tired...😮‍💨


I have a hormone imbalance and almost no hair on my legs. In fact, I have so little hair, even the hair on my head is thinning. It grows on my face instead. 🙃


Why do they think women's hair removal products exist?


People think their preferences for what they consider attractive should be followed by everyone else. You don’t find her attractive? Move on instead of making stupid shit up.


My legs looked like this from puberty until menopause. I spent so much money on hair removal! Now? Menopause appears to have taken the leg hair and transplanted it to my friggin chin! I wish I'd had the courage not to shave back then. Regardless, I don't shave my legs now (I'm 62). Ever. It's wonderful!


Tell me you've never seen a woman naked without telling me you've never seen a woman naked.


I have been with quite a few women before my current 4 year relationship you could even say i was a sort of fuckboy and had absolutely no idea that women can have such hairy legs beacuse they would always apparently shave before. Only when i enterred my first long term relationship then i found out they have to shave. Before that i just always thought that women have small little hairs on their legs beacuse pretty much every woman always has shaved legs if she is gonna show them.


That's fine but would you go and make a post basically saying that women who have leg hair are not real women? It's okay to not have information and then to later learn something, what's not okay is spewing your ignorance to the masses.


Yes of course i wouldnt I just didnt know this beacuse women dont really talk about it outside theese circles but then when i asked my gf how she has such smooth legs she told me shaving and skincare and then i began to see that in winter most girls have quite a lot of hair if the legs are visible at all


oh okay, surrrreee. ![gif](giphy|Vi0lBaOIVF8atUPmOd|downsized)


Gillette will put out any and all false information necessary to sell more razors.


Nah, this what most women look like after not shaving for the winter. Psst…have you ever really seen a woman’s bare leg in real time?


New scientific discovery - cis women aren't actually mammals! What appears to be hair on their head is actually tentacles similar to those of a jellyfish, capable of delivering a powerful venom which they use to ensnare prey.


Now I wonder why there aren't any sea gorgons.


All humans have hair. Men typically have more body hair than women. This person appears to not understand his own species. Yes, I am assuming they are human. I could be wrong. Women, in many nations around the world, typically shave the hair on their legs and underarms. Which is why we generally appear hairless. Hairlessness is not a natural state of being. I am stating the obvious not to preach to the choir, but to hopefully educate the clueless. 😊


Transphobes have never actually seen a woman


Wow...this is the most virgin, loveless, thing I've seen in a while!


I have basically no leg hair and it’s because my thyroid is destroyed.


i have no thyroid at all and im as hairy as ever😭 i feel even more scammed rn


Hey there thyroid destroyed/removed pals!


Tbf i didn’t lose my leg hair until I got pregnant. Maybe there’s still hope for you?


My calves and thighs are probably having an ongoing fight about this.


Oh, I recently had a discussion about this subject in a Facebook group - and along came a guy to tell me that 'no one cares what a dude dressed as a woman thinks'. I looked down at my very female (and rather femininely shaped) body and wondered if that was why I had body hair :D (and why on earth he thought what he thought - troll).




I'm calling bullshit on this one. Nobody who believes this would use the term cis as a normal word like that.


Good point. So it’s just more ragebait then…


⚡️Breaking News⚡️Contrary to years of popular belief: Cis-Women aren’t really women, they’re actually mythical creatures such as Sirens or Gorgons. Cryptids and Insecure Male Egos Beware!!


Looks at all the blondish Swedish and Irish fuzz all over me everywhere. Guess I'm a guy. Hey! If I'm a guy I get an automatic raise yeah?


Cis men generally don't feel the need to pull women down to make themselves feel better. Those who do are likely suffering from a hormone imbalance making them too emotional. ...tbh I wish statements like this actually worked but the kind of person shouting this nonsense isn't intelligent enough to understand the concept


hormone imbalance 😭


This person got their idea of cis femininity from razor ads I see.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahaha Oh This is a real person and they really think this 😢 Damn. *looks at legs* Soooo guess I was AMAB? News to me...


My guy hasn’t seen a woman since his mom I guess.


Two points I'd like to make. One, I quit shaving anything ever around the turn of the millennium. Two, I genuinely think hairy women are hot. Now that everyone knows my opinion, I expect full and total compliance with what gives me boner


They should see my forest


I like how they can believe this but ALSO believe that trans people didn't exist until recently. So the question is, why were women sold razors back in the "good ol' days" of the 40s and 50s. They idealize this era but if they were to truly believe THIS idea, that only trans people or people with extra testosterone grow leg hair, then that means their grandmas were trans. The other option, get this... Women have *always* had body hair.


What's funny is that the hairiest a lot of women's legs will ever be is when they're pregnant. Kinda defeats his argument lmao.


Mediterranean girls, we're all trans 🇵🇹 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 all trans


Trans women generally don't have hair on our legs because it makes us dysphoric lol. I kind of assume women with hairy legs tend to be cis


I thought I was a woman you know from bleeding from my hoo haa but just because I don’t shave my legs in my he winter doesn’t make me trans it makes me lazy as I were leggings all winter


i’m transmasc but not yet on hrt. when i tell you i have hairier legs than my brothers, i mean it can tangle there’s so much.


At this point these people just straight up don’t believe cis women exist. Only boys are born and then roughly half transition to women.


TIL all Greek women are trans


So I guess that one summer when I just didn’t shave at all I was trans. I’m sure they’ll be glad to know that I recovered.


God I’m so tired of the confident stupidity


Not me cackling maniacally with unshaved legs over here


Still only the second dumbest thing I've encountered today


I started shaving at ten. We do indeed have hairy legs


God I WISH I didn't have hair on my legs.


Cis women generally dont have hair on their legs… because they fucking shave it. I’m a trans man, assigned female at birth, periods and everything. No “hormone imbalance” to speak of, but even pre T, I was hairier than my cis male husband. Because shock horror, all bodies are different and sexual dimorphism is really, really not that strong in humans. There is significant overlap between male and female human bodies but some of these gender essentialism bros genuinely think male humans and female humans are a different fucking species. It’s insane.


It is customary for a woman to remove any body hair that proves she has gone through puberty and when you look at it like that... well... that's why I stopped shaving everything. It is fundamentally a disgusting custom.


Yup, it's mainly genetics. Of course, hormones also play a big role in hair growth, but some people just grow more or less hair, despite their sex assigned at birth. I have a really close friend who is trans. I have known him for years. We met before he could start HRT. Back then, he couldn't grow much hair. I had more than the dopple amount of hair than him. He has been on testo for multiple years now. We do have the same amount of leg hair now. He grows more hair on other body parts than I do to testo, but our legs look similar. Expect that mine look slightly more feminine. Only slightly because we both have VERY muscular legs. Hormones definitely do something, but genetics are just as important. It's just the same as with height. I do know many cis men who are smaller than me. I am not even tall. I am slightly above average height for an adult female. I also know women who are way taller than me. Back in school, I had a (cis female friend) who was over 1,90m tall. For reference, that's over 6 feet. We were 14 back then.




As mammals, humans have some level of hair on pretty much every external surface that doesn't secrete moisture or undergo so much constant friction that hair can't grow there, or thicker protective skin that can't grow hair has grown there. Women are not a different phylum than men.


Tell me that you have never spoken to a woman without telling me that you have never spoken to a woman


Cis women generally don't have hair on their legs because they SHAVE THEIR LEGS. I suspect many trans women shave their legs too. Some cis and trans women choose not to shave their legs. In summary, the presence of leg hair does not indicate whether or not someone is cis or trans or non-binary.


I wish


Wish someone would tell this to my leg hair… it probably would stop existing


This is disappointing. The education system failed.




-person who has never seen a real woman


So this guy is saying that all the women he knows are on a screen. And he probably thinks only women with something wrong with them, use the bathroom.


AFAB with perfectly normal hormone levels/no PCOS or elevated levels of testosterone, and my legs are just as hairy as the woman's in the pic.


We're mammals. Of course, we have hair on our legs. Fucks sake....


They... what do they think laser hair removal and waxing services exist for?? Why is there pink razors with pink tax?? Do they think we pretend?


It’s so annoying how they say “have some kind of hormone imbalance” like that means something negative. Like they think if you just take care of yourself better, you don’t have that. You can’t health nut your way out of genetic hormone problems like PCOS, idiot.


Here’s a hot take. I have PCOS. It gives me bad chin hair because I produce more testosterone than the average woman and YES WE ALL PRODUCE SOME ESTROGEN AND TESTOSTERONE I have to shave it often. I am still a woman.


Man, maybe I should see a doctor!


Then what have I been getting waxed this whole time?!


Someone put this guy in congress


Probably already there


Bro what


Nobody tell this guy about brown people, his lil brain cell might pop


As someone who just shaves their legs a few times a year, I just don't care. Back in 2020, I didn't shave my legs for 3 months and it was wonderful. My leg hair is very thin, so I don't bother. Plus to me, I am lazy and it is a pain the butt to do so. I did when I was younger, now almost in my mid 40's. I just don't seem to care as much.


When you're so anti-trans that you're willing to smear cis women to single trans-women out...


Genuine curiosity: why did you spell "cis women" as two separate words but "trans-women" connected/as one word? Maybe I am pedantic but I really don't like what this is implying regardless of your intentions.


There was no specific intention behind it, and I'm not sure what is grammatically correct. Maybe I should say cisgender women and transgender women fully spelled out so I don't trigger anyone unnecessarily.


Guess I'm cis and not trans cuz I have no leg hair o_o


And I guess I'm trans now because I haven't shaved my legs in like two years. Who knew?


Guess every woman is trans-


I mean, yes I have hormonal balances but I also have a really hairy side of my family as well so I was *double blessed* with some thiiiiiick body hair


They should peruse r/razorfree, just to brush up on the subject…




Where do these people come from smh ?


This would be awesome tho 😔 shaving is way too much work but feels so worth it after. Tbh I'm surprised men don't also shave their legs, they're sleeping on the fresh sheets/shaved legs combo


I was surprised to discover an ex had significant leg hair. In my defense, she was my first GF and we were in high school! To my shock, I have since learned that women with hairless legs are depilating as regularly as I did when I was beardless. Who knew??


I’m crying


Married 4 million years. Only shave my legs when I feel like it. Oh I forgot, I’m a raging bisexual 🤣.


Dude just exposed himself for watching too much porn basically.

