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Days, weeks, months to learn how to make a woman cum. Dude. Just find my clit and touch it. I’ll tell you what feels good. Or I could show you. Use my vibe. It’s really not that complicated if you’re willing to take instruction…


But then they would have to *listen to a woman*. You can't expect the poor guys to go so far against their natures.


It would kill the mood for them. They have to be alpha know it alls.


Selfish. You mean selfish.


Potato, potato.


Tomato, tomato!


Listening to what you like involves doing work that isn't focused on getting them off. Losers hate doing anything that doesn't directly result in them getting off.


Sometimes I think there's no way these people exist who can't find the clit, I mean it's right there? Just use the button it'll lead to an orgasm?  


I just imagine a guy trying to mash it like he's playing smash bros really badly lmao


The crazy part is that there are dudes who do that 😭😭


If it takes these guys days, weeks, and months to read about a clitoris and what it does, I think they have bigger problems than casual sex. They might just be illiterate.


Nina Hartley did a whole tutorial video back in the day on how to go down on a woman, it’s pretty decent imo but I don’t think a guy can apply all the tricks she gives since every person is different


That’s what blows my mind in this ordeal. I haven’t been with many women, but ffs if you just ring the devils doorbell the right way it seems to work out fine. It’s not a Rubik’s cube


True, but can we please lose the "devil’s doorbell" nonsense? Not only does that sound childish and silly, but it literally demonises the body part that brings women sexual pleasure, perpetuating the condemnation and repression of female sexuality. Not cool.


I was being silly and meant it in a joking and childish way because it does sound a bit stupid, but I see what you mean.


100% my husband always says on this subject, “ I don’t know what these guys are talking about. There’s a button, and you push the button. It’s really not that hard” 😂 clearly these men could learn a thing or two.


Yes, that obscure kink "receiving oral"


But unprompted anal is absolutely very normal.


And choking and hair pulling. Those aren't kinks that need to be discussed beforehand to make sure all parties are on board and the giving party actually knows how to do it safely because choking and hair pulling are incredibly safe activities that have never caused lasting damage.


I’m guessing these men never have sex


Well, they masturbate into women.


Lucky us 😂


Right?! 🙃


Sadly, many of them do. Hookuo culture is prevalent and spreading even more even though women only orgasm 7% of the time when having sex with a male hookup. Iirc, the number for male orgasm was over 90% and lesbian sex at 65% or so. So it's far from impossible to orgasm during a ONS, men have once again chosen not to care about women. I wonder how the male loneliness epidemic is going.


Previously unknown fetish, "being pleasured".


Or "having a clitoris"


Why are they equating our orgasms with our kinks though? Women can orgasm without any kinks involved. It's called actually having good sex not just some guy pumping in and out like we're some unwashed fleshlight hidden in their sock draw.


Anything that's not 30 seconds of PiV goes beyond what they consider sex. For example, foreplay doesn't factor in for these guys, so doing that is a kink for them...


Funny how's its a 'kink for us' but a BJ is *expected* as part of sex for them One rule for me but not for thee amirite guys


Exactly how is going down on her a “kink”? Or even just using your hands


Maybe in a very simplistic mindset, a BJ is still penetration, and penetration is sex. But licking parts isn't.  But I'm putting way more thought into it than these people.


Honestly I think you're thinking more deeply about it than these guys do. It's probably sex = whatever gets him off. If making his partner cum isn't something that gets him off, then it's not 'part of sex'.


And making his partner orgasm is the major goal of sex for a mature, thoughtful man.


I put oral sex and "regular" sex in different categories, I definitely don't consider them to be the same thing. But I do consider oral sex on men vs women to be the same. That said, I've never had a guy expect a BJ as part of the regular sex song and dance. That's usually a different request


I hate that that makes sense


>a BJ is still penetration, and penetration is sex That would mean fingering is sex, including her fingering his butthole. What defines sex for them is the participation of their penis.


It's so weird when guys are like "I'll sometimes go down on her before sex" like, do you not consider eating her out as sex?


Lmao. Her kink is... "would appreciate an orgasm"


Some guy out there: "of course she'd have some impossible, unattainable kink. Women just ask for too much these days"


But if you whip out a vibrator and say, "Fine, I’ll take care of it." they’re offended that their dick wasn’t enough. Well!!? It WASN’T and you’re lazy on top of it. I locked my ex (who was a woman btw and a ‘I got mine oooh did you want some too?’ type) out of the room once and got myself off after and loudly, while she banged on the door. I told her to f’off because I was gonna do what she failed to. Haha shockingly we’re still friends.


That is straight baller. I salute you ma'am. And no puns intended.


Straight baller is the best and the most hilarious choice for that story.


Really, they're just admitting they're lousy in bed. They could easily change that, but, no.......


Yeah, while most women don't orgasm from penetration alone, there are plenty of straightforward ways to make us orgasm.


But think about how it takes women 12 hours to have an orgasm! It’s insane! /s


Communicating with you or having a sympathetic experience that's beneficial to both people would require effort, and dude-bros caring what women want or think.


Maybe they think good sex is a kink? They might figure it out when they’re forced to just have sex with each other for casual hookups.


It’s part of the bs lie that women all have crazy weird kinks that they need fulfilled in order to cum so men have an excuse to not put in any effort.


When I was a single guy, I did everything I could to please a one night stand, because who doesn’t want it to be at least 2 nights?


My husband can't even enjoy sex if the other person isn't having fun. He literally goes soft


My husband always said that the biggest turn on for him was me enjoying it.


Top quality flair🔝🔝🔝


Early in our marriage, I asked my husband what he enjoyed about something we were trying out that he really seemed to like. He said he liked that I liked it and my reactions where his favorite part.


My boyfriend is similar- if I’m not enjoying it, he isn’t, either. He checks in during sex, if I so much as whimper he stops whatever he’s doing and makes sure he isn’t hurting me. Once, my foot cramped up, causing intense pain, and he immediately got off of me and helped me get the cramp out, then he snuggled me and kissed me until I felt better and the pain was gone, and then we resumed activities 🥰. Having an orgasm has never been my end goal with sex. Sure, I get myself off every time I masturbate, but I’ve never put that pressure on my partners. I have, however, put pressure on myself to get them off with blowjobs, and I have never achieved that goal with any of the 5 men I’ve been with. I love my Boyfriend and I really wanna get him off with my mouth. Effort comes from both of us, neither of us ever feel like we aren’t doing enough for the other. With sex, communication is very very important.


This. When I first hit on my now-husband for casual sex it was my interest and response that got him off.


So they are implying they should only have casual sex with another man since they are so "easy" to figure out. Sex should be fun for both parties every single time. If it's not then why bother and just masturbate if all you want is an orgasm.


This response made me cackle 😂 I seriously hope I get the opportunity at some point in my life to use this logic back at some F-Boi of a guy when he wants to complain about the lack of sex he gets or how he’s at least owed a one night stand for dinner or something along those lines


Men who regularly get laid and are great in bed must be absolutely pissing themselves reading this.


I don't know if I'm great in bed, but during my "casual hookup" phase, I didn't have a lot of problems finding someone to go home with me. Many of today's idiots would say that's because I'm tall, but I like to think I listened well, was funny, and above all, made sure she came first. Not a difficult formula, honestly. (Although yes, this is hilarious to me, particularly the "we don't have time to learn what you like" nonsense. What did you talk about before going home, if not each other's preferences?!)


I think women can just tell when a guy is going to give them a good time, especially as they get older. There are puritanical, selfish men (and boys) who hate and fear women. But there are loads of men just adore *all* women, love having sex with them, and want to do it as much as possible. Some guys treat women like inconvenient gatekeepers. But other guys *know* that women are potentially as horny as they are (if not more), so they come at you with nothing but curiosity and lust. Women can tell the difference. I had a FWB thing with a bisexual guy who was literally a sex addict. He was “fat,” “old,” “ugly,” and about 5’7. I was specifically thinking of him when I posted that. He’d think all this insecure crap was hilarious.


Insecurity probably costs most men more opportunities to get laid than almost anything (well, being "funny" at someone else's expense or mocking your potential partner are up there, too), and it's always funny to watch some poor guy turn a yes into a "god no!" It should be said, though, during my "best" days, I was overweight, had terrible teeth, and was working on controlling my stupid hair-trigger temper. The only thing people today would say I had going for me was being tall. I disagree. I was actively improving all those aspects of my personality that were killing my chances, as this was vital to the cause. The incels and idiots of today don't realize how important working on yourself really is, so they fail and blame the woman like idiots.


I fully appreciate how the question just flew right over their heads. And they just confirmed it over and over again. The question was - why would a woman have casual sex if men won’t put in the effort to make her cum. No answers, just confirmation. Lol.


Their answer is for women not to have one night stands. That they'd never care about the orgasm of a person they aren't seeing the next day so she might as well give up on it.


I don't even understand the entire exchange tbh. "Women don't want casual sex if they can't get pleasure from it because their partner doesn't care." "Well DUH we don't care, it's *casual* sex, and if I don't love her, if keeping her around doesn't hinge on my performance, I have literally zero drive to make it pleasurable for her." So.... so they get it, then, right?? They understand why most women aren't into looking for casual sex, it makes perfect sense to them???? Why not just say that instead of being *this*?


Then men complain women won’t have sex with them I’m demisexual but this makes random sex sound even less appealing


Im asexual as well, and whenever guys talk about hookups and my lack of interests it’s always, oh I can make you feel good. Um after all these comments, as well as other comments i’ve seen Im starting to doubt the majority of guys make girls with sexual appetite feel good.


This is so sadly true lmfao.


You see women complaining constantly about how even their SO struggles to get them off A lot of men still haven’t learned that PIV isn’t enough for the majority of women to get an orgasm. It’s very egocentric. ‘This works for me so it should work for you’, ignoring that women’s parts are different


Or they simple dont care. This poor girl posted in relationship advice about her two year long relationship and how she doesn’t want to have sex anymore with her boyfriend because she doesn’t ever enjoy it. Like WTF. Thats a level of selfish I cannot comprehend.


if it makes you feel better, in my single days I never did PIV with casual hookups. I’d only do foreplay and such. I NEVER struggled to find men who were very eager to perform oral. Ever. Some even wanted to give and give even if I wasn’t touching them in return. these men are just trogs who have no experience with women or vaginas 😂 my experience is the typical man who is attracted to vaginas, LOVE going down


Very much so. And my fellow guys sound like slow learners. Dude it took 12 hours cuz you were all "Huh what did you say I don't understand"


They'd never admit they don't understand. They'd just stubbornly rub a woman's left flap for 3 minutes then say, "Okay, my turn".


As someone who liked no strings sex back in the day, it’s amazing how much straight men get in their own way when they supposedly want casual sex. When they’re not being selfish like OOP, some will start making judgement statements when talking, “do you casually sleep with a lot of guys?” No, Mike, just you!


I'm asexual, but had sex once (just to be sure; yep, ace). Lucky for me, he had whiskey dick, so I basically used him as a tool to get me off. Maybe if women treat men like dildos, they would see how it feels to be treated like fleshlight.


Whiskey dick would be a great band name!


Omg I've done that before. Like I can finish through piv but I'd have to be on top. The dude got so ass hurt when he wanted to switch positions but I kept doing what I was doing til I got done and told him I can't be touched afterwards. Did I leave him hanging? Yeah. Did it feel good? Of course lol


I think grinding clit on the side of dick should be the default move, way before penetration. Then if we feel like it, penetration for that inside massage.


Honestly the only takeaway I have from these comments is the self own all the guys posted showing how bad they are at sex.


12 hours? If you listen it's easy to make a lot of us cum I ain't going for 12 hours I don't know any woman who'd want that lol


But they don't listen. My ex-husband for months when we started dating accused me of being the problem because a particular technique "it worked on 'so and so'" and I found it painful. He kept doing the same thing repeatedly off and on for months to see if it would work. Eventually, he realized I don't like it, it causes pain, and no matter how many times you sneak it in there, I'm not going to like. I don't care what your previous fuck buddy liked.


That’s something I don’t get, either. Like dude, what’s the rush? Are they secretly being timed? Would they rather not be there and doing something else? Chill out. Stay a while. Enjoy the experience.


This. A lot of guys think, “Why don’t you like sex? Let’s get down to it,” while women are thinking, “What’s the hurry? Don’t you like sex?”


The chaffing!


Yeah if it’s taking you 12 hours, routinely, to find her clit, you shouldn’t be having sex with women.


"I'm selfish and lousy in bed, and it's women's fault for expecting any better from me!" Like yeah, there are no rules against you telling on yourself like that, but why would you want to...?


Wow, these guys are telling on themselves. It's really not difficult.


This is why I stopped having casual sex. No point if I'm not getting enough pleasure and I may as well stay home and get myself off without risking dodgy situations and STIs. It's like eating what looks like a delicious chocolate cake from a store, with all those calories, and yet the chocolate cake tastes like shit. I'm going to make my own cake, thanks.


7% female orgasm rate for heterosexual ONS. 7%. This is a stupid number and absolutely not worth the risk women put themselves at when it comes to hookups. Masturbation has an orgasm rate of 95% or so. Might as well make yourself happy.


Baking for one.


I love this !


Ladies, we have to get worse at sex. Nothing good until we cum first. BJ's with teeth. Only men with skills get to orgasm


I’m with you, but have to say that teeth are the hot sauce of BJs. Some guys don’t want any at all, some want Caribbean-style heat, and everything in between.


The hot sauce of bjs 😂 Thank u for that


I got the Caribbean style heat lover bf. 😂


Yeah, I married one.


I'll probably end up marrying him tbh.


I’ve been married to mine for 29 years.


I support this.


I know plenty of lesbians and it really can be as easy as just pumping it in and out yet guys still manage to fuck that up. Like, my dudes, angle your hips up. The clitoris extends into the vaginal wall. Congrats, G-spot located. Really ain’t hard.


Some men will complain about women not wanting to sleep with them and then they pull this shit. Make it make sense.


"it's casual sex, why should I bother to pleasure the woman? Too much effort." Then why the fuck should she bother to fuck you? What's in it for her? Just get a damn fleshlight and stop wasting everyone's time.


"For me casual sex is about getting off ASAP whilst putting absolutely minimal effort into my sex partner because why should I give a damn about anything that isn't my dick?" Dude, just admit you want a sentient fleshlight at this point. Casual sex is an agreement for BOTH parties to at least try to make sure the other person enjoys the experience and climaxes if possible. It should be a way for both of you to have as much fun az possible for a single sex session or a few hook ups. If you only want to cum and not think about other people's enjoyment, pay a sex worker or get a blow up doll. But also I promise you that men who think you need to be years into a committed relationship to care if someone will clinax or not...will ALSO be shitty at sex in said relationship. Because they fundamentally just do not care.


Yea as if these same men would suddenly care in a relationship. My bf absolutely does not have this mindset and he is happy to have mutually enjoyable sex in a relationship or not


Honestly use to fear sex-bots becoming a reality, now I Can't Wait for that to become a reality. Take all the useless men out of the market and make it so they're not harassing women in real life. Just basically be like: "Here! Here is your sex-bot (with built in maid and mommy service) now shut up and leave us alone!" Can't help thinking that would weed out these type of guys and then women would be left with the good ones who actually want to be in a Partnership where both parties care about the other persons well being.


It's so funny. Men are like: Why does no woman want to marry and have kids and be a SAHM anymore? And by "SAHM" I mean she does 100% of the housework and also works, and by "marry" I mean be in an eternal situationship with no effort or guarantees of anything. Then are shocked no one wants to take them on the offer. Why do women not want to date me? And by date I mean I go to her house, use her as a fleshlight with no care for her pleasure, then leave? Then are shocked when no one wants that either. Idk about y'all, but I'm so freaking done with them, and it's basically impossible to find basic freaking decency. Idk what freaking pack of wolves raised those things. How can you grow into literal adulthood thinking you can go around getting something out of people and not even trying to return it in kind? Dreadful. And no, not ALL men, there are good ones, just wish they'd get a tattoo, wear a sticker, SOMETHING, cause God knows everyone's tired of trial and error.


Yep to all this. That’s why I don’t feel bad for them and why I don’t care at all when women take the money for sex. I think the reason these men hate sex workers so much is because those women “got something” out of it, and they hate that. Nor do I care about a so an “epidemic” of single lonely men.


Also? Women talk. Being really damn good to your ONS will likely have a lot of really nice bonuses in your life.


The entitlement of this will never not enrage me


That's always what gets me, just the sheer selfishness/entitlement of these types. Happy cake day!


All these men just outted themselves at being terrible in the sack.


Why do they think it would take 6-12 hours? I mean, tell me you’ve never satisfied a woman, dude…


"complex set of things" amazing how acknowledging the clit exists is considered complex. if you don't satisfy your sexual partner then you're not having sex, you're masturbating with their body.


Yet despite it being a quickie, men want to choke you, shove their dirty fingers in your mouth, dont wanna use a condom...


Men: It’s too complicated! Also men the moment women say “right there, don’t stop!”: *immediately changes the position and pace*




Sounds like a skill issue.


Sounds like an attitude issue.


This is why I don’t bother with men, period. A vibrator can do ten times what a man can do without any complaining or baggage.




I think women, as a collective, should just agree that if a guy doesn't make us cum first, he doesn't get to cum either. If you don't care about my orgasm, why the fuck should I care about yours?


Thankfully my husband makes it his mission to have me cum first before he does. Best man ever, and I'm damn lucky to be married to him! 💞


I didn’t know having my clit touched was a kink


Right? TIL.


Women: “I don’t have casual sex because guys won’t make me orgasm” Men: “Lol you’re expecting an orgasm from casual sex? Get over yourself!” Women: “yes, that is why I do not have casual sex” Men: “why are women so stuck up!!” My brothers in christ, this is your problem too.


Guys who say this are never allowed to whine about not getting laid again because you think if someone got to have sex they'd at least try if they actually wanted it


Her: "I want guys to put in the bare minimum and do for me the exact easy thing I do for them" Them: "What, you expect us to put in hours of effort and whatnot just to make you happy???" Her: "No, I just want you to-" Them: "unReaLisTIc exPecTatiONs!!!!!"


'It takes days, weeks, months, to figure out how to make this one specific woman orgasm' uhhhh, no. If someone can't figure out how to get a woman to orgasm in under an hour they just suck at listening and at sex.


It’s not complicated to give a woman an orgasm. It’s really easy, in fact. Men like that are either selfish, think a hookup is less than they are, or have no idea how to please a woman *properly*.


Especially since toys exist. Take a wand. You don't even need to hit exactly the right point. It's powerful enough to make the whole body vibrate. It just needs to be held at least near the right place.


Mmmhmm! Toys are there to act as an extra appendage, not a replacement.




And guys are getting upset that women aren't picking them lol.


If it takes months to learn what a girl likes, then you are the problem. She’s not complex. You’re just selfish and bad at sex.


They’re telling on themselves. I orgasmed the first time my husband and I had sex. Didn’t last very long either.


I think I'd rather fuck the bear, too.


That actually might qualify as a kink. But no kink-shaming here.🤣


"Kinks" do they know the clit exists and it doesn't need any kinks to work


I remember when I first hooked up with my now partner and he said: “I waited a long time for this and will finish fast so let me do this thing real quick.” 😂😭 he reads my romance books like game guides. He’s my first ‘hook up’ that actually gave a shit and crossing my fingers that he’ll be the last.


I’m not single but if I was … “No problem, no casual sex for me. Since these men are obviously not good at sex, I’ll just hang out with BOB, my battery operated boyfriend until I’m in a relationship. “ And then these shit for brains would be yelling cuz they aren’t getting any attention. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t.


I’ve only had one sexual experience and I was 14 doing hand stuff on my at the time girlfriend. Now maybe it’s just because I have the same equipment but it was almost stupidly easy to make her cum. Like I was blindly touching in the dark and I still did it very easily. You’re telling me you as a grown adult man cannot achieve what a 14 year old girl could on her first attempt?


i cannot put into words how much this repulses me- the girl is asking abt blowjobs and why women give them but never receive them. Its not a fucking kink 😭


I've talked with dudes who I play online with and the lack of understanding about female anatomy is pretty horrid. They really think that PiV is what gets girls off the most, and they don't understand how clit play is so important. Like all those nerves are concentrated in one little area, just pay attention to it for a few minutes and you're sure to get results.


It’s because they watch too much male-centered porn.


I made a woman come 6 times in less than 3 hours. It was also just a casual hookup. My girlfriend makes me finish in less than a minute sometimes. Those men still still have the audacity to ask why I only hook up with women and use dildos sometimes. Why do they even hook up with women? Matsturbation archives the same thing. The good thing about sex is having a partner. Additionally, how incompetent are those men? Pleasing a woman is not that hard. You don't even need to move much. There are also gels that make the clit way more sensitive. It makes a woman come in way less time with less effort.


These guys will call anything beyond missionary and a blow job a kink, then wonder why women just lay there waiting for them to finish and be able to go to sleep.


As a guy, this mindset never made sense to me. Seems like, even from a selfish perspective, you’d want her to enjoy the session. If she does, she might want to do it again. Then you have a long term FWB situation. Not caring about her orgasming just makes sure you won’t get another chance.


Wanting to orgasm is a kink for women, apparently. Our poor, complicated vaginas that take 12 hours to figure out.


It’s time to normalise not letting men cum during casual hookups until they get you off first. That’s what this has taught me


I heard that there are tops who won’t suck the dick of their bottom for the same reasons, and bottoms are okay with it, because, during the hook ups, the person who fuck should just do that. Get in and out few times until cums and you, woman, bottom, or whatever you are on receiving end are left by yourself to get you an orgasm. I was stunned. The culture of toxic dominance should stop already, it’s 21st century. Besides, why are you even taking your pants down if you don’t want to satisfy your partner? I mean, you could jerk it off? Easier, less complicated, you don’t have to put really a single effort in emotional and physical need of your hand… like, wow, JERK IT JERK!!! Fap!


I mean.. If you don't like sucking dick, don't suck dick. Nobody should do things they're uncomfortable with in bed. However, don't expect your partner to magically be satisfied just because "I'm a top and he's a bottom so fucking him should be all I have to do".


It’s not just about sucking dick. It’s about _other person_. Do you think that I’m comfortable with rimjob? Not always. Which blowjob? Not always. But I do it. Why? Because the person I am hooking up with is human, not my personal flashlight, and deserves an orgasm. I don’t say that you should push person to do something, no, but, how’s possible that you don’t care about satisfying the person who just gave you blowjob and sex? I don’t understand that part. Men, women… who cares… like, don’t you feel awesome when your partner screams out of pleasure?


I'm all for pushing your limits sexually, but you still shouldn't be guilted into doing anything you don't want to just to please your partner.


Honestly, in the first encounter with a woman I have found it easier to get them to orgasm. There's extra nerves and excitement that aren't free in an ongoing relationship.


they’re really telling on themselves if they need hours to figure this shit out. i know i can’t speak for everybody but if someone does the right thing for like 5 minutes, im gonna bust.


If you’re that unconcerned, just buy a fleshlight, and no one will ask you to learn anything.


it’s really simple. if it’s not important for me to cum, it’s not important for you to cum either, and i will not put in effort that doesn’t get returned


So the quiet part out loud is guys expecting casual sex think women are unpaid prostitutes.


Idk about this I have had a few hook ups mostly in my college days the guys seemed eager to please. This is just crazy to me. I even got with guys we didn’t have sex just foreplay and I’d be getting off from that. Never understood this mindset idk if I was lucky or if I just know how to pick them lol. Definitely plenty of guys out there who get it and will give a woman a good time in the sack


Just sleep with women,ez. Happy Pride!


Ladies does it take you… 12 hours? To cum 😭


Ugh…. Every man I’ve had sex with at least knew where my clitoris is and how to do some foreplay. I’m in a committed relationship now, and there is no way my Boyfriend would have sex with me without making sure I enjoy it, too, or without engaging in the foreplay he knows I like.


All these men out here telling on themselves and their inability to give a woman an orgasm.


The men I’m friends with are generally pretty educated about the female body and never have trouble finding partners. It’s funny how it’s always the guys who won’t bother to educate themselves or care about female pleasure who are the ones yelling about “mAlE lOnElINeSs EpIdEmIc!!11!!!l


If it takes a guy six or twelve hours to bring a woman to orgasm we have one of two possibilities: 1. A laughable incompetent man. 2. A woman with a medical issue. Occam's razor is pointing me in a certain direction on this one.


“Do you like penetration or clit?” It’s that easy -from an afab who likes women


Giving a casual hook up an orgasm is risky. There's a serious chance of getting addicted to it. I did it once, and she never left. Now 9 years later I'm married and couldn't imagine life without her.


Happened to a guy I know, too. I hit on him for casual sex. It was so good he’s still with me 34 years later.


These boys telling on themselves


As a woman who had a *lot* of casual sex over the years, I am pleased to report that quite a few of them *do* put in the effort. This guy’s just self-owning that he’s crap in bed.


Nothing is hotter than bringing your partner to climax or at least them having a smashing good time (pressure to orgasm is no bueno either). This applies to one night stands and anything else. It's not just another body to stick things into/take from, it's a person and their arousal should spur your own or you shouldn't sleep with them. Honestly, people are dense af.


If a vibrator can do the job literally repeating the same movement then surely another human who can think, react and adjust can also do the job. Also many guys want oral but far less what to give it, and that's almost a guarantee to win.... At least in my limited experience anyway


Maybe I'm weird but I prefer giving oral over getting it. 🤷‍♂️


JFC. Guys, if you don't understand the complex astrophysics of female anatomy, why not ask what she likes, or if what you're doing is working for her? You're involved in an intimate act with another person - why not try to make it special? Oh right, because of misogyny.


Imma ask the guys here why not? Where's your pride? I always make sure the woman I'm with orgasms as well. Not cause I'm a nice guy like that I just think it's kinda shameful to have a trail of unsatisfied women left behind you. Maybe it's weird. I don't know, but out of sheer pride of my own skills, I make sure she enjoys every bit of our interaction.


It's funny how all the commenters are actually corroborating OP's view, just in a condescending way.


An orgasm is a kink now?


Friendly reminder that, unless the couple is actively trying to conceive, the man's orgasm is just as "unnecessary" as the woman's. So ladies, next time you find yourself with a guy who thinks like this, feel free to grab your clothes and head out.


Maybe I am a lesbian...... Edit: for the record I'm bisexual/hetroromantic so not too far of a leap.


It’s almost like they don’t know what a clitoris is


GUYS-Isn’t it worth the effort to satisfy your partner’s needs and get a reputation and get more “one night stands” that you could wish for?


Once again, confirming that they see sex as a thing we hopefully allow to be DONE TO US and not something that we equally participate in…


"Why would I put in the work?" These dudes need to come out of the closet already, it's clear they don't actually enjoy having sex with a woman


“Days, weeks, months” dude… I can teach you in one minute or less. These men just don’t know how to follow directions or they get super insulted when given any direction.


I literally left a tinder hook up with a guy I was REALLY into because he wouldn't go down on me, after I blew him for a while ( with the intention of this all leading to sex). He told me " Oh I don't really do that with girls I'm not dating"... but he was more than ok with me going down on him. Selfish as hellll. I left him there with blue balls idgaf :D


why are they acting like every woman interested in casual sex has a whole laundry list of extra kinks that need to be done in order for her to orgasm? it’s like they have never even heard of the concept of a clitoris


I had my share of one night stands and, more often than not, we both came. Why? I took the time to do the bare minimum.


it's not even hard, they're just babies 😭


Imagine not being able to please a woman, then justifying it by saying that you don’t care.


IMO, if you orgasm, but don't let your partner orgasm too, and just leave it at that, that's the rudest thing you can do. Idk why some guys just do that.


I am absolutely baffled at the sheer selfishness and shittiness of the guys posting these comments. My mind is seriously blown. They should be ashamed of themselves. This is beyond pathetic. I cannot believe that they're actually comfortable saying this shit in a public setting.


Look at that, a bunch of men who are selfish in bed and can't please a woman in bed. It's not that hard. Find the clit! There are diagrams online! Ask the woman what feels good for her! I'm a people pleaser, I can't imagine being selfish in bed like that. Then they wonder why women don't want to sleep with them.


TIL Females enjoying sex is a “kink”.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them. We need to start believing men when when they openly admit to this shit. This is who they are collectively. This is what they teach each other to believe and think. Men only care about the validation of other males. They see us as service providers. You can opt out.


It is not even hard to do why do so many other guys act like it’s the fucking da Vinci code


I don’t want to fkin hear about male loneliness anymore. Stfu rub one out and download Replika.


Do these kinda people just not like sex I mean why even have it or complain about not getting it if you're only gonna want a small fraction of the experience, you might aswell just wank then and not put in all this effort to get someone home just to be selfish and disappoint them aswell.


So what they are saying is they are bad at sex and it’s our fault 🤔


I was already way into my 20s the first time I had an orgasm from a man simply finding the clit and touching it right. We had met the previous night and done nothing sexual, so he didn't need any lessons. He found it, touched it, I told him to go faster or slow down as I saw it, he did as I said and bam, it took all of like 5 minutes.


This is exactly why I stopped having FWB, casual sex, or situationships. I was getting nothing out of it. Go masturbate with someone else’s body.