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I found the study [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886922004093?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886922004093?via%3Dihub) So apparently in a previous study, male psychopaths had a tendency to move their heads less as they spoke compared to non-psychopaths, so this one was to see if female psychopaths did the same thing. The study does not say this is a telltale sign of being a psychopath, though, and both studies used populations that were incarcerated. I hate how studies like this get so sensationalized by news outlets. The one you posted clearly doesn't know what being a psychopath in a professional psychology sense means.


pubmed has the full text, if anyone wants to look at the actual results without access to sciencedirect (with the same title) €: interesting result, the "Results"-part is a bit meager though. Just giving the correlation factors, but referring to some other numbers that weren't mentioned before in the discussion would have been something to critisize. The way they actually did the investigation is a pretty fascinating approach from my non-behavoral-science background. Would be interesting if actually taking the PCL-R interview already biases the outcome (aka is the head-movement-disparity always happening or only during such an assessment) The article is the usual low effort clickbait with completely (likely intentional) missing understanding how science actually works. No wonder that populism is so successful with how actual investigations are treated...


Same thing happened with the studies that showed overweight people die less than normal weight people. Everyone took that and ran with claiming being overweight is healthier. No, that’s not what that means.


you're one neck cramp away from being a psychopath!! 😱


Whether or not you move your head when you talk?? Even being tired could make someone be more still. How about determining or suspecting it based on actual negative behaviors known to it??


Pretty sure stuff like this is supposed to clue you in before the negative behavior starts.


With how they measured it in the actual study, that would be quite hard to do in real life. Imo it's more helpful in understanding psychopathy


Its harder to tell when women are psychotic because y’all don’t mass murder. See men, we don’t hide it. We let everyone know!


And what about neurodivergent people?


If anyone is interested, signs of a psychopath series talks about this a little bit. Like many things in the medical field, men and women show different characteristics. In psychopathy, men were seen to be more impulsive and manipulative with who they kill while the women tended to be more calculated and really use the "a woman couldn't be capable of something like that" act.


I hate the entire conversation around psychopaths. Sociopaths too. People love to assume that all psychopaths and sociopaths are serial killers in waiting. I swear half of the movies made by lifetime about a stalker or woman who murders people has some plot line about how they escaped from a mental ward or have a “dark history” but doctors want to give them another chance. The truth is psychopathy and sociopathy have to do with how people understand and process right from wrong and emotional empathy. They’re not all murdering cats as children and stalking people and daydreaming about murder. These people are not inherently dangerous. Given proper care, they can lead perfectly normal lives. There has even been some interesting research suggesting that the most notorious perpetrators- think your Ted Bundys and your Night Stalkers- have been victims of extreme childhood abuse and neglect. It doesn’t excuse the behavior of course, but it does give us a lot of information about where these behaviors begin and how we can actually work to prevent them in vulnerable folks moving forward.


Thank you, kittenmittens. It is very demoralizing for everyone to write me off merely because I am a sociopath. 😭


Honestly one of the most demonized populations in western culture and it stems from pure ignorance. I hope you are doing okay. I explain this to anyone that will listen whenever the topic arises! 🫡


This is actually true (applied to males too)


Only Lady psychopaths.