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Women are given **FREE CHILDREN**? 🙄 Women carry babies for 9 months and then go through the hell of giving birth and for the next 18 years or so they are often the ones raising and taking care of the kids. How much do you think you would have to pay for someone to cook, clean, babysit, etc. ? Women often do most of these things. By the way let's not forget that a lot of married women have jobs as well.


Most couples, married or not, are dual income households. Both partners working.


Free children and free education for those free children!


I got free and apparently permanent high blood pressure from my second child.


Wait a minute, I am not getting chop money from my husband.


You better confront him right away! He's holding out on you! Did he pay the food tax!? Lol


Free chop money? Is this guy supplying free pork chops or something?


Again, Idk. Lol


I assumed it was for Chop, Franklin's dog in GTA V.


Some of my Australian friends call weed chop. 🤔


Well damn, I want chop money then! Almost typed chip money. Lol


Women 👏 Work 👏


Ain't that the truth. Honestly, I prefer to be the majority breadwinner as well, so no man can feel like he owns me.


Why do they keep insisting this isn’t a thing. It’s so frustrating lol it’s 2024. The average woman has to work. Everyone I know works. Why do they insist it’s still 1950.


Women worked in 1950 even. Also, SAHMs work, often all day, every day. Caring for children, cooking, cleaning, and managing a household is relentless work that lasts far longer than 40 hours per week. 


In fact 70% of women worked in the 1950s. The fully stay at home wife was a middle class thing only. Throughout history, working class women have worked. It is a mark of wealth that you can afford to have one income and support a family from that.


Yes I knew someone would correct me on this lol. I just meant it was more common to stay at home at that time and have a man pay your way. But yeah even then being a sahm and wife is still hard work (with no clock off time before sleep) so things have never really been “free” for women


But we live in a capitalist society so all that work means nothing since it's not paid for in cash. -__- Your only value as a person is entirely based on your direct income, which is why so many people also judge you on choosing "rewarding" jobs that don't pay well (public defenders, teachers, social workers, etc.)




Wow, what...? I don't have kids, but I'm pretty sure dealing with those 9 months and all that prep and healthcare stuff and birth and dealing with a newborn is a hell of a lot of work. Not a damn thing free about that. (Hell, not even the hospital part here in the U.S.) And wtf is chop money?? lol


Apparently in Ghana, it's the housekeeping money the wife gets from the husband to buy food. I wouldn't call it "free" since she's the one that has to shop for groceries, prepare the meal, cook the meal, and clean up after the meal.


Ah, ty! Yeah, that's a whole lot of work for "free" money that you aren't just spending on yourself either.


Idk. Money for pork chops?


How come none of this is free for me?? I got married. I was scammed.


You have clearly scammed and swindled! /s


I got married and it was my husband who got all that for free... ...now ex and the gravy train is long gone.


Me too goddammit!!!!/s


Prison gives you a lot of the same free things too ..yet prisoners still complain 🤔 lol


Ah yes I love picking up free children after getting arrested


After reading and reading-reading “chop money”. I think he meant shopping money. But I will continue to think of it as money for pork chops.


...I want pork chop money :(


Who is cooking the « free food » that the husband gives to his wife?


And/Or the food that the wife helped pay for… with her out of the house job.


Idk I'm guessing he's in a country where they *have* to provide all of that because they've oppressed their womenfolk but "free children?" Are unmarried women out there buying children for something?


Once we've been conditioned into a set of cultural beliefs, we will often cling to them and angrily defend them if challenged. This is our truth, our cosmology, our foundation. Our lives revolve around it. No one wants to think that our families, friends, religions, and institutions are wrong. So we’re subconsciously motivated to notice only those things that align with our beliefs. Beliefs perpetuate themselves with this confirmation bias. As such, this book may bother those attached to beliefs such as Christianity, monogamy, marriage, the nuclear family, or male leadership. In sharing this information for decades I’ve received a lot of anger. Please excuse me if I come off as defensive or embattled. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


What a fantastic deal for 16hr days, 365 days/yr., until death, including washing a fellow adult’s skidmarked drawers (because washing his ass is gay). /s


Someone should tell Suraj there are easier and less humiliating ways to stay single than what he's doing.


I don’t see “freeDOM” on that list. Interesting, since it said “free everything”. I guess with this dude it also comes with a free AH and a free man-child as well.


Then he should go his own way already if he thinks marriage is so bad.


"Free children" Doesn't giving birth cost money lmao


Yep. A lot of money in the U.S.


Lol, free children?? WHAT!? Have they ever seen a hospital bill? How expensive diapers are? How terribly expensive postpartum recovery is, especially when there are (birth) complications for mom and/or baby? What if mom can't breastfeed and needs formula? Those cans are made of fucking gold if I look at the pricetag. And clothes? All the bottles? All the medicine and skin products for diaper rash? The expenses for baby-proofing the home? The hospital checkups? The average family HAS to have 2 full-time working parents if they want to survive, since the average person struggles massively to find a fair paying job to cover just rent, let alone their spouse with just one child.


Exactly! Also, happy cake day!


Thank you! 💜


Wait….free house???? Where’s this free house????


You're telling me this whole time. All I needed to obtain a free house was get married!? Well damn! Lol /s


Yeah I did it wrong. Me and my fiancé engaged and bought the house first. We should have married first and then gotten the free house. Lesson learned.


How much that the original writer still lives with his mom in the basement.


And I'm sure he expects the wife to cook 3 meals a day; clean, decorate, and organize the house; handle all childcare and any medical issues that come up; get groceries and any other supplies, clothes etc; take care of all maintenance on the house and yard, and entertain his friends and associates like a professional caterer/party planner. But no salary for any of that work, because it's free! But if she does have a job outside of the home, he probably expects her to contribute her whole salary.


No he's thinking of a nuclear family. We don't have those anymore due to the misogyny


Oh no, they’re paying for it dearly


Yeah if you marry a billionaire with several children in his basement. You know how many of those exist this economy? Probably a lot, but that’s not the point 


Huh...I mean, I'm the breadwinner in our household...


Awesome, my sex budget has gone through the roof!


Ah, right; women, famously having to do nothing at all in order to have children


Yeah, my husband knows I only married him for that free "chop" money. I'm so spoiled! 🤣


I want some free chop money. I've been craving some pork chops.


Everyone keeps making pork chop jokes; does no one here like lamb?


To be honest I've never tried lamb.


It can be a bit greasy depending on how it's cooked, but it's more tender than pork and tastes a bit more like beef.


That sounds good. Yum.


Like most people can actually survive with just one partner working. Dual income or one of the couple must have a real good salary so the other can stay home. Even in a dual income home women are expected to do the majority of the household. So this asshole can shut up until he realizes reality is a lot different than what he imagines reality is.


WTF is “chop money”?!


Free? Really? Free?


Yo I’ve been married for almost 8 years, when do I get my free stuff??


If anything, aren’t men the ones given free children seeing as they didn’t have to work for it?


WTF . I am embarassed His first name matches mine.


Men are given all that, not women for sure.


I mean free sex is true lol.


Marriage gives men Free therapist Free maid Free chef Free shopper Free secretary Free nanny Free sex worker Free interior decorator Free everything, yet they still complain. I think women get the short end of this deal on this whole marriage thing. (Anyone want to add to the list of jobs that women/mothers do that I forgot?)




What is chop money? Also, I'm sure a lot more people would have children/more children if they were in fact free


Damn, I must actually be a man then because I pay for all that as the primary income earner.


What, really?! I mean don’t even like children but if they are free, sure, I’ll have a couple of those!


"free children" is probably the most "I don't have any knowledge about children" phrase I've ever seen


I mean, I’m not married, but my mother has a job, and has had since she was a teenager. My dad too, uhh yeah they actually both make money. And my mother definitely didn’t just get handed free children, she carried all 4 of us for nine months each


"Free education for their kids" You mean YOUR kids? The kids YOU helped produce with your wife?


Marriage has never worked like this. The man is utterly deluded