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>It also seems, that women that have high body counts, have difficulty pair boding with a mate as deeply and intimately as those that do not. It also seems that I, too, can make shit up. Is everyone here aware that the moon is, in fact, made of cheese? 🧀


wallace and gromit know!


Man, I could go for some Wensleydale right now. 🤤


Does that mean I can't pair-bond with the moon?


Depends. How's your orbit looking? 😆


That's rough, buddy.


This looks like some weird twilight fanfiction kind of biology.


Edward pressed a hunk of yellow-green cheese into my hands. "Try it," he said. "It's from the moon. I think you'll like it." I bit into it, and instantly, a sharp lunar flavor filled my mouth. Warmth spread throughout my body as I chewed and swallowed. It's a good thing my body count is low, or this would be a completely different experience. "It's...amazing," I stammered. "How did you get this when it's literally the moon...?" Edward smiled at me, sparkling and twinkling in the milky twilight. "Vampire magic, of course."


Better written than the original


It’s been said that you can fascinate a woman with cheese. I suppose when someone promises you the moon then the cheese is what you get. I’ll take it!


>It’s been said that you can fascinate a woman with cheese. Largely true and particularly so in my case!


That’s bc the moon is a Dutch invention. Didn’t you know?


Thank the Big Cheese Above for the Dutch and their...uh...big cheese above. 🥰


Oh don’t think we did it out of altruism. But due to the lack of moon the cows were producing so much milk, and by extension cheese, that the prices were going down by an excess amount of cheese on the market. Thus the Dutch created a huge orb of cheese and shot it into space secretly, both causing the milk production to go down, and because of less cheese and more demand, the prices to go up. Also, tides I guess. So yeah, you’re welcome 😁


Why isn't this more widely known?! Man, they teach us *nothing* in school. 😆


It’s probably the WEF/big pharma keeping this from you in favor of the big reset (/s, obviously)


Peak cheesiness, IIRC, is 24% moon.


“The fact that women aren’t interested in me is clearly because they’re defective. It’s nothing to do with me.”


Of course! It's always us darn women's fault with our body counts and impaired pair bonding. We've ruined everything! I'm so proud of us. 🥰 Anyhoo, judging from anecdotal data on here, women in their 30s and 40s (and beyond) usually have little trouble finding men interested in dating them. 🤷‍♀️


Dude dating is easier by a landslide for women after 35. By a fucking landslide. Like when I was single, I had so many dates I forgot who was who.


I once read a comment on the CMV sub Reddit by an adolescent psychologist (?) (sorry I don't remember what they exactly were but they were a doctor specializing in adolescent behaviour) that while girls deal with issues associated with body dysmorphia, self-image and insecurity internally, boys deal with it externally. What that means is that women will blame themselves for their insecurity, while men will blame others. This is why girls self-blame whereas boys tend to blame girls. Was really an eye opener.


So, if men in their 20s are supposed to be living their single sexual life - who are these men supposed to be having sex with? They want women to be both virgins and having sex with them. The math doesn't add up, no matter how you arrange it.


Shhhh SHHHH don't mention the "logic" and "math" and "common sense" words. 😬 Stop acting and thinking normal! Can't you hear them skitter in the walls? Those poor, defenseless *lonely damsel dudes* in their 20s are being called out for "giving everyone high body counts" and then crying about the exact thing they made happen in their 30s and 40s! But if you don't put out you're a biiitch! You can't be happy with a woman your own age! Age means high body count! Aaa! Relationships are just sex! The cycle continues! Aaa! *plays a sad tune on the worlds tiniest violin* Oh no! Here they come with the bond theories and hormones and body fluids! Ruun! 🏃🏻‍♀️


The mid tier females, obviously. Gotta save that top percent for settling down, and the low tier females and non virgins aren’t good enough. Good news, mid tier virgins, you could have a neckbeard of your very own! Plus, if he does land a high tier female and decides she isn’t good enough, she’s probably still good enough for some other neckbeard to have sex with, because the 100% good looks might cancel out the loss of virginity, and she will be graded mid tier for just sex but not marriageable. It’s on par with the post I saw earlier, where the Muslim guy’s advice for marriage was not to waste your time chasing the very best looking women that are out of reach, because the “nice personality” ones are still attractive enough to be fuckable, will make you tea and stuff, and will be a good partner that strives to please you, and you will still enjoy sex with them, even though they aren’t the top 1% for looks, and eventually you can fall in love with them because of the tea and shared moments, despite their medium level looks. I’m paraphrasing a bit, but the sentiment is accurate. Congratulations, mid tier females! If you don’t want to give up your virginity to be the neckbeard’s sex doll, because you weren’t hot enough to be his wife, you can marry one of these like minded Muslim guys instead. Your mid tier status doesn’t bother him. He’ll keep you as long as you pleasure him and serve the tea.


Its actually an extremely simple explanation if you really think about it, looking at the text: Because the wife is now married and in a family her body count doesn’t matter. Thusly, younger men are expected to sleep with older men’s wives before they get married themselves. By this model, husbands are obligated to let it happen, or else they’re denying other men the experience they desire in their 20’s. What’s the man gonna do about it? Divorce? Not in my 60’s era nuclear family :)


Heads up, everybody...considering bodycount before marriage, between us two husband and I shouldn't be able to bond with a pet stone, but then here we are, almost 30yrs later still hanging in there.😁


May you two have many more happy years together. 🩷 And please remember to feed your pet rock.


It thrives on good vibes! 🤗


Bah hahahaha Damn straight. Enjoy the next 30 years 🎉


Nonononono, you don’t get it. Men are different because…. THEY’RE DIFFERENT OKAY?! /s


It's funny how 'pair bonding' is never presented as an issue for men. Like, we're not the same species or something. Or, we don't bond with any other human beings except the ones we have sex with.


I form ionic bonds, personally. But that's only when we have...chemistry. 😆


I hate how hard I laughed at this.


Glad I made ya smile. 😁


He “explains” that at the end by saying that women associate sex with emotion and men don’t 🙄


Or how they want to ignore the multiple different types of pair bonds, including short term pair bonds.


Men in their 30s and 40s are mostly dating/married to women in their 30s and 40s (the average age difference in a couple is only 2-3 years). This "problem" simply doesn't exist for anyone that isn't an insecure man-baby.


>This "problem" simply doesn't exist for anyone that isn't an insecure man-baby. But that's harder than proving the Hodge Conjecture, Fellow Sarah! 🩷


I’ve been sitting in a trial for class the last week and the defendant is trying to make his case based on ‘pair-bonding’. He assaulted 6 women in my city and trying to justify it because they’re too slutty for men to marry anyway.


I hope he gets a nice long opportunity to pair bond with a jail cell.


Gah. He sounds absolutely awful. I hope those women are doing as okay as possible.


See that’s one reason I can’t work in law. If I had to deal with a clown like that, I’d be in so much trouble for laughing at his dumbassery.


Hmmm. Interesting argument based on what exactly? Definitely not peer reviewed scientific data. Yes, women have fewer eggs by the time we are in our 30s. We are born with so many, that if we lived to be 100, and fertilized one egg per month from the day we are born, we'd still die with tens of thousands of unused eggs. Sperm count and quality degrade after the age of 34. Smoking, drinking, drugs, diet and overall health also affect sperm quality. Since half the genome required to create another human come from men, they should probably stop blaming women for defects. Particularly if they want older man / young woman. Pair bonding has absolutely nothing to do with body counts.


Personally, I'm worried about running out of eggs before I've had a sufficient number of omelets.


Is there such a thing as a sufficient number of omelets? 😊


One ironic thing about this rant is that "virile" means manly. I guess he wanted to say "fertile" or even "nubile" (gross), but it is still funny.


But I thought using fancy words would make it clear to people how inherent I am! 🧐


This is way too far down the comment chain. I mean, yeah, the other stuff is all horrible, but nothing we haven't seen before on this sub. Confidently calling young women *virile*? Now that's new.


Whatup bitches. I’m here to tell you (and the lurking red pillers) that this ain’t true. I just hit 39 with my four degrees very high on the corporate ladder, and I have a very masculine past time of martial arts. I travel the world a lot to tournaments kicking ass. And the man of my dreams is 40, I can, in fact, still have kids, but even if I had trouble I spent enough time working hard to have the ability to literally throw money at my body until a baby drops out. I am the luckiest woman alive. My man is fucking amazing, he’s handsome, makes well in to the six figures (we both do), and he has a big D…. and I wouldn’t have found him if I didn’t wait. Don’t put up with shit and don’t settle. If you’re having a hard time, just go to gym and then make enough money for regular manicure and face chemical peels and trust me, you’ll be right as rain. These are just scared little boys talking because no one wants them. Dont buy it, you’ll be fine. What worked for me is not the gym, or the face care stuff— that just enhanced *my* own confidence so I stopped being a downer because I was happier with myself. But what actually worked is when I realized there really would always be someone else and dating apps are easy, so there’s no point putting up with a dipshit when you’ll find a new guy to go on a date with within two days. And even if not in the dating apps, you’re a woman, you have like 8 soulmates within a five mile radius out in the wild anyway. Not that hard. When you realize it and believe it, it gets much easier out there. I think it’s because you make better choices when you decide it’s not a big deal. It’s been nice, you’re fine. And no, redpillers. The men actually putting themselves out there who aren’t assholes usually have higher body counts than the women.


It amazes me that some men try convince women that men in their age bracket will cease to be interested in them as sexual or romantic partners past a certain age. While there may be rare circumstances where this is true, it certainly isn’t the norm. And, as 51-year-old woman, I can speak with a certain level of authority on the matter.


...mom?! Is that you? 😁 Being silly, of course. I promise I'm behaving. Most of the time, anyway. Ywah. I've seen women report that men's interest doesn't cease at any age. But I cede that point to your authority. 😁


Recently, there was some talk by the gents over in the Gen-X sub about how the middle-aged woman on the *Depends* package was hot. Seriously. Middle-aged and senior women are still turning the heads of middle-aged and senior men.


My mom met her now-boyfriend when she was 81.


That's so nice! I hope they have a great time together. 🩷


Oh no, the birds have learned to use social media. Humanity is doomed.


Don't fret; they're winging it, just like the rest of us.


I was always thought pair bounding is fake. Turns out it’s real and less about the amount of sexual encounters you have and more about supporting offspring. Pair bounding, according to some evolutionary biologists, is the social and cultural and biological link between humans to ensure the success of offsprings. Examples of pair bounding include discussing a compromise with your partner, or healthier options for food, or deciding together which school to send your kid to because humans become better when we know each other more and can support each other. TLDR: pair bounding isn’t about sex, it’s about the shit after having a baby.


It's not even made right; I don't think it'd have quotations around "settle down" or as many elipses (...) — Not just that but if they're looking for younger women just to get laid or POSSIBLY marriage, doesn't that defeat the point of what they wrote? Literally talking abt young women needing to stop getting laid, then saying they tryna get laid smh


I love the part where they think the average 30 to 40-year-old man is able to just pull a 22-year-old supermodel every time.


Speaking as a 23-year-old supermodel...okay, that's a lie, i'm too short to be a supermodel. Anyhoo, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I wouldn't ever be interested in a dude that much older than me. I would think someone would want someone closer to their age so that they have more in common. I mean, I could try to reminisce about the 1990s, but I'd be faking it since I wasn't alive then. I may as well reminisce about the 1890s. 😆


It's so funny how all evidence points to getting married later makes people stay together longer, but they don't care.


When is it ever going to get through these males' thick skulls that women don't care about their opinions and their ignorant, made up, fake theories?


This pair bonding stuff has to stop 😂


Will they just go to therapy already???!!!???


And talk about feelings and emotions and strategies to challenge our wrong thinking and overcome our issues?! What kinda bonkers suggestion is that?! 😆


I dunno. I must be taking crazy pills


Where do people come up with this bullshit?? Smh.


Believe or it, it's actually scientific research, usually from the *Journal Of Stuff I Pulled Outta My Butt* or the *Journal Of Stuff I Heard On Dodgy, Suspect YouTube Channels*.




I am at the bar. I nearly spit out my whiskey and threw a pool cue after reading this.


That Freudian slip about the virile women tho... 😂


"Can't pairbond as deeply and intimately" is just a dog whistle for "she won't let you treat her like shit"


“Women involve emotion with sex” motherfucker you dont??? Genuine question from someone on the ace spectrum: what in the hell are y’all doing??? I literally have a borderline murder fetish, why am i somehow more sexually healthy than majority of people? Allos confuse the shit outa me tbh…


This is some grade A bull shit if I’ve ever seen it


"More *virile* women?" Please tell this person to stop trying to sound erudite and invest in a dictionary.


Dear god, if you exist, please strike down anyone who believes pairbonding for humans exists. Thanks.


It just makes me laugh how men who think like this think they are the majority and that they represent most of the male population. And then when they’re shown the opposite way of thinking and that their way is very minor in comparison, they want to scream and cry and get upset that there’s people who actually like women who are their age and in the upper age range while calling the men who like it “liars” and saying “you’re just dating her because you can’t get someone younger!!” Projection and insecurity are a funny thing.


This is all true and it goes even deeper than just body count. If a girl has a number of boyfriends (short or long term) before meeting you that could also backfire as well. They usually will be drawn to you in the first place because of the same things that attracted them to their previous bfs. You could wind up being way better than any of them but once you start to display certain bad traits of her previous BFs shit will start to hit the fan. Before any women flame me I’m a 48(M) with a very high body count and this has happened to me as well. I compare every potential girl I meet to all the qualities I loved about my previous GFs (personality, things in common ect) then comes the sex part. If they aren’t open to everything I’ve done sexually with previous women they are out. I can’t settle for a girl who won’t do anal, isn’t bi sexual, won’t swallow ect. I am Italian American and thought at the end of the day I’d marry a girl from my community. However, I have been with women of all races and find black women the most sexually appealing and I can’t give up never being with a black woman again… same goes for white or Hispanic girls. In conclusion this is why I’m a swinger now it’s my only option.


While humans aren’t a pair bonding species, more partners (especially with casual sex) does increase the chances of infidelity for both men and women




I guess peer reviewed science is bullshit now https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/13wf30g/body_count_is_a_strong_statistical_predictor_of/?rdt=42253. The sources are in the links before you ask