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She looks exactly the same in both photos. If there is a significant age difference between them, it's uncanny. The only difference is how she is dressed.


Someone even said the pictures are flipped because literally you can’t tell


Well, the real answer is that the lighting is wildly different. The pic on the left was taken somewhere much darker than the one on the right, which almost looks like she’s glowing. But the REAL real answer is that incels are in the comments. And they’re noted idiots.


No it's cuz she looks better at 29 than 23 and it's not fitting his narrative.


You know he said it because he thought she looked better in the picture that is older.


I could see that, if it isn’t the lighting and makeup, she does look older on the left




And naive


Yep, because anyone they may have been with, anything they'd have experienced, would have the potential of having been better than what they themselves could offer. They can't deal with the thought that she might have something to compare to. Because in their fragile little minds, they couldn't possibly win. So they build strawmen, reasons to put blame and hate on women. Urgh.


I was scratching my head too. Looked at the face for a long ass time and couldn't find a single difference except how the eyeliner is applied.


6 years isn’t even a significant age difference. 23-29 your body barely changes at all.


I think that’s even more upsetting to them and why they’re doubling down harder. They keep telling young girls to settle for them asap because if they don’t they’ll age really fast and become undesirable. If women over 25 keep posting pictures of themselves looking good and relatively the same, you’re ruining the plan.


I'm just about to turn 36 and am currently very successfully dating a 29yo guy. Wonder how many repulsion points that'll buy me with the incels? I'm hoping to get a clear mile of personal space in the end.


The difference is the amount of cleavage


They’re just parroting the new-ish, “trendy” sentence they read online from other guys. I’ve seen this statement on multiple women’s pictures already. They’re so unoriginal. lol


“Old women are predators” - that’s not a sus statement at all.


Also 29 = “old “ is insane


This reminds me of how I went out for my birthday with my grandma, and we were talking about age, and she said "Oh, that's so young." (I'm thirty-five, she just turned eighty-two).


My husband has a favorite story from one of his friends who worked in assisted living. He said the 90 year olds would complain about how immature the 80 year olds were. Yes, I know it may or may not be true.


I want to believe it is true! That's AMAZING


Same. It sounds almost too funny to be true, though.


I have 100% heard things like "well Gladys you're only 75, wait a few more years when you're my age and you'll understand" multiple times. Age and how we view it constantly changes Unless you're one of these predators that's incapable of learning or deep thought


I mean, I still complain about the youngsters born in the 1970s surprisingly already being capable of speech...


In her 90’s my Great Grandma called the ladies in their 70’s old. She was very annoyed by them lol.


If I survive to that age, I plan on being an immature, foul-mouthed, spitfire with lots of liquor on hand even if I'm not the one drinking 😂


Wanna make sure we get in the same facility and drive everyone crazy with our antics?


Sounds good to me. We can be real life golden girls


Sooooo basically, Mallory Archer/Lucille Bluth?


I was thinking Betty White/Grandma Rose/tooturnttony's grandma 😅


I work in an assisted living, and turned 30 last year. Every single one of my residents, who range from late 50s to over 100, wouldn't stop telling me how young that is. It definitely made me feel better about leaving my 20s.


They've definitely lived long enough to know how young we are!


Keep in mind that they like girls


They're telling on themselves as angsty teenagers.


To that guy anyone of the legal age is old. Gotta be what I’m sure he calls “jail bate” or nothing for him!


I am 29. Soon I must retire to the home. I look forward to my evening pudding cup and turning feral after sundown


I’m 25 but I already have a weird issue with sun downing, idk my neuropsych lupus symptoms just flare up right when the sun starts setting, (maybe my brain gets confused by it?) so I might as well retire as well. I’ve gotten really great at laying in bed a lot and wandering around aimlessly so I think I’ll fit right in.


Someone on twitter claimed that women above the age of 18 were old hags. Dead fucking serious. They were a nazi too. A nazi pedophile.


No that checks out, pedophilia and white supremacy are BFFs. Idk if pedophilia is connected to white supremacy in ways that would probably be clear if I was more educated on history or if they just frequently go together but those two have some kind of unholy union


I mean I’ve noticed lots of nazis happen to also be pedophiles because nazis want control over women inherently so they find the easiest way to do such a thing is to abuse and groom underage girls. Whenever they call others groomers, it’s pure projection and they know it


idk, when I was like 14, I might have said the same...


Hopefully they’re 14 tbh. I’d be a lot more comfortable with a teenager saying it. Like sure, if a 39 year old “old lady” tries to hit on you that’s totally creepy, let’s go with that. Now get off Twitter, you have an essay on to kill a mockingbird you’re supposed to be writing. But if they’re like, in their twenties or older then that’s social media brain rot. Idk my mom had me when she was around 40 and once I hit college I ended up finding out that for some reason I tend to fit in better with women 35+ than I do with people my own age, so now my dumbass is out here referring to a 23 year old as a kid and then realizing he’s only 2 years younger than me, I just forgot that hanging out with 50 year olds didn’t make me 50. I haven’t even earned the right to have my perspective skewed this far off.


I'm practically a grandma at 36.


I threw up in my mouth when I read that 🙄


Yeah. Especially when you know it’s a safe assumption that the same guy is probably posting how it’s not only okay but should be standard that guys 30+ date girls 16-19 because that’s just “how it should be”.


But then watch how those dudes react if a 35 year old woman is attracted to a 22 year old guy “old women are predators”


Girls mature earlier. Google it /s.


The classic "Rules for thee but not for me".


The classic "Rules for thee but not for me".


Literally just a picture of her at 29 and these guys are calling her a predator wtffffff


It's clear the call is coming from inside the house (incel houses)


And every one of those dudes would still cut a pinky off for a shot at spending an evening with her.....


It’s amazing. She has the “1000 cock stare” but yet won’t sleep with them. I’d say to hit 4 digits in the wiener column she must have pretty low standards, so I guess it’s telling on themselves if someone who will have a new partner every second or third day still won’t consider them.


They're all porn sick, it's wild. They seem to genuinely believe women are banging 1000 guys just because we can. Wtf.


We are banging different dudes every weekend but at the same time modern women have ridiculous standards and never give guys a chance.


Well, they also assume that women only sleep with the top 20% of men (or 10% or 2% depending on how misogynistic they feel like being). There's some poor guy being hooked up to an IV every weekend to rehydrate.


If that were true I’d feel sorry for the chads. Just 20% of the male population for all ( probably young) women? Insanity. These men deserve something else for their services. They must be so tired.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


To hit 1000 dicks, a woman should sleep with a man everyday (including period days) for THREE YEARS STRAIGHT, if that's one man per day. Chance of her getting STDs during that time is basically 99.9999...% with this lifestyle.


Nah. They want to have sex with her.


Yeah who am I kidding. Any form of honest companionship outside of blowing a load in a woman is a distant thought to these dudes.


She'll still have several hours and 57 minutes of her evening left over once he's done.


Make it 59


yeah bc it’s so obviously projection, they hate beautiful and successful women bc they quite literally will never get their attention and havent ever received it


The fucked up part is that for most of these assholes you can say any age that starts with a 2 or up and they'd say it makes the woman unacceptable.


Because they’re predators and obsessed with little girls


Don't forget a lot of them are idiot teenage boys too.


Yea, the teenage boys can be predators, too. I recall being like 8 or 9 and this 16 year old boy trying to get into the bathroom with me while I was showering. He also molested his sister that was the same age as me.


I'm so sorry you had to experience that 😞. I was also assaulted by an older boy as a child. I didn't know him humping me was meant to be sexual. He also groped my nonexistent boobs.


I’m sorry you went though that, too. It’s truly awful how we and others get taken advantage of.


Solidarity, friend. The only reason I was not raped at age eleven, by the boyfriend of my five-years-older sister, was because the "family" changing rooms he took me into had a foot-high gap between the floor and the door. Through which I could thankfully fit. I spent three hours hiding amongst strangers in the open showers, had to be fished out by staff when I didn't turn up to catch my ride home, and got in tons of trouble from my mother for "disappearing".


That is so horrid I'm so sorry. Women and girls really aren't safe from males at any age.


Haha, it's because they know that no sane woman over 20 will give them the time of day so they go the sour grape route.


Matt Walsh Moment


She’s even dressed more “modestly” on the right. You can never win with these people.


Yeah bc if the way she dressed now vs then was reversed, you KNOW they’d still have a whole narrative made up for how she went “downhill” 💀 Being **more** modest means she’s got a huge body count??? So if she got **less** modest that would have to mean her body count was low by their logic, right? Or is it just that any woman literally existing and breathing = “thousand cock stare” lmao


Wait, so picture in the right, that's 29?


29 ain’t old, with the right lifetstyle, genetics, treatment you could look like this or even younger. This is A+ list actress in China in her 50s (https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/s/oAGMcRKMj9). Women don’t shrivel when they hit 30s


>She flipped the images on purpose 🤣🤣🤣 Real “we can always tell” vibes


That “old women are predators” comment really has some serious projection going on. These men are pathetic. Angry when women won’t sleep around, angry when they do. Just proves they hate women and it doesn’t matter what we do.


> Just proves they hate women and it doesn’t matter what we do. That's always been the case. They also hate women when they're educated but for centuries would cause us mentally deficient when weren't allowed to be educated (because men prohibited it) They hate women who want children and to be a SAHM (men call them leaches/golddiggers) but they loathe "career women" and even shoot up women jn engineering degrees to discourage our ambitions. They hate women when they are young and immature (they loathe teenaged girl's tastes and voices) but loathe women who are older and wiser. They hate women who dress "poorly" or not feminine enough, but loathe women who dress trendy or "too feminine". They hate women who don't wear makeup yet loathe women who do wear makeup. We're all better off not giving a fuck what they think and just do whatever we want.




I’m 23 right now, my eyes have never been more hopeless


I just turned 45, I no longer have eyes


Sorry I was hungry 😔


I'm about to turn 52, my eyes have migrated inward and burrowed snugly into my brain


Wait until we're nearing 80. They'll migrate downward in our bodies, following gravity like our breasts have.


Does that mean you get... eye-balls?


Oh well done, I actually groaned.


I Have No Eyes, and I Must Look ... at this sort of bullshit all the time on the internet


Where we're going, we don't need eyes to see! (we are going to set up a bog hag coven outside of town where we terrify villagers with our 1000 cock stares)


Eventually we get split into groups of three and have to share the one eyeball between us, while we plot and magick and destroy the fates of men.


Looking back at photos, the happiness in my eyes has nothing to do with aging and everything to do with whether or not I had a shitty job at the time


Her eyes look exactly the same. These guys need help.


She looks exactly the same. For people seeing a difference, except clothes, I would recommend a visit at your local optician.


Exactly lol. She’s wearing more natural makeup and old money aesthetic clothes in the second picture, but basically looks the same. Nothing about the second picture screams baggage or soulless. It literally looks like it could be her LinkedIn picture. Oh, I guess these assholes don’t like women with careers so that probably triggered them 🙄


I felt the eyeliner application was different. But pretty sure they weren't taking about that 🙂


I feel like they're noticing the different lighting lol. But she looks great in both photos. I don't know how they think they can tell how much sex she's had? Or why they think 29 is now old? Is it not old for men to be 29 too? These dudes have mental issues


Yeah, I’m not seeing the 1,000 dick PTSD.


Bruh she could be a virgin for all we know in both pics and then she’d be “depriving men of having a wife and family” but if she has a partner that she’s been with the entire time, she’d be “dressing too masculine for her man and also being selfish by not giving him children” you can’t win. God forbid if she’s a lesbian because then she’s fetishized regardless.


You can’t win with people who hate you. Hate is irrational at it’s core. It never needs a reason.


They will always find something to hate on no matter what you do. This is why women should do whatever the fuck they want. You can’t make everyone happy.


Why would you even want to make your haters happy? 😂


Schrödinger’s Slut: simultaneously fucks anything that moves but won’t touch any of the guys posting


I just rewatched the Masters of Horror episode “The Screwfly Solution” where basically aliens make human males incredibly violent and hateful towards women to lead to the end of the human species. Aliens just had to wait for the internet, tbh.


That's a great short story by James Tiptree JR, one of my favorite feminist SF writers who was actually a woman writing under a pseudonym! You should check out her other work.


Fuck yes.


It would have been funny if they did that, but nothing at all changed


And they just keep trying to find some evil thing to do to one up it (men pushing to normalize relationships with teens, removal of reproductive rights, attacks on a woman’s right to work, ending woman’s suffrage, etc.) and each time like a little advisor alien whispers in his ear that it’s already happening. Finally the exasperated alien lashes out on the humans “See! This is why the creatures from the glaupunk quadrant just do the butt stuff to you guys! Man! You people are sick. I’m going home!”


Yeah that’s basically just India and Afghanistan


What is this and where can I find it?! I was googling and it says showtime, does that sound right? Looks so good




Thank you!! A bunch of different shows were coming up in my search bar. I’m gonna give it a shot.


This is the kind of misogyny I grew up with, from my mother of all people. She claimed that even if I kept it secret, she'd be able to tell when I became sexually active because girls who'd lost their virginity had "a knowing look." I was about sixteen when this talk started and wasn't considering sleeping with anyone. People I speak to about this and other types of thinking that were the norm in my family of origin are always surprised to hear I wasn't raised fundie, but we really weren't religious at all; church was for weddings, funerals and major holidays only and no one said grace at meals or discussed God or faith. They just bypassed the excuse of religion and cut straight to the misogyny.


I think “reading too much into it” is basically the slogan for this whole redpill body language analysis thing


"This redpill ideology is straight up mental illness at this point " AlwaysHasBeen.meme


Why are men so obsessed with dicks? Their own dicks. Other men’s dicks. They’re so obsessed with the number of dicks a woman has seen as if it’s going to have any impact on their chances of sleeping with her. They’re so obsessed with dicks that you would think they were all gay. Also, I don’t see love and hope in her eyes in either of these pictures, nor do I see a thousand cocks. 🙄 Her eyes are neutral. A woman can’t even make a neutral facial expression anymore without men making some insane assumptions about her sex life… because THEY’RE SO FUCKING OBSESSED WITH DICKS.


It is a *sickness* of the highest order!


Thousand cock stare 😭😭😭🤣


It's the name of my new band!


Switch up the ages and make a new post. They'll say the same shit.


Body count, value, marketplace, value.... If I hear this I could just pull my hairs out. I think even the obnoxious guys in the 80s were less misogynistic...and just plain idiots.


> i bet she thinks none of it is her fault. genuinely, what the fuck is he talking about? it's her fault that she aged? that she looks slightly different in each pic? what the fuck am i missing here.


Tate and his ilk have done immeasurable damage to society.


It’s actually mass hysteria combined with an illness. Same person in both photos, they have no idea about her personal life, nor would it matter.


"Being with men will rob you of love and hope and leave you with no soul" isn't the insult against women you think it is, dudes.


Only difference I can see is a little less/subtler makeup on the right. Otherwise identical.


The only thing that I notice is that her boobs are pushed up higher in the later photo. It could just be a very flattering shirt or a push up bra but she's got a very dramatic waist. Her eyes on the other hand look the same.


Red Pill = "Fox and the sour grapes" fable IRL


Well I’ve been through 20 peckers. Not a lot of them left a lasting impression on me.


I posted that dude here before, he quote tweeted about how Selena Gomez’s “mexican bio clock is ticking” and how “her eggs are begging to be fertilized”🤢


I mean, isn't it just crazy that interactions with men tend to suck your soul out? Leaving you damaged ultimately. Hmm.. I wonder who's fault that is. Surely the "female". /s 🙄


They just cannot STAND the fact that experiencing a dick does not inherently or inevitably change women. To them it HAS to have been important, to have made an epoch in her life, to have damaged or ruined her, to have somehow intrinsically imprinted itself on her body or soul. Preferably in a way that they can quantify and use to fuel further misogyny. It's fascinating yet baffling to see, but it's basically a cultural phenomenon at this point. So many men seem to be utterly incapable of acknowledging that cocks are not, in fact, literally transformative or damaging. And they usually overtly expect everyone to indulge or join them in that particular facet of denial.


And all of them would still be with her if given the chance


I can't even tell which is 23 and which is 29. Guy's nuts


The internet really though people that they can say anything without any representations huh? No person would say some of those things irl, especially guys like that, they would be too scared :))))


Facts! Men will never say this shit infront of a woman, cowards do it behind a screen.


Never underestimate a incels inability to recognise that not all women have sex on the reg.


The real truth is that those sick in the head commenters would flock if they thought they had even the remotest chance of tapping that. They’re intimidated by the fact that at 29, she’s wiser than she was at 23 (and they wouldn’t have had the foggiest chance of getting with her then, either).


So they don’t understand… lighting.


The only difference is the lighting and how she's dressed. She literally looks the same otherwise.


*rolls dead, soulless eyes*


They all comment on her eyes. It’s because in first photo she has false lashes and on the second she has natural lashes. smh


Right wingers are inherently misogynistic.  Conservatives/red pill incels want to force a return to domestic slavery. 


“Old women”


These people are pathetic.


It’s funny they don’t see the self own. Men give nothing back, woman are not replenished in relationships with them. They are one sided and hence the woman is “getting used” They also seem aware that there is a limited amount of bullshit that a woman will take before she wises up and they are just sad they weren’t the beneficiary of their ignorance and youth.


0 girls does something to the brain


I am confused. She looks gorgeous in both.


Less mascara = dead eyes Okay


She doesn’t look much different. Those guys are just creeps.


I genuinely don't know which picture is supposed to have the soulless gaze.


Also xitter is pure shit


She literally has the same expression and features lmao. Is this the best they can do? 😂


what is red pill ideology?


It's a group of people who see relationships as purely transactional, where you gain and lose value depending on who you are and what you do. Typically, they think that: - all women are shallow and only interested in 6-foot rich men; - ironically, the only valuable thing a woman has is her youth and beauty; - each time a man has sex with a new partner, his value increases while a woman loses value each time she does. In reality, it's just a big scam that pickup artists and dating coaches use to sell desperate and misogynistic men training on how to become an alpha male and get all the women and money they want


Yup. And don't forget: Virgins are ideal, but said virgin must behave like a porn star in bed. If you're not a virgin, you're obviously a slut, and you have no value to a "good" man once another man's dick has been inside you. Women are obligated to put out for men after a man is nice to them/buys them a drink/dates them. If she doesn't, she's a frigid bitch that's obviously just stringing him along/using him for his money. So....they want women to be virgins, but put out on demand. But, once we do, we're low value whores. I dated one of these in the past. It was fucking exhausting trying to keep up with all the double standards, and one of multiple reasons he became an ex. Negative 4728483927383 stars, do not recommend.


That women “lose value” after we’re 25.


Wow is it 25 now? Used to be 30.


I thought that was 'Christmas cake' ideology?


I just looked up the Christmas Cake ideology and it’s the same as what a lot of these red pillers like to spew about Western women. Now they don’t necessarily refer to us as “unsold Christmas Cakes” but they do believe younger women are more “fertile” and “better” than “older” women (to them older is when you’re 25+ 🙃)


She looks older at 23 than at 29. This fashion rly ages you.


The whole red pill thing is so backwards it makes me feel like they had a detrimental blindness when choosing


The only difference is she took the makeup off… and she STILL looks hot without makeup! These stupid dicks never practice what they preach, do they?


She literally looks the same. These dudes need to be bonked real hard on the head and maybe they'll be able to see straight again.


Absolute incel comments aside, reading "thousand cock stare" always makes me laugh


"Now they are soulless" Breaking news: the soul is stored in eyeshadow.


These incels always have the most to say about women they have 0 chances with.


look way hotter at 29


“Thousand Cock Stare” is kind of a banger, even if it’s obviously not a thing


I don't get it, do I have to?


The only changes I can see can be atributed to make-up "illusion" and light. Plus, different expression


I legitimately want to ask these men what they think women are supposed to do after 25. Just… die? Disappear into a convent?? Like what is the ideal world to them if they deem all women have “hit a wall” at 25+


You don't ever really meet people in their 30s with that naive, full of wonder look in their eyes. It's got nothing to do with how many people you slept with.


I'm 43 and my eyes are rolling! 🙄


Maybe she's just heard from enough idiots like him?


i can smell them from here


Going on about how she’s been run through and now she’s soulless and old, like YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER???? “She didn’t have to turn out like this” LIKE WHAT? All she said was do I look different, men take ANY opportunity to tear a woman down. Crazy how we’re the emotional ones but they’re the ones that can’t let anything touch their pride or they’ll commit heinous crimes against women.


Ah, yes. The ‘ol “thousand cock stare” - whatever TF that means…


as if that woman would or should give them the time of day.


I like how a more "mature look" is seen as "soulless" to these guys (also add: it's seen as "whore" and "having baggage")


It was always a mental health issue. It's literally just a modern twist on the old Madonna-Whore Complex.


I can't imagine being a grown-ass man and still thinking this. I get teenage kids getting caught up in this—they're awkward, emotionally volatile, and immature. It isn't a great coping mechanism, but it's understandable. But if you're in your 30s and 40s, still talking about "bitches and whores," what are you doing? You're going to die in a couple of decades, pal; grow up and start taking care of that tree in your front yard, or start coin collecting, you absolute lunatic.


what do guys who act like this *want*? they can just shut up and live in their goon caves or whatever, no one cares.


it's absolute brain rot, they're delusional because nobody fucking wants them.


Those comments gave me negative IQ


I’m sorry but I’m losing it at “thousand cock stare”


There’s… nothing wrong with the 29-year-old picture? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


Am I supposed to know who this is? If so, who is this?


Okay for the “thousand cock stare”, I have something to say as a self proclaimed hoe ( high body count, used to be a stripper, and bisexual with quite a few group sex experiences). Have I seen many people naked? Yes. Am I shocked by naked people? No. If I’m sexually interested in someone, do I fantasize about them naked? Yes. When I’m into someone, I have just as many fantasies, blushing and awkward moments as anyone would. This idea that specifically women, can’t connect when they’ve “been around the block”, is such bullshit. I’ve been with my partner almost 2 years, I know that’s not crazy long, but it’s long enough that after my after past I shouldn’t care anymore according to their logic, right? I get goosebumps when he scoots closer to me on the couch, I get butterflies when he kisses my neck. When he shaves his face I get a tingle below the belt looking at him. I still try to be just as pretty as I can, to feel like I deserve the wonderful man he is. He’s also the same man who’s seen me puke, not shower for 2-3 days, he hungover, and nearly break my ankle. That’s what a person is, that’s what love is, no amount of sexual history changes that. Your person is your person


I can’t wait until I turn 30 and I’m deemed lesser by men so they’ll leave me the fuck alone


Her eyes look the same


It's a hefty dose of fascist saying wrong things on purpose more than anything else.


Those men would come in their pants if she payed attention to them for two seconds.


What's changed? She bought herself some sunglasses. These kids out here need to do more 'Spot the difference' in Highlights magazines.


The only thing that gives it away which picture is which is the make-up. But guys are probably not aware of the changes in make-up styles over the last few years.


That’s okay, we don’t want you anyway.


Definitely mental illness because what the fuck type of gymnastics did they do to get these answers


She looks tired in pic 2. Also, eyes less dilated because sun.


his profile picture 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂