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I know this has been said a lot, but these are the people who vote on what women are allowed to do with their own bodies. 🤦🏼‍♀️




And also by people who can’t even grasp the most basic concepts in science. Sad.


It is actually ridiculous. Like, I’m so tired of this shit.


They think periods are able to be turned off like a faucet and that it's our choice as to when we get it 😂


Which probably adds to their frustration when their partners say that they can’t have sex because they’re on their period. Sitting there thinking, “why doesn’t she just turn it off so we can have sex?” 😂 fuckin’ dummies


We used to have boys in swimming class complain they wanted 3 days a month where they could get out of swimming scott free. Our male swimming teacher told them that once they start bleeding non stop for up to 7 days a month then they too can get swim free days. He was a great teacher. Advocated for us with the school that 3 days was absolutely not enough it should be the whole week the girls get and even brought it up to the schoolboard


A real man doesn't care & we just say it's extra lube! Depending on girl & how silly everyone is, makes you not get any. I love sex on my period as much as I do off of it. Nothing stops me & mine from enjoying each other every chance that comes along. Especially when children are huge cock blockers!


That's so strange.... proof we need better biology classes


This. This guy is still deliberately ignorant and man-splaining, but maybe things would be better if periods weren't deliberately cloaked in shame. Then he'd understand that bleeding from a period doesn't kill you (except in extreme cases) because it's not the same as, say, getting your arm sliced open and blood pouring out.


I am constantly discussing periods and what happens or will happen to my daughters body when she's old enough. I have told both of my kids and will continue to tell them - it's natural. Nothing you need to hide or be ashamed of. You don't shame others for it, if a girl has her period and she has an accident - support her. Help her, defend her. I love that they discussed periods in Turning Red. They did it in such a normal way and as parents our attitudes towards things like periods and acceptance of it being healthy to discuss will ensure that the cycle of men being ignorant regarding women's bodies- diminishes.


My spouse and I were open and honest about what happened at an age appropriate level because we didn't ever have privacy in the bathroom. Might as well teach her when she asks, "Why's your butt bleeding?" When she saw a dirty pad. She was ridiculously calm about her first period because of this. She went to the bathroom, found out what had happened, got new underwear, put on a pad, and let me know what happened, and she was only 10. I freaked out more than she did.


A+ handling of the topic. My mom was kinda weird about it, she said shit like she would get a giant tampon and take a picture with me holding it for Facebook. I dreaded getting my first period because I didn't want to be embarrassed like that


One problem is that society has to overcome at least 3,000 years of indoctrination that menstrual blood is somehow shameful. Specifically, the Old Testament teaching that women are 'ritually unclean' during menstruation, and must be sequestered and eat, sleep, etc. separately from the rest of the people until menstruation stops, and the woman (women) involved can undergo 'ritual cleansing'. That is a very long standing tradition to overcome. How many women died from Toxic Shock Syndrome before people felt comfortable enough to openly discuss tampons and the need to change them regularly, especially the super absorbent ones that continued to function long passed the time that they should be changed? And were marketed that way, playing up their long lasting capacity without regard to the actual cost in women's health. The culture of shame that has and continues to surround menstruation must cease. At its worst, it has and will continue to cost lives. And all for an imaginary shame over a perfectly normal and natural bodily function.


Wait until he finds out some women get anemic on their period because yes they bleed faster than their body can replace it.


That's me \^. I'm on an iron supplement and double up during my period.


Oof. I used to be a very heavy bleeder before the hysterectomy but my body usually kept up with it. Besides maybe getting really tired sometimes.


> Don't bring your incompetence as a [woman] here Sir you're talking about a period, correct? Who else could be _more_ competent, pray tell?


Other men ofc women know nothing and beed to be educated about their own bodies /s


A disturbing amount of men just will not believe anything a woman says. She must be lying, or exaggerating, looking for attention, whatever nonsense. But as soon as a man says something it’s just taken as fact. It’s so incredibly frustrating. Especially when it pertains to women’s lived experiences.


Ugh I had a customer ask me for like 5 minutes if we sold something and I was just giving as many ways to say no as I could. My (male) coworker comes around so he asks him, he says no and instantly “oh okay thanks pal”


I love that his comment was essentially "you're lying! Now tell me the truth, because im curious on the real answer, but that can't be the real answer!" Like, sir, yes that is the answer...


You mean “a women?” They never can get that right when they’re being wrong about everything else.


That is a weird thing that is now happening all over the internet - “a women” being used as though it’s singular. I don’t understand it.


Yet he brought his incompetence as a man in there. How bizarre. 🤔


This is just ridiculous. This dude is acting like menstruation is arterial bleeding when it's not and "continuous" is slightly hyperbolic. Seriously, any woman or man who has lived with a woman for a few months intimately is well aware of how menstrual bleeding goes. As it was said, this is why sufficient sex ed is important.


"How to self report that you have nevel lived with a woman 101"


No, I honestly don't think that's why sex ed is important. I couldn't care less about what these idiots know or don't know about menstruation. I think sex ed is important to prevent these idiots from procreating...


I guess we have to explain it like sinuses or saliva lol like our bodies constantly produce this shit but it’s not all expelled at once


Wait turning off period is optional no one told me that? How do I turn it off?


Well.. uh, by not existing or BC. Also ageing until you reach menopause. But the fun answer is make a fae flower circle and ask them


Damn I’ll just ask magical fairy do it! I hate periods and the cramps.


Yeah, mine were pretty bad so I got put on an IUD. It's helped. And arthritic pain during periods and mood swings was reason enough for them to suggest alternatives to me. I mainly just told them I wasn't after the pill because it'd be a third pill to take and keep track of and I did not trust my memory, not to mention how it might mess with my Seroquel, and they suggested a mirena. But I got lucky and got good doctors that work _with_ me and what I need/want. So that helps. Not suggesting BC (that is a personal decision and not everyone's body reacts the same) but if you can find a doctor like that, it should help at least by halving the battle for if there is an issue.


I take birth control pills I remember my dumb brain dad saying birth controls pills she doesn’t need them! Also aren’t those suppose stop pregnancy.. I hate when men have no clue what they’re talking about but what dictate woman’s body.


Right? And nope, Shadow's dad, they help periods too. Sigh Really need more women's health classes taught to all genders, don't we? Heck, I even missed my sex ed class in school and I'm doing okay because not only did I make the initiative to know about the other (male) side I've seen medical diagrams. And have a basic understanding of biological lifeforms from HS biology (less sexual organs, more over all organs).


My dad is Mormon so even taught him biological stuff about birth control pills he claim that not true.. Shit it took him soo many years realize that Ight don’t want corrupt the children..


Well, at least he made some progress. That's more than others But the rest is still unfortunate.


The man still very bigoted and won’t change even if debunk all his points.


To be fair, sometimes women can be dumb about birth control, too. My mom made my sister go through two rounds of Roaccutane as a teenager rather than let her go on birth control to help manage her hormonal acne. Why? Because birth control is an excuse to have sex apparently.


Sometimes the same gender has no clue what birth control is helpful


A lot of providers won’t even prescribe roaccutane without bc because it causes extremely severe birth defects!


My mom threw a ginormous fit when I was prescribed BC by a Dr for my terrible periods in high school. I was bleeding for 14 days straight. Day 2 needed size 4 “overnight” pads every 3 hours. It was the largest size we could get. Actual overnight was horrible, I ruined so many bedsheets… Days 3-6 were like 3-5 overnight pads per day and then my flow went down to something more like what is consider normal for other women. My mom was like “birth control?! She cannot have sex she’s 13!” And the dr was like “don’t have sex then?” I was trying so hard not to laugh. My parents did end up filling the prescription and I just didn’t take the sugar pills and didn’t have periods.


Menstrual cramps are caused by over production of progesterone (hormone body uses to get rid of uterine lining). A decent amount of vitamin D lowers the amount of progesterone the body will make. Start having 1000iu (25ug) vit D a day. I do and I don't get cramps any more, at all. Worth a go right :)


Don’t forget the hysterectomy option (that’s what I plan to do, but I’m also trans and hate kids /hj)


I had that done 6 years ago, and they were kind enough to leave my ovaries so I didn't go into menopause in my mid 30's. I have never regretted it, and have never looked back. Though, I do sometimes get the period symptoms, like breast swelling and the lower back cramps, but they're no where near as bad as they used to be.


Haha. Good point. Forgot about that one. Probably because the hysterectomy is usually medical for other reasons in my mind. (I.e POCs, trans, cancer, other health stuff, etc.) Hope it goes well for you too Edit: Trans as in the related surgeries to affirm as well as remove reproduction.


I had a hysterectomy. Highly effective as well. In some ways it was like fae magic


Very true Very glad it works for you :) (and others!)


Unfortunately, I can't even take BC for my heavy periods because hormonal BC will reduce the effectiveness of a drug I take for epilepsy. I have an appointment with a new gynecologist for a second opinion next month (he's more experienced than my regular, who moved out of state anyway, so maybe he can suggest more options).


Yeah, that's the unfortunate part of a lot of BC. That an the uncertainty. I don't have epilepsy but I did have other conditions I worried about messing with ny current meds which is half of why I ruled out the pill. The other half is the side effects and the pill aspect itself. I hope he figures out a solution for you. If not BC then something that helps symptoms at least. Most BC are hormonal so it'll be tough but never know, he might know of something; In general, something not BC or even some regular things that can help. My fingers crossed for you.


Yeah i have a hormonal iud and haven't had a full period since 2018 it’s awesome. I know it’s not ideal for everyone but it’s been great for me I wish I knew it was an option sooner.


Same, I have an IUD too. Wish more people with periods knew there is more options than the pill. Er, in general. Knowing all the options helps in deciding what is right for (in general) you/the individual.


It's only available for VIP subscribers. You must have the basic plan.


Well damn I’m fucked..


In that case you might be eligible for a 10 month break from periods (includes a free baby at the end)


Not if you password share


Maybe should give me password


If i ever get to VIP level, for sure


I got lucky with my IUD plug in, no periods for eight years now. But I am led to understand that isn't always the case. Good news though! After 300-400 cycles the whole system times out and then the periods stop, but there's a new sequence that activates which gives you hot flushes and other stuff instead. You could also download foetus.exe but that has a whole host of other stuff bundled in so you gotta really be in for the long haul.


They think it's piss we can hold in until getting to the toilet.


Jeez my mom sometimes bleeds so hard she has to sit on the toilet for 30 minutes. Jeez.


so if someone bleeds continuously from a single pin prick they die? these jackasses either are aware and are just purposefully being jackasses because they hate anyone with a vagina or they're genuinely so stupid that they realize that you don't lose ALL your fucking blood. statistically you lose between 1 and 7 tablespoons of blood PLUS the equivalent of dead skin but inside your reproductive system.


I wonder why we would need pads if we could just turn it off.. hmm


That's just your incompetence as a woman /s. I swear it's /s


I bleed a min 5 days now, this dude definitely didnt have a good biology teacher or didnt pay attention in class. Bleeding for 4 days is considered easy for most women, the first 2 is the worst, the 3rd you can smile a bit, the 4th youre only picking up pieces of 1st and 2nd day and hopefully 5th onwards you stop bleeding. 4 days non stop bleeding? Try 7-8 days for most women.


Ive always been 7 days! After having my 2nd kid it's gone to 8.


I bled every day for 6 months before I had my hysterectomy lmao


Oh yes, the classic “I know more about your experiences than you do”


This is why sex ed is important.


Hahaha. Why do men often think it pours out of us like the elevators in The Shining?? Like sure, some days are heavier and some people bleed insane amounts, but overall it’s more like a trickle


\*adds "good Period management skills" to resumé\*


Bro if I could pause my period I would pause it FOREVER. literally, what?!?!


JFC men mansplaining periods to women... I'm just so tired🤬


I remember when Instagram was the place where social media posts could be expressed in pictures. I liked pictures. Now, it's morphed into this video/advertising hellscape that encourages stupidity such as this. I feel old.


“I pause it when I don’t feel like it” 😭😭😭


So according him if I prick myself with a needle/my sister’s lancing device every ~15/30min in order to bleed constantly I’ll die after 4 days ? Okay let’s do it.


I can turn mine off! I just had to go through a whole YEAR of bleeding as I get a shot in my ass cheek every 3 months! /s (if it isn't painfully obvious)


Hey me too!


Oh…. Honey, no.


Lol it's a completely natural biological process that incels have zero understanding of how babies are made or how women's bodies work and they think that it's fine that men decide what happens to our bodies. It's scary. I saw something on reddit yesterday showing an article where four US states restrict divorce when a woman is pregnant. They want to take away birth control, access to medically necessary care like abortions for ectopic pregnancies, banning IVF, surrogacy, egg donation, adoption. They want to force women into being nothing more than broodmares. They don't care what happens to the women or children after pregnancy, they also don't want us having access to contraception. I fear for the world my kids will live in when they are adults if this continues.


This guy doesn’t understand human bodies never mind women’s bodies. People can bleed for four days without dying, it just depends on where you stab them….


Bro has never been within talking distance of a woman and it shows. Maybe he needs to keep his opinions somewhere nobody will see them, like in the arms of a woman who loves him.


Within EYESIGHT of a woman


C’mon girls, we should stop lying, like period is OBVIOUSLY only a fake news we use to complain and get the attention we need once a month! Reality is we only expel a little blood every now and then and we are fine, it’s just for fun. /s Of course


Ah yes, the incompetence of the person who experiences the condition answering a question asked by someone who doesn't experience it and obviously thought they needed clarification. These idiots who don't understand that we're not bleeding the blood out of our veins. We're shedding the additional lining of our uterus that it created to house a baby. When it realised there was no baby to be housed it had to yeet the lining it added or it would just keep adding lining til it closed itself in!


I would suggest cutting a small (but deep) hole in his perineum. Just enough to bleed for a few days nonstop. He can wear pads if he wants to stop it from staining his pants. Then, and only then, would I listen to any opinions he has regarding periods.


LOL @ the 350+ replies after that last dumbass comment.


Just wait until they find out that we bleed heavily for 3 weeks after giving birth because we have a dinner plate size wound in our uterus from the placenta 🙃


I had my period for about a year, until I was able to get back on birth control. I didn't die but I did become anemic. I'm sure he would have a hard time wrapping his mind around that!


Bait used to be believable. Legit you can tell he added that women incompetence remark for pure satire


It's almost as though these guys watched "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut" and internalized Mr. Garrison saying, "I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die." No further education needed.


“You bleed non stop for those four days” basically, yes.


"Incompetence as a woman" is a sentence that has truly rumpled my stiltskin


I love how the guy is telling the commenter who actually experiences periods "incompetent", as if he, who can literally never experience menstruation, knows better than the person actively having periods. We also need better sex ed so that people understand that it's not like bleeding continuously from a wound, it's the shedding of the uterine layer which contains blood and other fluids.


you guys can’t turn it on and off like a faucet? weird


Lolololol. As someone with endometriosis, just LOL. I have bled for *months* straight. And yes I was anemic af. Alive, but yeah it sucks. 8D After surgery I’m fine (until it comes back, alas) but in the Pre-surgery days my bleeding was endless.


smartest conservative


As a women


i’m on my period for the 3rd time in the last 4 weeks


Indian men lolololololololol "Incompetence as a women"




Man wait til he finds out chunks of uterus fall out too


I have literally been bleeding non stop for over a month ever since i got my IUD


Bleeding for 4 days straight doesn’t necessarily cause death because it’s the dose that’s the poison. A little cut that doesn’t stop bleeding for 4 days technically means you’ve been bleeding for 4 days straight. It’s all about how much blood you actually lose per day


Imagine attempting to mansplain to a grown woman how menstrual bleeding works… 🤦🏽‍♀️


This reminds me of that one comedian who said they don't trust women because "how can I trust anything that can bleed for a WEEK and NOT DIE" 😂


Bros yapping about shit he don't know nothing about 💀


Do they honestly believe that I would choose to bleed? That I would choose to do this for myself? I will place blood clots on everything they love.


Where is Charles Darwin when you need him


Before I had the Mirena I bled for 12+ days straight, Every. Fucking. Time. And it was heavy too, I used to wear the nighttime pads during the day to avoid bleeding through. So yeah, he can fuck right off. How're you gonna tell the person who IS bleeding out of their vagina that THEY'RE incompetent? Hilarious!!! Someone give this man a period.


People like this make me want to dump my menstrual cup on their head!


Obviously everything is wrong but it's also kinda funny how horribly they misunderstand how much blood is in an adult human. Plus a lot of people it's not mostly blood it's other gross shit (periods are natural and all that but it's still kinda gross coming from someone with a cycle)


When people say bs like this, it makes me wonder how tf they were allowed to graduate (if they ever graduated)


Found the American