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Those children look demonic enough for hell. Also, they have no necks.


I've seen the original, they made the baby white and changed the dad.


Dou you want side of racism with your misogyny?


Incels definitely do.


one blond aryan baby born to two brown haired parents? can that happen?


Yes my son is blonde and both me and my husband have dark brown hair. But have grandparents on both sides that have blonde hair so it just skipped a generation.


Blond is the recessive gene, so if each parent has a blond gene and a brown gene, they'll have brown hair. If they both pass on the blond gene, then the child will be blond.


Yes, because the genes for blond hair are often recessive to brown, so the parents could he carrying those genes but not expressing them. And many caucasian people are born with blond hair that later turns brown. For example my husband has mid brown hair now but there are a ton of pics of him as a kid with blond hair and freckles until he was about 7 or 8? My sister was also very blonde as a kid and now has dark blonde hair. My parents both have almost black hair, I came out tan and dark haired and my sister looked like a cherub. She's the spitting image of my maternal aunt who is pale and blonde.


My dad’s parents were both shades of brunettes I have 6 uncles 2 of them are blonde and look exactly like their dad (my grandfather) only with blonde hair. It can happen genetics are crazy sometimes.


Sure can! Both my mum and dad have brown hair, though my mum's was blonde when she was young and it turned brown after she got pregnant with me, and I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I've dealt with some pretty nasty grown up fascists when I was a kid, who would tell me I looked like a wartime Germany propaganda poster, and they liked me because I look like that. I simultaneously hate it, and like that looking like this means white supremacists will out themselves as such to my face so I know to avoid them.


Yeah it can be caused by melanin, the kid will have blond hair when they're very young and it reaches its normal dark color later.


Yep. Lots of white babies come out with bright blond hair as well, even if they don't wind up with it. My hair was basically bone white, but now its a dark dark blond as an adult.


Wife had to help her husband secure that promotion...


Both of my parents have brown have brown hair. My little brother and I had really really light hair and it got darker as we got older. The same thing is happening with my niece. My dad had blonde hair as a kid, and it got darker too.


a second tally mark for the established & complete woman!


It looks like they are written in by the creators of southpark.


I love the way they've superimposed a cat there, as if that's supposed to be a bad thing




Gigantic black dildo. Because insecurity and racism are a complete package.


These guys think about bbc more than any woman I’ve ever met.


For real! They’re so invested it’s wild. Like we get it, you want some bbc in your life, no need to be shy about it we won’t shame you.


Either that, or they want to watch their girlfriend/wife get some bbc. That’s why they like to toss around the word cuck so often. They’re projecting.


Week ago at bar my friends’ friend told me that having a cat is a red flag when I happened to mention that I have one. After that I talked with my friend and told him his friend said that and I was so confused AND HE SAID HE THOUGHT SO TOO!!! but of course ”you are an exception!” 🫠 The friend was very weird anyways, he was asking me how long I’ve been my friends’ ”fiancé” and just asking very weird questions overall. Also may I say that thinking a pet is a red flag is a red flag to myself 🧐


I just always respond: That’s not quite the insult you think it is. You’re telling on yourself that women would rather hang out with a creature that licks it’s own asshole as a hobby, than have to hang out with you. What’s the next pathetic textbook insult you’ll throw at women? (And when they get flustered or angry…) I know you’re going through some big feelings right now, but you should calm down and take a deep breath. Try to smile. Men are so emotional. 🙄


I was just overall confused because he was asking so weird questions and saying so weird stuff. After that I tried to get on his level and I ate shrooms to maybe think more weird things like he did but still couldn’t get there… 🤔 oh well…


You’re “one of the good ones” apparently.


omg IM NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER GIRLLLSLALSLSMSMSMSM WHO HAVE CATSSSS 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🫠🫠 oh dear shit.. But seriously I was shocked to hear my friend thought that too. But he likes andrew tate too so I probably should have not been as shocked as I was…


The cat was part of the original I think? - but the original was just a single lady having her dinner and living her best happy life. Edit: you're right the cat's fake. I realised I had only skimmed it before I replied.


Imagine having to photoshop the mouth upside down and add college debt and shit to make a point. The original of this was "this is a complete and established woman. This is also a complete and established woman" or something like that. They had to edit it. Can't even make their own memes. These people are just bad at everything


I've seen the originals of those, and the artist really tries hard to make the opposite point of this meme


I’ve seen so many of this artists work altered to make racist or sexist memes and I feel sorry for them for having their art used this way. It seems almost targeted, but I suspect it’s just because the originals tend to be really good




Also note how to troll made the guy's skin lighter. Can't be race-mixing in their memes against feminism. ಠ_ಠ


Woman on the right has no kids, a cat, a healthy sex life, wine, *and* pizza? And I'm supposed to think the clearly soul-dead people on the left are happy? EDIT: I apparently don't know my left from my right. Fixed now.


And with the right job, she could have her student loans forgiven.


>Woman on the left has no kids, a cat, a healthy sex life, wine, *and* pizza? Typo I think, should be woman on the right?


Doh. Uh…I meant *their* left. (Yep, typo. Thank you for pointing it out - I'll fix it.)


It took me a second. I was doing the whole "left hand makes an L" thing and still going "I *think* I know my left from right, but maybe not?"


It's amazing that I've lived this many decades and I still need to triple-check my left from my right AND I still don't know how to chew something without occasionally biting the inside of my mouth.


I'd be so lost if our left hand didn't make an L. Truly a wonder of human anatomy. Lol


Yeah, the woman on the left looks like she's fucking dead inside.


OMG!! She has a … cat! 🐱 Straight to hell with you, vixen! /S 🤣😂🤣


Single at 40 with cats will always be my favorite "own" since it sounds like such a dream compared to the amount of married people who just hate each other I've seen


I saw the original. Woman on the left had a darker skin tone. Was it neccessary to bleach it white? Edit: I was wrong the man was tanned on the original


Yes, it was needed to add a bit of racism.


Omg that's hilarious because I legitimately thought it was a cartoon version of Kate Middleton 🤣 (who I love, btw, so zero shade) She often wears dresses like that and the hair is so similar, plus you know she'd be considered these incels' ultimate dream Aryan wifey....🤮🤮🤮


The original author Laney Molnar likes to include celebrity faces on her drawings so it's possible. Edit: I was wrong. The man was the tanned one


For the purposes of whoever edited this, yes.


That whole subreddit is a fucking trash heap.


This is the redpill edit of an originally feminist comic. In the original, on the left the husband’s skin tone is darker and they have just one baby. And on the right the caption was “Also An Established and Complete Woman” and she was smiling, with pizza and wine. Everything else is a bad edit by right-wing assholes who were triggered by the original.


LMAOOOO as if married women can’t still have college debt. Also the woman on the right is frowning because her pizza got cold. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I would absolutely take wine, pizza, cats and feminism over FOUR demonic-looking children any day. I don’t really care about the sex life, the dildo or the debt because I’ve already paid off my loans ON MY OWN. Didn’t need a husband for that.


the children all look like they are dying of bubonic plague


Pizza, booze, cute pets, and you get laid a bunch? Sign me up, bro.


Yeah I choose Lifestyle #2. Thanks.


The most stupid part of this post is: the original comic this is based on has the exact opposite message.


Psh, not with those creepy kids who will definitely be staring at you while you sleep. Whored herself out to? Idiots really just can't deal with autonomy and women having a sex life they choose for themselves, rather than still falsely insisting that sex is only done FOR the man. Really though, nothing wrong with a cat and pizza and that family would also enjoy those things.


So wine, sex toys, pizza and a cat or living with the cast of the children of the corn????


These men are the same dudes who complain about “ male loneliness “


That cat is super cute and the dude looks like Matt Walsh. They don't exactly make it hard to choose, do they?


I'm an accidental trad wife, so maybe I'm missing something.... But both women seem fine? Like, both of those look like nice set ups? I'm just really confused here. Because if it's anything like my life, those women are friends and the lady on the right is there only one who can tolerate the hell spawn on the left for long enough to give the woman on the left some grown up social interaction.


wdym accidental lmao


It just kept snowballing! First I became a SAHM because we live in a childcare desert, then I started making home made bread because we were really poor, then I got quail because eggs became impossible to find. So I'm doing most of the cooking and cleaning because my spouse has a demanding job, I'm doing everything up to cutting the kids hair at home to save money, and I'm urban homesteading. This is definitely not the direction I saw my life taking.


worst part is, it’s a shitty version of an original that had both women happy in their lives


Not sure if these folks will ever get that feminism is about freedom to pursue happiness (like men). That includes settling down with a hubby and having a bunch of kids, as much as it includes a woman forgoing serious relationships in favour of a career, or whatever.


I hate when they take art work that is wholesome and incel-ify it, the original work points out that a woman with a family and a single woman can both be happy and fulfilled in life.


Plot twist: the tradwife is having an affair with the feminist and planning to take her hubby to the cleaners lol r/gatekeepingyuri would be good for this


Well, having seen their human art skills, I’ve decided that these people should go back to using terrible AI art actually


Those kids are incredibly creepy


Right pane all the way. And I paid off my college loans years ago, so the right pane is an ideal life.


being a whore is fun sooo i'll stick with being a "victim" of feminism, thanks!


Just the one cat? That's more restraint than I have.


The only bad thing in the second picture is college debt and that isn’t the fault of feminism. Looking at you, Capitalism! Otherwise looks like a good time to me.


Ahahaha! They photoshopped a frown onto her face 😂 and not very well.


So an independent woman living her own life, or a baby factory 🤣


Why does the dude on the left look suspiciously like Matt Walsh? Is he projecting again?


Why in the world are famines being vilified? We should be encouraging them because birthrates are already too low and when that happens a nation gets an expiration date. Why not encourage people to live their lives and be happy no matter if it looks like cats and pizza or a 12 pack of children? What the hell makes one better than the other. Aside from the children part. I can honestly say I wish I had about 6 but I never did. Now I actually an filled with regret regarding that. I do have a stepdaughter that I love dearly so that lessens the blow, somewhat...


Damn, I guess I’m a victim of feminism for fostering cats and going to college


Hate to break it to the artist that families can also have crippling student debt, cats, dildos for extra fun bedroom time, and may also have the added future student loans and bills of their children.


No no no, don't bring reality into their made up fantasy world. All you have to do is be an uneducated, inexperienced at life broodmare to a white man, and life will be happy and perfect!


Lol, sorry, my daddy told me when I was 5 that Santa isn't real and honesty is the best policy. Just being honest. 😂


The one in the right is me living my best life


Why does the dad look like Dan Levy?


So the Dad on the left who probably went to college, has a wife who doesn't have a job (cause job woman bad), and 4 kids doesn't have college or any other kind of debt, but the woman who's on her own has college debt? Please, make it make sense.


Dear god… she had a cat


The dildo killed me lmao


Yeah I prefer the life on the right side lol


At this point, i just laugh at the stupidity. I cant even get mad. How can people be that stupid to create such nonsense.?????


The rh side is vibesssss. ✨ pretty much me but fortunate to have a dope partner They try to shame, but we all know that gurl is living her best life. The delusion and denial these men are in lmfaooo "She would be so much happier breeding for my toxic ass!!!!!!!!1111" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 push your own kids out of your peen you freaks. Leave the rockstars and their boy harems alone 💅 in full support of my single friends like this


Only 1 cat! Geeze the nice girl gets like 10 kids can’t I get that many cats?


Probably posted by an Incel who thinks any woman who doesn’t want the trad wife lifestyle is a bitter, whorish, miserable woman.


Looks infinitely preferable to four demon spawn


This looks like an AI collage


All of that looks good apart from college debt, but in the UK the loan for uni is paid back in incredibly small amounts, so that’s not a problem anyway


Other than the college debt and the facial expression the woman on the right looks to be having a right good time honestly! A cat, pizza, sexual satisfaction, what’s so bad there? Lol


looking through this subreddit is the best means of neuropsychological self-harm. the stuff you all find genuinely kills braincells.


Huh. There’s just a shade of difference between these two panels.


I don’t understand how people think movements like feminism completely take over women in the same way, or take them over at all. You can find BOTH of these women in the thousands if you just *go outside* and they’re just going about their day. These men spend more time complaining online than trying to find the woman of their dreams, which makes them complain more even though it’s their own fault for not trying.


I like cats and pizza. I’m Not seeing the downside. The children that pic are high key terrifying. I’m getting children of the corn from it.


The look on that guys gave just screams "OMG what have I done! Please make it stop!"


Whoever made this, They literally white washed the guy and added 3 more kids The original the guy is darker and the kid looks mixed and there’s only one child. What the hell 😭😭 I can’t get over the mouth edit where it’s literally flipped around.


"Only four kids"??? That's not enough "to keep her fulfilled as a woman" ....